My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3951: Secret of Heaven


Thousands of Killers heard Lin Feng's words and smiled: "It seems that this Lord Tianzun really came from other days. The ranking of the nine superpowers of Nili Tian is unpredictable, but the top three will not change. !"

"The top three will not change?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Wanqian Killing after hearing the words: "I would like to hear the details." "This is of course the Eastern family." Wanqian Killing explained after hearing this: "In the past, the emperor calmed the heavens, and the superpowers In fact, there are tyrants at the Tianjun level, but every family is one. After all, Tianjun needs more than cultivation base

There are also countless military exploits. "

"That's true."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words: "It is precisely because of insufficient military service that the Heavenly Sovereign was not selected."

"Right!" Wanqian slayed nodded when he heard the words: "This is what Qijuetiangirl lacks. No matter how hard she tries, she can't achieve it. After all, the high-levels of the two Datians have reached a strategic agreement and a large-scale war will not easily occur. , No one else has a chance

. "


Lin Feng frowned upon hearing this: "What agreement? Isn't it allowed to provoke a war?"

"Not bad!" Wan Qiansha nodded when he heard the words: "Of course this war refers to a super large-scale celestial-level war, with the exception of a large-scale celestial-level war. According to our intelligence, this is a high-level agreement between the two sides. Generally, few people know this agreement. , Unless the priest

Object understanding. "

"It's so good." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that Master Tianzun of Origin is inclined to launch a large-scale heaven-level war." Wan Qiuxue looked at Lin Feng charmingly and smiled.

"Naturally, I am here to do business as well. What I made was war money." Lin Feng stood with his hand and smiled proudly: "I don't want to sign an agreement prohibiting war at all." "Master Tianzun of Origin, please don't worry." Killing said with a smile: "Large-scale sky-level wars happen randomly. It mainly depends on whether there is force to launch. The level involved is also very large. If you are not careful, it will be upgraded to a super-large-scale sky-level war.

Contention. "

"Okay, let's talk about the Dongfang family." Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Wan Qian. "In addition to the Heavenly Sovereign who followed the Heavenly Emperor to calm the world, the Eastern Family also has a Heavenly Sovereign who is the Invincible Heavenly Sovereign of the East. It can be said that they are two Heavenly Sovereigns in the same family." Wanqian Killing explained: "This Surpass the other eight forces,

And this Eastern Invincible Heavenly Sovereign ruled the entire muddy sky. "

"Do you mean Tianjunkong from other families has a knighthood?" Lin Feng asked in confusion.

"Not bad!"

Wan Qiansha explained: "They used to be canonized as heavenly emperors only by virtue of their powerful military exploits, and they also held real power for a certain period of time, but as the world calmed down, the rights of these people were gradually weakened."

"That's it."

Lin Feng nodded after hearing this.

"The Oriental Invincible Heavenly Monarch is in power, I won't say much about the benefits obtained." Wan Qian killed explained: "And he is also the Heavenly Monarch now, and the Eastern Family is ranked first, so there is no objection."

"What about the second?" Lin Feng asked after hearing this. "The second is the Wu family. The people of the Wu family are good at fighting. The people of these families are terrifying, and they are almost self-harming, and the number of masters is no less than the Eastern family." Wan Qiansha explained: "This family is more than mud. There is a shadow in the plowing sky

Sounds, Wan Qingtian also has a certain power, becoming a first-class power there, and this first-class power forms an alliance, this alliance probably has these seven first-class powers, this power is headed by martial artists. "


Lin Feng sighed after hearing the words and said that Wan Qingtian's super powers must be taboo, and they can develop into these very remarkable under the circumstances of their taboos. "The third is the Jiang family!" Wan Qiansha smiled and said, "The Jiang family's power is hardly inferior to the Wu family. There are experts in this family. In terms of number, this family has the most in the mud, but the heavenly monarch in the family is not in place. , Plus weak influence on other days

, Can only be ranked third. "

"Jiang family? Unexpectedly." Lin Feng heard the words: "What about the Nan Family, Death Heaven Valley, Heaven Og Valley, Shentu Family and other families?"

"Hehe!" Wanqian said with a sneer after hearing Yanyan: "Three of these are under the command of Hongjun Tianjun. Although in the past, although the righteous exterminating relatives and betraying Hongjun Tianjun, they have never been trusted by the emperor, and some involve the core of the heavens. Less resources

, As for the Shentu family, he used to stand on Hongjun Tianjun's side, and turned his back on Hongjun Tianjun, and he could not gain the trust of the Emperor. "

"Those who betrayed will not be trusted after all." Lin Feng heard the words: "If Hongjun Tianjun did not betray the Emperor of Heaven in the past, he might be able to take the mud plow sky and become a force in the forefront of the nine days."

"This is natural!"

Wanqian Killing heard Yan Yan sneered and said: "But Tianjun Hongjun made the Emperor too taboo, and Tianjun Hongjun himself couldn't get along with the Emperor, and he was very domineering, and it was rumored that the Emperor had some trouble at that time. Worry about yourself."

When talking about this, Wan Qian Sha cautiously looked around.

"Emperor Tian is in trouble?" Lin Feng was surprised when he heard this. "This is normal. In the past, the emperor calmed the world and paid some price. So he was worried that his sons would not be able to suppress these people after his accident, so he would get rid of some powerful officials first." Wan Qiansha explained: "This is the only way to eradicate Hong. Jun

Tianjun, Wanyi Tianjun and others. "

"Mud Plow Sky"

Lin Feng was silent when he heard the words of thousands of killings. It seems that the area under the direct control of the Emperor is Nine Heavens, and all the movements in the Nine Heavens can hardly escape the insight of the Emperor.

Strange, what crisis did the Emperor of Heaven suffer in the past? "Master Origin Tianzun, in fact, these data are not considered data, and you will feel it after you stay in the mud plow sky for a long time." Wan Qiansha laughed and said, "But a new change will happen immediately, and this change will affect the entire heaven. , The five heavenly courts, but

A good opportunity to make contributions, Tianzun is ambitious and talented, and he will surely become a hero in the future. "Thousands of killings, this is a big joke. I am also a member of the Heavenly Court, and I naturally loyal to the Emperor of Heaven. "Lin Feng said indifferently as he watched thousands of killings: "Well, you can do your job first. The auction of Tianbaozhai is probably not over yet. I have to wait for the Chaos of Heaven.

source. "

"it is good!"

Thousands of kills turned and left after hearing this.

Lin Feng looked at Void and his face was uncertain, his eyes were insightful to time and space, and then he asked Tai'er: "Do you know what crisis the Emperor of Heaven suffered in the past?"

"do not know!"

Tai'e heard the words and said in silence: "Therefore, according to legend, there are people from ancient times who directly penetrated the past and the present, and hit the earth and earth with a shocking punch. Of course, it was not for one person, but for multiple people."

"What? Through ancient and modern?"

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard the words: "Fight to the future directly?" "Yes, penetrate the future and wound the contemporary emperor. The contemporary emperor himself fought the world, suffered heavy losses in the process, and then suffered such attacks again." Explained: "The result is near death, of course this is just a rumor.

No one knows, but I know that the Eastern Heavenly Court has indeed been attacked by some experts from the ancient times. "

"It seems that this matter is true." Lin Feng heard the words and said, looking at the void: "There is nothing wrong with the emperor's doing this. If it is for me, I will directly eradicate some of them and defeat the disabled."

"Of course there are also rumors that the Central Heavenly Emperor was besieged by the other four heavenly emperors and fell, and the power ministers were eradicated before they fell." Tai'e explained.

"This is another version." Lin Feng heard the words: "Which one is accurate? Too bad, you should understand the truth at your level."

"It's very simple to want to know the truth." Tai'e sneered when he heard the words: "Unless you see the Emperor, I will fall short when this happened, so there is no way to understand. These versions are very likely to exist. "


Lin Feng nodded after hearing this.

He immediately closed his eyes and rested his mind again, and the off-site auction continued. Lin Feng had already watched Wan Qiuxue over the entire auction house, and he must tell once the source of chaos in the heavens appeared. The time passed by, one by one, the treasures on the auction floor were auctioned one after another, such as Daluo Shenjin, Huangpin Tianmai and other treasures. Each of these treasures was so precious that they were basically sold by Beichen Xuan. , Tang Quetian and Wu Tianchen bought it


These people obviously got a secret order from the family this time to bid for something on behalf of the forces behind them.

At the moment when these treasures were sold out, Qianjue looked up at Void with excitement: "Everyone, now that the last baby is on the stage, I must have already known what this last one is?

"It's the source of chaos in the heavens, thousands of things, don't ask for a reserve price, 66 trillion road stones!" Lin Feng in the No. 72 box of Tiandao stared at the auction table with a smile.   Lin Feng's words were clearly spread throughout the auction floor. His words were like a divine thunder that suddenly descended, stunned everyone. Is there such a direct offer? Yes, Lin Feng is so arrogant, completely ignoring the existence of other people

Now, without paying attention to everyone at all, everyone was furious. Many of these people are distinguished. They are either the elders of a super power or the young masters or valley masters. They especially want the vicious Tianzun, Wu Tianchen and others in the position of leader group theory in their respective forces, and they have long been cultivated. High in

How can I endure such ignorance with the mentality of the above? Thousands of things never expected Lin Feng to be so arrogant and overbearing. He directly smashed 66 trillion stones, which is enough to buy the source of chaos in the heavens, but thousands of people are looking forward to the bidding with Lin Feng, and smile now. Said: "This god

Respect, let’s follow the rules of Tianbaozhai, the source of the heavenly chaos has a reserve price of 500 billion stones, and every increase in price shall not be less than 10 billion stones. "Lin Feng seems to have known the reaction of Qianjue, staring at the auction station and said loudly: "Although you have announced the base price, you still bid at the price of 66 trillion stones!" "His tone is full of strong confidence, and he is bound to gain the source of the chaos in the heavens.

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