My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3947: Terrible

"The other Heavenly Sovereigns are lowered by one level, the same as the Deputy Heavenly Sovereigns of the Merit Hall." Wan Qian killed explained.

"Hehe, you Tianbaozhai really know how to do business." Lin Feng smiled and nodded when he heard the words. This was a bit comforting, which means that as long as he showed his real position, he could also get a Tianbao bronze order.

"This is something that can't be helped." Wanqian nodded when he heard the words: "But I see Master Tianzun's transaction today. It's okay to take a black iron order. I know you must borrow your golden order." "Haha, Your guess is good, this token is indeed borrowed, but this black iron is not rare for me, so I don’t want it for the time being.” Lin Feng laughed and looked at Wan Qian, “I will reveal my identity when I have a chance. Talk to you about the token

thing. "

Now even if he shows his identity, he can only take the Tianbao Bronze Order at most.

"It's so good, I really look forward to the true identity of Master Origin Tianzun." Wanqian nodded slightly and looked at Lin Feng with a smile after hearing the words: "I will return some Taoist stones to the adults."

Lin Feng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and the two immediately handed over.

This can be regarded as earning more Dao Stone for Nan Kong Ying. After the handover, he left with thousands of kills. He was very satisfied with Lin Feng’s customer. He listed Lin Feng’s as a key customer. It is not easy for someone with such financial resources and who can borrow the Tianbao Gold Order. Perhaps it is a palace of merit. Tianzun incarnate


On the auction stage, thousands of people were full of excitement.

He stood with his hands in his hands, with a bright smile on his face, but this smile looked so cheap in the eyes of many people, it made people want to slap a few times.

But everyone just thinks about it. Wan Qianjue was still full of energy. He held his head up and saw the reaction of the crowd with a smile on his face. The sound was like a bell and said: "Everyone, we just created a sky-high price auction and created today's auction record. There are four baby

Auction together, it is the source of the heavenly water, the source of the heavenly soil, the source of the heavenly wind, and the source of the heavenly fire! "

The crowd took a breath.

Earth Fire and Feng Shui!

The four origins of the heavens are rumored to be able to interpret the origins of the great chaos of the heavens. The four forces reflect each other and intertwine each other to derive the time and space of the heavens and merge into the origins of the heavens. Everyone looked at the auction stage. Four huge ancient Tianbao boxes were floating in the void, and a group of flames floated in one ancient Tianbao box. The flames had been sealed by God Luo, even so. Exuding rich

The flame breath makes people feel the scorching sun.

This group of flames is the origin of the heavenly fire, representing the extreme of flames. There are many people who practice fire heavenly arts in the scene that feel this mysterious flame aura, and some people even feel enlightened on the spot.

This is the origin of the heavenly divine fire, the flame that was born where the heaven was opened up. There is no such flame in the mud plow sky. In the depths of the heaven, there is a flame exploding in the ocean. The world calls it the heavenly fire.

The origin of the heavenly fire was born in the central area of ​​the sky.

The danger in the vast ocean of heaven is extremely dangerous. There are fierce beasts in the heavens, and even if the masters of the heavenly gods enter it, they will encounter accidents, not to mention the source of the heavenly fire. Fortunately, on this day, the vast ocean of fire erupts once every hundreds of years. Some celestial origin sacred fire will run to the ground with this jet force, causing the volcanic eruption of the celestial land. Once it erupts, the radius of tens of thousands of miles will disappear. For ashes


Some gods and gods who retreat for hundreds of thousands of miles around here were burned alive.

Of course, some people study this kind of flame eruption, and use special heavenly artifacts or Daluo artifacts to collect these heavenly origin divine fires. There is a fist-sized ocher substance floating in a Tianbao ancient box next to the source of the sacred fire of the heavens. The rich vitality bursts out from above. It is the original sacred soil of the heavens. The earth is rich in virtues and nurturing all things. Celestial

Origin God Earth is just a kind of essence of the earth's power, if it can comprehend the power of heaven and earth.

Can travel through the heavens and earth, master many secret heavenly arts. This celestial origin divine soil is also born in the core of the earth, and in the depths of the earth there is often a celestial origin divine fire. The difficulty of obtaining the heaven origin divine soil can be imagined. At the same time, the deeper the earth, the harder and dormant. Scary

The fierce beasts of the heavens, some of these fierce beasts can swallow hundreds of millions of miles of time and space, swallowing the gods of heaven alive.

Everyone felt the aura of the heavenly origin divine soil, which made people intoxicated, seeping into the pores of many people, and many people couldn't help but marvel.

Immediately afterwards, there was a dark mist floating in the ancient box of the Heavenly Origin God Earth Tianbao. This black mist was mysterious, and sometimes formed a whirlpool, sometimes a whirlwind, and sometimes turned into countless blades, which can extinguish hundreds of millions of time and space.

Unpredictable and mysterious.

"The origin of the heavenly wind!" The crowd took a breath, and the origin of the heavenly wind was born in the distant sky.

Especially there are many in the starry sky.

This kind of wind is extremely dangerous and can blow away a person's flesh and blood and spiritual thoughts, let it slowly dissipate, and slash a person's body like countless sharp blades.

Moreover, the celestial origin **** wind energy instantly converges into a vast ocean and turns into a vast ocean. When ordinary gods enter into it, they will be crushed to death by this kind of wind.

Even the masters of the Great Luo Realm would not dare to hold big, for fear that they would accidentally capsize the ship if they encounter the huge waves formed by the gods of the realm of the day.

The last wooden box made everyone feel a sense of coldness.

Even some of the gods on the auction floor couldn't help but shudder, and Qianjue's expression became serious. The several Dao gods behind him turned pale, and their legs shivered constantly.

This is a cup of dark liquid. Although there is only one cup together, people can hear the sound of rolling waves. It is the source of the heavens and the earth, and it is also born in the depths of the earth, which is equally difficult to obtain.

The people of the auction house looked at these four supreme gods, each of which was extremely valuable, and the gathering of the four supreme gods doubled the price of the four treasures.

Because the celestial origin divine soil, the celestial origin divine fire, the celestial origin divine wind, and the celestial origin divine water blend together to have an incredible effect. They represent the form of earth fire and geomantic, and have the same effect as the celestial origin divine ball.

"The most representative substance among the four powers of Earth, Fire and Fengshui has appeared. It is really expectant. It is no worse than the **** ball of the realm of the day." Bei Chenxuan stared at the four powers. "Very good, I must get it this time!" Jiang Xuanji said indifferently, and he just missed the heavenly origin divine ball, but this time we must not let the heaven origin divine water, the divine wind, the divine earth, and the divine origin of the heaven. Shenhuo was dismissed

People take away.

"Tianbaozhai has calculated it. If one of the supreme divine objects is auctioned separately, the value will be greatly reduced, but if the four supreme divine objects are gathered together, it will be different." The beautiful girl in the 9th box is beautiful. Staring at the empty road.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Tang Quetian's mouth: "Nan Wuyu, if you want these four supreme gods, I don't mind helping you. The faint voice floated in the void, spreading through the box to the entire auction room. "Very well, Tang Quetian, thank you for your kindness! "Nan Wuyu said with an icy voice, his calm complexion turned extremely hideous, and a flame lit up in his eyes staring at the heavenly origin divine water, the heaven origin divine soil, the heaven origin divine wind, the heaven origin god

The four supreme gods of fire.

Lin Feng in the No. 72 box of Tiandao stared at Wan Qiuxue and sighed: "You Tianbaozhai are really good at doing business, and you won't get a single one on the market." "Punch!" Wan Qiuxue smiled and said: "Isn't it true, Lord Tianzun? If the tree of life and the source of life are sold separately, the value will be greatly reduced. The source of the heavens is the water, the source of the heavens, the source of the heavens, the gods, and the source of life.

The same is true of the four supreme gods of fire. Does Lord Tianzun want it? "

While talking, Wan Qiuxue's **** pink lips faced Lin Feng, and she looked at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes.


Lin Feng coughed dryly after hearing this, "I don't want it."

"Such a good baby, don't be a pity." Wan Qiuxue said with regret. "My heavenly origin **** orbs are all sold, what do you want this to do." Lin Feng was speechless when he heard the words. The heavenly origin **** orb and the four sacred objects in front of him could peep into some of the laws of the gods and the origin of the heavens, in a sense Said that the two babies have the same tunes

The work is wonderful.

"Why did Master Zun want the source of chaos in the heavens that day?" Wan Qiuxue said with a white look at Lin Feng.

"This is because the source of celestial chaos not only peeks at the source of celestial realm, but also has other functions." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"These four supreme gods are more than just peeking at the origin of the heavens." Wan Qiuxue smiled while looking at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes.


Lin Feng spit out two words directly: "No money!"

Wan Qiuxue was speechless for a while.

"take a photo!"

At this moment, a voice of terrible frustration sounded deep in Lin Feng's mind.

"Photographed for Mao?" Lin Feng asked in confusion: "I don't peek into the origin of the heavens now, this thing is far away from me, besides, even if I peek into me and borrow directly in the future, I don't believe I can't borrow it."

"It seems that there is no specific record of the role and difference of these things in the Tianwulu and the Tianqilu." Tai'e said with a sneer and sarcasm: "Otherwise you would not say that."


Lin Feng sweated and said: "Give me a reason to take the photo, otherwise I won't be able to take the photo. This requires Taoist stones and money. Without money, we can't be willful."

"I ask you to take it, and you can take it." Tai'e heard the words: "I can use these four powers to set up a world-renowned killing array. Once this type of killing array is successfully set up, even if the heavenly monarch arrives, it can do it. You resist for a while, don't you want to build some power? A power must have a hard tortoise shell."

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