My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3937: Source of Chaos

"Haha, okay, okay!" Lin Feng looked at Wan Qiuxue with a smile and said, "You Tianbaozhai are really good at doing business. It seems that this membership system is a civilized feature."

This is true on the earth, in the gods, and in the primordial heavens. Civilizations at all levels have this kind of membership system. "Pump!" Wan Qiuxue said with a smile: "Master Tianzun is right. Any level of civilization will have this characteristic. In the final analysis, this is an extension of the hierarchy. Civilization without a hierarchy does not exist, or it is fake.

"However, the price is still low. It may not be easy for you to acquire the origin of life." "Lin Feng stood holding his hand and looked at Wan Qiuxue with a smile: "I don't need your membership card, let alone any guarantee. In the muddy sky, few people dare to owe my Dao Shi.

! "

When he talked about this, he showed a formidable domineering, looking at Wan Qiuxue with majesty.

Wan Qiuxue was stunned when she heard the words, she wanted to say that Lin Feng would be able to trade here with confidence, there would be no arrears in any transaction here, and there would be no black-and-black phenomenon like the outside world.

But this Tianzun simply ignored these.

"Master Tianzun is domineering."

Wan Qiuxue looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "No matter how I report this to the top, I will reply to you soon."

"it is good!"

Lin Feng smiled after hearing the words: "It is rumored that the price of the origin of life is higher in other regions. Don’t miss this big deal for Tianbaozhai. Similarly, I will give you a score based on the transaction. The score is low. I will not next time. Come here."

"Tianzun is polite. Let's do it. If you feel that the price of Tianbaozhai is unfair, you can auction it. This will be fair to both of us." Wan Qiuxue hurriedly smiled. "Haha, no, I still have a drop of the tree of life." While Lin Feng was speaking, another tree of life floated out of the palm of his hand, and suddenly the whole box exuded a more terrifying breath of life, and the breath of life around was from all sides.

All parties come together.

"The tree of life? Well, it's great. In this way, Master Tianzun, how about this tree of life according to 100 billion stones?" Wan Qiuxue looked at Lin Feng with a charming smile and said, "I want to plow the sky. The price is so high."    "100 billion? The value of the source of life and the tree of life alone is relatively small, but when the two are brought together, the value can rise a lot. Presumably Fairy Wan Qiuxue should know that a tree of life Tree and a gourd, the origin of life is 1 trillion

Road stone. "How can Lin Feng sell a piece of treasure so easily."

Who is he? Mastering the tale of the heavens, you naturally know the relationship between the tree of life and the origin of life. The origin of life nourishes the tree of life, and can quickly grow the tree of life as a miraculous medicine of heaven. This is also the only kind of tree of life that promotes its growth. For the magical medicine

power. Once the tree of life becomes the **** of heavenly medicine, it will continuously absorb the source of life from the heavens. Although the speed is much slower than that of sacrificing the corpse of the **** of heaven, the victory lies in the continuous flow and flow. It can be said that such a **** of heaven Drug price

The value is above trillions of stones.

Lin Feng didn't have that leisure time to train.

And this tree of life is not his own.

Moreover, the tree of life has a characteristic. The speed of growth in the depths of the heavenly starry sky increases exponentially, and the depths of the heavenly starry sky are just within the scope of those scattered cultivating heavenly forces.

"A tree of life plus a gourd, the origin of life: 1 trillion stones?" Wan Qiuxue's beautiful eyes flickered after hearing this.

She stared at Lin Feng, unsure, a gourd's life origin and a tree of life were indeed worth the price, but Tianbaozhai's profit was much less.

"Saint Qiuxue, this is just opening the door for business, the big back, doing business, look farther, if I can't even do this, I will be very disappointed." Lin Feng stared at Wan Qiuxue's face seriously.

Wan Qiuxue showed a hint of contemplation when she heard Lin Feng's words, and then "pushed" with a smile: "In this case, 900 billion stones, Master Tianzun can take care of me if he has a big business in the future." Wan Qiuxue's beautiful eyes are so beautiful. Looking at Lin Feng.

"900 billion? Do you still want to bargain?" Lin Feng sneered after hearing this. "Master Tianzun laughed. Actually, I have already given in." Wan Qiuxue looked at Lin Feng charmingly and said: "Under normal circumstances, we will only give 700 billion stones, and everyone who trades with us has members. Points, it's not heaven

Regardless of the question that you do not want. "

"Oh oh!" Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Wan Qiuxue, "It seems that Tianbaozhai doesn't want to cooperate with me."


As he spoke, a terrible breath of life shook his body. This breath of life was like the torrent of the heavens, vast, rushing, and vast.

Wan Qiuxue felt the terrible breath of life, her eyes became extremely hot, and then Yinya bit and said: "Okay, according to 1,000 billion stones, I will do the business of Lord Tianzun, so I have settled a share. Good destiny." "Okay, it's a deal! If I don't have Dao Stone on the way, I will bring out other treasures to find you." Lin Feng laughed and said, if there are such treasures as the source of chaos in this auction. , He will not hesitate to transfer all life

The source and the tree of life are auctioned off.

After a big deal, return it to Nankong Yingdao Stone.

"Thank you, Lord Tianzun, for your support." Wan Qiuxue smiled charmingly. It seems that the man in front of him is not as simple as it seems. It is very likely that he is some super powerful young man. This is a super big fish. go.

"You're welcome!" Lin Feng nodded slightly, the origin of life in his palm and the tree of life floated out and flew towards Wan Qiuxue.

Wan Qiuxue took the origin of life and the tree of life, put the two big treasures into a special jade, and then walked out of Tiandao No. 72. After a while, Wan Qiuxue returned to the box of Tiandao No. 72 again. .

She flicked without hand.

The 3 trillion Taoist stones flowed out like a torrent.

Lin Feng waved his hand, a torrent of Taoism stone flowed into his own sleeves, and in a moment he completely collected 3 trillion Taoism stone. This was the first deal, and it was a test. On the whole, he Very satisfied with this business.

Under normal circumstances, it can only sell between 800 billion and 900 billion in the mud plow sky. Tianbaozhai can't make much, but he has a large amount. "Congratulations, Lord Tianzun, and hope that Lord Tianzun will be proud of this auction. There are a few special treasures in this auction. Lord Tianzun will definitely like it." Wan Qiuxue smiled lightly, staring at Lin Feng's face with beautiful eyes. But shocked

, This person did not show any mood swings on the 3 trillion Dao Shi, which is enough to show that this person is extraordinary.

In addition, the life fluctuations oscillated from this person are very powerful, vast and vast, far more than just a few gourd life origins.

South home?

Is it the master of the Tiannan family?

"Special baby? Can the Saintess of Qiuxue tell me something? I don't know if there is a baby like the source of chaos in the heavens?" Lin Feng asked with a smile while staring at Wan Qiuxue's cheeks. "The source of celestial chaos? Lord Tianzun needs the source of celestial chaos?" Wan Qiuxue said with a smile. Such treasures as the source of celestial chaos are rare, whether it is the young talents of the super powers or some of the great Luoshen. Giants, they

All have a soft spot for the source of chaos in the heavens.

"Yes, I need the source of celestial chaos." Lin Feng said with a flat expression, but his eyes revealed a strange light. It seems that there is news about the source of celestial chaos. This time he came to the right place. .

After Wan Qiuxue heard Lin Feng's words, there was light in her beautiful eyes, and a trace of excitement appeared on her face. This person was richer than he had imagined.

The source of celestial chaos originated in the starry sky, and the general master of the Daluo **** cannot get it in the starry sky. In addition, it has a significant effect on the heavenly gods and the big Luoshen.

This determines that the source of chaos in the celestial realm is invaluable, far above the value of treasures such as the source of life, especially the auction house can auction a sky-high price.

And it is also the main ingredient for refining some prohibited devices! "Lord Tianzun, yes, we have the source of chaos in the heavens here. Did you see that many people in the box of the heavens here are for the source of chaos in the heavens. Some masters of the Great Luo **** need to use the source of chaos in the heavens to stabilize In his own realm, he peeped into the origin of the heavens, so some super power young Jiejun came to buy the source of chaos in the heavens on behalf of his forces, and some big families did not hesitate to buy the source of chaos in the heavens in order to train their disciples. It is rumored that the history of mud plow sky some

Amazing characters use the source of chaos in the heavens to open up a new universe. "Wan Qiuxue explained.

"Yes, it can indeed open up the universe, and the success is very great." Lin Feng stood up and nodded with his hand. This is a lot recorded in the daily record.

In some people, the number of universes in the body is solidified, and they can be moistened with the source of chaos in the heavens, which can open up more universes.

Even a mediocre person can use this source of chaos in the heavens to open up three or five universes, and some terrifying geniuses can reach seven or eight.

"Success is very powerful, and this is also the support of super powers. I think Lord Tianzun knows this better." Thousands of blood said with a charming smile.

"This is natural, but this source of chaos in the heavens is only taken by a few people." Lin Feng said indifferently after hearing the words: "Even some superpowers are not eligible."

"This shows the preciousness of the source of chaos in the heavens." Wan Qiuxue said with a smile.

"How many sources of celestial chaos do you have?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "No matter what, I will photograph the source of celestial chaos, and no one can stop me." "Punch." Wan Qiuxue smiled: "It seems I can’t call you Master Tianzun, I should call you Great Tianzun. Everything here depends on financial resources. We have a source of chaos in the gourd heaven. It is provided by a branch outside the territory. It took a huge risk to get from the starry sky. Some sources of celestial chaos have been found among them."

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