My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3924: The value of Jiuxing Canyon

"60 trillion road stones!"

Shentu Wujiang directly spit out a few words.

"60 trillion road stones!"

Lin Feng was stunned when he said this. Because of his wealth, he couldn't help being shocked when he heard this data. Nima, it's too expensive. He needs to gather together 60 corpses of Heavenly Dao God to transform the origin of life and sell these life origins. Only then can he assemble 60 trillion Dao stones. Where can he find 60 corpses of Heavenly Dao God? Nima, unless there is a super scale


And there is only this possibility.

"Hey, it's normal."

Bawan Poison, Slayer King, Turen King, and others laughed after hearing the words. These people were not shocked. They were all figures who strolled in the mud plow sky. They also wanted to build power. You can build power. Naturally, there must be a resident.

Only with a resident can people be homed and protected by luck.

This is also the most difficult point in forming a force. The site, this site is simply sky-high, which discourages many people. Of course, some people robbed it, but unfortunately many failed.

"Yes, it's 60 trillion Taoism Stones." Shentu Wujiang looked at Lin Feng and explained: "This is still cheap. It's a third of it. Otherwise, you have to buy nearly 200 trillion Taoism stones."

"Horrible, terrible, the price of land in the heavens is really too expensive." Lin Feng sighed after hearing the words: "It's not something ordinary people can afford." "So it's too difficult to build influence." Bawandu also sighed: " Our Ba family once wanted to establish a force in the mud plow sky, but unfortunately it always failed. The price was too high. The land is a scarce resource and is in the hands of the heaven. What Brother Shentu said is

If the price taken in private is auctioned by Heavenly Court, I am afraid that the price will more than double. "

"Not bad." Shentu Wujiang looked at Lin Feng and said, "In the past, my Shentu family said it bluntly because there was no Dao Stone, so I bought the area here and established my Shentu family's site. Relatively speaking, the more expensive the more inland. , The closer to Jiutian, the more expensive the Seventh City, some prices

The grid can be doubled three to five times. "

"The reason for the war." Lin Feng nodded after hearing the words: "By the way, besides the geographical location, what other factors determine the value of these areas?"

"It's mainly Tianmai!"

Shentu Wujiang explained: "You have also come to Mu Li Tian, ​​and you can sense that some areas have strong qi, the heaven and the earth are extremely strong, and some places have weak qi, and the heaven and the earth are relatively poor, and all this is determined by the heavens. ."


Lin Feng said in doubt.

Neither Tianqilu nor Hongjun Tianjun’s materials left a specific record of this thing, perhaps this thing has become popular.

"It's really hard to imagine how you cultivated to this level." Shentu Wujiang looked at Lin Feng's reaction and knew that Lin Feng didn't understand Tianmai at all.

"Let me talk about it." Ba Wandu said with a smile: "Master, this heavenly vein is divided into ordinary heavenly veins, Wang-grade heavenly veins, imperial-grade heavenly veins and Daluo heavenly veins. These kinds of heavenly veins become more and more backward. Expensive, the value is more than ten times more expensive, the heavenly veins are condensed with the great fortune of the heaven and the earth, which can handle the heaven and the earth.

Qi can give rise to Tianshan Mountains, time and space, etc. for a long time. In short, the sky veins are extremely mysterious. "

"That's it."

Lin Feng asked, "Does a place like Tai'e Tianzhou have Heavenly Veins?" "There are Heavenly Veins, but they are all Heavenly Vein slag, or a Tian Vein shattered and disintegrated in hundreds of millions of miles, creating one. In the Tianshan Mountains, there are few complete celestial veins on the Continent. If there were, they would have been occupied by people." Bawandu explained

: "Usually, the power that can have a complete Celestial Vessel is the lowest and there are Dao Gods, which means that it must reach the level of a third-rate power to be able to defend it." Luo Tianmai is in the hands of some superpowers." Shentu Wujiang looked at Lin Feng and explained: "My Shentu family has three great Luotian veins, guarding the Shentu family’s

Luck. "

"It's no wonder that the superpower is always prosperous."

Lin Feng sighed after hearing the words: "The defeat of Qijue Tianjun in the past may have something to do with his own luck. There is no such a huge holy relic guard." "This is also a reason." Shentu Wujiang explained: "This nine-star canyon used to be. There are nine imperial grade heavenly veins, nine or nine return to one, and the nine heavenly veins are almost merged into one big Luo heavenly vein. It's a pity that they were attacked at this time.

The pulse collapsed, and the forces stationed in this place also perished. "

"Since it collapsed, why sell it to him?" Luo Ye looked at Shentu Wujiangdao coldly. "Actually, many people in the outside world think that all have collapsed, but according to the information I have, there are still three imperial rank veins." Shentu Wujiang explained: "With these three complete imperial rank veins, plus other The broken sky veins and one

In these vast stations, 60 trillion stones are very cost-effective, and the price can be reduced. In addition to these, the heaven will give this station 3 places to go to the Nili Tianyuan every 33 years! "

"3 places? Mudli Tianyuan?"

Bawan poison, Yuwanfu and others changed color after hearing this. Nili Tianyuan can be said to be the highest institution of Nilitian. The lowest admitted students in this Tianyuan are also Taoism. When they graduate, they must reach the level of Taoism and God to be considered a graduate. The more outstanding people reach the level of Tiandao and God. They have graduated. Very much

Good treatment.

Under the same military merits, the Heavenly Court has a limited number of students recruited for any position.

Moreover, the Tianyuan itself is extremely rich in resources, and it is very costly to train students, so every year, countless forces in the mud and plow days try their best to send the young and powerful in their respective forces into it.

Shen Tumo was qualified to enter it because his father was the steward of Shentu Wujiang, otherwise, don't even think about it.

"Yes, Nili Tianyuan recruits 108 disciples from Nilitian every 33 years, and Nilitian superpowers are divided into 72 places, first-class powers are divided into 30, and each power is divided into one, and there are even points. Not possible." Shentu Wujiang explained.

"Where are the second-rate forces?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.

"There is no second-rate power." Shentu Wujiang looked at the void and smiled bitterly: "There is no third-rate power. These six places are given to the people of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace as a favor."

"I wipe it!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed after hearing this.

It's too difficult to enter this mud plow courtyard.

"In addition to these quotas, there are 36 people at their own expense." Shentu Wujiang explained: "Some people in other parts of the Heavenly Court have made great achievements. The expenses are borne by the department where the Heavenly Court is located, which occupy about 30 places."

"This is no different from the former." Lin Feng sighed upon hearing this.


It is the same at all times, and government welfare is good. "The monopoly is too serious. The students who come out of the Nili Tianyuan are all elites. In the long run, they can add a background of power and grow stronger." Bawandu sighed.

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