My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3919: Joint investigation

"Shentu Wujiang!"

Hunyi Tianzun looked at Bei Chen coldly and said, "It seems that this matter needs to be investigated from Shentu Wujiang."

"Hunxian Tianzun, how long will it take to solve the case?" At this time, a strong man from the Nan family said with a gloomy face. This person was named Nan Jinghuo, and he was Nan Jingyun's biological younger brother.

This time, Nan Jingyun and other Nan family masters suddenly died suddenly, without even seeing the body, which made the Nan family extremely angry, and also caused them to suffer a crisis in this line. "I will investigate this matter. I can kill seven Heavenly Dao Gods at once without letting them escape. Obviously they are not ordinary people." Looking at Xukong with a gloomy look, "And there are a few other Heavenly Dao Gods here. , Belong to the east

The powerhouse of Heavenly Court seems to have something to do with Eastern Heavenly Court. "

"East Heaven!"

Nan Jinghuo heard the words and said with a gloomy look in his eyes: "Okay, very good, I want to know which powerhouse in the Eastern Heavenly Court did. My Nan family made him unable to mix in the heavens."

"I said, I will investigate this matter thoroughly." Hunyi Tianzun stood and looked at Xukong with his hands in his hand: "I will also give an explanation to the Nan Family, Beichen Family, and Ni Litian."


Just as Tianzun Hunxun's voice fell. A terrible aura erupted from the void of the east, and a dozen figures came out. Each of these a dozen people was powerful and terrifying. Among them were several strong Tuoba family members. The headed one had cold eyes and a majestic look. Breath more muddle

Not much weaker.

This person is just the Heavenly Lord who is in charge of Heavenly Punishment in the Eastern Heavenly Court.

This deity was named Tuoba Yumo.

Tuoba Yumo's expression is majestic, stepping into the air.

"People of the Eastern Heavenly Court, **** it!" Nan Jinghuo saw Tuoba Yumo and the others' faces gloomy, and he carried a powerful murderous intent.

"Boom boom."

Suddenly, Beichen Yi Leng and others also broke out terrible murderous intent.

"This deity is not fighting with you this time. Four of my Tuoba family have died!" Tuoba Yumo looked at the void with a gloomy expression: "After this seat is found out, we will find a place to fight hard. Field, see which is strong and weak."

"What? Four of your Tuoba family died?" Nan Jinghuo said in shock.

"Four of the Tuoba family died?" Bei Chen Yi Leng and others changed their colors after hearing this. "Don’t pretend to be confused here, show surprise. This time, in order to capture Shentu Wujiang, it is nothing more than for the treasure on his body. The four in the East Heavenly Court and the six in the Heavenly Court. There were masters from the Shentu family before, but the strong from the Shentu family left. , The remaining ten

Was destroyed by the group. "Tuoba Yumo looked at Xukong coldly: "And Shentu Wujiang was also rescued. "

"Oh, you found it too." Hunyi Tianzun looked at Tuoba Yumo indifferently and said, "How are you going to deal with this matter in Eastern Heaven." "It's very simple, this time people on both sides have died. Investigating this matter, at least this matter is our common goal." Tuoba Yumo faintly looked at Hunyi Tianzun and said: "If the attacker is a strong person from other forces,

It's even bigger. "


He nodded faintly.

As he spoke, he slowly took out a simple mirror. The simple mirror was imprinted with countless textures of the gods of heaven. The textures were extremely deep, and the textures of the gods of Daluo faintly appeared in the depths of the textures. This ancient mirror was impressively an emperor. Heavenly Dao artifact.


Tuoba Yumo also took out an almost identical ancient mirror.

The two ancient mirrors glowed with mysterious light at this moment, the light intertwined in the void, and then a more dazzling light was derived. This light can travel through time and space and return to the past, and the surrounding time and space suddenly began to twist.

Not only can travel through the past.

And the countless mysteries in the past time and space gradually became clear. Suddenly they saw the scenes of Lin Feng, King Slayer and others attacking Beichen Colorless, Beichen Darkness, Tuoba Evil God, Tuoba Evil Demon and others, but the appearance of these people could not be clearly seen. When these people saw Lin Feng alone Pick Beichen

When colorless, Nan Jingyun, and Bei Chen were invisible, these people were even more shocked.

They can hardly imagine the terrible Lin Feng!

One person actually broke the three heavenly gods to jointly perform the great destiny conjoined heavenly technique.

This combat power is creepy.

"I can't get a glimpse of the true origins of these people. These people are all hiding their origins." Tuoba Yumo looked deeply at the void and said: "This last person's combat power is far superior to me. It’s a match." "Yes, it's not leaking, and even some words are intentionally hidden." Hunyi Tianzun stood with his hand and looked at the void and said: "Beichen Darkness and others clearly knew the identity of this person before they died. And made an evaluation on it.


"Let's go back and check it now." Nan Jinghuo said in a deep voice.

"It's useless!"

Hunyi Tianzun stood with his hand holding his hand: "This person has used a kind of strength to cut off the relationship between him and the remaining divine mind, and there is no way to find out."

"It is rumored that there is a secret technique, the great destiny heavenly technique, this person knows the great destiny heavenly technique!" Tuoba Yumo looked at the unlucky and said: "I remember Hunyi Tianzun, you also know this secret technique." The words came out, Many people looked at Hunyi, especially the several powerful men in the Nan family with unkind looks. They just saw that Lin Feng was good at using poison in the past time and space. At this point, Hunyi Tianzun also knows how to use poison. Big life

Yuntianshu. "The Great Destiny Heavenly Art I practice is just fur." ​​Hunyi stood up with his hand holding his hand: "In addition, I have been at the punishment of heaven, and I can't mobilize so many strong people. Among those strong people just now, except for the strongest. In addition, there are at least three others who have not lost

To Shentu Wujiang, even more terrifying. "

"Damn, damn, who on earth has such a powerful force?" Nan Jinghuo said in a solemn voice.

"I don't know about this. I reported this matter. Ten Heavenly Dao Gods died. Seven of them participated in the encirclement and suppression. If you add up to seventeen, it can be regarded as a large-scale Heaven-level war." Looked at the empty road. "This matter can't be found out at all. The person who shot has already figured out his way of retreat." Bei Chen sneered and said: "Even if Tianjun comes here, you can't see it. After all, you need to travel through the past time and space and look at the origin. This method is rarely owned by Heaven

. "

"Hmph, don't you look into this matter? You are too underestimating Master Tianjun." Nan Jinghuo coldly looked at Bei Chen and said coldly: "Of course you don't care about this matter, you are probably gloating in your heart. "

"Nan Jinghuo, don't take the medicine randomly, and talk nonsense." Bei Chen looked at Nan Jinghuo coldly.

Hunxian Tianzun frowned upon hearing this. "The deity can provide an idea." Tuoba Yumo suddenly smiled and said, "Maybe it will be helpful to investigate this case."

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