My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3912: Lore

"Yes, things changed. Shentu's people left, Beichen Lannuo came to persuade, huh, the energy of Shentu Wujiang is not small." Nan Jingyun sneered and looked at Xukong.

"You are wrong, it is not the energy of Shentu Wujiang." The evil **** Tuoba looked at Void indifferently: "I suspect it has something to do with a person."


Beichen was dark, Beichen was colorless, Nan Jingyun and others looked towards Tuoba Cthulhu. "This person is Lin Feng, Shentu Wujiang's son-in-law. The previous stage actually caused my Tuoba Xieyue of the Tuoba family to suffer a big loss, almost causing Tuoba Xieyue to step down." Tuoba Xieyue coldly looked at Void and said: "This person is very difficult,

Ren Xian Tianzun, and his combat power was very terrible, even Shentu Wanxiang of the Shentu family was defeated by this person. "

"Lin Feng!"

Nan Jingyun heard the words and said gloomyly: "This **** little **** does have some tricks. In the mud plow desperate situation, my Nan family heirs have suffered his losses. This person is very sinister and cunning and grows very fast." Lin Feng, this little beast, I have some information about this person. This person is very close to Beichen Lannuo. Could it be that this person instigated Beichen Lannuo to let us retreat?" Beichen darkly sneered at the void and said: "I Look at Beichen Lannuo getting less and less

Take control. "

"Since it's not under control, we don't want to support his brother as the head of the house." Beichen Wusei sneered and looked at Xukong Road.

"This person is a ruthless character. You have to be careful in the future, but he won't live long." Tuoba Cthulhu sneered at Xukong and said: "My Tuoba Honglie from the Tuoba family has personally gone to Nilitian. "

"Tuoba Honglie!" Beichen was dark, Nan Jingyun and others couldn't help but shiver when they heard this name. Obviously this name represents a nightmare. It is said that the **** of heaven has already died in the hands of this person in Ni Litian. , And it's the process of making peace with Tuoba Honglie

He was swallowed up and died.

The death was extremely miserable.

For this reason, many gods and gods of Ni Litian are not close to women these days, and they have begun to practice abstinence, even if their own women dare not touch them. "Okay, we will continue to increase our attack on the Devil's Cavern." Tuoba Cthulhu looked at Void indifferently: "Get Shentu Wujiang out quickly, we are distributing what is on his body, please don't hide it. , Otherwise the longer it takes

The more disadvantaged we are. "

"it is good!"

Beichen is dark, Beichen is colorless, Nan Jingyun and others nodded after hearing this.

"Destroying Lightning!" For an instant, Tuoba Cthulhu, Beichen Dark, Beichen Colorless, Nan Jingyun and other ten powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao God level once again erupted a terrible breath, this breath burst out, Go straight to the sky and space, then ten people rise up

Ten black lightnings.

Every lightning has a devastating breath.

This is the law of destruction of the heavens!

In the past, Lin Feng also derived the law of destruction when he sacrificed and refined the heavenly artifacts at the **** level, but the law of destruction was so naive and ridiculous in front of the law of destruction of the gods, the difference was more than billions of times.


A series of terrible lightning intertwined in the surrounding time and space. Ten lightnings intertwined in the void to form a more terrifying lightning. This lightning destroys the heavens and the earth. Even the gods and gods will be afraid. Even if the sword of the past is resurrected, they will not dare to resist this lightning, perhaps this one. lightning

Only God Luo can resist!


The black lightning shot out straight out and pierced into the depths of the death cave.

"Boom!" As soon as the loud noise of the announcement sounded, the Devil's Cave broke out with shocking turbulence. The turbulence swept through the Devil's Cave. The black hole of death almost collapsed, and then the black lightning broke mercilessly. In the den of death

Go deep.

The resulting black hole of death collapsed and then recovered, and then collapsed.


In the depths of the death cave, I don't know how many kilometers. There is a faint lacquered black barrier. This lacquered barrier outlines the mysterious texture of Heavenly Dao, and the texture of Heavenly Dao contains more mysterious textures. This texture is exactly the texture of the God of Da Luo, which is attacked by lightning. God texture

It seems to crash.

And there were two figures standing under the texture of the God of Luo. These two people were Shentu Wujiang and his wife who were addicted to Luohua, and Shentu Wujiang looked at the sky with extremely solemn faces.

"How long can it last?" Luo Ye looked at Shentu Wujiangdao.

"I don't know. Although the people of the Shentu family have left, their attacks have become more fierce. They used the Law of Destruction. The ten masters of the law of destruction have gathered together." Shentu Wujiang sighed while looking at the void: "Luohua, I am so sorry."

"Don't say that, we can die together, I'm very content." Luo Ye looked at the void quietly and said: "Just can't see Qingyue and Hongyue, I am worried about them." "Don't worry. Even if Lin Feng can’t save us, he is more than enough to protect Qingyue and Hongyue.” Shentu Wujiang looked at the void and said: “Actually, I’m content in my life. I’ve experienced everything that I should experience, but I can’t fulfill my promise to you.

. "

"It's not bad to be able to sleep here, Wujiang, you look at the attack from above, let's die directly when the distance is close, I don't want to suffer humiliation again." Luohua's beautiful eyes looked at Shentu Wujiang with a smile.

Shentu Wujiang looked painful when he heard the words. He looked at the void for a long time without speaking, and then tightly embraced Luohua in his arms.

"Actually, I really want to see the children born by Hongyue." Addicted to Luohua suddenly said, "I want to live with them."

Shentu Wujiang hugged Luo Ye tightly and did not speak. He looked at Void, the corners of his eyes were wet, and he stared at Void blankly.


Terrible lightning is intertwined in the sky above the death cave.

Shentu Wujiang looked into the distant depths of time and space, with deep despair.

Suddenly a ray of light appeared in the void. This ray of light was so weird that it caused Shentu Wujiang's color to change suddenly. He never dreamed that a ray of light would appear out of thin air. You must know that if you want to enter the core of the death cave, you must pass through the big Luo barrier, and if you want to enter the big Luo barrier, you must open it. The key to unlock is in his hand, and then it is forcibly broken, Tuoba Cthulhu, Nan Jingyun and others are

Prepare to break open forcibly.

But at this moment someone suddenly appeared.

Something must have broken into it, or it was something here, but the aura of death here is very heavy, and the possibility of life is very small, even if Shentu Wujiang comes in with the love of Luohua, he has prepared a lot of life origin.

Otherwise, he would have been swallowed up and died.

This is a Jedi of the past, very evil and weird.


Shentu Wujiang looked at the light in the void, and Luohua who was lying in Shentu Wujiang's arms also hurriedly raised his head and stared at the light in the void.

The light gradually outlined a few ancient characters in the void. "I am Lin Feng, cooperate with me to kill the top ten people!"

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