My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3909: Prototype

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense here." Luo Ye looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "What are you planning this time? It's not just the two of us, right?"

"There are also two acquaintances. Originally, I asked them to go to East Heaven Court to find out the news, but I couldn't find out any news for the time being, and I don't need it for the time being." Lin Feng smiled and said: "They will be here right away."


Luo Ye nodded faintly.

The two stood in the void. After a while, the distant void walked out of the two figures again. These two figures were tall and burly figures, each with a strong and domineering aura, standing in the void facing the sky, with a kind of aura that supports the heavens and the earth and time and space. .

The two of them are the King of Killing and the King of Killing.

After the last fierce battle, the two of them have understood many things, their cultivation bases have improved a bit, and they have become more and more unfathomable.

"King Turen, King Slayer?"

Luo Ye looked at the visitor and said in surprise.

She didn't expect that the masters Lin Feng had convened were actually two people who were addicted to Luo Ye and King Slayer, both of whom were famous in the mud plough desperate situation, and both were murderers who slaughtered the gods of heaven.

"Luo Ye!"

The King of Killer looked at Luo Ye and was slightly surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Luo Ye, your cultivation base has progressed very fast, I can't see through it. It seems that your real cultivation level is also at the forefront of the many heavenly gods in the mud plow." Wang Tu Ren looked sharply at Luo Ye and said.

"I'm also Lin Feng's partner." Luo Ye looked at King Slayer and King Tu Ren and said lightly: "King Tu Ren is polite, no one knows King Tu Ren's foul name in the mud plow. "

"Lin Feng, what do you call us this time?" Slayer King looked at Lin Feng and said. "Don't hide in the past for the time being. I have already obtained the information from another channel. Then we can go directly." Lin Feng looked at King Slayer and explained: "This time I call you back to do other things. In fact, I can Solved but

It will leave traces, and this time I let you come back and do it together. "


The beheading king nodded lightly. Lin Feng immediately explained the matter. When the King Killer and King Tuman heard about it, their expressions were serious. This incident is not a trivial matter. Any carelessness will leave a handle and cause a siege by these forces, although these forces To Lin Fengben

Not friendly.

"You still know how to converge and know how to keep a low profile." Tu Renwang looked at Lin Feng and said, "If you keep a high profile, it will be difficult to guarantee that some forces will unite and destroy you first."

"That's it." Lin Feng smiled and said: "I almost forgot, there are two other people who have to return." While speaking, he looked into the depths of the blood of death.

"Boom!" He stretched out his big hand, it became infinitely long, and in an instant, it went into the depths of the blood of death for hundreds of millions of miles, but the big hand shrank back, and there were two more figures on the palm of the two people. The poisonous gas is amazing, it is the two of Bawan poison and Yuwanfu


Bawan Poison fought fiercely in the mud plow desperate situation and the vicious Tianzun, and was beaten almost to death. Fortunately, he controlled the Heavenly Path of Myriad Poison Orbs, hiding the original source in it, and only then survived.

Yu Wanfu was calculated by Lin Feng, and it was almost dead.

"King of Killer? Love Luo Ye?"

Bawandu and Yuwanfu were surprised to see King Killer and Luo Ye, but they didn't expect to meet them here.

Both Luo Ye and Slayer King just nodded and said hello.

"I have gone further now and fulfilled my old promises." Lin Feng looked at the figure of Bawan Poison and smiled and said, "Pull out Abi Tiandao rotten blood in your body!" His big hand came out in the middle of his palm as he spoke. A black hole emerged.

Directly shrouded the figure of Bawan Poison.

"Huh!" Scarlet blood rose from the top of Bawan Poison's head. These blood are very strange. The time and space around them decayed and disappeared at the moment they appeared. Even if they love Luoye, the King of Killing, and the King of Slaughter, they also change color. People hurriedly operate heavenly magic, guard

By yourself.

I was afraid that the blood would splash on my body.

The blood flowed directly into the depths of the black hole in Lin Feng's palm and disappeared.

Probably in the past three sticks of incense, there was no more blood flowing from the top of Bawan Poison's head, and his breath was extremely weak.


Then Lin Feng's palm poured out milky white liquid.

The milky white liquid was directly injected into the body of Bawan poison.

"The origin of life!"

Bawan Poison changed his color, he felt the mass of life origin, even a heavenly **** might not contain so much.

"The origin of life!"

Addicted to Luo Ye, the King of Killing, and the King of Tumen showed their eyes.

"The origin of life, please grant me the Lord." Yu Wanfu also looked at Lin Feng excitedly.


Lin Feng's palm once again emerged a life origin, these life origins directly out of the sky, fell on top of Yu Wanfu's head, and then injected into the depths of Yu Wanfu's body.

In an instant, the aura of both Bawan Poison and Yu Wanfu was rising steadily, and the power that belonged to the God of Heaven gradually returned.


Yu Wanfu and Bawandu couldn't help but screamed from the sky. The howling sound shocked hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space, and hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space trembled. This is the power of the God of Heaven.

They finally returned to their peak state, and there is a further trend.

"See the Lord, never hesitate to die!"

Bawan Poison and Yu Wanfu walked in front of Lin Feng and bowed respectfully. The two knew that Lin Feng’s cultivation had gone a step further. Not only could he sweep the God of Heaven, but he could also easily swallow a God of Heaven and transform it into life. origin.

These methods are shocking and shocking!

It also made the two of them afraid to betray, especially the blood of the bloodthirsty celestial snake in Bawan Poison, and they vowed allegiance to Lin Feng, even more so.

As for Yu Wanfu, there is no intention of betrayal for the time being, at least there are many benefits to following Lin Feng for now, and it will be the same in the future.

"Okay, very good, you two have recovered your cultivation skills, now follow me to do things well, this Tianzun will not treat you badly." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at the two human beings, Bawan Poison and Yu Wanfu.

"The Lord has ascended to the throne of heaven?"

Yu Wanfu looked at Lin Feng with excitement. "Temporary Tianzun is only temporary, but I have settled on this official position. Not only will I have the official position, but in the future, I will also ascend to the position of the Heavenly Sovereign." Lin Feng stood with his hands and looked at the two of them and said: "You two will do things well and let you Looking down at the mud plow sky, if

Whoever abandons me, I don't mind letting him turn into a ball of life for others to swallow. "


Yu Wanfu and Bawan Poison couldn't help but shiver after hearing this. "I can't think of your means to reach this level. The clouds and the rain are overwhelming. I am afraid that the Heavenly God Emperor who understands the Law of the Great Luo God may not have your means." Luo Ye looked at Lin Feng's figure and exclaimed, she clearly felt that Lin Feng was there. Swallow a nose

Heaven is rotten blood, and transformed into a vast and boundless source of life. This method is creepy!

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