My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3899: Lin Feng Tianzun

This burly man has an extremely indifferent expression, with a look of rebelliousness. The aura on his body is like an explosion, and the ordinary God of Heaven is not an opponent at all.

He was followed by two Heavenly Dao Gods and a dozen powerful Dao Gods, all of whom carried a terrifying murderous aura.

The roaring man was named Shentu Wanxiang.

It was a strong man of the Shentu family, a temporary heavenly sovereign who presided over the war.

Although it is a temporary Tianzun, this person's combat power is extremely fierce. Over the years, this person has done everything possible to fight for military merit to get rid of the temporary two words and truly control the power of Tianzun.

"Fuck, fight!"

"There was a good show, Shentu Wanxiang made it clear that it was a matter of choice."

"This person is looking for something. Today, he deliberately came to smash the place of Beichen Lannuo Tianzun."

"Yeah, it is clear that the place is going to be hit." "The rumor is that Shentu Wanxiang arrested a **** of heaven in the East Tianting some time ago, and then the people of the East Tianting negotiated with the Tianting, so the East Tianting paid the price and released it. Going away, in a few days, the heavenly **** of the Eastern Heavenly Court once again

Was arrested by Shentu Vientiane. The East Heaven Court is too Qingtian to negotiate again. "

"I wipe!"

"Could it be that Shentu Wanxiang was playing tricks on this heavenly god?"

"My day, I caught it twice!"

"I haven't finished speaking, I have been arrested three times, and the third time I have been arrested, all arrested by Sun Luo Wanxiang

"My day, this military merit has made a lot of money!"

"Isn't it? When Beichen Lannuo Tianzun came onto the stage, of course it was suppressed. You didn't know this ruthless person, who hated this thing most in the past."

"That's true. If you go to other Tianzun, you may be able to open one eye and close one eye. After all, there are three or four times over and over again. This is all insider trading."

"Internal transactions also have upper limits, which are allocated internally by the superpowers."

"Ordinarily, the Shentu family should still be there."

"Yes, but Beichen Lannuo does not buy it!" Many onlookers talked. Most of these people are Dao Gods. People of Dao God level are not qualified to come here. Of course, there are some Heaven Gods, they are all. The person at the core of the true power of Ni Litian naturally knows some inside stories

And unspoken rules.

Lin Feng, the figures of Master Tianma are among them.

They did not go to Beichen Lannuo to see how Beichen Lannuo handled this matter.


Inside the Lannuo Hall, there was an aura that swallowed the world and time and space. This aura was very domineering, even if the God of Heaven was afraid of three points, endless evil aura came from it.

A woman in white came out from inside. This woman has a plump body, a delicate and charming face, and her phoenix eyes are sharp and domineering. She stands in the void with her hands held in her hands, like a female emperor patrolling the heavens. This woman is Beichen Lannuo. As her figure walks out, the scene is quiet. under


Those heavenly gods who watched the excitement even shut up, looking at Beichen Lannuo with flattering eyes.

"Beichen Lannuo, you finally figured it out!"

Shentu Wanxiang stared coldly at Beichen Lannuo's figure and said, "Today, if you don't give me an explanation, I will let you step down!"

"I violated the laws of heaven?"

Beichen Lannuo looked coldly, then Shen Tu Wanxiang glanced.


Shentu Wanxiang said with a gloomy expression: "Of course you violated it. You have done some things out of line. I don't believe that you are clean in Beichen Lannuo!"

"Yes, Beichen Lannuo, I don't believe you are clean!" A **** of heaven standing behind Shentu Wanxiang also looked at Beichen Lannuo coldly.

This person is named Shentu Maofeng!

He was also a **** of heaven in the Shentu family, who was about to compete for the position of temporary heavenly sovereign. "Oh, please check if there is anything unclean on my body." Beichen Lannuo stood with his hand in his hand, looking at Shentu Maofeng and Shentu Wanxiang with cold eyes: "And you are also in charge of the heavenly punishment. No, people of war, how many

Explain some laws of heaven, right? "

"What do you mean?"

Shentu Maofeng shouted in a deep voice.

"Of course we understand that you don't need to explain this." Shentu Wanxiang said coldly.

"good very good!"

Beichen Lannuo stood with her hand and looked at the two of them. Her **** lips outlined a charming smile and said, "That means you know the law and break the law, and you will add more crime!"

Shentu Wanxiang's face changed slightly.

"Beichen Lannuo, you are here!" Shentu Maofeng looked at Beichen Lannuo coldly and said: "What law did we commit." "First, one of you is the Temporary Heavenly Sovereign, the other is the Great Heavenly King, and the others are. I’m also a great king, and I’m Tianzun, the official position!” Beichen Lannuo looked at Shentu Vientiane, and Shentu Maofeng said: “You should salute when you see me, but you not only don’t salute, but you call my name directly and threaten. Has violated the laws of the heavenly courts, and supposedly you will be removed from your post, in order to prevent you from imitating you. Second, if you know the law and violate the law, the crime will be increased.

Jail! "

Beichen Lannuo's words were extremely cold, resounding in this space and time.

The breath on her body was extremely cold.

The breath on his body is getting more and more terrifying. Everyone felt that something was wrong and backed away. Some gods and gods even felt a dangerous aura. The newly appointed Tianzun did not hesitate to trample on some potential rules and directly grabbed the handle and drove people to death. No, this is a borrowed one. Machine



Shentu Wanxiang heard this and said with a frantic smile: "Beichen Lannuo, dare you, let me see who gives you the courage to do this, let me see who takes me today!"

"Beichen Lannuo, how are you doing when I call your name? Your Tianzun who has just taken office really thinks you are firmly seated." Shentu Maofeng looked at Beichen Lannuo's figure indifferently and said: "I am standing here today. , See who dares to move me!"

Beichen Lannuo sneered when she heard the words, she looked at the void with cold eyes: "Where is Lin Feng Tianzun, take me these two people who know the law and break the law, and extract the laws of heaven and god!"

"Lin Feng Tianzun?"

"My day, which deity is this?"

"Fuck, I haven't heard of it!"

"Who knows who this Tianzun is? Have you seen it?"

"No, I haven't heard of it!"

"Could it be a newly appointed Tianzun?"

Many people talked, and Lin Feng standing in the crowd was also dumbfounded. Can Suntian, Master Tianma, and Shentu Qingyue also looked at Lin Feng's figure one after another. Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Obviously this Lin Feng Tianzun was himself. .

"Lin Feng Tianzun? Which little **** is this?" Shentu Maofeng sneered and looked at Beichen Lannuo and said, "There is no one around you to this point, really a puppet." "Lin Feng, Tianzun, this matter is not handled well. , Go back to your hometown by yourself." Beichen Lannuo looked at Void indifferently and said: "These two people will be taken to Lannuo Hall." She turned and left while speaking.

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