My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3897: Negotiation too bad

"How long does it last?"

Tai E heard this and laughed wildly, looking down at Lin Feng's figure with endless domineering, "I will insist on making you desperate!" "Haha, for so many years, I haven't had the taste of despair, and it's just a taste of despair today. "Lin Feng laughed wildly when he heard the words and looked at Tai'er's figure and said: "Tai'er, you can crush your aura to your heart's content. I just use your aura today.

Sharpen my realm! "


He was even more violent as he spoke.

The terrible breath climbed into endless time and space.

The power engulfed in his body is even more terrifying.

At this moment, he was like a young emperor, invincible.

And a mysterious and terrifying aura faintly oscillated from his body, which carried any general aura of the heavenly realm.

Tai'er felt this aura and his face was uncertain, his eyes fixed on Lin Feng, and various deep rays of light flashed deep in his eyes, and the endless disillusionment of cosmic civilization alternated.

"Terrace, let's make a move." Lin Feng stood with her hand holding her hand and looked at Tai'er's figure with a smile: "I don't know if your move today is in Hongjun Tianjun's calculations. If it is not in the calculations, maybe you can Change my passive position, if in this calculation, it is enough

Pitiful. "

"Boy, you want to use my means to restrain Hongjun!" Tai'e stared at Lin Feng sharply and said: "Okay, very good, you really have the courage, if you don't pay attention, I didn't expect you to come this far." Well, since our cooperation is equal." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Taihe said: "I am a person who always benefits for both sides. I can't do things that harm others and benefit myself. Don't think about calculating me, and assist me wholeheartedly. Get rid of Hongjun Tianjun

Calculation is the right way. "

"Boy, your tone is not small."

Tai'e heard the words and looked at Lin Feng's figure indifferently. "It's not that I speak loudly. I'm just telling the truth. You should understand when you stand in my position and think about it." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er's figure and said: "Will you let others calculate? I'm afraid you will oppose it. Come and count others, but I'm different

, I only pay attention to cooperation. "

"Boy, that's because you don't have the strength to calculate people." Tai'er sneered.

"Whatever you say, terrible, how do you think we can cooperate now? Let me yield to you? It's impossible. Of course, if you insist on playing tricks, I will stay with you to the end." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er with a smile.

"Let’s talk about your plan first."

Tai'er looked down at Lin Feng and said, "You will not tell me what you want to do because of this."

"It's easy!"

Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and said: "I am going to launch a war against the Eastern Heavenly Court Tai Qingtian, a large-scale heaven-level war, and I need your help."

"What? Are you going to start a war against Tai Qingtian?" Tai'e looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes: "Large-scale heaven-level war?" "Yes, I want to attack the Hall of Merit." Lin Feng looked at Tai'e with a smile. Said: "Tai E, don't tell me that you still have feelings for this merit hall or Tai Qingtian. I remember that before you fell, your heavenly emperor in the Eastern Heavenly Court let the incumbent

The great King Tiantian supported you, but he was late. You ended up miserably. You were locked here and enslaved all day long. "

He didn't know if this matter was true or false.

It's just that the mud plowing sky is spreading, or the Can Sun Tian, ​​Shentu Qingyue and several people talk about this in private.

Now he shakes the matter out to see how this terrible responds.

"Boy, you are nothing." Tai'e looked at Lin Feng indifferently. "There is nothing there? So, terrible, I will hand you over to the Tuoba family. The current Tuoba Tianjun must really want to see you. I think he might be able to rescue you even without a big mud plow and heaven sword." Lin Feng looked at Tai Er with a smile but a smile: "

It just so happens that the two of you talk about your relationship, or even if he can't save you, it's the same with the Emperor of Heaven who handed you to the East Heaven. "

"Oh, alright!"

Tai'er stood holding his hand and looked at Lin Feng and said, "You send me there now, I don't believe you helped me get the big mud plow sky sword."

"it is good!"

Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Tai'e with a smile: "It happens that I have a good talk with Dongtianting about this matter. I can earn a lot of military merit. I just have a few military merits to sit firmly and you can go back. "

Tai E heard this with a deep gaze, looked at Lin Feng for a long time and said: "Boy, you won!" "It's not that I won, I just want a deeper cooperation between us, even if you don't help me, I will follow the truth. Agreed to get the big mud plow sky sword and let you out." Lin Feng looked at Tai'e with a smile: "I am going to attack the Hall of Merit this time, you

What strategy can you give me? "The Hall of Merit and Virtue is an important place, guarded by at least nine powerful and terrifying heavenly gods." Tai'er looked at Lin Feng and explained: "Of course there may be some retired Tianzun here. Three or four people are possible. This basically represents the true bottom.

Cards. "

"A dozen?"

Lin Feng was surprised when he heard this. "And you have to fight and make a quick decision when you attack the Hall of Merit." Tai E looked at Lin Feng with a sneer: "If you are not careful, the other Tianzun who is in charge of the punishment will rush here. It is very difficult for you to go. Even if you can, do you think Will Tianjun remain indifferent?


"So you have to attack and hide directly." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and said: "Internal breakthroughs, plundering the treasure, killing the heavenly sovereign, and fleeing directly. This may have a chance."

"Yes, this is the fastest and the best effect." Tai'e looked at Lin Feng with a sneer and said: "But it is not so easy for you to sneak into it, just like the people in the East Heavenly Court want to sneak into it is also very difficult."

"Of course it's difficult, otherwise what am I looking for?" Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and said: "Tai'er Tianjun, this is your real name. Don't deny these. I am asking you for help now to give back to other things. You can bring it up."

"You can make sure you get the big mud plow sky sword for me." Tai E looked at Lin Feng and said.

"The big mud plow sky sword is something we have agreed upon, and I must obtain it." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and explained: "You can tell me other conditions that need help."

Tai'e's face was uncertain, and then he was silent for a moment and said, "Lin Feng, I want you to help me out in the future."

"What do you do for you?" Lin Feng asked in surprise. "Yes, do it for me once." Tai'e looked at Lin Feng and explained: "Lin Feng, don't worry, I will not let you die. Although I have separated from the East Heavenly Court, my family has not yet separated. I hope to be in my family. You help me in crisis

Do it once, regardless of success or failure. "

"it is good!"

Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and said solemnly: "I promise you this, but it is not my turn to take action due to your family's power."

"The world is unpredictable!" Tai E stood up holding his hand and looked at the void and said: "You can now contend with the Dao God's cultivation base, and you can even slap an ordinary heavenly **** to death, waiting for you to survive the immeasurable calamity. Your cultivation will be even more terrifying, even the ordinary God Luo

It must be your opponent, and if you step into the level of the Great Luo God, I am afraid that you can compete with the Emperor of Heaven. "

"The Emperor, how powerful is the cultivation base of the Emperor?" Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know this either." Tai'e shook his head when he heard the words: "The Emperor of Heaven has already gone far, far at the level of the God of Luo."

"It's unfathomable. I'll see it one day." Lin Feng looked at the void and said, "Tian'er Tianjun, what good plans do you have this time?"

"Plan?" Tai'e heard the words and looked at the void and said: "I can take you into the Hall of Merit and Virtue silently, or tell you where the flaws are. You can enter it yourself. Enter the Hall of Merit and fight directly in it, the shortest time. Kill the people inside

, Broke out with the contents inside. "

"You can tell me the flaw directly." Lin Feng nodded. "Whether there is a killer formation guarding the merit hall, it is the formation that I personally arranged in the past. This formation is invincible, and the formation that can defend invincibility is also flawed. That is, when it is fighting inside, it is difficult for the outside world to feel. To." Tai E looked at Xu

Kong sneered and said, "After so many years, I thought that the Tuoba family had broken the formation and rearranged it, but now I sense that the formation is still there."

"Okay, okay, what a great opportunity!" Lin Feng said with excitement. "In addition, if it alarms Tianjun, it may be difficult for you to leave, but what if Tianjun on the side of the mud plow sky doesn't make a move?" Tai'e sneered and said: "That would be miserable, so I will teach you something. A kind of refining technique, can sacrifice a kind of supreme heavenly artifact

! "

"Heavenly Dao artifact?" Lin Feng said in shock. "Yes, this is created by my fusion of my own insights over the years, and I have never been born before." Tai E said proudly: "This kind of heavenly artifact can instantly explode and turn into smoke in the sky, and the smoke can make Tianjun's Divine Mind slows down inside

Tens of times slower. In other words, once the heavenly monarch’s divine consciousness enters it, it is difficult to notice your existence. "

"There is such a heavenly artifact, similar to the heavenly sphere created by Hongjun Tianjun!" Lin Feng suddenly said. "Yes, it's similar to his heavenly chaotic sphere. In the past, when I was fighting with him, I was calculated by this kind of thing and suffered a lot. Over the years I have been imprisoned, but I can calm down and understand some things. The **** of heaven is called Midnight Huntian Lei!" Tai E looked at Lin Feng and said: "Once the explosion not only produces the power to block the soul, but also the destructive power, this power can kill the **** of heaven, of course it is nothing to Tianjun Effect, but if you want to escape, you only need to block the yuan

Spiritual thoughts can be quick. "

"Good baby!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Tai'er when he heard the words: "If this thing is taken on the battlefield, I am afraid that the old fellow Hongjun Tianjun will also suffer. How to refine it?" "You first prepare sufficient materials, and I will naturally teach you to refine it. "Tai'er looked at Lin Feng and said: "Refining a dozen of them, you are enough to block his divine consciousness, plus your great destiny and heavenly magic to escape."

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