My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3894: Defeated king


The King of Killer smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said, "I have never seen someone as arrogant as you. No wonder she likes you so much. I want to see how much capital you have!"

While speaking, his figure walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

Light flickered all over him.

Outlined into a faint knife light.

The power of the blade light is getting stronger and stronger, and the powerful and suffocating aura permeates this time and space, and the surrounding heavenly gods retreat, for fear of affecting themselves.

Lin Feng stood still in the void, his eyes sharply looking at the figure of King Slayer.


At this moment, Slayer King looked towards the sky and raised his arms!


There was thunder and thunder between the sky and the earth, dark clouds covered hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space, and hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space were plunged into darkness, like the end of the day, and the aura on his body became increasingly cold.


The wind is blowing everywhere.

It was so gloomy that even some of the gods who watched the battle felt cold.


The faint light of the sword on King Slayer erupted into a fierce light!

The light of the sword illuminates the endless time and space, like a round of sky rising in the sky, driving out the darkness of hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space. This illusory light of the sword then turns into the light of the sword, and the light of the sword turns into the light of the sword. The sword light alternately changes, repeating itself again and again.


The light ran away and directly killed Xiang Lin Feng's figure. This ray of light destroys the world, even if the God of Heaven is slashed, it will be wiped out in an instant. For a moment, the God of Heaven onlookers felt the breath of death, but none of them closed their eyes, and their eyes fixed on Lin Feng's body.


Seeing the light of this spatula hit Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng's big hand turned out.


A terrifying black hole erupted directly from his big hand, and the black hole flooded time and space, directly engulfing this ray of light inside.


The black hole exploded, causing violent turbulence.

The turbulence directly submerged Lin Feng's figure, but Lin Feng's figure remained motionless. He stood in the void and did not move a step. When the turbulence dissipated, his figure trembled, and a ray of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Even if he stepped into the Dao-God level, his ten universes were one, and he still couldn't take the Killing King's thunderous blow intact. This blow was not only the true meaning of Heavenly Dao God of Slayer King himself, but also the true meaning of Heavenly Dao God of King Turen, as well as the mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable true meaning of Da Luo God. The three true meanings merged together, and the power collapsed endless time and space. , Can cut any vitality


Rao is Lin Feng's astonishing cultivation level, and he is still badly injured.

However, it was different in the eyes of others, especially King Tu Ren with a somewhat dull gaze. He followed Lin Feng and did not expect that Lin Feng's strength would secretly advance to this level, and he would almost never lose to him.

For a moment, he felt discouraged.

The gods of heaven who were onlookers were even more shocked, and confirmed Lin Feng's identity. Lin Feng is by no means an ordinary person, and this hand can match any **** of the Ni Li Tian.

"Lin Feng, your strength has been hidden!"

Slayer King looked at Lin Feng with a deep gaze and said, "You hide too deeply."

"Are you not convinced? You don't see it or your strength is not enough." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the figure of the Slayer King with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I lost this game!" Slayer King looked at Lin Feng with a deep gaze, "Indeed, I can't see your true strength. It's caused by my lack of strength. She has already told me. , As long as you win, she surrenders in this round, you can go to Nine Days Seventh City to find her

. "

"Haha, I will definitely go to Nine Days Seventh City to find her." Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing the words: "She still owes me a favor. Treating me like this is too unreasonable."

"Oh, this is between you."

The Slayer King looked at Lin Feng and said: "I have never understood what means you used to withstand my attack. To be honest, I don't feel the breath of the laws of heaven and **** from you."

Lin Feng heard the words and stood looking at King Slayer with a smile: "King Slayer, let's sit down and find a place to have tea and chat."

As he spoke, his figure shrank, turning into an ordinary person and walking into the depths of Qiu Ming Tianshan.

When the beheading king heard this, the figure also followed, and the same was true for the Turen king.

The three figures disappeared in an instant.

At the moment when the three of them disappeared, powerful divine thoughts followed, but these divine thoughts couldn't capture the traces of Lin Feng, King Tu Ren, and King Slayer.

After searching for a while, these spiritual thoughts were not reconciled to retreat.

The name of autumn is deep in the Tianshan Mountains,

There are three figures sitting beside a stream filled with black mist. These three are Lin Feng, King Tu Ren, King Slayer, the three of them sit motionless like stone statues, each holding a simple cup in each hand. . "Lin Feng, answer my question, I'm convinced that I want to lose!" Slayer King stared at Lin Feng sharply and said: "In the beginning, I suspected that you had practiced the Northern Underworld Swallowing Technique, but I used to be with Bei Chenlan. Nuo has fought, and her Bei Ming Tun

Tianshu absolutely does not have the power of yours, and it seems that your devouring is even more vast. "

"This is also very strange to me. When did you break through the new realm?" King Tu Ren also glanced at Lin Feng.

"I can swallow your attack without the Beiming Heaven Swallowing Technique. You are right to guess that." Lin Feng looked at King Slayer and King Slaughter and said, "It hasn't been too long since I entered the new realm. The movement."

"What heaven art?"

Slayer Wang asked in a deep voice after hearing this.

"This is not a heavenly technique, there is only so much I can tell you, and you will know when you are completely loyal to me." Lin Feng looked at King Slayer and said.


The beheading king snorted coldly after hearing this. "Okay, I asked you to sit down and drink tea to talk about other things. After all, from now on, you are starting to do things for me, and King Slaughter originally did things for me." Lin Feng looked at King Slayer and He Tu Ren Wang smiled and said, "I will

Always respect you. "

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Slayer King looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"If you respect me, then disarm the **** puppet!" Tu Ren Wang looked at Lin Feng indifferently.

"When the time comes, I will definitely be relieved."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I am coming to the Temporary Heavenly Sovereign position soon. I need more military service, so I need to start a war against the Eastern Heavenly Court. This war is bigger than I had previously expected, so I need you two to investigate the Eastern Heavenly Court. Heavenly court situation."

"There is a lot of information on Ni Litian!" Slasher Wang said lightly. "These information are not credible at all." Lin Feng said solemnly after hearing the words: "Moreover, the information that I asked you to investigate is extremely confidential. It is the deployment of the East Heavenly Court Supreme Palace of Merit!

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