Chapter 92 Who allowed you to go?

Wang Qian leaned behind the door, clapping one after another.

Although this was spoken to Marco, he looked at Ye Jun with wintry eyes.

“What’s wrong, Ye Shuai is going to kill me. But I’m dead, you good brother, but you can live well in a few days.”

Wang Qian walked lightly to Ye Jun’s side, her scarlet fingers teasing Ye Jun’s chest.

Ye Jun didn’t dodge, and slapped Wang Qian away.

He shouted coldly: “Remove your dirty hands.”

Wang Qian didn’t feel annoyed, and smiled lowly: “Yes, yes, I am a dirty thing, a slut who can do my best.”

Immediately, the voice changed abruptly, abnormally vicious, “But don’t forget, your brother’s family is in my hands.”

Ye Jun sneered. If it hadn’t been for the whole body to be affected by this, Wang Qian would have been fucked to death by himself.

Seeing Ye Jun’s silence, Wang Qian laughed in a low voice: “Let’s talk about it! Ye Shuai.”

Ye Jun said indifferently: “I have nothing to discuss with you!”


Wang Qian took out something from her arms and opened it lightly.

A deep fragrance floated over, rich and strong.

Ye Jun instinctively covered his nose, he didn’t like the smell!

Wang Qian laughed lowly: “Ye Shuai still dislikes such a good baby, your brother can use this as a treasure!”

not good!

Ye Jun turned to look at Marco.

At this time, his body was trembling, his mouth was foaming, and his facial muscles twitched crazily.

But his eyes looked straight at the bottle of incense in Wang Qian’s hand.

He was able to restrain his emotions at first, but soon lost control and broke Ye Jun’s bondage with a force that ordinary people could not imagine.

He ran to Wang Qian’s feet, hugged her a pair of jade legs, and licked her legs like a dog.

I couldn’t help staring at the things in her hands.

Wang Qian didn’t get annoyed by seeing Marco licking, instead, she took off her shoes, revealing a beautiful white foot, and stretched out in front of Marco.

Marco’s expression was still feverish, and he was about to lick with his tongue.

It’s like a male dog who wants to be rewarded.


Ye Jun yelled violently and stunned Marco directly.

Threw him onto the side of the bed!

The system is turned on, and the Miscellaneous Encyclopedia.

【APTX4869 Attractant】

[Introduction: The new drug APTX4869 attractant can arouse drug addiction among people who take APTX4869][Appendix: APTX is a new type of drug with extremely hallucinogenic and addictive properties. It can be lured by poisons to achieve the effect of training pets. 】

After Ye Jun’s system turned on the evil object identification last time, he was able to have a detailed understanding of everything he saw.

This time he has seen this thing, which is the lure of the new type of drugs in Wang Qian’s possession.

She used this to control Marco and aroused Marco’s drug addiction.

But at this time Marco’s condition was not good, even if he fainted, he still foamed at the mouth and convulsed all over.

Wang Qian climbed onto the bed with a smile, stroking Marco’s face, and said in a low voice: “Look at you, good brother, but you don’t want me to give you good things. You don’t blame me for being a ghost underneath. husband.”

Ye Jun looked at everything indifferently. He knew that he couldn’t be anxious at this time. Once he was anxious, Marco would be completely helpless.

He said lightly: “APTX4869 really deserves its reputation, Wang Qian, I can’t control your murder and arson, but I hurt my brother. I will definitely give you an end in this matter.”

Wang Qian’s face changed slightly, and she said coldly, “You actually know APTX4869? Sure enough, there should be no such drugs sold in China, right? How did you know?”

Ye Jun continued to push in: “How did you know that? Since you know that Huaxia is not available for sale, you dare to bring this item here. You are not too courageous. You guys won’t take your skin off?”

Wang Qian’s face changed completely, and she said fiercely, “Are you the one sent by Dark Xiao?”

Ye Jun smiled slightly, then asked, “Want to know?”

Wang Qian gritted her teeth, thought for a while and said, “What the hell do you want to do?”

Ye Jun shook his finger and said, “I will keep you confidential about 100gAPTX4869.”

When Wang Qian heard Ye Jun’s words, she seemed to be relieved. She thought that her illegal possession of drugs was discovered by the boss and wanted to kill her.

Now I heard Ye Jun’s article, I couldn’t help but smile: “I heard that Ye Shuai opened Bugatti before. I thought you were going to make a fortune, but I didn’t expect that we were still in the same industry. Today I am still here and hacked by you. ”

Ye Jun didn’t bother her to chat, and said directly: “Stop talking nonsense, take things out and talk to me.”

Wang Qian looked anxiously: “100g, your appetite is too big.”

For this drug, one gram is worth 30,000 yuan, and 100g is more than three million yuan. This asking price almost empties all of her inventory.

You know, to control Marco, she used less than a gram to torture such a handsome boy into a dead dog.

This Ye Jun asked for 100g as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ye Jun looked at Wang Qian coldly, his eyes sharp like a knife: “You think about it, there is nothing left when people die.”

Wang Qian was shocked: “What do you mean? Do you dare to kill me? You are not afraid of your brother’s death in my hands.”

Ye Jun smiled faintly, and said with a hint of sadness: “Anyone who takes APTX4869 will live for half a year. You still give him the injection. Within two months, he will be dead.”

“It’s useless for you to threaten me with him. He’s a dying person anyway. I would rather he walk decently than he would die in such embarrassment.”

Wang Qian sneered: “You know it clearly. I thought you were really his good brother and would like to help him take drugs to extend his life. This thing, once the addiction comes and there is no medicine, people will be gone for a long time.”

“Unexpectedly, you still chose to squeeze my last order of drugs, too, people die for money and birds for food.”

“Fine, I’ll admit it, I’ll give you things. You let me go, otherwise Marco’s parents’ lives will be hard to protect.”

Wang Qian never thought that he could use Marco to hold Ye Jun, but never thought that Ye Jun would blackmail all the drugs.

But such a cruel look makes her heart very rare!

Wang Qian found a safe in the room, opened the layers, and took out a bag of blue crystal-like objects.

After Ye Jun used the system to confirm, he brought it over. This is Wang Qian’s biggest handle. With it, he can hold her life root!

As for Marco’s addiction to drugs, Ye Jun temporarily sealed his death and life holes.

It is impossible for him to use this drug.

This is drinking poison to quench thirst. The more you use it, the closer you will be to death, and your sanity will gradually be lost!

Even if his brother died, he couldn’t let him die so inhumanly and unscrupulously!

At this time, Ye Jun’s cell phone information prompted the sound.

Wang Qian’s instinct was bad, and she didn’t want to stay here for a long time.

Yingying smiled and said, “Then this marriage, I won’t end it. You have to go this hard, Ye Shuai! I’m leaving now?”

After speaking, he turned to Shi Shiran and prepared to leave.

But before she walked to the door, she heard Ye Jun lightly smile and say:

“Go? Who allowed you to go?”

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