Chapter Eighty Eighth

Ye Jun helped Tian Bing take the luggage to the room.

This presidential suite is biased towards women’s design.

Generally, hotels are used to receive female politicians, so even if the decoration style is not too fresh, there are still more feminine elements in it.

For example, in the delicate sapphire vase at the head of the bed, there are foxtail lilies still stained with dew.

This was just returned yesterday from a well-known flower country abroad, especially by air.

Because of the jet lag, they were picked early in the morning at the flower field, and when they were transported here, it was still the early morning of the magic capital.

Fragrant and bright, the fragrance is fresh and sweet.

And this stall is a pure white cashmere carpet, plush, it is very comfortable to step on.

The style of the whole suite is atmospheric, fresh and natural.

Like Ye Jun’s suite, there is also a huge ornate floor-to-ceiling window, which allows you to have a panoramic view of the magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River.

Tian Bing entered the room and looked at the laying of the room with satisfaction.

He kicked off his sandals happily, and stepped on the cashmere carpet with his bare feet.

He lifted his skirt slightly and turned it around two times excitedly.

The gorgeous camellia on her white dress, while she turns, is like a dazzling, dazzling, fascinating and intoxicating.

Ye Jun looked at Tian Bing’s happily spinning circle, slightly dumbfounded.

Tian Bing stopped and said to Ye Jun with a smile that looked like a camellia:

“Handsome Ye Da, thank you, I like this room very much.”

Ye Jun returned to his senses and smiled slightly and said, “You like it.”

Tian Bing Yingying smiled and sat down on the big bed with a bright red rose theme, shaking his tender feet and said:

“I didn’t expect that Ye Shuai, you are so capable, you can book the presidential suite of Tianhao Hotel.”

Ye Jun’s expression remained unchanged, and he sat down casually on the sofa beside him and said, faintly: “It has dragged down the relationship with friends.”

“Really? Then I will entrust Ye Shuai’s blessing to enjoy this extravagant treatment.”

Tian Bing stood up, and while talking, took out a pair of flat shoes from the suitcase and replaced them.

After changing his shoes, Tian Bing asked, “How can I arrange it later?”

Ye Jun pondered half-rate and said, “I’m going to Marco’s side to help him organize the wedding later, you…”

He didn’t want to take Tian Bing there in his heart, because the woman Wang Qian was not a fuel-efficient lamp. As far as he knew, she had conflicts with Tian Bing.

Ye Jun also didn’t expect Tian Bing to come back to attend Marco’s wedding this time. To be honest, she and Marco were just ordinary nodding acquaintances.

Seeing Tian Bingying’s smile, Ye Jun hesitated a bit.

Tian Bing was like a interpretive flower at this time, and he understood Ye Jun’s thoughts:

“Well, I’m not here just for fun, there are still some jobs waiting for me to take care of. Handsome guy Ye Da, you go first.”

Ye Jun heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “That line, I’ll make up the food I owe you when I’m done.”

The two chatted a few words, Tian Bing said that he would take a bath and change his clothes, and drove Ye Jun out.

Ye Jun walked out of Tian Bing’s room and rubbed his nose with some embarrassment.

This Nizi, why didn’t she see it at the beginning, she thought it was a white lotus.

In fact, it is a naughty and cute Molian with a little bit of bad water.

Thinking of the words she joked just now.

“Okay, Ye Shuai. I’ve been on the plane for a long time and I’m very tired. I’m going to take a shower.”

After speaking, she walked to the bathroom on her own, but Ye Jun couldn’t react.

Seeing her half leaning against the door of the bathroom, she smiled and pointed to the large bathtub and said: “Ye Shuai is not leaving yet, I see that this bathtub is quite big…”

“Don’t don’t don’t, just wash it yourself.”

Ye Jun came out hurriedly, looking like he was running away.

Looking at Ye Jun’s hastily leaving back, Tian Bing lightly covered his mouth and laughed.

“What a fool!”

Immediately, as if thinking of something, his eyes became far-reaching and profound.

If Tian Bing was like a gorgeous camellia before, now her temperament is more like a Mansha Zhuhua on the way to Sanchuan.

Full of danger, mysterious temperament.

The dress was removed, and the jade body stood in the bathtub filled with essential oils and petals.

She quietly looked at the rose petals floating in the bathtub.

Gently twisting a piece of it with his hand, looking at it intently, Zhu Lips kissed it personally: “This time, I will never let you escape from my hand again.”

“Hurt, brother. Why are you down!”

Xiao Qiang looked at Ye Jun with a subtle expression on his face.

Ye Jun cast an angry look at Xiao Qiang: “What can I do if I don’t come down! Tian Bing and I are just ordinary friends, and your thinking is too evil.”

Xiao Qiang looked up at the sky and rolled his eyes helplessly.

“You say yes!”

He saw the look in Tian Bing’s eyes towards Ye Jun, but it was unusual.

Ye Jun slightly embarrassedly skipped this topic and said, “Okay, don’t talk about it. Brother Qiang will give me another paragraph.”

Sitting in the co-pilot of the Maserati that Xiao Qiang drove before, he drove extremely fast on Binjiang Road.

Ye Jun held the phone in one hand and put the other on the car window, looking out the window with a gloomy expression.

“Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unanswered!”


This artificial female voice prompt made Ye Jun feel inexplicably upset.

Marco’s phone can’t get through?

Although it is normal not to answer the phone, Ye Jun’s brow furrowed slightly considering his brother’s situation.

“what happened?”

Xiao Qiang, who was driving by the side, turned his head and asked Ye Jun.

Ye Jun calmed down, touched his eyebrows, and said lightly: “It’s okay, my brother didn’t answer the phone, so let’s just go directly.”

“Well, it’s fine.”

Ye Jun nodded lightly to agree with Xiao Qiang’s words, but at this time his right eye began to beat violently.

Ye Jun covered his eyes, which was not a good sign.

Looking at the phone, Ye Jun decided to make another call.




“Hey, Brother Ye…”

Marco’s voice rang from the other end of the phone.

Ye Jun suddenly felt that the stone in his heart seemed to have fallen slightly.

Ye Jun asked without annoyance: “I’m going to your house now, what the hell are you doing, you haven’t answered the phone for so long.”

Marco over there said with a strange excitement in his voice: “I’m busy here. I didn’t notice the phone. Where have you been? I’ll come out to pick you up.”

Ye Jun frowned instinctively and said: “No, you are busy. I’ll be fine when I come over by myself.”

“That’s good, that’s good! I’m waiting for Brother Ye to come over, you have to wait for your rehearsal soon.”

“Good good!”

After a little chat

Marco hung up and looked at the phone in a daze.

Cover your face and cry bitterly!

And there was a woman in his room, standing in the shadow, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Marco who was crying bitterly, he sneered.

Throw the cigarette on the ground, crush it with high heels, and snorted coldly:

“Things that are not promising”

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