Chapter 82 The sad past of the old man!

Father Qi recovered from the excitement.

But in his eye sockets, there are still some traces of tears.

Everyone was secretly shocked when they saw it. The old man made a killing, and the blood shed a lot, but the tears never shed.

Even his first wife, Qi Sanshu’s mother-in-law, was kidnapped by the enemy and asked Mr. Qi to submit.

But for the sake of justice, he chose to give up his wife’s life and wipe out the enemy.

Finally, in a secret room of the enemy army, a fragmented wife was found.

Father Qi was silent. This was his beloved wife of his childhood, but he did not shed a single tear.

Instead, they repatriated everyone, gathered his wife’s bones bit by bit, and sew them with fine needles and threads.

He personally sent his beloved wife back to his ancestral home for funeral.

At that time, Uncle Qi was still a child, but he remembered clearly.

From beginning to end, my father did not shed a single tear.

Instead, he has dealt with these funerals in an orderly manner, even if he saw it, after the crowd dispersed, his father kept his beloved wife’s coffin all night alone.

But his father’s expression, apart from sadness, had never seen any tears.

Third Uncle Qi didn’t doubt that his father was deeply affectionate for his mother, but when her mother died, his father refused to shed a tear for her. When he was young, Uncle Qi had always been brooding about the scene in his childhood.

But as the third uncle Qi grew up and came into contact with some things in the family, he gradually began to understand.

Tears are a luxury for the men of the Qi family.

Sometimes, it’s not that they don’t want to cry, but the price paid for tears is too great.

The men of the Qi family need a cold, heart-wrenching heart.

The burden on their bodies can only make them bleed without tears!

The old man is already 80 years old, and although he has transferred most of the rights of the Qi family, until now, the family is still looking forward to the decision of the old man.

What is it that makes the old man unable to control his emotions?

At this time, Father Qi spoke in person, and the scene was quiet.

The old man motioned to the third uncle Qi and opened the live broadcast.

Slowly walked to the front of the stage and looked far away.

“You may be wondering why I have received such a gift and gaffes.”

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the guests underneath, who were far away, did not dare to speak.

And the ones just in front of the stage were silent.

Only a few people continued to speak there.

“Old man Qi, how old are you and still crying in front of so many people!”

It was Lao Lan who was chatting with Qi Lao just now.

There were also a few old men who were at the same table with Lao Lan, who all shook their heads helplessly. They couldn’t compare to the friendship between them.

Although there is not much difference between their family background and the Qi family, they can never say this.

Only with such a family background and friendship as Old Lan can dare to make fun of Old Man Qi like this.

The descendants of the Qi family couldn’t help shaking their heads when they heard Lao Lao’s words.

But they are also very curious about what Qi Lao wants to say.

“You old blue man, when you were in the army, you couldn’t eat enough, and you were so hungry that you wanted me to talk about it?”

Old man Qi’s original heavy heart, being so ridiculed by Mr. Lan, suddenly healed a lot, and he unceremoniously exposed his shortcomings.

“What are you doing for such a long time?”

Lao Lan touched his nose and murmured a bit astringently.

The elders at the same table laughed loudly, obviously they also knew about this.

But the scene was as quiet as a chill, and did not dare to speak.

This immortal was fighting, and he dared to laugh.

After the old man Qi returned, he adjusted his thoughts and carefully placed the rosary in his arms.

“Today I have a chance to take back the old things, so I will tell you about a part of my past.”

Master Qi said slowly.

The ears of the people underneath stood up right away, and the past that the old man could recall was definitely an extraordinary story.

Was it his battlefield situation when he was young, or his love affairs?

Generally, such old people like to use these inspirational stories to brainwash young people, which is particularly annoying.

But this old man, if he were to change his father Qi, everyone would listen to him as if he was hearing fairy music.

What wonderful story is it that will make this dying old man share it with his birthday banquet.

Amidst everyone’s doubts, the old man spoke, his voice was as gentle as ever, but compared with the usual unsentimental gentleness, this gentleness contained strong emotions.

Looking far away, it seems to have been reminiscing a long time ago.

“When I was born, I was not born at full term. It was a premature baby. I have been weak since I was a child. As the son of the family, my family has been looking for ways to nourish me, but with little success.”

“Since I was a child, I have been plagued by various diseases, and have even stepped into the ghost gate many times.”

Mr. Qi’s words were very plain, without any special rhetoric, but the strong emotions made people want to hear the development below.

Although Ye Jun knew a little bit, he couldn’t help but stop and listen when he heard the old man talk about it.

“Even with this disease, I stumbled until I was five years old, but at that time, I was not as fat as a three-year-old child.”

“At that time, my father had lost patience with my body. He was more than my son. In addition to my concubine, he had many concubines, and I had many brothers and sisters.”

Having said this, the old man’s eyes showed a faint smile, and he was inexplicably chilling.

Who didn’t know, the old man was the only person in his generation who survived that time alone, and had never heard of his brothers and sisters.

No one dared to inquire, and no one dared to ask.

But the topic of brothers and sisters, the father just skipped slightly.

“Although my father is disappointed with me, my mother has never. I have come back from the ghost gate so many times, and my mother dragged me back. Even for me, my mother rejected the idea of ​​my father wanting another child with her.”

“Because of my mother’s refusal, our mother and son’s life in the house was not easy, but with the strong support of my mother’s natal family, the things on my father’s face were still passable.”

Father Qi’s mother’s family? The dealer! Now it is also a family of Xuanhe.

There is this dealer near the high platform, and he secretly delighted when he heard what the old man said!

It turns out that the old man has always taken care of the dealer, and there is still such a relationship in it.

“My body has always been my mother’s biggest heart disease. My mother has always sought medicine for me, and prayed to God to worship Buddha. My mother is a gangster girl, even a thief. How can she believe these gods and ghosts?”

“But she still believes. She worships Buddha, Tantric Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Living Buddha… She worships all Buddhas. It looks nondescript, but for me, mother she is willing to do everything.”

The guests below were quite moved, saying that the old man is the most filial person, and now listening to him talk about the past, he can understand his mood.

The old man took out the rosary carefully out of his arms and looked at it with pious eyes.

“This string of Buddhist beads was asked by my mother for me in an ancient temple deep in the mountains. She knelt in front of the Buddha for 108 days and chanted tens of thousands of Buddhist scriptures before begging for this string of beads for me.”

“It’s strange to say that my body began to get better after I asked for this rosary. My mother was so ecstatic that even despite my father’s objections, I built a Buddhist temple at home called Su Xin Tang!”

Speaking of this, Ye Jun finally understood the strange decoration style of the Suxintang where he was now and the reason for the name.

This was all built by Father Qi to commemorate his mother.

Of course, Ye Jun was not the only one who reacted there. Many guests had discovered this fact and praised the old man for his filial piety.

I also understood the importance of this string of Buddhist beads to the old man.

“My mother finally got a response to what she had been asking for for many years, so she held this string of prayer beads and prayed for me every day, and I was healthy until I was sixteen years old.”

Speaking of this, Master Qi’s voice was a little choked, and the hearts of the people at the scene were also suspended.

“When I was 16 years old, my mother passed away. When she left, she was less than half a hundred. When I was born prematurely, her body became ill. Later, she went around looking for medicine for me and praying to God. …”

“The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on, and the son wants to raise up but doesn’t wait. This is the regret of my Qi, even this rosary, I didn’t take care of it. As a son, I am unqualified.”

“Every time I celebrate my birthday, I think of the suffering my mother suffered when I gave birth! It’s a pity that I can’t see you again after all. Today I am very grateful to Master Ye for sending my mother’s relics to me for the rest of the year. ”

Elder Qi said this and looked at Ye Jun solemnly, wanting to bow and salute!

Ye Jun’s eyes were quick and quick, and he supported him.

“Father, aren’t you damaging my longevity? Don’t make it!”

What a joke, Ye Jun thinks he has no ability to take this bow!

Third Uncle Qi and Qi Ying also hurriedly stepped forward to support Mr. Qi.

After some persuasion, Elder Qi also gave up this behavior, but looking at Ye Jun’s gaze was a little more sincere.

After listening to this story, everyone present was moved by the devotion of the father’s mother and the true feelings of the father Qi.

Some sentimental women even shed tears.

“Unexpectedly, Father Qi had a hard life when he was a child. His mother is really amazing.”

“The old man is so old. When talking about his mother, he shed tears. He is really a filial person.”

“Master Ye is about to develop. This gift of him is the top one today!”

On the stage, Father Qi’s mood gradually stabilized, and finally he said two more words.

“Whoever says a little bit of grass will repay San Chunhui. Everyone, if the family has parents, let’s do more filial piety…”

This was so true that there was a round of applause.

Ye Jun also clapped his hands on the side, and narrowed his eyes to look at the true old man Qi.

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