Chapter 62 Brother, you are really a talent

“Niu Bian!”

Ye Jun still spit out two words, simple and unpretentious, but also the most practical two words.

“Hahahaha, brother, you are so funny.”

Xiao Qiang had originally introduced the Qi family’s history and old mansion in a serious manner, but was suddenly defeated by Ye Jun’s words.

“Go, go and sign in first. In such a place, the Qi family is not afraid of being haunted.”

Ye Jun looked around just now, except for the villa where there are people registering, there are basically no other people in the suburbs.

Such a big mountain, even the women of the Qi family are all high-yielding old sows, and this mountain is less than one-thousandth.


Xiao Qiang smiled but didn’t answer. Although he had the same idea, he couldn’t say anything.

While talking, Xiao Qiang took Ye Jun to the sign-in place in front of the villa.

There are many people here who are checking in, and they are not ordinary people in dress.

I saw the receptionist here, taking the guest’s invitation with both hands, and using the equipment on the side to check the authenticity of the invitation.

After confirming that it is correct, check the identity of the visitor and the number of accompanying persons, enter the information in the vehicle, and enter the system for registration.

“Mr. Gu, the registration has been completed for you here. You and your wife have a total of two people, and the vehicle Lamborghini x21…opens Qi Tianshan for one day.”

“Please note that you must leave Qi Tianshan before twelve o’clock tomorrow.”

“Finally, you are welcome to come to attend the 80th birthday of Grandpa Qi Tianyou!”

After registering the information of this Mr. Gu, the staff told him about the process.

This seems to be not a guest, but a visit to the prison.

But this Mr. Gu was not angry, but took the invitation back very politely and thank you.

Bringing the beautiful women around him, they left the registration scene happily.

Ye Jun on the side saw this process, and frowned slightly and asked Xiao Qiang next to him: “What is this access authority?”

Granting half-pass permission to cars requires understanding of the barriers, but it seems a bit strange to give permission to people in such a big mountain.

Xiao Qiang explained: “Qi Tianshan is equipped with the world’s highest-end sky-eye system. Even if a leaf falls, it will not escape surveillance.”

“The authority here is to enter the face into the system so that the system can recognize it and avoid being cleared by the defense system of Tianshen Mountain.”

“Defensive system? Clear? And this thing.”

Ye Jun thought this was a haunted incident on a barren mountain just now, but he didn’t expect it to be a future science fiction world.

“Well, brother, don’t ask. I signed a confidentiality contract.”

Xiao Qiang smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, he also kept secret about this defense system.

“Anyway, you know, don’t go to Tiansheng Mountain without permission.”

Seeing Xiao Qiang’s solemn expression, Ye Jun nodded slightly, and stopped questioning.

“Hahahahaha, where did the soil buns come from? I don’t even know the Heavenly Sacred Mountain, so I rushed here to bluff and deceive.”

While Ye Jun were talking, a person suddenly spoke next to them, and it seemed that this person had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

Ye Jun looked at the incoming person, with a short figure and a formal suit, looking very funny.

There was a girl next to him, holding his hand, like a mother with a child.

【Zhang Yuke】

【Age: 42】

【Height: 149cm】

【Weight: 50kg】

[Evaluation: President of Kyoto Lala Real Estate, bullies and fears hardship, likes to show off, is mean and good at greedy. 】

[Secret thing: STD-ridden (detailed view) drug addiction (detailed view)]

No, I don’t want to watch it!

Ye Jun saw the secret matter and silently turned off the panel.

Looking at the lower body of the short man in front of him, there was a deep disgust in his eyes, and he instinctively stepped back.

“Who the fuck are you talking about? Apologize to my brother!”

Xiao Qiang didn’t get angry when he saw this thing that came to find fault suddenly.

There is a reason why he dares to be so hard-headed. Basically, the people who are registered here are not so high in status and status. According to the strength of his boss, it can be solved.

Whether it was from the boss’s instruction or the relationship between himself and Ye Jun these days, Xiao Qiang decided to teach the dwarf a lesson.

“Hehe, I said this brother. What are you anxious about? This is from Qi Tianshan, is there anyone who doesn’t know Qi Tianshan’s rules?”

This Yuke was calm and spoke without rush.

This Qi Tianshan, anyone with a face and a face should have understood that this hairy boy doesn’t know where he is from a hillbilly, and he doesn’t even have such common sense.

If you can’t ridicule it, how can you be worthy of the title of being sent by someone.

“Oh? I think you are like a dwarf, your head and face are almost shrinking. Who sent you an invitation?”

Xiao Qiang sneered at each other and didn’t let this person off.

“Hmph, you are so brave. Don’t be afraid to say it. This is the post from the fifth young master of the Qi family and Master Qi Ming.”

Zhang Yukelue said with some contentment, some people around heard Qi Ming’s name and couldn’t help but cast their eyes.

These eyes are mixed with envy, jealousy, and hatred!

You should know that the arrangements for the birthday banquet for posts made by different people will be different. This time it is not just a birthday banquet, but also a sorority about political rights.

This is an invitation sent by my eldest son, and the weight is almost higher than that of everyone here.

At this time, the eyes of both Ye Jun looked a little strange, and even the eyes of the staff seemed strange.

It’s the usual style of a big family to subordinate people.

If it was Master Qi Ming’s guest, if the two of them had no background, they would have passed them.

Zhang Yuke enjoyed the gazes of the people, looked at Ye Jun and two with a stern expression, suddenly lowered his voice, a voice that only a few people could hear, and said: “Why, don’t you show up the invitation from that bastard?”

Xiao Qiang’s originally calm gaze instantly lost control, and he was about to shoot when he was furious.

But Ye Jun grabbed him severely, and when he met Ye Jun’s faint gaze, he shook his head gently.

Xiao Qiang’s anger subsided, he looked around, and said in a low voice, “Sorry, I was careless.”

“It’s okay. Just jump the clown.”

Ye Jun said carelessly, and took a step forward.

But the look in Zhang Yuke’s eyes was still full of disgust, suppressing the urge to kick this disgusting thing.

Zhang Yuke looked at Ye Jun triumphantly, and did not move.

The reason why he dared to do this today was not only because of his character, but also because he wanted to please Qi Ming.

He recognized Xiao Qiang as a close friend of Qi Ying at a glance, and he had waited here to provoke him early in the morning.

If Xiao Qiang did it, Qi Ying would be unlucky today, and he would be able to win Qi Ming’s heart.

But if he didn’t do it, Qi Ying’s face was lost!

The wishful thinking was clinking, and Zhang Yuke laughed in place.

But here, Ye Jun whispered to Xiao Qiang several times in a low voice.

I saw Xiao Qiang’s face became very weird, staring at Ye Jun.

“Brother, you are really a talent…”

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