Chapter 6 Buying a house, the beauty is safe

“Eight hundred thousand? What eight hundred thousand?”

Zhou Mei was confused and still hadn’t reacted.

“Did Director Zhou forget everything he did so quickly?”

“800,000? 800,000!!!”

Zhou Meiru was struck by lightning, with an incredible face, screaming at Ye Jun.

“How would you know?”

Ye Jun smiled without mentioning this, and continued to speak: “Continuing Director Zhou is unwilling to sign this resignation report for me today, then I will wait for Director Zhou to contact me one day if he is willing.”

After speaking, he took the door and left.

“Stop, stop! You come back to me.”

Zhou Mei was a little hysterical at this time, but she still remained calm, and did not hold Ye Jun to confront on the spot.

Some time ago, I did embezzle the department’s 80,000 public funds, but I thought it was done unconsciously.

Why did you let the small employees under your hands know.

This gap can’t be filled in the past few months, if it is stabbed out, it will be done by itself.

Zhou Mei calmly analyzed it and wandered around the office a few times, but could not find a good solution.

Is it only oneself to beg him?

Zhou Mei thought that she was about to bow her head to someone she could handle, and she almost broke her silver teeth with anger.

Here Ye Jun collected the resignation form, and he couldn’t help but feel happy for a while.

It’s so cool to see this woman Zhou Mei so embarrassed today.

I just don’t know when she figured it out to sign this resignation form for herself?

It’s another day.

Selling the picture scrolls at a high price gave Zhou Mei a lesson. Ye Jun slept exceptionally well last night.

Ye Jun didn’t bother to sleep until ten o’clock on workdays today, and looked at the room after getting up.

In a small room, the walls are so wet that they are peeling off, and the furniture is old and moldy;

And the peculiar smell coming from the toilet next to the bedroom;

The cries of the hawkers downstairs.

Before yesterday, I didn’t care about these details at all.

In other words, I don’t have time to care, and I’ve emptied myself from a day’s work. This is just a place to sleep.

Besides, my salary does not allow myself to dislike this place.

But now I don’t see anything pleasing here.

I have to change my suite!

Ye Jun is a typical young person. If he has money, he won’t save it and spoil it, so he has to spend it.

22 million is the wealth that many people cannot accumulate in their lifetime.

Some of the chosen sons won 5 million prizes, but they only got more than 3 million.

22 million is Ye Jun’s cash, rich and willful!

After making up his mind, Ye Jun decided to go out to inspect the house.

I took a taxi online and left the village in the city.

Looking at the estimated price of a car-hailing online with a mobile phone, it is 88 yuan.

Ye Jun couldn’t help frowning.

The fare is too expensive, I have to buy a car and drive by myself, Ye Jun’s small abacus is very loud.

Soon, the online car-hailing took Ye Jun to the reserved place, the Garfield Trading Center, a nationwide chain housing trading center.

As soon as Ye Jun walked in, most of the employees of the Garfield Trading Center were operating something on the computer or making phone calls.

This is part of daily work, looking for housing, contacting customers to see the house.

It’s the Internet age, so now many real estate agents are adapting to working online.

As soon as Ye Jun entered the door, he attracted the attention of all the old salesmen

Today Ye Jun wore short sleeves, shorts and a pair of light sports shoes when he went out.

Youthful, handsome face.

Looks like a college student.

“This dress, poor!”

“Temperament, poor!”

“It’s still from online taxi-hailing, poor!”

Therefore, no one received Ye Jun at the first time.

Ye Jun thought it was funny, turned around and wanted to leave.

··At this time, a timid female voice called Ye Jun.

“Hello, do you want to sell or rent a house.”

Ye Jun stopped for a while.

A little girl in Garfield’s uniform suit and uniform stood in front of Ye Jun.

Small and charming melon seeds, curved eyebrows, big watery eyes, slightly raised nose, small cherry mouth.

With a trace of baby fat on his cheeks, he stared at Ye Jun timidly like a white rabbit.

The painting style is completely different from the old fried dough sticks here, like a cool summer breeze blowing into Ye Jun’s heart, fresh and natural.

At this time a bunch of data emerged


【Age: 22】

【Height: 169cm】

【Weight: 50kg】

【Measurements: 95, 63, 95】

[Face value: 92]

【Experience: 0】

[Evaluation: 90][Secret thing: fear of dogs! 】

An Ran is a college student who has just graduated. She hasn’t had any performance for a few months. Although this client is not like the big client mentioned by the predecessors, she still accepts it with the attitude of trying.

Seeing An Ran greeted him, the colleagues here began to whisper.

“I was clever at first, but I didn’t even know what to say and wanted to eat this bowl of rice!”

“It’s fine if you can’t speak clearly, and you don’t even wink. Can this person come to give money?”

“Maybe Hu Meizi sees that the handsome boy looks good, and wants to make a show?”

“Come on, come on, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous you are. Get her off, do you do the company’s hygiene?”

Looking at the timid little girl in front of him, Ye Jun showed a gentle smile on his face: “I want to buy a suite, do you think you have a suitable recommendation?”

This is not loud, but the office is not big, everyone can hear it clearly.

“This Hu Meizi is stepping on shit today! This good thing made her run into it.”

“Don’t worry, maybe it was playing with girls and teasing that silly girl. You don’t have a famous brand on him, so it looks like buying a house!”

When An Ran heard that Ye Jun was about to buy a house, his timid expression became a little bit more excited, but he didn’t know how to express it, so he blushed.

“I still have… this gentleman you need…”

An Ran said one sentence after another, somewhat incoherent.

Ye Jun looked at this girl funny: “You take a breath first, let’s sit and talk.”

“Okay!” An Ran blushed and nodded, led Ye Jun into the reception area and poured him a glass of water.

The two sat on the sofa in the reception area, and An Ran still spoke first

“My name is An Ran, what do you call this gentleman?”

“Ye Jun.”

“Hello, Mr. Ye, what do you think you need to buy a house? For example, price, layout, and environment.”

“Miss Ann, I need a house with a better environment, preferably with a garage and basement.”

“It must have been renovated. I want to move in as soon as possible.”

“As far as the price is concerned, I think I can accept it within 12 million.”

Ye Jun estimated that the current housing prices in the capital city of Shu could buy a good house at a price of 12 million yuan.

When An Ran heard Ye Jun’s needs, his eyes gradually began to shine.

If you can do this list, you will not have to worry about your life for more than half a year in the future.

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