Chapter 45: I’m Looking for My Daughter

Hi, Brother Ye, you hate it! ”

Hearing Ye Jun joking about her, An Ran’s mouth turned higher, her voice was a little baby-like, but it was not as obvious as a certain actress on Baodao.

Ye Jun laughed dumbly. This girl is so fun.

“Okay, I won’t tease you. What are you doing here?”

Ye Jun closed the too obvious smile on his face.

“Come to see my friend, she is going to study abroad. It’s been more than a year since I could see each other.”

An Ran’s tone contained a few traces of regret and a few traces of envy.

“What’s wrong, do you want to study abroad too?”

Ye Jun heard An Ran’s envy and asked jokingly.

An Ran’s eyes suddenly let out light, nodded quickly, and the two horsetails flickered.

“Yes, I have saved up my money, so I plan to study abroad when I have the opportunity. I have always wanted to go to the U.S. since I was a child and want to see the outside world.

The more An Ran said that the light in his eyes became brighter, and Ye Jun was also moved by her positive atmosphere.

Out of a little mischievous thought, Ye Jun smiled and asked: “Little girl, do you know how much it costs to go to the U.S. for a year? How many houses do you have to sell to save enough.”

An Ran was chatting about fantasy enthusiastically, and was immediately smashed into reality by Ye Jun’s words.

The happy little face collapsed, Ye Jun looked at her dejected look, and suddenly remembered that he had seen an emoji package on the Internet before, and a cat’s face collapsed.

With a baby-fat face, he puffed up and looked at Ye Jun with big eyes, like an angry little cat.

Ye Jun was immediately amused by his own associations.

Seeing Ye Jun actually laughed out, An Ran said annoyedly: “Although I don’t earn as much as Brother Ye, I will try to save enough money. I do the calculations. The cost of going to the U.S. for a year is about Around 800,000, I plan to go for two years…that is…”

Ye Jun heard that An Ran was really planning to study abroad, and gradually put away his smile, became serious, and listened to her talk.

People who have dreams and fight for it are always particularly dazzling, and Ye Jun looks at the little girl a little more solemnly.

Halfway through An Ran’s chat, he discovered that this scene seemed unsuitable for talking. Although it was morning, there were still a lot of people in the airport lobby.

She stopped talking, spit out her pink tongue, and said, “Brother Ye, sorry, I told you so much.”

Ye Jun looked at her and smiled faintly: “It’s okay, you are very interesting, not dispensable, come on and do it.”

An Ran felt the encouragement in Ye Jun’s words, nodded vigorously, and said, “I will work hard, Ye Ge. By the way, why did you come to the airport today?”

“Send a friend.”

“Oh, Ye’s friend. That’s a very good person too!”

“may be.”

Ye Jun thought of Marco’s situation and sighed secretly to agree with him.

While talking, the two walked outside the airport, and when they reached the side of the road outside the airport, An Ran stopped.

Ye Jun asked with some doubts: “What’s the matter?”

An Ran waved the phone in his hand to Ye Jun, and the hello Kitty pendant on the phone flickered, and said depressedly: “Calling a taxi, it’s expensive to hire a taxi. There are so few airports here.”

Ye Jun realized that he seemed to have forgotten something for a while, smiled and said, “What kind of car are you taking? I can just send you off.”

Hearing these words, An Ran frowned slightly, and said embarrassedly: “But my house and Ye Ge’s house are not going in the same way, so I have to take a lot of roads. It’s a waste of fuel!”

When Ye Jun heard this, he couldn’t help laughing. This girl was really a sincere child. She sold herself a villa and considered fuel saving for herself.

“Okay, little girl. Give you brother Ye a face, your brother Ye looks like someone who lacks this little gas?”

Ye Jun pretended to be serious.

“This…this…well, thank you Brother Ye.”

Ye Jun smiled and waved his hand, leading An Ran to the front of the car, and the two of them took a seat.

After An Ran entered the car, she looked a little curiously at the furnishings inside the car, and asked some novel openings: “Brother Ye, this car is different from ordinary cars! It’s so beautiful. What brand of car is it?”


Ye Jun started the vehicle to answer An Ran’s doubts.

“What brand is Bugatti? Our general manager drives a BMW, which costs more than 500,000 yuan. Brother Ye, how much did you buy for this car?”

An Ran looked at Ye Jun with big eyes flashing, and asked suspiciously.


Ye Jun was choked by An Ran’s question. Maybe this girl, like many ordinary Chinese people, felt that Mercedes-Benz and BMW were the best cars.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Jun slowly said, “A foreign brand doesn’t have much money.”

“Foreign brands? Let me check!”

An Ran turned out his phone with some curiosity and searched for Bugatti.

“Brother Ye, what is the model of your car?”


“Hole, Bugatti x6…”

An Ran happily typed the model of the car in the input box.

After a while, An Ran’s expression as he stared at the phone froze!

22 million!

It is only the official website quotation, and the official website does not give a purchase channel, but a member special tribute!

“Brother Ye, this is not much money?”

An Ran looked at Ye Jun with a strange look. This car has already exceeded the price of that house. How proud is Ye Jun?

Ye Jun thought about it. He bought a carcass for tens of thousands of dollars before. For him, this little money really didn’t have much money.

So he answered An Ran: “Yes!”

An Ran is completely speechless. This person is more popular than others. Ye Jun’s height is no longer a goal he can fight for, but An Ran can still see clearly. He doesn’t want to figure out Ye Jun’s money, just Ye Jun. Appearance and character, being a friend is also a good thing.

“It’s great to have money, Brother Ye, do you know Sister Zhao? She is now settled in the United States. It’s a big garden villa, very beautiful!”

An Ran suddenly remembered such a thing and shared it with Ye Jun.

“Sister Zhao? Zhao Jingxuan?”

Ye Jun’s mind suddenly showed the glamorous young woman with a touch of melancholy on her face and a variety of styles and drinking with herself. The scene of the two drunk drunk that night left Ye Jun’s mind Shallow memories.

“Really? That’s good.”

“Hey, didn’t Brother Ye add Sister Zhao’s WeChat? She did post to Moments.”

Ye Jun smiled and shook his head.

An Ran saw that Ye Jun didn’t want to talk about this topic, so he stopped.

Ye Jun drove the car all the way, An Ran seemed to have such a lively temper, the two had a good chat while they were about to arrive at An Ran’s company.

Ye Jun parked his car at the Garfield Trading Center where An Ran worked, and An Ran smiled and said goodbye to Ye Jun.

At this time, a middle-aged man shouted violently in front of the trading center.

“My daughter works here, please hand her over to me!”

An Ran’s face turned pale instantly!

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