Chapter 294 System Upgrade

“Are you here to arrange?”

There was a trace of doubt in Chu Hongyu’s tone.

Ye Jun nodded and said, “Yes, I am here to arrange this action. Do you have any comments?”

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun with distrustful eyes.

But think of what I promised.

It’s not easy to speak up against it for a while.

But she still said with obvious worry on her face:

“You have to know how dangerous the situation is now. If something happens to the Taoist priests, my sister will not let you go.”

Ye Jun nodded silently and said, “I will arrange it.”

Seeing Ye Jun’s firm eyes, Chu Hongyu also had nothing to say.

Leng snorted and said, “Well, then, I’ll see how you can do it. I just want to kill people anyway.”

Ye Jun shook a little helplessly.

This woman is really too violent.

But now I am looking for a suitable way to solve this problem.

What should we do?

It is impossible to negotiate with these people now.

These are desperadoes.

Ye Jun’s system scanned the lead leader.

Almost all knows the whole story.

This group of people was ordered to make trouble in this Taoist temple.

Their purpose is twofold.

One is to win the property rights of this Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple is not wholesaled by the state, but is the private property of Rui.

Only after going through formalities can Yu Rui surrender this Taoist temple.

As for why they want this Taoist temple, this matter is unclear.

Ye Jun did not find relevant information in this leader.

In the impression of this elder brother named Chen Li.

His previous family contacted him through secret communication methods.

Be extremely cautious.

The second condition is to kidnap Yu Rui himself.

It is not accurate to say that the kidnapping, but please go as a guest.

In Chen Li’s impression, such a task was received.

The rest of this Taoist temple can be killed, but Yu Rui must be taken to the designated trading location.

This is also the main purpose of their trip.

As for why they were looking for Yu Rui, they couldn’t find the reason.

It’s just acting on orders, and these gang are all desperadoes.

The kind that takes money to do things.

And many nationalities are not linked to China.

It is the border country of China.

Even if they commit a crime, they just need to hide.

Plus the protective umbrella on the back.

They lived very well.

They are all fanatics who lick blood on the tip of a knife.

For such a group of people, Ye Jun did not intend to let them leave alive.

It’s just the key now.

How can you completely save those kidnapped people?

And these innocent Taoists should not be hurt by mistake.

This is also a daunting challenge for Ye Jun.

Ye Jun scans through mental power.

Secretly murmured: “A total of thirty-eight people, a total of eight people holding hostages, and 13 people with firearms, the boss named Chen Li, there are explosives on his body…”

His muttering did not avoid Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu.

When the two heard Ye Jun’s words, expressions of surprise appeared on their faces.

If what Ye Jun said is true, then this information is simply rare information for the two who have been fighting for a long time.

It is said that knowing oneself and the enemy can win all battles.

What Ye Jun was talking about was simply to them, it was the most precious information right now.

At this time, they didn’t doubt where Ye Jun’s data came from.

Instead, he said quickly, “Brother, tell me how we should attack those people who have firearms.”

“You still have this ability, so I have no opinion on your command this time. Let’s talk about how to do it!”

Ye Jun’s face did not relax when he heard the words of the two.

These things only need a simple scan for him.

However, even now they know the situation.

If you want to solve the thirty-eight people who are missing, you must ensure the safety of the hostages.

There was a lot of talk about it.

Even a master like Chu Hongyu could not be as perfect as that.

Otherwise, this crazy woman would have been killed long ago,

what can we do about it?

Ye Jun thought of a situation.

It is to control all of these people’s mind.

This is of course the most convenient way.

But there is something wrong with this trick.

First, there is no ordinary person on the other side.

Although they are not able to resist their own detection, nor can they be immune to their own mind control.

But his own mind control has a drawback.

That is, if that person’s willpower is already strong.

The time for your own mind control to take effect will be extended.

And now in this posture, if you can’t control these people.

Whenever there is a patchwork.

Will bring disaster to those hostages.

Now the people on Chen Li’s side are already highly vigilant about themselves.

They all put the machete on the necks of the hostages.

Once they are under control, they will definitely kill the hostages immediately.

He asked Ye Jun to throw a rat avoidance device, and he didn’t dare to use his mind control for a while.

Moreover, his own mind control is at the limit for more than three people at the same time.

Controlling eight people, this is simply a big challenge.

To control Chen Li?

Catch the thieves first?

Ye Jun hadn’t thought about it, but once this person was controlled by himself.

Maybe the situation is not as he expected.

Although Chen Li did not say this.

But Ye Jun had already seen through the minds of these fanatics.

There are more than one or two people who want to kill Chen Li and replace him.

How could this murderous team not be a harmonious family.

Everyone is out of mutual precaution, for fear that the sword of his partner will fall on his head in the next second.

Alas, how good they would fight on their own.

Ye Jun muttered silently in his heart.

This is a bit difficult for him, if the system can be upgraded, it would be great.

I will also have a little more new skills.

The best situation I can think of now is to try my best to control a few villains who have kidnapped the hostages.

Let Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang rescue the hostages.

There are still eight hostages on the opposite side. Four hostages are saved, and the remaining few are dead.

This is also the best situation he thought of using his abilities.

Even if Chu Hongyu did it, it couldn’t be better than him.

After all, the opposite is a group of fanatics, not reasonable people.

If it wasn’t for Ye Jun and the others to visit today, maybe this Taoist temple would be tomorrow.

The door is already gone.

Is it only the sacrifice of a few people in exchange for the greatest benefit?

Ye Jun didn’t want to be like this, after all, these were a few living lives.

It’s not an object.

Seeing them die in front of him, Ye Jun really couldn’t stand it.

It would be great if there were any new methods.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded.

[Mental power upgrade][New Skill Unlocked]

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