Chapter 291: Impossibly successful treatment

The person who spoke was Ye Jun.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone reacted differently.

As soon as Xiao Qiang heard this, his face burst into a strong brilliance.

How did he forget! Ye Jun can open a hospital with him, the hospital that can be said to serve him alone!

Sister Chu Hongyu’s expression changed.

After Yu Rui’s expression recovered, he looked at him with the strange expression that looked at Ye Jun.

Don’t say a word.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun and said in a cold voice:

“Ye Jun, you have to do what you can here, do you know the current situation of Xiao Qingfeng? He is now…”

She knew that Ye Jun had the means to control people, and that the big man on the other side had committed suicide just now.

The people present were bewildered, but she could clearly see Chu Hongyu.

But now this little Taoist boy is already at the end of the battle.

Such a large amount of blood loss, coupled with the infection of the wound.

Even if it is sent to the best hospital, there is no life.

Chu Hongyu Therefore, even if she knew the magic of Ye Jun, she still had to follow the facts.

If you want to grab someone with Yan Wangye, even if you are as frivolous as her, you don’t dare to praise this kind of sea.

Who knows, it hasn’t waited until Chu Hongyu’s words are finished.

I heard Ye Jun coldly shout: “Shut up, Brother Qiang, send the child here!”

At this time, Ye Jun had already wiped down the tea fruit enshrined on the Sanqing counter in the hall.

Only such a countertop was left, with a yellow cloth draped on it.

“Please don’t be offended by Grandpa Sanqing, Xinnan will make offerings another day, life is at stake, and I hope Grandpa Sanqing will bless me smoothly.”

Ye Jun muttered to himself that he was not religious.

But saving this child is not an easy task.

Just hug the ready-made Buddha’s feet if you can.

A group of Taoist priests looked at Ye Jun’s actions, and couldn’t care about anything at this time.

Many people even asked Ye Jun if he needed help.

Ye Jun politely declined.

But here, Xiao Qiang heard Ye Jun’s words and couldn’t wait to send the child over.

Chu Hongyu was scolded by Ye Jun just now, furious.

At this time, it was even more uncomfortable to see Xiao Qiang’s doggy attitude.

But she still knows her priorities.

She couldn’t clean up Ye Jun at this time.

Chu Hongyu is not incapable of solving such a group of people now.

It’s just that they still have hostages, weapons, and even firearms.

Once he started, he would kill them all, and he couldn’t avoid the loss here.

Right now, the experienced Chu Hongyu didn’t know what to do.

Can you only count on this man?

Ye Hongyu looked at Ye Jun who was tossing on the Sanqing counter, and shook his head gently.

At this time, the two parties seem to have reached a delicate balance.

No one dares to move first.

Chen Li’s side is because the two newly joined masters are not sure about the details.

As for Yu Rui, his attention was focused on this child.

At this time Yu Rui, Xiao Qiang, and Chu Hongyu all gathered in front of the counter.

Watching the child on the counter carefully.

Now Sima can only be regarded as a living horse doctor.

Even if Chu Hongyu didn’t believe it anymore, he couldn’t lose the chain at this time, and let Ye Jun be here alone. Wouldn’t it be an opportunity for others to take advantage of?

Chen Li didn’t panic either.

He even chatted with the deputy next to him.

“What are these idiots doing?”

“Looking at this posture, it seems that this child is being rescued.”

“Hehe, this ghost place doesn’t have any medical facilities, so I can save you ass.”

“Boss, you didn’t see the amount of bleeding. With that cut, the arteries were chopped off, and the child’s blood was going to drain.”

“Funny, then what are they doing around a dead person? It’s not unlucky.”

“What are you going to do?”

Chu Hongyu asked Ye Jun coldly.

Ye Jun didn’t put his eyes on Chu Hongyu, but observed the child’s injury.

At this time his system is fully open.

[Human body repair system on][Patient: Qingfeng][Symptoms: limb mutilation, excessive blood loss, shock, dying state][Treatment conditions: A-level mental power][Note: This symptom requires a lot of mental power, please do what the host can do. 】

No good, this state.

Ye Jun frowned suddenly.

This is more serious than he thought.

A large amount of mental power output, even the system also comes with warnings.

How to play this? His own A-level mental strength, even in the fully open state, can’t support it for a few minutes.

This can’t be solved in a few minutes.

If one is not careful, he has to get in if he is not sure.

This situation is not a safe treatment environment.

If you can’t hold it anymore, there is still a hard fight to be fought next.

Ye Jun hesitated in his heart.

But at this time, this breezy child.

His body twitched slightly, and a painful look appeared on his face.

He bit his lips tightly, as if struggling to resist something.

He was still whispering in his mouth: “Sister Guanzhu, run, run…”

The people on the side looked all moved. This silly boy, even dying, was still thinking about letting Yu Rui leave here.

When Yu Rui saw the child’s appearance, tears fell again, and suddenly he held Ye Jun’s hand tightly.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ye Jun with tears and said, “I beg you, I must save him.”

Ye Jun had already made up his mind to save him when he looked at the child like this.

He is not someone who wants to help all living beings, but if he is to see such a child die in front of him today.

There will always be a thorn in his heart.

At this time, Yu Rui held his hand.

He was instinctively startled, and the soft jade hand held Ye Jun’s hand slightly painful.

But this was not the most important thing, it was when Rui held Ye Jun’s hand.

Ye Jun could no longer hear what Yu Rui was talking about.

He felt a gentle force through this hand, slowly spreading into his body.

The mind control just now has actually consumed part of Ye Jun’s mental power.

He is not in his best condition at this time.

But after this force poured in, Ye Jun’s mental power instantly reached an unprecedented peak.

Ye Jun looked at Yu Rui with surprise, this woman?

What is the origin? Can you actually replenish your mental power?

But even if Ye Jun’s mental power had recovered to its peak, he still couldn’t see through this woman who looked like a small flower.

Yu Rui seemed to be aware of his rudeness and felt like letting go of Ye Jun’s hand.

The snow-white pretty face flushed slightly, and said in a low voice: “It’s rude, please save Qingfeng, Mr. Ye.”

Ye Jun looked at Yu Rui’s panic, as if she had no idea about the matter of supplementing her mental power just now.

It’s weird!

Ye Jun thought a lot at this time, nodded solemnly to Yu Rui and said:

“I will never insult my life.”

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