Chapter 286 Ye Jun blushed

Don’t say it was Xiao Qiang, and Ye Jun was also stunned!

There was no problem at first.

But after hearing it clearly, it’s just a horror of thinking.

Can you remember the two-year-old thing?

This matter sounds like a matter of remembering things early.

But the problem is that the earliest memorial is when I was seven or eight years old!

How many princes can think of what happened when they were seven or eight years old?

Ye Jun tried to think about it for himself, and he remembered that he had gone to elementary school.

My previous childhood, when I was seven or eight years old, has long been blurred!

And two years old?

At that stage, Ye Jun had only heard of the conversations between his parents and elders.

I don’t have any impression of myself.

Being able to remember two-year-olds so accurately is not something ordinary people can do.

In fact, it was not Ye Jun that was the most shocked, but Xiao Qiang.

He is twenty-eight today, ten years older than Yu Rui.

He did remember holding a little girl when he was a child, when he was twelve years old.

But for this matter, if it weren’t for Chu Hongyu’s mouth just now, he couldn’t remember it at all.

And this girl can remember herself when she was two years old.

Xiao Qiang was obviously suspicious, and asked with doubts: “Daochang Yu, do you really remember me? Could it be that I was polite?”

Yu Rui smiled and said:

“Brother Xiao Qiang called me Xiao Rui. When you hugged me that day, you got hurt on your head. It was you who was distracted in class and was smashed by the book on your right. I don’t know if I have left a mark on Master’s many bad things.”

Hearing Yu Rui’s words, Xiao Qiang subconsciously touched his right side of his head. There was a small hole hidden under the dense hair.

But from the outside, there is no mark at all.

He suddenly remembered that when he fell asleep in class, he was smashed by the book by the master.

Later, he skipped class with anger, and ran into the soft and waxy Zi Rui.

She looked cute, so she hugged and teased her, gave her sweets, and said bad things about the master.

When she was a child, she didn’t know it, so let her vent her dissatisfaction.

This incident was about to be forgotten by himself, but Yu Rui remembered it clearly.

A look of shock appeared in Xiao Qiang’s eyes.

He suspected that Yu Rui might even remember the bad things he said!

This is when it is difficult for him to be embarrassed, he doesn’t want to be picked up by Yu Rui here.

“Okay, okay, I believe it. Xiao Rui really remembers things when he was young, and I admire it.”

Xiao Qiang said so, but he had a trace of respect for this harmless girl.

Abnormality is a demon, such a terrible memory is enough to surprise people.

Yu Rui smiled and followed Chu Hongyu to Ye Jun.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun with complicated eyes, and then introduced to his sister:

“This is my employer. Just call him Ye Jun.”

“My sister, you can call her Daochang Yu.”

This introduction was unexpectedly short.

It’s simply a different treatment. When someone introduced Xiao Qiang, he asked him to talk about it.

It was Ye Jun’s turn, it was so brief.

But Ye Jun was not annoyed. After all, the elder sister and brother had been for decades, and he was just an outsider who had just met. ,

If she was introduced so affectionately, Ye Jun would have suspected a ghost instead.

Ye Jun nodded slightly, and greeted politely: “Hello, Mr. Yu, it’s the first time I come to the door, I’m disturbing.”

When Yu Rui heard Ye Jun’s words, he did not immediately respond to him.

Instead, he looked at Ye Jun dignifiedly.

Look at Ye Jun from his head to his feet, and from his feet to his head.

The look in his eyes is indescribable.

As if Ye Jun was a treasure, the look in his eyes was simply too careful.

Ye Jun was originally a man with a not-so-skinned skin.

I know my appearance conditions.

From an early age, I have been able to receive attention and attention from women of all ages.

But it was the first time that Ye Jun saw such naked eyes.

Just now, the quiet, beautiful and beautiful girl who doesn’t seem to be cannibalistic, looked at herself like this at this time.

No matter how thick-skinned Ye Jun is, he still feels uncomfortable at all.

Ye Jun couldn’t help but took a step back gently.

Who knows, when Ye Jun retreated, Yu Rui took a step forward instead.

The gaze of looking up still didn’t take back.

On the contrary, the more I look, the more complicated the look on his face.

Both Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang looked stupid.

What’s happening here.

Xiao Qiang said weakly to Chu Hongyu: “Senior Sister, what’s the matter with Xiao Rui? Is this my brother? This is too straightforward, look at my brother, his face is blushing! ”

Chu Hongyu slapped Xiao Qiang on the head in an annoyed manner, and said viciously:

“Fuck you shit, my sister just came of age today, can you see Ye Jun this old man?”

Xiao Qiang was unhappy at this, and for a while, he lost his mind and dared to refute Chu Hongyu’s words.

“My brother is only twenty-four and three years younger than you! Where is he old? Just my brother’s character and appearance, which woman is not impressed by it?”

Chu Hongyu glanced at Xiao Qiang coldly. If this idiot wasn’t his junior, he really wanted to slap him to death.

Can you speak? Seeing Chu Hongyu’s face suddenly turning cold, Xiao Qiang suddenly realized that he had said something wrong.

The age of a woman, no matter how old a woman is, can’t be mentioned!

Xiao Qiang suddenly shrank aside, quiet as a chicken.

Chu Hongyu cares about her younger sister’s face, and rarely cares about him.

It’s more important to have my sister in front of me.

Chu Hongyu grabbed her sister’s robe, and whispered with a trace of inner strength: “Alright! Xiao Rui, it’s time to do business!”

Chu Hongyu stopped drinking, and suddenly pulled Yu Rui back from the thoughtful look.

Yu Rui calmed down and his face returned to calm.

I remembered my own behavior just now.

He carefully inspected the leader, made a blessing, and said:

“Sorry, Ye Jun. I’m the one who lost my mind!”

Seeing the girl withdraw his eyes, Ye Jun heaved a sigh of relief. She looked at herself like this, but the pressure was really great.

But what is she looking at?

Ye Jun hasn’t been narcissistic to a woman with this look, and he will be fascinated by his appearance.

And there is no lust in this woman’s eyes?

What is she looking at? I almost lost my mind when I saw it?

Will she be a mind reader, with her own general abilities?

A question arose in Ye Jun’s mind, but he quickly rejected this conclusion.

Because of the system, its own system has an early warning nature.

The last time I encountered an evil Buddha, this system was active in the alarm.

Moreover, Ye Jun’s current mental power level is so high that if the other party is mind-reading, he will definitely notice it.

Ye Jun didn’t get any results after thinking about it, so he looked at Yu Rui with a look of exploration.

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