Chapter 264 Join in the fun

Chu Hongyu’s rhetoric has given Ye Jun a lot of face.

Originally, Ye Jun thought she would make trouble in this operation.

He didn’t think about helping anyway.

However, she never expected that she also offered to help.

According to the contact during this period, this woman is in a high position and possesses special skills.

She said she wanted to help, so she must help.

She doesn’t need to be a face-to-face, but secretly another way!

She doesn’t have this need at all. If she is upset, just chop it off according to Xiao Qiang’s words.

Ye Jun nodded slightly, and was very satisfied with the addition of this assistant.

After all, he is not a good-tempered person.

Nor does it matter that the gentleman’s revenge is not too late for ten years.

I was almost killed by someone just now, if the prisoner was in front of me.

I can tear him up alive!

Now is also an opportunity to complete revenge just now.

Thinking about it, Ye Jun also showed an expression of excitement on his face.

The expression on Chu Hongyu’s face was exactly the same.

Xiao Qiang on the side looked big.

Feelings are now a normal person for him, this man and a woman, obviously this is the first time we have met.

But it looked like it was like seeing each other late.

At this time, they all showed a strong murderous intent, and they wished to find the prisoner to be broken into pieces!

Ye Jun didn’t say anything, this brother always complained with grudges, grievances for gratitude.

Don’t take advantage of others, and get revenge on the spot if you are wronged.

And this Chu Hongyu! Xiao Qiang looked at her with a look of excitement, it was a big head!

Last time I saw her look like this!

As a result, she went deep into the enemy’s den that day and killed dozens of enemy troops, without exception, to pieces.

This is the smile of the devil, the prediction of death!

Why does she want to help Ye Jun find a murderer!

She just wanted to kill someone, and when Ye Jun found the person, she killed the person on the spot.

After all, this kind of thing, modify Chu Hongyu’s gate authority.

It’s no longer a private enmity.

As mentioned earlier, the places equipped with gamma laser light are all places that belong to the Qi family.

This seemingly antique place is really Chu Hongyu’s bedroom alone.

It is hiding the great secret, Chu Hongyu is just a person who guards the secret!

As for the secret, Xiao Qiang didn’t dare to think about it or ask.

These secrets shouldn’t be known to people, they are all one word!


And to modify the authority of Chu Hongyu’s room, he had already directly contacted and committed the death penalty standard.

Even if Chu Hongyu killed all the people involved in this matter.

No one dared to say a word, and even gave her a medal of merit.

Thinking about it this way, my senior sister is really quite contemplative.

Relying on Ye Jun to find these people, doing it by himself not only satisfies his desire to kill.

You can earn a fortune, and you can earn a fortune.

If Ye Jun didn’t find it, she would be able to clean up him and Ye Jun smoothly!

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang shuddered.

It’s really a needle in a woman’s heart, I can’t think about it, the more I think about it, the more terrible it becomes!

In Xiao Qiang’s time of shaking God!

Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu had already walked out of the room together.

The door to the room is slowly closing!

“Fuck, I’m still inside! Ye Jun, you really have the opposite sex and no humanity!”

Xiao Qiangqiang shouted and rushed out quickly!

With Chu Hongyu’s lead, there is almost a green light along the way.

Chu Hongyu took the two of them all the way.

The door opens and closes constantly, twists and turns, which is extremely complicated.

“Where are we going?”

Xiao Qiang asked weakly from the side. After all, he came out a little late before Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu hadn’t heard the conversation.

So I don’t know the destination.

And there is no clue how to investigate.

“Go to the high-level office.”

Ye Jun replied.

Xiao Qiang oozes a little sweat on his face, and asks weirdly: “There are almost a thousand people in this base, and there are hundreds of high-level offices alone. When will we investigate?”

This is not a training base, but a serious military base.

Here, one thousand people, nearly five to six hundred people have independent offices.

They are all at the officer level, and there are very few ordinary soldiers!

Let’s not talk about how to investigate in these many offices, there are many people in it who will not pay attention to Ye Jun at all.

“Soon, you’ll find out later!”

Ye Jun responded indifferently, without explaining too much.

Xiao Qiang looked at Ye Jun’s expression and thought to himself, is this crazy?

This expression was too relaxed, it didn’t look like he wanted to investigate, but he wanted to go to the vegetable market.

But Ye Jun didn’t explain much, and it was inconvenient for Xiao Qiang to ask more questions.

But he was still suspicious.

After all, such a large amount of work has to be completed in such a short period of time.

It’s simply a fantasy!

The group walked, and finally came to the high-level office.

This office has several floors, and many of the office doors are closed.

Only a few people are walking around.

Someone quickly spotted Ye Jun and his party.

Soon someone greeted him.

An officer in a neat british uniform stepped forward.

He looked at the three of them.

Looking at Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang with a vigilant look, they wanted to question them.

Then he saw Chu Hongyu standing beside them, his face changed.

Greetings respectfully to a Chu Hongyu dressed like an ancient oiran:

“Command Chu!”

Chu Hongyu nodded slightly at the young officer and said:

“Xiao Zhao, why are you here?”

The officer named Xiao Zhao replied with a weird expression: “Today is the time for the meeting? Didn’t you come to the meeting to command you?”

With that said, he looked at the outfit of Chu Hongyu.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she has come out of the painting of beautiful women. This aqua-blue wide-sleeved flowing fairy and exquisite tulle and glazed dress set off her with an extraordinary spirit.

It’s just that the clothes weren’t worn well either, and the scented shoulder on one side was roundly exposed.

A slender white jade leg was exposed under him.

Yuzu stepped on a pair of crystal eight-treasure hairpin sandals.

Coupled with her own sharp beauty.

The end is beautiful and beautiful.

It’s just that this and her image doesn’t match this place at all.

Dressed like this to hold the conference, the stubborn gang is not so angry!

Chu Hongyu blinked her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: “Xiao Zhao, when you are young, your memory will not be good.”

Xiao Zhao asked with some doubts: “What’s bad memory?”

Chu Hongyu smiled and said, “When did I go to the conference, I will come up and just stroll around.”

Xiao Zhao Khan gave a moment, but he really forgot about it.

This lord’s status in this base is extraordinary, and no one dares to provoke her.

Even the old stubborn ones only dared to speak ill of her behind their backs, and they had to be low and small in front of them.

This kind of time-wasting conference, this master has never been to it.

Xiao Zhao thought for a while, then said hello to leave.

But a voice stopped him.

“Wait, brother, you have a meeting to bring us to the fun.”

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