Chapter 261 Bargaining

Chu Hongyu looked at Xiao Qiang nervously.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth deepened a bit.

But when her eyes fell on Ye Jun behind Xiao Qiang.

She was taken aback for a moment, this man actually still had the same intention to drink tea here.

At this time, Ye Jun didn’t care about everything that happened in front of him, but was tasting this tea that was not very good.

With an air of contentment, he met Chu Hongyu’s gaze directly, without sorrow or joy.

Chu Hongyu looked a little puzzled, this man looked like a little white face to her.

Good-looking men, she has seen a lot.

Even this person named Ye Jun is too good-looking.

But to her, it was nothing more than a stinky skin.

She has been dealing with martial arts and military since she was a child.

In her heart, the real man is the kind who has responsibility, a sense of responsibility, and must have a blockbuster talent in some respects.

Such a man can only get her eyes.

However, with her current status, the men who can see her are almost all elderly men.

Such an overly good-looking young man said that she would come to be her commander, how could she take it seriously.

What’s more, this young man has just expressed his dissatisfaction with him many times in his words.

Now that he got into trouble, he was still hiding behind his younger brother.

However, Ye Jun’s attitude made Chu Hongyu a little bit interested.

The young man was not afraid of her.

Looking at his expression, there is a sense of leisure and tranquility in it.

I don’t know if he has the confidence or is pretending to be a fool.

Chu Hongyu thought of this and said:

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. But I want you to make a bet with me, dare you?”

Xiao Qiang was still nervous when he heard what Chu Hongyu said.

Instead, Ye Jun gently pulled his sleeve and motioned him to sit down.

Ye Jun said lightly: “Major General Chu, please speak.”

Chu Hongyu said: “It’s still like just now. You have confirmed to me that you have the ability to be my commander. If you can prove that you do have this ability, I will go with you!”

Ye Jun nodded lightly, and continued to ask, “What if it fails?”

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun’s words, he chuckled lightly: “If you don’t succeed, then it can only mean that you don’t have this ability, and you are playing tricks on me.”

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Jun passionately with beautiful eyes, and whispered like a lover: “Do you know the consequences of the guy who fooled me last time?”

Ye Jun raised his brows and looked at Chu Hongyu, then smiled and shook his head: “I want to hear it.”

Chu Hongyu was a little inexplicable by Ye Jun’s glance.

Is this kid thinking of picking up girls?

Still raising eyebrows, really think you are handsome to the sky?

Chu Hongyu retracted his gaze, and said blankly: “Nothing, it was just killed by me. If you can’t do it, I think Qi’s face will be cut off you and Xiao Qiang three fingers.”

Ye Jun frowned slightly, and immediately said without thinking, “No, I don’t accept it.”

Hearing that Ye Jun wanted to quit so soon, Chu Hongyu showed a mocking smile on his face.

Sure enough, good-looking men are not good things, they are really soft.

She mocked and said: “Oh? I’m scared? Just like this, you want to command me?”

Ye Jun said with a serious look: “It’s not that I don’t accept this bet, but we have to change this bet!”

“Oh? What do you want to become?”

Chu Hongyu said with a smile but not a smile. In fact, she just felt that Ye Jun was supporting her.

Who knows, Ye Jun said cautiously: “This is a gambling game between me and you, so don’t involve Brother Qiang.”

“If I lose, I don’t need three fingers from Diaoqiang, I just gamble with one hand.”

Hearing Ye Jun’s words, Chu Hongyu’s lazy eyes became more serious.

She didn’t expect that someone like Ye Jun would be able to pick Xiao Qiang out at this time.

According to her intelligence, although Xiao Qiang is commensurate with the Ye Jun brothers.

But according to the rules of the Qi family, Ye Jun is more like Xiao Qiang’s superior.

In such a respectful Qi family, it is more like a master-servant relationship.

I have never heard of a master who will guard his servant.

But looking at Ye Jun’s serious expression, Chu Hongyu, who read countless people, could not see a trace of falsehood on his face.

It was completely true, and he refused the bet for the first time just now.

It was more like a subconscious decision of Ye Jun.

He is protecting his brother, just like Xiao Qiang was protecting him before.

Thinking of this, Chu Hongyu’s face eased slightly.

Said: “If that’s the case, then it’s up to you.”

Ye Jun nodded lightly, and continued to add: “I lost a hand, Major General Chu just promised to go with us, am I too bad for this bet?”

Of course Chu Hongyu had no good feelings about this man just now. She looked at Ye Jun’s handsome face with a bad smile.

Angrily said: “You are still not a man, I care about this kind of thing with a weak woman!”

God damn weak girl!

When Xiao Qiang heard his senior sister’s words, he secretly complained.

My senior sister, don’t think she looks good.

But there are two major hobbies in life, one is martial arts and killing, martial arts reach the realm, but it is extremely easy to kill.

Once in a battle, she sneaked into the enemy’s headquarters alone and killed the enemy’s nest.

Only the biggest boss was left, half of his body.

The other high-ranking enemy troops were beheaded by her.

Later, when she gave a report, she said that she had to be in urgent need of power and had to do it, but Xiao Qiang, the junior who grew up with her, knew very well.

She just wanted to kill, to satisfy her own selfish desires through official business.

In the name of a commander, in fact, the charge is fiercer than anyone else.

Once was the top killer, top sniper, blaster in the army…

And the other thing is to be rich, love money like fate.

Looking at the antiques in her house, you know that this woman is worth a lot of money.

In the name of the security captain of the Qi family, in addition to the relationship between the teacher and the Qi family, there is also that she wants to make money!

As long as it is money, she will earn it! No matter the size!

Even in life, even if you are so rich, bargaining is a good hand.

These two questions are completely inconsistent with her beautiful image.

As she is now, she has proposed this completely unbalanced bet.

Also use his own girl’s identity to shame!

But Ye Jun is such a generous person, he is also a good bargaining hand!

“That won’t work, Major General Chu, according to what you said, how old are you than me? Do you want to take care of your little brother, add some more!”

Hearing Ye Jun’s words, Chu Hongyu’s face moved slightly. After all, she was also a woman, and she didn’t care about her appearance and age, but it was inexplicably embarrassing to be said by others.

Looking at Ye Jun’s tall and magnificent appearance.

Little brother?

I bother!

I think you are a smelly brother!

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