Chapter 25 The basic salary is 10,000, and the bonus is extra!

“Mimei? There is no such thing as a mistress. Tian Xiaohua’s suitor still goes to our professional class.”

Ye Jun started to talk about the funny stories between the previous schools.

“Ah? Why don’t I know about this? Where can I be so charming? Ye Shuai is talking nonsense again.”

Tian Bingjiao said slyly.

“Our Tian Xiaohua must have this charm, you don’t know how many male students in this class want to chase you…”

Ye Jun continued to joke with Tian Bing with a smile.

“Then these male classmates do you have Ye Shuai?”

Tian Bing’s voice suddenly became a little low. When she said this, she looked at Ye Jun with beautiful eyes.


Ye Jun suddenly didn’t know how to pick this up.

Tian Bing back then, which man in the class never thought of being his girlfriend,

But Ye Jun was an exception. Although he recognized Tian Bing’s appearance very much, Zhou Yinting was still a fan of Xiaoniao Yiren and surrounded herself all day.

“Hi, Ye Shuai boasted that I was attractive, but he didn’t call me. It’s a duplicity.”

Seeing Ye Jun’s reaction, Tian Bing laughed out loud.

Ye Jun also smiled and skipped this topic.

“It’s dinner, it’s dinner. Everyone quickly sit down.”

Marco started to yell in the banquet hall, and it was time for lunch.

Everyone sat down one after another.

There are only 30 students in a class in the university, and it is not easy for everyone to come today.

Today, Marco ordered two big tables next to each other at the Shudu Restaurant, and everyone took their seats.

Seeing everyone seated, Marco greeted everyone with a drink, stood up and said.

“Let me just say a few words. Everyone has four years of classmates. Get together today to retell the friendship of the past. Today everyone eat, drink and have fun!”

“Everyone raise their drinks and toast to our friendship!”

Everyone stood up with their drinks, clinked glasses to the people around, and drank them all in one fell swoop.

“Come on, cheers!”

“friendship all way long.”

The dinner officially began in a warm atmosphere.

A group of people on the table pushed the cup and changed a few times, and the atmosphere gradually began to heat up.

They all started chatting nosy.

Everyone started to ask about the work they were doing.

Because of the College of Humanities, Science and Technology, few people can find the right job.

Everyone’s work is diverse.

“Mark, you actually became a teacher? Didn’t you really go wrong with the children?”

“Me? Just start a small business at home and support the family.”

“I’m engaged in sales, and I’m annoyed by the supervisor’s performance every day.”

Everyone said every word, not too much to cover up.

As he spoke, a flattering voice came out.

“You see everyone is exhausted, they are not as comfortable as Brother Liu’s house. As a big business, the money we make in one day is enough for us to fight for a year.”

The atmosphere became quiet for a while, and everyone’s expressions were a bit awkward.

The person who said this was Liu Lei’s attendant in college, and now he works in his company. Judging from his clothes, he can be said to be a successful dog licking.

Everyone was communicating well, but after interruption, there was no way to chat anymore.

When Zhou Yinting and Liu Lei heard this, their slightly gloomy expressions instantly burst into laughter.

Liu Lei glanced around with eyes that couldn’t be found with a smile, and said in an upward tone; “Everyone is a worker, it is not easy to make some money, I just touched the light of the family.”

Immediately squinted and stared at Ye Jun who was eating vegetables, he said proudly: “Everyone has said where to go, Ye Shuai don’t patronize and eat, just talk about it.”

Ye Jun ate the turbot in the bowl.

Um? It feels a bit fishy, ​​and some fire has passed.

It seems that I am used to the food of a five-star hotel every day, and the taste difference between eating ordinary food is too obvious.

“Everyone has said where to go, Ye Shuai don’t patronize and eat, just talk about it.”

A high-pitched tone reached his ears.

Ye Jun looked up, and Liu Lei looked at himself proudly.

The classmates around also started to booze, and they were also very curious about the work of such a man in school.

“Ye Shuai quickly talk, what are you doing now?”

“You don’t want to be a male model if you dress so handsome.”

“At first glance, there are celebrities, you can go to debut.”

“It has just been a month since I left China Central Place, and I am waiting for work at home.”

Ye Jun put down his chopsticks and said casually.

This resignation letter was thrown to Zhou Mei last time, and it should be called self-resignation if the resignation procedure is not completed.

Ye Jun pondered this process for a while, and there should be no problem with the presentation.

“Huh? Freedom.”

“Unemployed at home?”

“What does China Central Place Group do? I haven’t heard of it.”

As soon as Ye Jun said this, the atmosphere instantly became alive.

Everyone has an unbelievable expression.

Although their majors, humanities and technology have no advantage in job hunting.

But the diploma of Shudu University is a solid stepping stone.

Now I heard that Ye Jun worked in an unknown small company, and chose to quit and stayed at home for a month.

For a person who had good looks and grades during school, it was simply too miserable.

“Brother Ye, have you found the next home? The China Central Place Company’s treatment is also good, but let’s go higher.”

Marco came out in time to make the rounds, he didn’t want his buddies to lose face in front of others.

“No, I just waited for work at home. I was too busy before and wanted to take a break.”

Ye Jun waved his hand carelessly.

When the people around heard it, there was no one who was resting at home for a month. Everyone was a worker, and not everyone in the family had a mine.

It must be that Ye Jun didn’t find a job and found a high-sounding excuse.

Everyone’s eyes gradually changed when they looked at Ye Jun. Such a person who can’t find a job and seems to be lazy and lazy is not a good person to socialize.

At this time, a burst of sweet laughter sounded.

“You don’t know what Ye Shuai thinks, it must be that the salary of that company is not worthy of our Ye Shuai.”

“Husband, didn’t you say that you still have an assistant? Ask Ye Shuai if he wants to. Ye Shuai is so fanciful, you will definitely have face when you take it out.”

While smiling, Zhou Yinting pushed Liu Lei hard under her hand.

Liu Lei started to hear his wife talk to Ye Jun again, and was very upset.

Now with Zhou Yinting’s eyes and words, he instantly understood.

Liu Lei deliberately lowered his voice and said to Ye Jun:

“Ye Jun, I do still have a life assistant here. The job is simple, so I will help me deal with the chores in life. If you are willing to come. I will give you this number!”

Liu Lei stretched out his index finger and gestured.

“The basic salary is 10,000, and the bonus is extra.”

After Liu Lei finished speaking, he looked at Ye Jun with a smug smile.

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