Chapter 246: Discovery of the Ancient Family

Ye Jun has caused such a big fire, it is not that he has a bad temper.

But for another reason.

First of all, the channel used by the ancient family to get news from Tianyi Hospital was improper.

Speaking of it, Ye Jun still made some mistakes.

Ye Jun’s edible body repair system has only been used twice so far.

One time he saved his good brother Marco, and another time he saved Zhou Mei’s father, who had advanced liver cancer.

Ban Xue can’t be regarded as a human body repair, that is Ye Jun’s curse to use his mental power to get rid of her body.

Speaking of which, he rarely uses this repair system.

Originally, this hospital was opened to provide cover for repairing the system.

But for so long, he has not opened yet.

It’s not that there are no terminally ill patients outside waiting for Ye Jun to be treated.

But Ye Jun wanted to use this kind of treatment to the tip of the knife.

To use this magical ability to achieve certain goals.

After all, every treatment was a big consumption for Ye Jun.

If the repair system is used intensively every day.

People don’t save much, and they die first.

And this ancient family, the ancient father.

The disease was a coincidence, and it was also an advanced stage of liver cancer.

In fact, as far as the ancient family is concerned, it is completely worthy of Ye Jun’s move this time.

They sell themselves for a favor, which can be said to be greatly beneficial to their future development.

Originally, Xiao Qiang should have come forward to pull the string for this kind of thing.

Negotiate the conditions and proceed with treatment.

But something unexpected happened.

The ancient family didn’t wait for Xiao Qiang’s link, and took the initiative to find the door.

A few days before the door was found in the ancient house.

Ye Jun received a call from Zhou Mei.

Zhou Mei cried on the other end of the phone and it rained with pears:

“Ye Jun, my father was kidnapped! You must help me!”

Ye Jun felt something faintly wrong at the time, but he still helped Zhou Mei.

Many people were dispatched to find Zhou’s father on a large scale.

At the same time, they are ready to handover with the kidnappers.

During those few days, Zhou Mei lived with Ye Jun.

During that time, Ye Jun was busy not only with the Qi family, but also with the campaign. He was also busy finding Zhou Mei’s father. When he went back, he still had to appease the desperate Zhou Mei.

It’s just one head and two big ones!

However, relying on the power of the Qi family, Zhou’s father was not found.

This is simply incredible.

And the person who kidnapped Zhou’s father never contacted Zhou Mei again.

This is also very strange. Zhou’s father is just an ordinary young man. He doesn’t say that he is kind for most of his life. After all, he has taught Zhou Mei such a pungent girl.

But when it comes to people who get into trouble, it’s impossible.

Suddenly, the police and Ye Jun’s people were all caught in a blind spot.

How to check this?

Just after everyone thought there was no hope, Zhou’s father appeared in red.

When everyone saw this scene, they didn’t know whether it was anger or happiness.

Zhou Mei hugged her father and said, “Why are you going? Do you know how worried I am about you?”

Father Zhou’s face was full of helplessness and said, “I went out for a walk and was tied up into the car.”

“I was still wondering what they did to tie me, but they served me deliciously and drank for a few days, and now they let me come back. If they didn’t let me contact the outside world, I thought they had let me be a guest.”

When Ye Jun heard this, he asked indifferently, “Is that so? What else did they ask you to do?”

Father Ye thought for a while and said, “They also give me a full physical examination every day, and the rest is gone.”

Ye Jun heard this from Father Zhou, but he didn’t notice anything for a while.

It was too busy during that time!

After handing Zhou Mei’s father to Zhou Mei, Ye Jun has to do other things.

And a few days later, people from the ancient family came to the door.

When Ye Jun was not there that day, they found Xiao Qiang and asked Tianyi Hospital to surrender the secret of treating advanced liver cancer.

Xiao Qiang knew immediately when he heard it!

My secret is leaked!

Called Ye Jun in a hurry.

Ye Jun united the two things.

Knowing the relationship, the person who kidnapped Zhou’s father before was from the ancient family.

As for why Father Zhou was kidnapped, because Father Zhou stayed in the hospital before, it was the property of the ancient family.

During an occasional walk, their doctor discovered that Zhou’s father, who was already damned, was actually extremely tough.

Still dancing square dance with the old woman!

The doctor who discovered this hurriedly responded to the incident.

After all, at this time, the old man of the ancient family had advanced liver cancer, and there was already a lot of trouble.

As a medical institution under the Gu family, this report is also a great achievement, and even this cure can be said to be a miracle in the medical world.

They are still wondering why some hospitals have cured the disease, but they didn’t make any announcements.

If their hospital cures this type of terminal illness and this amazing treatment effect, the Gu family will be able to cover all the media headlines in the world.

But when the ancient family found Zhou Mei’s father, the old man was silent and didn’t admit it at all.

How can the ancient family spend so much time with this old man?

The person was directly tied up and medically tested.

Then compare his previous treatment files!

All the experts of the ancient family were shocked! This level is simply amazing.

There is no cure for Zhoufu’s advanced liver cancer.

Even in the early and mid-term treatments, there are only a few sets of surgical procedures such as liver resection and liver replacement.

However, at this level of recovery of Zhou’s father, there is no trace of surgery, and there is no sign of liver transplantation!

His liver can even be described as extremely healthy.

Even his physical condition is extremely good.

For an old man in his sixties, the test report of his body data is equivalent to that of a middle-aged man in his forties.

All the experts who participated in this test stayed, this is no longer what existing technology can achieve.

They didn’t even believe it was the same person, and even made a DNA comparison.

The final result is!

This is indeed a person, and within a few months, not only the advanced liver cancer is healed!

Even bodily functions are rejuvenated with new vitality.

The results came out in the laboratory.

Everyone’s breathing can be heard clearly! They can’t say a word!

As for where Zhou’s father was performing the treatment, they didn’t need to ask.

With the forces of the ancient family, I quickly found Tianyi Hospital!

Several ancient family members headed by Gu’s father came to Tianyi Hospital.

Lived in a special ward on the eighteenth floor.

They came here not only to cure the disease, but also for this shocking method.

If they get this treatment plan, why can’t their ancient family grow bigger and stronger!

At this time, their plan has not yet started, they have already encountered hard stubbornness.

At this time, in the ward on the eighteenth floor.

The ancient family were dumbfounded and watched Ye Jun arrogantly utter those three words.

“Don’t cure, get out!”

The ancient family aloft, when can they hear this scroll?

But they heard it today and tasted it!

Everyone in the ancient family has a shit-like expression on their faces.

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