Chapter 242 The Mystery of the Tomb of the Emperor

Ye Jun talks with Ban Xue.

Li Changge was not allowed to enter, only waiting outside the door.

Ye Jun and Ban Xue were sitting opposite each other on a group of leather sofas in this luxurious ward.

“What to drink? Juice or coffee?”

Ye Jun didn’t want to make the scene too awkward, and took the initiative to get up and get a drink.

This ward is equipped with a refrigerator, which contains all kinds of drinks.

They are not the bargains sold in the world, they are all supplied by a company under the Qi family that specializes in high-end beverages.

“Coke, thank you!”

Ban Xue didn’t be polite with Ye Jun either, and directly named what she wanted to drink.

Ye Jun frowned slightly: “Coke? I remember the hospital is not equipped.”

Although Ye Jun is also a loyal happy water lover, this kind of high-end private ward is really not appropriate for this kind of drink.

As one of the heads of the hospital, Ye Jun still knew about this arrangement.

But he deserves it in his personal refrigerator.

Ban Xue blinked and said, “I asked Sister Changge to carry it to me. There should be a few more.”

Ye Jun opened the refrigerator and looked at it, as expected.

Among the high-end beverages in one water, a six-pack of Coca-Cola appears so unharmonious.

And there is only one left!

Ye Jun thought for a while, took out the last Coke, and took a blueberry juice drink in hand.

Back to the seat.

He threw the blueberry juice to Ban Xue.

He opened the Coke and took a sip.

Feel the excitement brought by this drink called junk food.

Ban Xue held blueberry juice in her hand and watched Ye Jun drunk her Coke incredulously.

Angry, very angry!

But I dare not say!

Only looking at Ye Jun madly.

Ye Jun glanced at her faintly, and said solemnly: “You have recovered from a serious illness. You can’t drink some juice with this junk drink to beautify your face.”

Ban Xue looked at Ye Jun’s expression, if she didn’t understand the nature of this person, she would have believed it!

At the beginning, this person didn’t make her difficult, and even troubled her and grandpa in Antique Street.

The preconceived impression made her believe that this person was grabbing herself to drink Coke.

“I said, Uncle. How old are you, and you still grab something to drink with your kids, are you embarrassed?”

When Ye Jun heard Ban Xue’s words, he almost squirted out a sip of Coke.


He is such a wonderful young man of 24 years old, who is called Uncle by an 18-year-old girl?

Is it really old?

Little girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth!

But Ye Jun was still able to hold on. He was just thinking about coke with Coke on a whim, but he didn’t expect to flicker on this girl.

But he won’t recognize it, instead he said without changing his face and heartbeat: “Well, isn’t it just a Coke? Waiting for you to do something for me, let you drink it every day and drink it until it lasts.”,

Hearing what Ye Jun said, Ban Xue’s thoughts of quarreling with Ye Jun faded.

She still remembered that she had promised Ye Jun to do three years of work for him under his hands.

Although he did not sign the written agreement, after seeing Ye Jun’s magical methods, Ban Xue couldn’t afford to feel defiant at all.

She regained her vitality this time, thanks to Ye Jun’s gift.

Although their class family acted fiercely, there is an ancestral instruction that has been handed down.

Any grudges must be avenged, and grace must be repaid.

Since she was a child, she has valued grievances and grievances very seriously, and Ye Jun’s kindness to her this time is tantamount to recreating her.

Asking her to be a cow or a horse, she has no complaints.

Thinking of this, Ban Xue opened the blueberry juice and drank it obediently.

While drinking, he asked, “Is there something you want me to do this time?”

Ye Jun gently shook the half bottle of Coke left, and sighed inwardly.

This class of Xue was really exquisite and thoughtful. Before she could even speak, she had already guessed what she was going to say.

There is no innocence of an eighteen-year-old girl at all.

Now that Ban Xue spoke like this, Ye Jun didn’t go around in circles anymore.

Straightforwardly said:

“Yes, this time I come to you, and I have something to tell you to do.”

“What’s the matter? You say!”

Ban Xue’s voice was faint, but a firmness could be heard from it.

Ye Jun turned on the system at this time, and the golden light in his eyes was flowing, he was observing the snow.

The matter at this time is of great importance and cannot tolerate the slightest difference.

If Ban Xue dared to be half distracted, she would definitely not be able to keep her.

Although Ban Xue had a special physique, she still couldn’t resist Ye Jun’s spiritual invasion.

All her thoughts, all her thoughts at this moment.

Under Ye Jun’s control!

Ye Jun was fully prepared, and then slowly said, “I want you to go to another place with me in two days!”

“Where to go?”

At this moment, Ban Xue’s mood was still firm, as if he was the most loyal fighter, waiting for his master’s command.

Ye Jun stared at her fixedly, and only after half the payment he uttered three words one by one: “Human emperor’s tomb!”

As soon as this remark came out, Ban Xue’s emotions seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

There was a look of trepidation, fear, and fear!

She looked at Ye Jun incredulously, and asked with a trembling voice: “How do you know where? My grandfather told you?”

Ye Jun felt her emotions and didn’t realize that he wanted to escape and betray these unfavorable thoughts.

He nodded slightly and said, “Yes, Elder Ben told me this secret before his death. Why, are you scared?”

Ban Xue said with a look of fear on her face: “How could it be possible not to be afraid, how could Grandpa tell you this! He said yes, let this secret be rotten to the mouth of our class family!”

“Uncle, I really can’t go to this place! It’s not that I am greedy of life and fear of death, you are so rich, why bother to greet this wealth!”

“This wealth shouldn’t belong to any one person. It has killed too many people.”

Ban Xue repeatedly persuaded Ye Jun not to take this risk, and Ye Jun could also feel through the spiritual world that what Ban Xue said was sincere.

She didn’t want Ye Jun, the savior, to have an accident.

But Ye Jun had other plans. He said in a calm tone: “I know that several generations of you have died in that tomb, but we don’t solve the tomb of the emperor. It is always a scourge to leave it behind! ”

“Don’t you want to know the secrets in that ancient tomb?”

“Also, I need that wealth!”

The Tomb of the Emperor is the ultimate secret of their family. Ye Jun had learned only a few words from the tomb in Ban Feng’s memory.

It is the large tomb left by the ancient emperor, even their family can only be explored outside the tomb.

But just outside the tomb, the glory of their class family reached its peak.

However, there is not enough human heart to swallow the elephant. Someone in the family violated the group training and wanted to go to the inner stratum.

This includes Ban Xue’s father!

As a result, all the people in the Ban family were wiped out, surrounded by various evil curses, and now there was only such a charming little girl left.

It stands to reason that Ye Jun would not take the initiative to go to such a dangerous place.

However, the current Ye Jun was also driven to a desperate situation!

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