Chapter 237: Principal Xia’s amazing behavior

Ye Jun scratched the middle-aged man’s big ears.

He said coldly, “Didn’t the cursing just now be very happy? Continue to curse?”

“I know it in my heart. Just now your woman scolded seventeen sentences, but you scolded eight sentences.”

“You are a man anyway, your mother-in-law, I only slapped, and you can take all the remaining twenty-four slaps!”

At this time, the middle-aged man and a group of talents from the Xia family and Bai family knew about it.

Why Ye Jun shot.

It’s not that they want to come forward and seek revenge.

It’s just that I can’t bear it, others are swearing in front of him.

Just before talking, it was the couple.

One bite one bastard, low-level seed, barking inferior people.

I also used some allegorical and witty words to express contemptuousness.

Is it tolerable or unbearable.

Ye Jun is not a good temper. He suffocated when he heard that his brother had been treated unfairly last night.

Today these people are still pretending to be five people and six people in front of them.

As long as they can sit down and have a good talk, Ye Jun won’t make a move.

However, since I hit myself in a bad mood, I went to death by myself.

Of course Ye Jun is welcome.

Now his skill is under the blessing of the system.

He can even walk a few laps in front of a master like Xiao Qiang.

Dealing with these people is simply a matter of grasping, just like playing.

Ye Jun slapped the middle-aged man’s face with a slap.

After 24 slaps, all his teeth fell out.

He broke his gums!

The face is completely invisible.

Ye Jun threw him at Bai Tingting who was still yelling like a dead dog.


Bai Tingting was hit by such a shock, and immediately fainted!

“Reverse, reverse!”

“Stop, you lunatic! I want to call the security guard!”

“Security, where is the security!”

The two old and one young under him were already crazy at this time!

No matter how unbearable they are, they are all civilized people.

I have never seen a person like Ye Jun who didn’t say much, and made direct shots.

This is not taking the usual path!

You have this damn ability, let’s sit down and talk!

Isn’t it that Ye Ling’s brother is an ordinary college student?

This Nima is the reincarnation of the Valkyrie?

But at this time they still didn’t panic, after all, they believed that Ye Jun would not dare to kill.

The couple’s injuries looked serious, but in fact they took a good rest afterwards.

At most, he would fill up his teeth, leaving some concussions, deafness in both ears, facial paralysis… these sequelae are insignificant compared to death.

It shows that this young man still has his hands, as long as the security comes, they can reverse the situation.

They yelled!

Chen Jing and Ye Ling are not stupid either, they are both grasshoppers in the same boat with Ye Jun at this time.

They ran to close the door immediately! The principal’s office is on the first floor alone, no special circumstances, no one will be here.

Before closing the door, Chen Jing glanced outside and found that there was no one.

This is only a sigh of relief!

I feel like I am a student, when male classmates are fighting and the little sisters are watching.

This is two completely different opposites from the high-cold image of his own Xueba.

Xia Ke gave a cold smile on his face, they clamored to be fake.

The cell phone behind him had already dialed the phone number of the Security Office, just waiting for the call to be connected.

The security guards will arrive in tens of seconds. They only need to hold Ye Jun for tens of seconds, and things will be reversed.


The phone rang.


It rang twice! Someone will answer soon!

Xia Ke suppressed his excitement, he glanced at Ye Jun secretly, for fear that he would discover his actions.

But it doesn’t matter if you look at it, it’s a bad thing.

He found that Ye Jun was also looking at him faintly at this time, his eyes were deep and terrifying!

There seems to be a golden light pulsating under the eyes, which is indescribable!

The call was connected, and Xia Ke specially adjusted the speaker mode, he wanted to create chaos and cause conflict.

“Principal Xia, this is the security office, has something happened?”

The calm male voice on the other end of the phone rang, clearly audible in this quiet living room.

The expressions of Chen Jing and Ye Ling changed. They didn’t expect this old immortal thing to call.

At this time, it was too late to stop, and the security team had to hear the movement here, and it was all over.

Why did Ye Jun be imprisoned for a few years when he was attacked at school and fought so badly.

Xia Yao and Bai Jingtian also showed triumphant smiles on their faces. At this time, as long as Principal Xia Ke called for help, they could bring these villains to justice.

It was really inexplicable and ridiculous, but more than half an hour ago, their family was still complacent about their takeover, and looked down upon Ye Jun’s family in every possible way.

And now, they have changed from hunters to prey, and the incompetent and lowly assholes in their eyes have become murderous villains at this time.

They must do everything possible to escape from here!

Fortunately, they seized the opportunity.

Bai Jingtian sighed slightly, he rarely had this predicament in his life, although this young man did not kill.

But even if he greeted him like a beating of his own daughter and son-in-law, his old bones could not escape.

Fortunately, fortunately, my in-laws secretly called.

Looking back, I found my old brother and hacked this little boy to death.

The scene at this time was greatly beneficial to Xia Ke and the others.

Ye Ling was anxious and wanted to grab the phone.

Before he rushed out, his elder brother gently lifted his foot off the ground and threw him on the sofa.

“Be honest, just look at it!”

Ye Jun didn’t even look at his poor brother.

“You’re done! Fanatic!”

“The security will be here soon and will send you to the bureau.”

“Old Xia, speak!”

Several people mocked Ye Jun while urging Xia Ke to speak.

At this time, all the eyes in the house were on Xia Ke.

In the sight of a few people either anxiously or eagerly, Xia Ke and Principal Xia answered the phone.

“Hey, Wang team, I played it.”

Principal Xia said steadily.

“Principal Xia, has something happened? Do we need to come over?”

The king’s voice on the other end of the phone is anxious, after all, the principal’s call must be treated with caution.

Even Principal Xia said it was okay, he had to let people patrol here.

A faint smile appeared on Xia Ke’s face, and he said in a gentle tone:

“Team Wang, I’m fine here, I just called you, and half an hour later, I will show you a good thing in my office!”

“Fine, I will be there on time!”

The voice on the other end of the phone was very excited, but this was the headmaster’s speech. Listening to this tone is probably a good thing.

“Okay, so be it, remember to be there on time, I have guests here!”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Ke still had a faint look on his face, and his mouth grew wide in astonishment.

Looking at the same shocked people around.

Bai Jingtian, Xia Yao, Chen Jing, Ye Ling!

These few people who were still awake all looked at Xia Ke with an incredible expression!

What is he doing? Is it crazy or crazy?

Give up such a good opportunity to reverse the situation! They were already surprised at this moment and couldn’t speak.

Only Ye Jun looked at everyone with a little smile.

The dark eyes are pulsating with golden light.

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