Chapter 234 What are you?

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the cheerful atmosphere in the room.

Xia Ke, the principal of Shudu 138 High School, frowned slightly, as a principal.

He is not an ordinary person on weekdays, and he will not be disturbed at all.

He has a personal secretary, and you need to make an appointment in advance to see him.

The faces of the others are also strange, after all, the quota for Xia Yao just now for studying abroad was not justified.

The knock on the door at this time broke their feelings a bit.

An inexplicable annoyance immediately appeared in my heart.

Xia Ke coughed slightly and said loudly:

“Come in!”

The door opened immediately.

Walking in the front was Chen Jing, followed by the two brothers Ye Jun.

Several people in the house watched as they came in.

They all look inexplicable.

Chen Jing is extremely elegant and intellectual.

There are two handsome brothers.

When this door entered, some flashed their eyes.

It’s like a celebrity show.

It’s just that the three of them don’t have any excessive expressions on their faces.

They are all indifferent.

Only the half-sized boy, his face fluctuated slightly.

Bai Jingtian, this underworld figure, and a couple watching these three come in, can feel that they are exuding an aura that is not harmonious for them.

After all, these people had never seen Ye Ling, and it was not their turn to take care of it personally. Naturally, someone would help them take care of everything.

And Xia Yao, the second generation ancestor who took away Ye Ling’s place to study abroad, and Xia Ke, the principal of the 138th Middle School of Shudu.

Seeing the people who came in, I knew what was going on.

After all, they had been in direct contact with the suffering master.

Xia Ke looked at the three of them with an ugly expression, and Xia Yao looked at Ye Ling provocatively with a disdainful smile on his face.

The other three, looking at this scene, knew that no matter how stupid they were, this person was not good.

They all looked at Chen Jing and the others with wary and mocking eyes.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room was particularly embarrassing.

But in such a short moment, Principal Xia Ke’s tone was not good, and he took the lead to speak:

“Ms. Chen, what did you bring these two people to me?”

The reason why he didn’t have an immediate attack is because Chen Jing belongs to the school’s specially introduced talents.

Even if he is the principal, he has to give her some face, otherwise he would have called the security guard and swept the two brothers out.

Chen Jing lightly scanned the people in the room and said:

“Principal Xia, this is my student Ye Ling and his brother. We are here today to talk about Ye Ling’s problems.”

Xia Ke snorted coldly and said:

“There is nothing to talk about, the evidence is conclusive. The school has planned to expel Ye Ling, and the female classmates who were sexually harassed by him will also sue him in the near future.”

“The one behind is Ye Ling’s parent, isn’t it? I advise you not to waste your time here, and send your family’s Ye Ling to the juvenile administration for several years!”

Ye Ling’s small face turned pale when she heard the principal’s words.

At the beginning, the school only told him to wait for the notice at home, and it would deal with it as soon as possible and let him go back to school.

But now, as the school leader, he has already expelled himself!

There is also that unnecessary sexual harassment that will allow him to go directly to the juvenile control office.

What is that place? It was ruined if I went in for a lifetime.

Chen Jing’s face is very ugly!

He said sharply, “Principal Xia, I have joined a number of teachers to testify for Ye Ling, did you not read it at all?”

“Ye Ling is my student, he will never do such a thing! I will not allow you to do this, I will react to it!”

Listening to Chen Jing’s righteous indignation, Xia Ke was not only not angry, but had a bright smile on his face.

The rest of the principal’s office also laughed.

Especially Xia Yao, smiled happily.

He said in a mocking tone: “Teacher Chen, who are you going to respond to? Is it for me Uncle Chen Zifan, Uncle Wang Tian, ​​or Grandpa Zhou Tian?”

A couple also pointed to Chen Jing.

“Young, this is young. Young people just out of society are so naive.”

“Hahahaha, let’s react, isn’t this flooding the Dragon King Temple?”

The triad leader Bai Jingtian also had his beard tinted, and said nothing, but he could also see his cheerful look.

After all, Xia Ke was still the head of a school, and would not do such a gaffe.

He just coughed lightly and said with a faint smile on his face:

“Ms. Chen, you just need to take charge of the teaching. The higher-level department has already given instructions on Ye Ling’s expulsion.”

“Such abusive students must be expelled, otherwise the style of study will be difficult!”

Chen Jing’s face paled as she listened to these people’s words.

The names of the people mentioned by Xia Yao just now are the top leaders in this system.

In addition, Principal Xia has passed the instructions of the superior for handling Ye Ling’s expulsion.

That is, Ye Ling has been expelled from school and is now a social idler.

A good student with excellent academic performance was ruined in this way.

All this is just for their selfishness!

It ruined the life of an innocent child.

Chen Jing clenched her jade hands into fists, and her slender jade arms trembled slightly.

Showing her inner anger.

At this point, it is already powerless!

But she must do something!

Chen Jing’s eyes became icy, and she looked at the room coldly and said:

“Since you are doing this, I don’t think I have any need to stay in this school.”

“I will submit my resignation tomorrow. What you have done, I will explain to my mentors one by one!”

Ye Ling’s expression changed when she heard Chen Jing’s words.

Pulling Chen Jing’s sleeves gently, she said with a trembling voice: “Don’t be like this, Teacher Chen, I can’t hurt you!”

Chen Jing smiled faintly at Ye Ling and patted his back lightly.

A good child, now trembling all over by this group of slut.

Is this a human thing?

Chen Jing looked fearlessly at the group of people in the room.

Xia Ke’s expression was extremely bad, and he tolerated Chen Jing many times.

One is because she is indeed a rare talent. If it weren’t for this person, she should have worked in the country’s highest scientific and technological institution.

Why come here to be a high school math teacher? Although 138th Middle School is the best high school in the capital of Shu, it never has the capital to hire a scientist as a teacher!

When Chen Jing came here, he was simply taking advantage of it! For the appearance of the school, his personal face is a great satisfaction.

The second is what Chen Jing said, her group of teachers!

He was paralyzed. Her group of teachers were all top scientists in the country. Although they were not powerful, they would have to drink a pot if something really happened.

He never imagined that this is usually extremely cold, even at school parties, she would not even toast to herself with a glass of wine, looking at people like junk, Chen is clean.

For a student, I will make it to this point by myself!

But the matter was over, Xia Ke had only soldiers to cover the water and soil, with a fierce face, and said in a cold voice:

“Teacher Chen, you have to think about it, it is hard to get over it, and there are some costs you can’t afford!”

The threat in his words was cautious, and he was using his power to force Chen Jing to make a final compromise.

This move is his trick, tried and tested! Xia Ke had a fierce face from the beginning, and his face was stern, and it was even more prestigious.

Many young teachers in the school dare not look directly at their principal.

Call it Ghost Face Raksha!

But this time, not as he expected, he did not hear Chen Jing’s reply.

Instead, a clear male voice said coldly:

“Oh? What are you? Let me see what price she can’t afford!”

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