Chapter 232: Seeing Yang’s Mistakes for Life

This Bugatti sports car comes standard with a double seat.

But this car is specially made after all, and Ye Jun started the procedure in the car.

There is a row of seats in the back seat, and the comfort and beauty of this seat is far inferior to the two chairs in front.

This space is designed for storage, and there is no special design for people.

However, there are three people in the car at this time.

The younger brother Ye was driven away logically.

Chen Jing sat in the co-pilot quietly, chatting with Ye Jun.

“Unexpectedly, in just a few years, you will realize your dream of getting rich.”

Chen Jing said with a smile, there was some joking in her words.

No longer the unkindness of the past, lonely and proud.

Ye Jun’s face was slightly embarrassed when he heard Chen Jing’s words.

Dream of getting rich?

This is his dream written in his classmates!

When they graduated that year, their old class was very interesting and asked everyone to provide a photo and write a message of their own.

Ye Jun remembers that he chose a melancholy picture of a special second grade, and he also put out rhetoric in the message to achieve an early wealth.

This was all frivolous when he was young, but now that it only makes him panic.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable emotion in my heart. This student tyrant can still remember what he wrote in his classmates. It is truly a legendary unforgettable experience.

Ye Jun’s cheeky faintly blushed, and he started the vehicle, lowered to the prescribed speed set by the school, and moved forward at the speed of the tortoise.

Slowly said: “I haven’t seen you for so many years, I didn’t expect you to have changed so much.”

Chen Jing lowered her head and smiled, and fluffed the long hair scattered on her chest. This action really had an indescribable charm.

“People always change. At that time, in class, I regretted that I didn’t get together with my classmates. Now that I am old, I will find that something has been missed or missed.”

Hearing Xueba’s sigh, Ye Jun was also slightly stunned. They had discussed it in private at the time.

This Chen Jing looked at them as if looking at trash, completely disdainful of being with them.

But think about it, every exam, the college tyrant, is the leading score of the fault level.

It doesn’t matter if they are rubbish.

Ye Jun usually has an exam in his early 600s, and he is already a top student in ordinary schools.

But in this Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon school, in that class, it’s only mid-level.

This Chen Jing, even in several mock exams, has achieved full scores in all subjects more than once.

This is the level Ye Jun needs to look up to!

They are even curious, where exactly is Chen Jing’s score in the college entrance examination deducted?

At that time, a teacher also checked Zha Chenjing’s curly noodles with strange curiosity.

According to people familiar with the matter, the teachers returned after checking Chen Jing’s test papers.

They all looked like they had eaten shit, with a lot of emotions.

In the follow-up, Ye Jun didn’t know what happened, the teachers were too strict!

After all, they missed a prodigy with perfect scores, and the blow to them was extraordinary.

They don’t want to show off their family scandals!

Along the way, Ye Jun and Chen Jing had a pleasant chat unexpectedly.

When talking about high school, they still have something to talk about.

“By the way, my classmates said at the time that you didn’t look straight at people, did you especially despise us at that time!”

After chatting for a while, Ye Jun also wanted to gossip. This was also the most debated issue by classmates back then.

He also wanted to know about the psychological activities of this college bully at that time.

Listening to Ye Jun’s words, Chen Jing showed a confused look on her face and blinked at Ye Jun and asked:

“Despise you? I was working on questions all day, so how could this mind despise you?”

Ye Jun was a little sweaty, and said, “But you, you really don’t look at people with straight eyes!”

It’s not that classmates all said that this was Wang’s contempt.

Chen Jing heard Ye Jun’s doubts and thought for a while before she smiled:

“At that time, I had myopia and astigmatism, and I was a metre away from humans and animals.”


Ye Jun never imagined that it would end like this. Dare to love others at all without having to look straight at others.

It’s just that you can’t see people clearly. If you look at people with astigmatism and myopia, you can’t see clearly at all, just like looking at the air?

Suddenly Ye Jun looked weird and said: “Why haven’t I seen you wear glasses, nor did you wear them in class, don’t you say, you look at the blackboard in class to show the teacher!”

Chen Jing heard Ye Jun’s guess, her white face was reddish, and she nodded gently.

Ye Jun was speechless for a while, never expected that the truth of the matter was like this.

The original high-cold student tyrant was actually a confused little girl who would fool the teacher’s “bad” students.

Thinking of this, Ye Jun’s face couldn’t help being interested in this Chen Jing.

After all, such a talent has the interest of being alive. If someone coldly knows only to indulge in academics, he can’t find a second feeling besides worship.

In this way, this Chen Jing’s persona seemed to become interesting all at once.

Ye Jun continued to ask on this topic: “Why have I never seen you wear glasses? Listening to your description, it would be inconvenient for you to wear glasses without them.”

Chen Jing said lightly: “It’s okay if you get used to it, it’s okay if you can’t see clearly, you can meditate.”


Ye Jun deeply suspected that this school bully was suspected of wearing glasses and would be called an eye sister, which would affect her cold temperament.

But this was his guess, and he didn’t even say it after thinking about it. He planned to turn this topic off.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jing slightly raised her head to look at him, and said as if she was nostalgic for something:

“Actually, what you have had a chance to see, you just missed it.”

Ye Jun was puzzled, and stared at Chen Jing blankly, waiting for her to answer.

Chen Jing just smiled and didn’t say anything.

In the evening of that weekend, she came to the classroom to do the questions.

The sound of deep and steady breathing from the boy next to him made him unconscious.

After being upset for a long time, she took out her glasses to see who this young man was.

The boy’s exquisite and handsome face appeared a little more unprepared and childish in his deep sleep.

The faint afterglow of the setting sun shone, as if to plate a layer of golden light on the handsome face of this young man.

It looks so harmonious, quiet, and beautiful, as if the beauty of the world is gathered here.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the quiet classroom, the handsome boy sleeping soundly, the delicate face covered with light…

Everything went deep into Chen Jing’s heart at that moment.

No, he is going to wake up!

Chen Jing hurriedly closed her eyes and bit the pen tightly, with fine beads of sweat leaking from the tip of her nose.

It was the nervous peeping boy who emerged just now.

Seeing this topic, she has no intention of doing it anymore.

Rather, he drew random pictures on one side of the paper, feeling confused.

When I first met at Fengling Ferry, I saw Yang Guo mistaken for life!

It is difficult for Chen Jing to tell how she feels at the moment, but she just feels happy.

Forget it, throw away the pen and paper.

Lazy leaned back, letting the setting sun shine on his face.

Smiled happily.

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