Chapter Twenty Five

“It’s okay if Ye Jun doesn’t come. You didn’t see Zhou Yinting and Liu Lei just now.”

“Yeah, Ye Ge came to see that was unappetizing. He fed the dog sincerely.”

“Okay, okay, let’s just say a few words less. Anyway, it’s not good to let it be heard inside.”

“Marco, who hasn’t come yet?”

Marco noticed Ye Jun just now, now he will look at the list again.

“Except for Brother Ye, there is only one person left, Tian Bing.”

“Then don’t wait, let’s go sit in there, it’s all going to be a meal.”

Ma Ke is the organizer of this class reunion event, and no matter how good the relationship with Ye Jun is, a group of people can’t wait.

He drove all the people sitting outside into the banquet hall.

Entering the banquet hall, the former classmates sat together in twos and threes.

The whole atmosphere is fairly harmonious. Some people are chatting, some people are listening, and some friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time gather to talk privately.

After entering the society for two years, this group of people has not been completely assimilated by the big dye tank of the society.

Most of the people who can come here today are for the friendship from college.

However, the number of people will still change when the ivory tower enters the big society.

“You told you that when I was parking in the garage just now, guess what car I saw?”

The speaker is called Fatty Sun, and he has always been an atmosphere mobilizer and gossip communicator in school.

Now they are sharing new things, everyone is focusing on him.

“What kind of car? Could someone else drive the excavator into the garage.”

Someone joked.

“Hey, what are you talking about. What about Bugatti! Bugatti x6. This is the first time I have seen a real car, good fellow. Tens of millions!”

“What? Bugatti? What do you want to eat here with Bugatti?”

“Thinking of being able to eat in a hotel with a local tyrant, I feel that my worth has risen a lot.”

“Have you taken a picture? Show us.”

Patted, patted.

Fatty Sun deserves to be a little gossip expert. He took out his mobile phone to show the supercar that was shot in all directions, as well as a few pictures of himself.

The people around have all joined to watch the excitement.

“Fuck, this one is too handsome.”

“I am in love with a car in my dream, but I feel unworthy even in this dream!”

“Yeah, my salary hasn’t been a play for several lifetimes.”

“Who can buy this kind of car?”

Then a voice came in.

“I think Liu Lei should have bought it, right? Liu is a big money.”

Everyone’s eyes suddenly gathered on the fat man sitting in a conspicuous place.

This fat man has five short stature, his face is full of flesh, and his eyes are so crowded that he can’t see him.

This person is Liu Lei, a local tyrant in the class at that time, his family was in business and had tens of millions of assets.

In the eyes of all the students at the time, this was a very rich boy.

In fact, the company of Liu Lei’s family is only a small and medium-sized enterprise. It is said that tens of millions of assets are the total value of the company. It is really difficult for him to get a million in cash.

Liu Lei heard these people talking about him and said with a smile: “This Bugatti is not consumed by our class, but I can still afford it for a hundred cars.”

“You just bought a car worth a million dollars. Yin Ting, you really married a good husband!

Someone sighed.

Sitting next to Liu Lei, a woman with heavy make-up smiled and curled her eyes, her cellulite trembling, shaking the sequins on her big red dress.

“No, no. It’s not easy for my husband to make money. It takes half a year to earn a million yuan.”

“Last time my husband talked about a project…”

Zhou Yinting seemed to have come prepared. Hearing someone talking about herself, she immediately started her Versailles special.

Everyone was embarrassed to speak and watched her perform.

Marco, standing far from the entrance of the banquet hall, followed his other buddy to complain

“You said that Brother Ye could be regarded as a talented person back then, how come you are attracted to such a pickled gadget.”

“I’m pooh, don’t forget Marco. You started to call Zhou Yinting’s pure sweetheart back then.”

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Marco’s face.

“That’s what happened back then, Zhou Yinting is indeed pure and coquettish, otherwise how could we catch our handsome brother Ye.”

“By the way, is Brother Ye still coming today…”

Ye Jun actually came to the Shudu Restaurant a long time ago, but he just wandered outside without wanting to chat with others.

Regarding this matter between myself and Zhou Yinting, I didn’t want to get too involved with that woman.

Back then, she was considered a man in the class anyway, and Zhou Yinting still chased after herself.

I only agreed with her because she was cute and cute, and she was so innocent.

She thinks she is not too bad, who knows that she broke up with herself when she graduated in the end.

Finally, I was with Liu Lei, a local tyrant in the class.

It was easy to get together and stay away, but now it seems that my feelings for her are not worth mentioning. At that time, I just felt that it was worthwhile to go out with such a well-behaved girlfriend.

Who knew that when they broke up later, the woman who was obedient in front of her back then appeared in front of her with the chunky pig-headed man.

The woman showed off in front of her the new clothes and new jewelry that her new man gave to her.

At that time, I was young and vigorous and felt that I had fed the dog with enthusiasm.

Now think about it, except for nausea, there is no other feeling.

Ye Jun walked slowly towards the Shudu Restaurant. He just entered the elevator and pressed the meeting floor, the elevator door was about to close.

“Please wait a minute.”

There was a gentle and nice female voice.

Ye Jun casually pressed the door open button of the elevator.

A lady hurriedly walked in from the outside, and the fresh lemon scent instantly permeated the tip of Ye Jun’s nose.


The woman teased the broken hair in her ear, thanked Ye Jun halfway through, and stared at him closely.

“Are you? Ye Jun?”

Ye Jun also saw the woman’s looks clearly at this time.

Tall and graceful posture, black hair, delicately contoured oval face, black eyebrows without drawing, a pair of cut water Qiu pupils looking at Ye Jun with a vigorous look, with a curly nose, and lip glaze. Lips seemed to be saying something. Wearing a floral pale green dress and small white sandals. Looks pure and extraordinary,

【Tian Bing】

【Age: 23】

【Height: 169CM】

【Weight: 52KG】

【Three-dimensional: 90, 58, 89】

[Face value: 95]

【Experience: 0】

[Evaluation: 90][Secret things: I can’t ask for something]

In an instant, I remembered who it was.

Tian Bing, his classmate, was a well-known school flower at Shudu University at that time.

It’s just that she didn’t like to participate in class activities very much, so Ye Jun and her just nodded their heads.

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