Chapter 226 You want me to go in?

Ran Xiang heard Ye Jun’s words, and his movement of rubbing his wrists.

The swear word that had reached the mouth was abruptly held back.

Judging from his years of experience in wandering the world, if he said another swear word, the man in front of him would definitely kill himself.

The hero does not suffer from immediate losses, he has a way to kill him.

Can’t compete for a moment!

Ran Xiang is doing ideological work for himself in his heart.

But his body is still more honest than him, when he advises himself not to confront the person in front of him.

Another thought was very open and controlled his body.

He raised his head, looked at Ye Jun with bloodthirsty eyes, and said viciously: “I will definitely make you pay, bastard!”

When did he Ran Xiang suffered such a big grievance!

Was slapped in public?

Even those in Shudu who can educate him will definitely not slap him in the face.

Slaps people in the face, no matter what the occasion or who they are, this is an extreme humiliation to a person.

Without the shocking endurance, it is impossible to hold back this kind of shameful shame.

Ran Xiang couldn’t control himself, as it should be.

Ye Jun listened to Ran Xiang’s rebuttal, with a cruel smile on his originally quiet face.

“So good, dare to provoke me?”

With that, he walked towards Ran Xiang step by step.

The people around were stunned! @

What’s going on this little year? Is this to give Ran Xiang another education?

Just giving it once is not enough, but now you have to make a slap?

“My God, what kind of character is he? Is he going to die? That’s the one behind Ran Xiang!”

“Fuck, you’re so fucking handsome, man, go up and up, beat this dog to death!”

“What are you doing? Is it too big enough? This young man is really hot in his head. Anyone really dares to fight? Sometimes he regrets it!”

Everyone expressed concern about Ye Jun’s behavior, after all, in their opinion, Ye Jun was just an unknown person!

But behind Ran Xiang, there is a big man who everyone is afraid of.

Even Ran Xiang himself, the president of Shudu Real Estate!

With this identity alone, wanting to target a civilian is so simple that it can’t be simpler!

The courage of a man who is present for a while is definitely not a good thing, it will only lead to endless troubles!

And what about Ye Family’s parents and Ye Xiaodi at this time?

The three of them have been watching the excitement ever since Ye Jun slapped the stupid man.

Several people now know the power of their families, and the president of Shudu Real Estate is not threatening their scope.

Although he does not agree with his own people fighting and making trouble outside.

But being bullied to the head, and dare not fight back, it will only make people look down.

Ye Jun’s slap was really refreshing looking at the three of them.

Especially Ye Mu, with a look of excitement.

Not considering that the occasion is wrong, she just wants to shout for her son:

“Son is the most handsome!”

“Son sucks that stupid face!”

Ye Jun didn’t know whether he felt the strength of his family or was angry.

Step by step, he walked in front of Ran Xiang.

Before he got up, he kicked the lying Ran Xiang around.

The black and white sneakers stepped on Ran Xiang’s black tumor’s right face.

Little by little, she ran the disgusting face with the sole of her shoes.

He only heard a scream from Ran Xiang, a scream like killing a pig.

The people around me were chilling.

At that time, no one dared to come out and stop this magic star.

Such a handsome and extraordinary young man is so cruel!

For fear that they would come out to stop them, they were also taken by this magic star.

But there are still a few people who have a very good relationship with this Ran Xiang, and at this time they also mustered the courage to stand up!

“Let go of him, do you want to die? Do you know who is behind Ran Xiang. You dare to be so wild here!”

“I have already called the police, let go of Ran Xiang!”

“Yes, we have already called the police! We will take you away later!”

“You won’t be arrogant for long. I don’t know how the members of Fresh Fish Shop would choose such a barbaric person. It’s just damaging!”

A few people scolded Ye Jun every word.

But although the words are fierce, they dare not bring swear words.

They are not stupid, this Ran Xiang was beaten just now.

Mostly it has something to do with the phrase “your grandpa” and “bastard” in his words! ,

Ran Xiang got used to having a dirty mouth, and this time he ran into this well-regulated magic star.

It was just two swear words that caused a violent beating.

Sure enough, these people had expected well, they didn’t have any dirty words, and Ye Jun didn’t make any response.

Instead, he glanced at them with a sneer and increased the strength of the soles.

Ran Xiang let out another scream!

A few people were so scared that they were silent! Knowing that the iron plate was mentioned this time, they shut up!

Ran Xiang looked angrily at the few friends who kept silent!

Sad and indignant in my heart! Shouted hoarsely:

“The police will come right away! You will definitely be arrested as a lunatic. I tell you, I have something to do with me. You wait for the rest of your life to stay inside!”

Ye Jun showed a faint smile on his face when he heard this deja vu.

The last time he was at the Haitian Restaurant, he kept saying that he wanted to get into the game.

But in the end, he was threatened, and he applied to enter the bureau for a few months.

It seems that I was released from prison some time ago, and I want to make an appointment with myself.

However, Ye Jun didn’t intend to have an intersection with this kind of person. He didn’t make any sense at all, and he didn’t dare to bother.

Now there are people who use this to threaten himself, Ye Jun just thinks it is very funny.

Why do people from this faction like to play this set?

Ye Jun ignored Ran Xiang at all, but continued to step on him like a dead dog.

A call was made on the mobile phone.

After a while, the phone rang!

There was an old, mute voice on the other end of the phone after being silent for a while.

“Brother Ye, call now, what can I do for you!”

The voice was very flat, but there was a deep gloom and forbearance in it.

Ye Jun also didn’t want to distinguish the emotion in what this person said.

Instead, he said at random: “Ms. Wang, Ran Xiang from the real estate in Shudu is yours!”

The voice on the other end of the phone paused, and only half-rate responded;

“It’s mine. Brother Ye, what’s the matter. Let’s draw a line, you are not authentic if you do this thing!”

Ye Jun sneered and said, “Mr. Wang, you should figure out the current situation first, and it is not your turn to tell me!”

“Now, your people are saying to get me in again. You have to give me an account of this!”

After speaking, Ye Jun hung up the phone!

On the other side of the phone, an old man with a gloomy face had a terrible murderous look in his eyes.

Rubbed his brows and sighed deeply.

Several phone calls!

After a while, the police arrived!

Ran Xiang and some of his friends were extremely happy to see it!

Everyone felt a pity for Ye Jun.

This is the end of bravery! Entering the game is equivalent to having a stain on your back, which is the most terrifying black spot in the upper class.

It’s hard for this young man to get ahead.

A team of special police rushed in quickly, and everyone wanted to watch this reckless young man be tortured away.

But the facts in front of them are beyond everyone’s expectations.

The eyes of the special police patrolled the crowd and quickly locked the target.

Ran Xiang and his friends, in the joy that they were about to win, were put by the special police.

“Don’t move! You have been arrested!”

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