Chapter 222 Gifts for the Family

In the evening, a group of villas with river view in the capital of Shu.

“Parents, I’m back!”

Ye Jun opened and carried the big bag and returned to his parents’ home.

Now Ye Jun is basically a vagrant.

Rich and idle.

I always go home once or twice a week.

But going home today is a bit special.

It’s Wednesday, and it’s a working day.

Under normal circumstances, Ye’s parents will not disturb their son during workdays.

But today he received a call from his mother and asked him to go home.

My mother didn’t elaborate on what it was.

Ye Jun took a gift and went into the house. At this moment, Ye Father and Ye Mother and Ye Xiaodi were all sitting on the sofa.

They all seem to be in a bad mood.

Seeing Ye Jun come in.

Ye Ling, Ye Jun’s younger brother who is still in the third year of high school.

He immediately greeted him, took the things in Ye Jun’s hands, and put them aside.

“Brother, you are back.”

Ye Ling greeted absently.

Ye Jun frowned slightly, but today was Wednesday.

Ye Ling attended one of the best high schools in Shudu.

That school was also Ye Jun’s alma mater, and its requirements were particularly strict.

Take high school seniors as an example, that school can’t wait to study these students every day.

As long as you don’t die, learn from the dead!

The teacher is like a wolf like a tiger, staring at the students every day.

There was once a rule in this school.

It is not allowed to raise your head during self-study!

Ask the parents once, and go home for reflection twice.

The various rules and regulations are simply too harsh.

But the effect is remarkable. Ye Jun belonged to a particularly mediocre class in the high school class.

But in the end he was admitted to the best university in Shudu, Shudu University.

This is not only related to their own efforts, but also inseparable from the school’s education.

However, although Ye Jun missed the hard time in high school now, he wanted to let him go back and experience it again.

That is absolutely impossible!

In such a school, asking for leave is an extremely legitimate reason!

Once, when someone died in a student’s home, the head teacher dared to kill him without approving leave!

Finally on the social news! It caused an uproar.

Why is this kid at home today?

Something’s wrong!

Ye Jun thought about it for a while, looking at his younger brother’s melancholy appearance.

There is also a vague guess about the look of his parents.

At this time Ye father and Ye mother also greeted him.

Looking at what Ye Jun brought back.

Although his face is still relatively happy.

But still complaining.

“There’s nothing missing at home, you kid, you’re lavishly spending money.”

As Ye mother spoke, she unceremoniously opened the present brought back by her son.

Every time Ye Jun went home, he would bring some gifts to his family. Parents and younger brothers shared, and the packaging was obviously different.

Although Ye Mu said so, she still looked forward to it in her heart.

If my son is promising and spend some money on himself, whose parents will not be happy?

Ye Jun laughed repeatedly as he listened to his mother’s chatter.

While still saying: “Dad, you can take a look at it too. Recently, a bonus has been paid. I will buy you something you can use.”

Ye Jun did not make a mistake in saying this, and it was indeed a bonus.

The 150 billion Qi family’s initial funds have now been transferred to Ye Jun’s account.

But Ye Jun didn’t plan to use the money.

Once used, it can no longer be demarcated from the Qi family.

But there is still a sum of money, 20 billion.

It’s the price of the jade lady.

The top figures of the Treasure Management Bureau went straight to the Qi family and proposed an acquisition.

The forces behind this matter were too great, and they didn’t even approach Ye Jun directly.

If Ye Jun is a person with no background, he might be confiscated directly.

But with the Qi family as the backer, Mr. Qi personally came forward and negotiated the price with the other party.

20 billion is the final transaction price.

Compared with the 2 billion green dragon jade pendant last time, this price is obviously much higher.

But for such a wonderful lady, the sincerity of this price is obviously insufficient now.

Who told them there was someone behind them?

Ye Jun knew that his arm couldn’t twist his thigh, so he had to accept this unfair deal.

but? Is it really that simple?

Ye Jun’s mouth showed an imperceptible sneer, and he continued to let his parents and brother unwrap the presents.

Earning money is to spend it on his family, and Ye Jun is in a feeling that the money cannot be spent at this time.

Thinking of ways to spend money.

Soon, Ye Mu’s gift was taken apart.

It is a necklace made of golden longan.

This longan stone is extremely gorgeous, with brilliance flowing inside, exuding a slight golden light.

Graceful and luxurious, extraordinary and extraordinary.

Just looking at it will feel shocking.

Now that Ye Mu just held it, it made people feel that it was superior and expensive.

This is the aura that this longan stone is born with.

Coupled with chains made of platinum, each chain is engraved with complicated patterns.

The end is beautiful!

This piece of longan is exactly the strange stone at the gambling conference at that time, the golden soul longan.

Now Qi Guoming’s line has been destroyed.

When dividing the spoils, Ye Jun casually mentioned that the people of the Qi family knew and witty sent this longan stone over.

After all, everyone thought that Master Ye was also used for collection. Such a thing that costs hundreds of millions of dollars must be placed in a museum for people to admire.

Who knew that Ye Jun got it, and then changed hands to make this thing into a necklace and give it to his mother.

When Ye Mu received this gift, she shook her head slightly.

Now her vision is not like a housewife.

Thanks to her son, she now has a deep understanding of the world’s major jewelry gems, and a good artistic aesthetic.

She has never seen this necklace, but it does not prevent her from identifying the value of this necklace!


It must be expensive!


very nice!

Ye Jun looked at his mother’s love for the necklace, and said with a smile: “This look is tailor-made for my mother. Go and match the clothes. We will go out for a meal later.”

There is no need for her son to say this, Ye’s mother has already rushed to her own cloakroom and began to dress herself!

At this time, Father Ye was also slightly looking forward to his gift.

Ye Jun just mentioned a few bottles of good wine, this is something he must bring every time he goes home.

Of course not a gift!

Father Ye opened his gift!

A box not the size of a palm!

After opening it, Father Ye’s breathing suddenly became a bit quicker!

A car key!

Bugatti’s new limited edition sports car! Only provide the private customization of the top rich!

Even though his son is worthy now, Father Ye can only enjoy his eyes!

I didn’t expect Ye Jun to get it for himself!

Father Ye looked at his handsome son and wanted to give him a big hug!

But out of dignity as a father, he restrained it!

He slapped Ye Jun’s shoulder fiercely, and was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

Ye Jun smiled helplessly. He was not qualified to buy this car either. He still customized it after taking the Qi family’s path.

Private customization, various high-end equipment and import tariffs cost him nearly 300 million yuan.

But Dad likes it, everything is worth it!

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