Chapter 217: Gifts from the Qi Family

Three days later, an office in Tianyi Hospital.

Ye Jun was on the video call with Qi Ying in the office at this time.

On the large curved screen, Qi Ying wore a capable black suit.

Light makeup is painted on the face.

There is still a trace of innate glamour and nobility in the eyebrows.

At this moment she was leaning lazily on the office chair, looking very tired.

Even through this video, she can feel her helplessness and helplessness.

The faint bruises under her eyes showed that she was seriously lacking sleep these days.

Looking at Qi Ying like this, Ye Jun also sighed slightly.

It really wasn’t so easy to handle things like this kind of big family.

He invaded Qi Guoming’s spiritual world while betting on rocks.

As the head of that faction, the secrets he knew absolutely exceeded his expectations.

Throughout the stone gambling conference, someone from behind looked at Ye Jun’s entire video.

I found that he was playing on his mobile phone most of the time.

If you don’t know the details, you still think he is playing foolishly.

Now that he understands his strength, he realizes that he plays a mobile phone like a heavy lifter, and a superior demeanor!

But these are all wrong.

Ye Jun was playing with the mobile phone, just sorting out the crime data he got from Qi Guoming’s group.

Because there are too many, it will take a lot of time just to sort it out.

So there is Ye Jun, a family of bowing heads who tirelessly play with mobile phones at the gambling conference!

But who could have imagined that in such a short period of time, a faction of a big family was announced, approaching the deaths of hundreds of people!

Within three days, the Qi family interest faction headed by Qi Tianming and Qi Guoming and his son.

All were cleaned up, and no one was left alive.

Those who are linked to this faction are strangling their heads.

Not even the baby in the swaddle, the old man, was let go.

Even if Grandpa Qi saw so many relatives die, a hard heart couldn’t help being moved.

Among the dead, there are still many people who were his former subordinates, who have had feelings for decades.

But there is no way, the information provided by Ye Jun is too detailed.

Misappropriating company funds, colluding with foreign forces, and even being suspected of collaborating with the enemy and traitor.

If the Qi family does not set an example first.

When the people above are held accountable, the Qi family is truly ruined.

This is the imposing manner of a strong man breaking his wrist.

Anyway, Ye Jun asked himself, he still couldn’t kill hundreds of people who were related to him by blood.

Qi Ying told Ye Jun all this.

She is now like a dazed little girl, eager to hear what Ye Jun has to say.

“The third uncle is now anxious and scolds me for being confused. Although my grandfather made this decision, I don’t think his old man feels well.”

“I did this, is it right or wrong? Is it true that the third uncle said, did I really do it wrong?”

Qi Ying bowed her head, breaking her slender fingers, as if mumbling to herself, but also as if asking.

Ye Jun sighed lightly.

“You are not wrong, you are doing this for the overall consideration of the Qi family.”

“Sister Qi will understand you sooner or later, so please accompany your grandfather more. The old man is getting older and he has made such a big decision. Now he feels uncomfortable.”

“Don’t resist it, and let the people underneath do the things that should be let go.”

Ye Jun comforted Qi Ying methodically.

Qi Ying’s eyes seemed to be touched slightly, and she sighed lightly:

“Well, now I also take a step by step.”

“By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you.”

Ye Jun looked at Qi Ying’s expression a little better, nodded slightly and said;

“Go ahead!”

“It’s about your campaign for a member of the Treasure Management Bureau. We have already prepared the money for buying antiques.”

Ye Jun frowned slightly when he heard this.

Now the premium in the antique market is so big, 20 billion things can only be bought with hundreds of billions of dollars.

The election quota for members of the Treasure Management Bureau requires a private collection of 20 billion personal antiques.

Including various types of antiques.

There are strange stones, calligraphy and painting, and there are certain requirements for the price and the quality of the collection.

For example, in the category of calligraphy and painting, five calligraphy and paintings that require hundreds of millions of dollars.

It must also be a masterpiece, no later than the treasures of the Ming Dynasty.

This is an extremely difficult thing to touch.

In addition, a lot of time was lost, and there was only less than a month and a half before the election quota.

The antiques market is fully controlled by the Treasure Management Bureau.

Even if hundreds of billions of assets are used at this time, the corresponding collections may not be able to be acquired.

When the Qi family held the Qi Tianshan Conference, some people voted against it, not a factional struggle.

But just see the situation clearly.

I think this is really unreliable.

This may seem like an opportunity, but is it a bureau set up by the Treasure Management Bureau?

Now the prices of antiques in the antique market have risen sharply, and these huge profits have not finally entered the pockets of those in the Treasure Management Bureau.

Purchasing collections from the market with money is the bottom line of the bottom line!

So Ye Jun heard of Qi Tianshan’s father Qi’s defeat.

In fact, he was not surprised, he also felt that this matter was unreliable.

But the Qi family’s willingness to take out this huge sum of money is also their heart.

However, Ye Jun obviously had other plans in this matter.

He frowned slightly and said, “Prepare on your side. I may go to another place in a few days.”

Qi Ying thought he would wait for Ye Jun’s happy expression, but unexpectedly saw him look worried.

Can’t help but say with a trace of concern;

“Although the Treasure Management Bureau here has very strict controls, Ye Jun, we have prepared 150 billion yuan in advance, and we will add more later.”

“Also, the old man and many high-level officials are willing to take a part of their private collections to support your election this time!”

“You just need to prepare for the campaign!”

Ye Jun heard Qi Ying’s words and didn’t know what to say for a while.

At this time, if the Qi family fully funded it, the treasures of the Qi family’s senior management were also used.

Even if he succeeds in the election, the money and favors owed to the Qi family will not be repaid!

Although the Qi family is still the existence that Ye Jun needs to look up to.

But he doesn’t like the feeling of being controlled by others. He has a good impression of Qijia.

What he pursues is the right to a fair dialogue.

Rather than being treated as a vassal, you will come and go if you move.

Although the Qi family does not do such rude things to himself now.

But once accepted such a big help from the Qi family.

Regardless of whether Ye Juncheng admits it or not, the Qi family will say nothing!

In the eyes of the world, Ye Jun is a young man who is attached to the name of the Qi family.

Ye Jun had mixed feelings in his heart at this time, and he looked at Qi Ying on the screen with a look of excitement.

It’s not easy to say these things, after all, he can see that this heavenly girl is sincere to him.

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door, accompanied by an anxious cry.

“Doctor Ye, the patient is dying!”

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