Chapter 206 Milk Tea Is Too Sweet

This side of the gambling field!

No matter how shocked the crowd at the scene, it is incredible!

Betting on rocks still has to start!

Everyone looked suspiciously at the host on stage.

The expression on the host’s face was not much different from the crowd below.

They are all dumbfounded!

At this time, he was speaking by instinct, and he didn’t dare to think about it.

My mind is now a mess, and after my mind, I can’t say anything!

“I didn’t expect this stone gambling meeting to be so intense. Thank you all for the surprises brought to me by the masters. Now we are officially closing the game!”

Closing is the lock-in of the gambling pool.

No one can enter the capital injection anymore.

The final data is also presented in front of everyone.

Ye Jun 140 billion odds 1:10

Qi Guoming 130 billion odds 1:0.9

Prince 20 billion odds: 1:1.1

Everyone looked at this list and they were all taken aback!

No, I was surprised!

The first surprise was Ye Jun’s top spot and his extremely deformed odds!

The second surprise is Qi Guoming!

He was still tens of billions, and in this period of time, he was actually approaching Ye Jun’s level.

Sure enough, it is rich and powerful!

Everyone has more respect for Qi Guoming!

After all, he is a master who has been famous for a long time, and he is quite popular compared to the little white face who pretends to be a ghost in Bangyi!

“Let him know how great, Master Qi!”

“Tell him to want to play tricks, and when he loses the money from the owner, he doesn’t know how he died!”

“Damn, the gold master behind Xiao Bai Lian is really damn willing to buy this Xiao Bai Lian 100 billion yuan and put a fart, pretend to be a force!”

“Qi Ying can’t get so much money? Is there someone else behind this little white face?”

“I’m going, it won’t be Mr. Qi. I’m going, people are more than 80, this Nima, your taste is too strong!”

“What’s important? Didn’t you read the news some time ago? The young man in his twenties, the man in his eighties…”

“Fuck you. Fuck away, don’t tell me this. But I think this person is a little disgusting now!”

The foul language underneath continued, and in their hearts, Ye Jun had always been just a jumping clown.

Even if someone puts out 100 billion, they are only temporarily shut up due to the power of money.

Now, another person who can fight against Ye Jun appeared.

These people who looked down on Ye Jun immediately surrounded Qi Guoming’s camp and humiliated Ye Jun in every possible way.

In fact, it’s funny even if you want to come. Why do these people and Ye Jun have never had such a bad faith toward him?

Maybe this is the status quo of society, class consolidation.

There is no class of people who will accept lower class people on an equal footing with them.

In particular, Ye Jun is such a young man who is rumored to rely on the little white face on his face.

And he bargained and hired great.

These trivial things are unforgivable sins in the eyes of these people.

Even if there is no intersection.

Such a group of people are now like evil spirits, waiting for Ye Jun to fall and fail!

Then drink his blood, tear his bones, and eat his flesh.

There has never been so much good in the world, and others are hell.

Watching the boiling crowd below, and shouting to myself.

Qi Guoming’s heart is not as full of spring breeze as he looks on the surface.

His ability to catch up with Ye Jun on this list is all due to his faction.

After Ye Jun’s 130 billion bet amount was released, the Qi family faction he represents has entered a high-intensity operation.

A lot of money was injected to keep this bet from collapsing.

It is a pity that hundreds of billions of funds have been invested.

It just cut Ye Jun’s odds by half!


What an exaggerated odds!

The average casino odds are around 1:5, if there is no casino control.

In the event of an upset, the casino will lose a lot!

And this 1:10!

It means to directly defeat Qi’s gambling field.

Qi Guoming’s heart sinks slightly, he has been driven to a dead end!

If this gambling game fails, he will not be able to sit in this position, and even a considerable number of people will be liquidated by Mr. Qi!

At this moment, he looked at Ye Jun.

Ye Jun was just drinking a drink leisurely, accompanied by a beautiful little girl!

Qi Guo stared at the drink in Ye Jun’s hand.

It’s actually the scented milk green from the milk tea shop on the antique street!

Six yuan for a cup!

He didn’t know how he knew this stuff, but he felt it was too low!

I was so worried just now!

That huge boulder must be granite, what am I doing here suspiciously?

This is how Mr. Qi gave money for nothing, but he didn’t continue?

Qi Guoming suddenly realized that he was confused by Ye Jun and Father Qi’s group just now!

Stone gambling does not depend on money to win!

Relying on Ye Jun’s rotten stone that must lose the game, it is simply embarrassing here.

Get the truth out of the fog!

Qi Guoming instantly became happy!

Here An Ran looked at Qi Guoming whose face had become like a Sichuan opera actor.

Secretly curious.

Asked Ye Jun, who was drinking milk tea with a leisurely look on his face, said: “Brother Ye, who is the person staring at you all the time? I just saw that he wanted to rush to hit you, now you are laughing like a flower! ”

Ye Jun bit the straw boredly and glanced at Qi Guoming who was smiling like a flower.

Said lazily: “It’s okay, this is a dying bug, just wait for a good show!”

“Also, Xiaoan. I said half sugar, you bought me sweets.”

“Huh? What I told the boss was half sugar, how could it be possible!”

“Don’t believe it? You taste it!”

An Ran took the milk tea, used her teeth to loosen the straw that Ye Jun had bitten, and took a sip.

“It’s a bit sweet, I’ll just change a glass for you!”

Damn, this kid!

Come pick up girls or bet on rocks!

No one is right!

Qi Guoming watched Ye Jun and An Ran’s interaction and snorted coldly!

Under his sign, the stone gambling conference continued.

After various notary offices confirmed that the gambling game was legal and effective, the stone gambling officially continued.

“Everyone, now is an exciting stone-breaking session!”

“Masters can choose the labor we provide, or they can do it themselves.”

Oh oh oh oh!

There was a small climax underneath, you know, this stone is also very particular.

In particular, watching these masters personally drill the stones, it is simply a pleasure!

The people below can’t wait to see it!

None of the masters on the stage have not chosen the stone masters provided by the gambling field.

They all went into battle with their own hands!

And among them, there is another accident…

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