Chapter 202 I, bet 10 billion, bet I will win

Fuck, crazy, crazy!

The people at the scene couldn’t believe their ears!

Even the emcee looked at Wang Zhenzi in disbelief!

At this time, his heart was completely filled with shock!

“Master Wang, you mean, for this billion, you don’t pressure yourself, you must pressure Ye Jun, Master Ye!”

The emcee couldn’t believe his ears.

It’s horrible, it’s crazy.

This billion, even for a top stone gambler like Wang Zhenzi, is the vast majority of his wealth.

In this way, he took it out for a one-time bet, and the object of the bet was not himself.

What kind of trust, or madness, can make such a crazy decision!

Wang Zhenzi glanced at the emcee faintly, her expression unchanged.

It seems that what he smashed out just now was not one billion, but ten yuan.

“I made it very clear. My finances have already begun to match up with you. One billion will be paid soon.”

“By the way, I don’t have so much cash. I remember that Qi family accepts real estate mortgage, right?”

While talking, Wang Zhenzi asked with questions to ensure that his billions were actually received!

The emcee was going to be confused, but still maintained some professional qualities, and nodded vaguely.

“Yes, Master. Our Qi Shi gambling farm will mortgage the real estate at the market price, and the intermediary fee is also the lowest in China. You don’t need to worry!”

This is not forgotten to do a wave of advertising, it can be said to be quite dedicated!

Wang Zhenzi nodded slightly, and said no more.

Soon, Wang Zhenzi’s 1 billion yuan was quickly reached, including more than 500 million in cash, as well as various shares, real estate, antiques…

It can be seen that he played the old game and bet the game.

At this time, the bet amount on the screen, Wang Zhenzi’s column is a big zero.

And Ye Jun, who has not yet played, plus Wang Zhenzi’s 1 billion, has reached 2 billion at this time!

Obviously, many people have been shown by Wang Zhenzi’s show operation.

A master who has been famous for a long time, buy another master to win at this time, how can there be any reason not to follow!

Of course, this also includes a part of the audience who knows part of the truth not to mention…

Looking at the data panel on the big screen now, the emcee was speechless.

Her eyes subconsciously went to find the real protagonist in this scene, Ye Jun!

It was discovered that Ye Jun was not here at all!

Damn, where is this man?

The emcee burst into a foul language!

He will be here soon, people are gone, what about making trouble?

The director was also looking for Ye Jun’s figure everywhere at this time!

Everyone now wants to see what this mysterious Ye Jun has!

However, this time the person disappeared!

The camera couldn’t show Ye Jun at all, and the people at the scene were a little restless inexplicably.

“Let’s take a look at Ye Jun! What are you still grinding?”

“That’s right, I voted Ye Jun 100,000 with Master Wang Zhenzi!”

“Quick, quick, we want to see handsome guys!”

The emcee was sweaty inexplicably, and she glanced cautiously at the next master who was about to appear on stage.

It is surprisingly the host of this time, Qi Guoming.

Qi Guoming’s face was very gloomy at this time.

He never expected that the illegitimate son of the Wang family would make a face to Ye Jun like this.

This is called the glory that should belong to him was taken away by Ye Jun inexplicably.

Forget it, let you be arrogant for a while.

Later, let you know what it means to climb higher and fall harder!

Qi Guoming showed a sullen smile.

The straight eyes looked at the emcee.

The emcee didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly stepped forward.

The big screen also showed Qi Guoming’s face with a yin in the middle!

And the rough stone he chose!

It was the original stone of the golden soul dragon’s eye that Ye Jun saw just now.

The appearance of this rough stone immediately warmed the scene to the extreme, and it suddenly dropped to a freezing point!

As the owner of Qi’s stone gambling field, Qi Guoming’s stone gambling skills and his personal fame once reached the peak in the industry.

But the rough stone he chose this time is really!

Ordinary, really too ordinary!

Even ordinary can’t describe the ordinaryness of this rough stone.

It’s almost like waste rock.

Sunken gaps, kowtow textures, stone clothing of unknown material.

It’s like concrete on a construction site.

Everyone was wondering that such a figure would come up with a piece of rough that could be called a waste product.

But no one dared to boo him.

Nothing else, just because this person is Qi Guoming.

The leading figure in the stone gambling world is behind a behemoth like the Qi family.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

Compared with the audience, the masters on stage are obviously more expert.

They looked at the rough stone through the big screen.

But it is also half-rate without a conclusion.

And there is always an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

This stone is definitely not easy!

This comes from the intuition of betting on rocks, and it also comes from the respect for Qi Guoming.

Master Wu muttered: “This stone must have a big secret!”

The prince also guessed in his heart: “This old fox, it is certainly not easy to make this stone. It seems that I will be planted today!”

The well-informed master suddenly thought of something.

I heard that Qi Guoming visited that one some time ago!

Could it be that the one who shot this thing!

Damn, he was actually pitted by this old fox.

The master frowned and said nothing.

Even Wang Zhenzi, who has always been calm and composed, looked at this rough stone with a faint worry on his face.

But quickly dissipated!

For a time, no one dared to judge this rough stone, but waited for the result quietly.

Qi Guoming looked at everyone’s reaction, but smiled faintly.

When the fake is true, it is true and false, and what he is playing is the mystery of this hand.

If the result is obvious, how can he get a huge benefit from it?

The emcee began to announce the rough data.

Weight: 18kg

Rough stone price: 3.6 million

Unremarkable price.

As the host, Qi Guoming also directly transferred the rough money into the account according to the process.

Next, is the betting link.

The emcee asked respectfully:

“Master Qi, how much do you plan to bet for yourself?”

On Qi Guoming’s Yin Yu’s face, there was a rare gentle smile at this moment.

Slowly raised a finger.

A look of surprise appeared on the emcee’s face!

With an unbelievable expression on his face, he said, “Master Qi, are you betting one billion?”

When Qi Guoming heard the emcee’s words, the smile on his face widened.

The outstretched finger wiggled slowly.

Saying word by word: “I bet 10 billion! I will win by myself!”

This sentence spread to every corner of the gambling ground through the speakers brought by the emcee.

There is no imaginary boiling, everyone is quietly.

It’s so quiet that you can hear your own breathing and heartbeat!

And heard these two voices gradually become louder and thicker!

“Hey beg, hey beg!”

“Hey beg, hey beg!”

“Hey beg, hey beg!”

An inexplicable shout suddenly sounded at the scene.

The rhythm of this sound inexplicably matches the crazy beating heartbeat of these spectators.

When they saw the source of this sound clearly, their jaws suddenly broke!

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