Chapter 16 The Gloomy Wooden Guanyin Statue

“500 can never be traded, at least 20,000 yuan!”

“No, no. I can add 50 to you at most, 550 and wrap it for me!”

Ye Jun waved his hand again and again.

In the end, Ye Jun mentioned the price of 565.5, and put the snuff bottle in his bag.

After Ye Jun paid the bill, he played with the snuff bottle in his hand and left.

A transaction ended happily. Ye Jun was about to leave with the packing bag, and suddenly felt a line of sight watching him.

Looking along the way, a red shadow was watching him at the opposite booth.

Qi Ying!

Is she stalking herself?

Ye Jun was still guessing Qi Ying’s purpose, but saw her face calm.

Taking steps, slowly walked towards Ye Jun. Soon he walked in front of Ye Jun.

“Hello, get to know. My name is Qi Ying.”

Qi Ying’s voice was very light, and she couldn’t hear much emotion.

“Hello, my name is Ye Jun.”

“Mr. Ye just rescued me. Before I had time to thank you personally, you left. I didn’t expect to meet here. It’s a coincidence.”

“It’s a matter of raising your hand, how can you hang your teeth.”

“No, Mr. Ye. I sincerely want to thank you.”

Qi Ying tucked up the long hair that fell to the front.

“Miss Qi, you are serious.”


After Qi Ying’s thanks, she casually chatted with Ye Jun about other things.

“Just now I saw that Mr. Ye was shopping for his family, so I did not bother. Mr. Ye is really filial.”

“Where and where.”

Ye Jun said politely, he certainly wouldn’t say that he was nonsense.

“It seems that Mr. Ye has returned with a full load. That snuff bottle is what Mr. Ye has taken a fancy to early in the morning.”

“Hehe, Miss Qi also has good eyesight.”

Ye Jun was at ease.

“Mr. Ye, can you tell me about the doorway of that snuff bottle?”

A flash of joy flashed in Qi Ying’s eyes, and she continued to ask.

“It’s nothing more than the small objects used by the royal family in the Qing Dynasty, and the tourmaline material can be eye-catching. There is no doorway.”

Ye Jun casually played with the tourmaline snuff bottle in his hand.

“Royal Queen? I don’t know how much it is worth.”

“It’s worthless, hundreds of thousands of gadgets.”

Hundreds of thousands? Qi Ying heard the price, her eyes calmed down.

Hundreds of thousands is not a significant number at all for her.

But this person just bought it for tens of thousands of dollars.

This inverted profit margin made her a shopping mall veteran a little excited.

After thinking for a while, Qi Ying slowly spoke to Ye Jun.

“Mr. Ye, I have a deal to discuss with you.”

“Make a deal? What deal?”

Ye Jun asked flatly.

“I admire Mr. Ye’s vision. I don’t know that Mr. Ye has suitable collections to sell to me.”

“My collection?”

Ye Jun’s heart moved slightly at this moment, and he didn’t have any collection, but instinct told himself that this should be a good thing.

“What about the price?”

Qi Ying heard Ye Jun’s intention to trade, and smiled slightly:

“Mr. Ye don’t worry about the price, I will ask you to buy it according to the market price.”

Ye Jun was quite satisfied when he heard the price.

You know, the price of an antique can be in the tens of millions at random, and the price difference of several layers is several million.

This woman

It’s really not short of money.

“What are your requirements?”

Ye Jun asked, he wanted to do this business.

“The higher the value, the better, the more precious the better.”

Qi Ying’s conditions are also very simple, and very rich.


Ye Jun was also slightly shocked when he heard this condition. How could this girl with good temperament look like a nouveau riche?

When Qi Ying saw Ye Jun’s expression, she realized that there was something wrong with her expression.

With a slight smile, he said, “Mr. Ye, don’t get me wrong. I have no choice but to do this.”


Seeing Ye Jun’s puzzled look, Qi Ying also talked about her own difficulties.

“Next month will be my grandfather’s 80th birthday. Our family is still a bit of a foundation. This is a gift for the elderly. Of course, the more expensive the better.”

After listening to Ye Jun, he understood that this proper giant was fighting for the top position.

But I just need to think about how to make this deal.

“This gift for someone still depends on the hobby of the recipient. It is either expensive or good.”

“I know this, Mr. Ye has bothered.”

Ye Jun pondered for a moment, and Qi Ying said, “My collection doesn’t meet your requirements.”

“Mr. Ye, the price can be negotiated. As long as you are willing to cut love!”

“It’s not the problem. The collection I have now doesn’t meet your requirements.”

Ye Jun said with a hint of helplessness, the collection he has now is indeed only the three items that he has just shopped in the market.

“Then Mr. Ye, you have to show me a plan.”

Qi Yingxiu frowned at Ye Jun.

“I have to go shopping in this Yanxie Street for a while, if I buy suitable items, can I transfer them to you?”

Ye Jun put forward a suggestion that if something is missed, he can trade on the spot, saving trouble.

As for the system, as long as the repair function is not used, there is no need to worry about exposure.

I am a master appraiser from now on.

“Okay, I would like to thank Mr. Ye first.”

Hearing what Ye Jun said, Qi Ying was actually a little unhappy. Even in a famous street in Shu, it is not so easy to find the right object?

But this Ye Jun looked like a capable person. Qi Ying believed her instincts and Quandang was relieved.

“Then go with me.”

Ye Jun didn’t want to waste time here anymore, and he greeted Qi Ying, his footsteps had already begun to move.

Qi Ying quickly followed in his footsteps.

After walking around, Ye Jun will not stay at a booth for more than five minutes.

No more than five items were seen.

At this speed, Qi Ying wondered whether he was visiting the pedestrian street or the antique street.

If I hadn’t seen this person with real abilities, I would think that someone was doing her a trick.

Ye Jun was also very melancholy.

The few things he looked at were indeed real guys, except that the value was far below the standard Qi Ying wanted.

Moreover, the store is very clear about the value of the treasure, and it is impossible to buy it at a low price.

Soon after shopping to the end of the street, there are no more shops left.

Suddenly Ye Jun was attracted by what a shop had placed in its booth.

A wooden statue of Guanyin.

Guanyin’s eyebrows are carved to life, holding a jade bottle with compassion on his face.

The rare thing is that it is well preserved, the wooden stripes are delicate, and there is no sign of corruption.

The system panel appears:

[Gloomy Wooden Guanyin Statue][Value: 1.5 million][Damage degree: 20%]

【Repairing value of repairing value】

【Repair value estimate: 1.8 million】

[Detailed Treasures: Gloomy wooden ground, the work of the famous sculpture master Wang Fadong in the Qing Dynasty, the masterpiece of his later years]

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