My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 561 War King

"calm down."

Kashiwagi tried his best to comfort it in a tone that would not irritate it: "The top priority is to go to a safe place first, check its condition, and wait for revenge or anything like that."

Z2 was far weaker than he thought, and could not even respond well to the call of his companion Z1.

Obviously, in order to properly control the core of this world-destroying world, Team Flare conducted many horrific experiments on it that it could not bear.

In addition to sighing at this, Kashiwagi could only hope that his divine heart would cooperate with Z1, Xiaozhi and others to comfort Z2's heart.

According to the original plot, Z2 did not anger other humans because of Team Flare.


Z1 was speechless and seemed to have acquiesced.

Kashiwagi pressed the barrier switch on the side, took the restrained Z2 into his arms, looked around and frowned slightly, "Huh?"

What about the spider-like mental system?

Not put together with Z2?

"Porygon II! Have you found it?" He asked loudly to Porygon II, who had escaped into the computer space. However, the invincible virtual Pokémon was defeated this time.

The screen of his mobile phone suddenly lit up, and Porygon II emerged with lingering fear.

"Oops, I almost got locked..."


"There was a computer expert who didn't know where he was. He came to me before I even had time to look for him. Fortunately, the double saved me and used the fake body to fool me. 』

Even through the cold electronic sound, one can hear the remaining fear of Porygon II.

"The network connection is down, I'm going to chase you... I'm sorry." 』

Is it one of the four scientists under Vladali?

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Kashiwagi offered words of comfort.

In order for Porygon II to defeat human computer technology masters in the electronic space, perhaps it is only possible to further transform into Porygon Z...


In view of the strange whirlpool between Unit-01 and Dr. Akihabara, with both sides accusing each other of being crazy, he really didn't dare let Porygon II evolve at will.

Dr. Akihabara probably wouldn't agree either.

"I have an ominous feeling, let's go out first."

Kashiwagi whispered to Z1 that the internal network connection of the laboratory failed, and the external network was blocked by the Liuge faction. It is deeper than the underground city and cannot be contacted by radio until a communication station is established...

At this stage, he has almost lost contact with the outside world.

Fortunately, I made an agreement with Hupa before coming to pick me up in fifteen minutes if I didn't contact him.


Z1 barked in agreement.

It didn't want to stay in this disgusting place for a moment.

One person and one dog quickly turned around and went out, preparing to go back to the warehouse and hide and wait for fifteen minutes to pass.


With Kashiwagi's ability and the map, he might not be able to get out, but who knew that the Vladali Research Institute would have those strange black technologies, and it wouldn't be a good idea to overturn the situation.

But that's it for sure.

"Kashiwagi, I hope you can put down that Zygarde core cell."

A tall figure occupies the passage outside the door, and his cold gaze brings a terrible sense of oppression.

It was Vladali who was already fully armed.

Nest grass!

Sign up!

Kashiwagi gasped.

What does it mean if the big boss blocks the door while doing a mission? After all, how did you get from the tenth floor above the ground to the fifteenth floor underground so quickly?

Did Flobo fail?

That guy confidently took on the beheading mission, but not to mention blocking Fradali, the latter even wore a neural connection device!

Doesn't this guy know how to do it?

Secret passage! ?

He picked up the dog-form Z1 on the ground and shouted quickly:


"it's useless."

Fradali waved his hand, and the mechanical tentacles on his back immediately released strange electromagnetic waves, which interfered with Porygon II's attempt to use teleportation.

Does your neural connection device have too many functions?

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue heavily.

There were also special radio waves in the research room that blocked instantaneous movement, and he turned them off on purpose. Unexpectedly, the device on Vladali's back could be released.

The ideas are thorough enough.

No wonder it is the villain organization closest to the successful implementation of the plan.

"Put down Zygarde's core cells and I can forgive you."

Fradali's voice became deeper and deeper.

"This is not okay. Although it is a great honor to be remembered by Representative Fradali, with all due respect, your plan is completely harmful and has no use except causing trouble for others."

Kashiwagi responded loudly with beads of sweat streaming down his forehead.

Fradali snorted coldly.

"Hmph, what do you know? There is too much filth in this world, I just want to clean up some of it. I used to... huh?"

The lion head, who was about to reveal all his conspiracy, paused slightly, and a white shadow suddenly flew up behind him.


Blue light and jet black light shined, and a cloud of smoke erupted between the two.

After the smoke and dust dissipated.

There was a golden rooster and an independent humanoid ferret in front of Fradali, while Doronbaruto appeared awkwardly not far away and disappeared again.

"Sneaky and sneaky, it seems that you are also the type that must be eliminated."

The lion's head's expression turned completely gloomy with this sneak attack, as if he no longer intended to explain his past and great ideals to Kashiwagi.

"Clear your own brain first. An organization led by a madman cannot succeed no matter how many years it takes. Do you really think you are a tyrant?"

When the sneak attack tactic of delaying time failed, Kashiwagi stopped being polite and began to sneer directly.


Vladali raised his hand, and the mechanical tentacles on his back immediately shot out a penetrating red light towards the two Zygard cores in his arms.

Kashiwagi rolled to dodge, throwing Z2 to Z1 in dog form, and opened the elf ball while shouting, "Don't let his red light sweep you, that thing can control your mind! Go use that damn fat man as a shield!" "


White light flashes.

Boss Cordora landed.


Z1 glanced at Kashiwagi and Bosco Dora, held Z2 in his mouth and ran towards Kuseloski with a shout.

It actually prefers to use the ventilation duct to escape like last time, but since this human said so, let it believe it for once.

Believe it once, just like Yulijia believed in him.


Fradali shouted, and the mechanical tentacles on his back were directed towards the huge Boscodora, and energy pulses mixed with strange power were continuously injected into the latter's body.


Boscodora took a step back slightly, with a painful expression.

Kashiwagi pulled out the keystone hanging around his neck, looked at Fradali who was directly opposite him, and whispered: "There is no reason why we can't do what Ash and Koga Ninja can do!"

"Come on! Boss Cordora!"

He shouted, and Boscodora in front of him immediately let out a muffled roar, and the pain on his face disappeared.

It was replaced by a look of determination similar to that of Kashiwagi behind him.

You and I are one soul! We share the same fate!

Evolution beyond evolution——

"Mega evolution!"

Kashiwagi's voice was like the drums of war, instantly igniting the flame in Boscodora's heart.

All of a sudden.

The red light emitted by Vladari was dissipated by the more dazzling colored light, and the astonishing change outside Boscodora was completed in a short time.


The white and silver land-based fortress roared at Fradali who looked in disbelief!

But after the rant.

Super Boss Cordora and Kashiwagi unconsciously felt a little tired - spiritual fatigue, breaking free from the control of the mental system was more difficult than imagined.

"Mental system failure..."

How could Lionhead believe that his mental system, which he had tested time and time again, even Zygarde could not resist, actually lost to a small super evolution.


There was another cry of pain in my ears.

Vladali looked sideways and saw that his master, Itachi, had been knocked unconscious by Doron Baruto, whose eyes were wandering and evasive, as if he was extremely frightened.

"How dare..."

He took out the Poké Ball, as if he had forgotten that this was his important laboratory, and wanted to send out powerful Pokémon to fight Super Boss Cordora.


A call from behind interrupted Fradali, who was about to fall into madness.

An urban girl with rosy hair came over, held his shoulders and shook her head, "The ship is done, the situation outside has been defeated, and too many people have been arrested.

"Even if you defeat him, it won't help. Just take the legendary boulder and leave. There are many Pokémon in the world that can be used."


Fradali turned his head and stared at his old friend who had supported him for many years. His anger gradually dissipated and he nodded silently, "I'll leave this to you, Pachira."

"As you wish."

One of the Four Carlos Four Kings, Pachira of the Fire King smiled and nodded.

At the same time that Fradali left, Kashiwagi, who finally recovered, gave the order.

"Night Demon!"

The pale boulder that rolled down to the feet of the two of them at some unknown time showed a terrifying ghost shadow, rushing towards Pachira and Fradali.

However, just as they flew upward, two strange mechanical flying insects suddenly rushed out from the corner and stood in front of them, forming a barrier to firmly block the ghostly shadow released by the Sun Coral.

"You kid really likes to make sneak attacks. This is not a good habit."

Pachila looked at Kashiwagi in the laboratory through her orange-red sunglasses, and was about to kick the boulder back, but unexpectedly the latter rolled away.


She let out a soft sigh, but without stopping, she took out an elf ball and opened it.


The demonic hellhound, Heiluga, fell into the laboratory. He looked at Super Boss Cordora, which was countless times taller than it, without any fear, only excitement and violence.

"Mega evolution."

Pachira gently fiddled with the pendant on her chest, and the super-evolved colored light instantly enveloped Heiluga.

The next second.

A flash of earthy yellow light hits!

"One hundred thousand horsepower!"

Kashiwagi scooped up the sun coral that rolled back, then hugged Doron Baruto, who was dragging Master Itachi, and gave instructions.

Heiluga was just in the middle of its super evolution when Super Boscodora, which turned into an earth-yellow comet, hit it directly and embedded it into the wall with a bang!

boom--! !

A ball of fire exploded, and fragments of the wall and the remains of research equipment flew everywhere. Many researchers lying nearby were directly blown out, and the entire underground laboratory shook crazily!

Pachira at the door stared at this scene blankly.

This is……

What is the style of international police work?

As the leading reporter and the Four Heavenly Kings in the Carlos region, she has frequently dealt with the international police, and she knows very well that these gangs are most concerned about rules, justice and human rights.

Even if he is a criminal, he will never do harm if he can help it.

But such a violent super boss Cordora and Kashiwagi who has no regard for the environment are completely different from the international police she expected!

These research instruments are all evidence!

Researchers are all witnesses!

Is it really okay for you to be so unscrupulous...?

At this moment.

Pachira couldn't help but began to wonder who wanted more for human beings to become pure, Fradali, who had reached this point and was still in the theoretical stage, or the unreasonable young man in front of her.

"Sister, if you stay stunned for a little longer, your boss will be arrested."

Kashiwagi complained loudly, and Super Boss Cordora also retreated from the sunken wall. Inside was Super Black Luga who had successfully super evolved but was covered in scars.

The strength of the Four Heavenly Kings is still very strong. If it were replaced by an ordinary trainer's Pokémon, there is a high probability that it would not be able to stop the 100,000 horsepower just now.

In this kind of unruly outdoor battle, there are too many factors that affect the strength. Even if the Four Heavenly Kings are attacked by surprise or something, it will be difficult to turn defeat into victory.

Unless they are the type who often travel around the world to compete with poachers.

That kind of "practical" experience is particularly strong.

Pachira, who works as a part-time reporter and hangs out in Carlos's upper class society, is obviously not one of them.


Kashiwagi glanced at the injured researchers around him. To be honest, he didn't want to destroy the laboratory just like that. He looked at Pachira and said, "As you said, the done deal is impossible. Vladali can't bring the legendary The boulder escaped.”

Shijana and Daigo are in charge of the legendary boulder. No matter how powerful Vladali's neural connection device is, there is no way he can defeat them.

"Hmph, that's hard to say."

Pachila crossed her arms, as if she could tell that Kashiwagi didn't intend to attack anymore, and her tense muscles gradually relaxed.

She touched the head of Super Black Luga in front of her and said with a smile: "I advise you not to underestimate Fradali. Your raid may be successful, but that man will not give up just like that."

"No matter if he is determined to give up or not, you will know when he is caught."

Kashiwagi looked down at the time and threw a handcuff at her, "Just don't let me do it, right? If you cooperate more, it will be easier for me."

Compared to the extremely stubborn Fradali, Pachira, who admired the former, was much more uncertain.

She may have seen that Fradali's plan was just a product of madness, so she chose to help the "protagonist" in both the game and the animation.

In the manga, he was completely heartbroken, but he was also confused about his life and death, and was taken away by Karuna.

And in the animation world that Kashiwagi lives in.

After seeing the battle between Ailan and Xiaozhi, Pachira became interested in the possibility of human beings again, so she chose to rebel when Vladari destroyed the city of Miare.

After the incident, she surrendered to Miss Junsha.

I wonder if she can still find her touch after Kashiwagi's gag.

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