My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 553 This “Mrs.”

As Kashiwagi said.

The person coming was not reinforcements from the enemy, but the princess of Azote Kingdom——

Ji Meiya.

Because he did not trust Minister Jarvis, who was also the villain, he chose to side with Bolkenion, Xiaozhi and his group, trying to prevent Jarvis from obtaining Magearna's soul.

His memory of the princess was quite clear.

On the one hand, it's because of her lame and ridiculous voice acting, and on the other hand, it's because she has mastered the super evolution of Gardevoir.

Volcanion looked unhappy at the crowd of humans in front of him.

"Why are there so many people again!"

It tilted its head and complained softly.

Originally there were only four, but Kashiwagi came and became five, captured two enemies and became seven, and now there is one more!

It's getting really unpleasant!

the other side.

Jimiya's self-introduction to Majiana evoked memories of the latter's past.

It was a tribute from the Kingdom of Azote created for the purpose of accompanying the princess. It knew human language but could not speak it. The appearance of the person in front of it reminded it of the little girl he had accompanied.


A cluster of flowers spurted out from Magearna's wrist.

"Ah! Wow! So beautiful! Thank you!"

Ji Miya said in surprise, then walked towards Bolkenion next to her, and said: "Polkenion, you have been protecting Majiana for so many years, right?"

"...Hmph, that's about right."

Bolkenion glanced at Magearna and turned his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

It looked around at the crowd and said loudly: "Get ready to go! We can't stay any longer!"

"But I agreed in advance that I won't allow these two people to come with them! Not even prisoners!"

Bolkenion's eyes finally fell on Kashiwagi, and he said extremely seriously: "The house will become dirty! Get them away quickly!"

Although I really want to tell him that in the original plot, your home was almost destroyed by bombing, but it's meaningless just to tease him.

As long as he is here, this kind of plot will definitely not happen.

Kashiwagi nodded, turned around and walked towards the Team Rocket trio who had been doing something sneaky since just now.



Musashi and Kojiro, who hid Meowth behind them, both had cold sweat on their heads, looking extremely guilty.

He pulled the two of them apart, and a white light suddenly lit up in front of them.

"Eat me and scratch me like crazy!"

The shrieking sound of meows sounded in my ears.

Kashiwagi calmly stretched out his hand, and he immediately grabbed the big head of the leaping Meow Meow. His limbs were flying back and forth in the air. The white light on his claws was quite penetrating, but because the former's arms were too long, it was difficult to touch his face. .

Swish swish——

After frantically grabbing for air for a while, Miao Miao finally gave up resistance and drooped her limbs violently to gasp.

"How, how could such a thing happen?"

"Your claws are quite flexible."

He glanced at Kojiro's handcuffs, and they looked like they were about to be pried open... Are these handcuffs of the same level as police ones?

Proficient in sliding doors and picking locks.


It's a pity that he was too loyal to the Rockets. Even after Muji was kicked off the team, he still wanted to join back. He also worshiped Sakaki almost fanatically.

Kashiwagi thought about how to deal with them.

Although the two people and the cat were his childhood memories, they had indeed done a lot of bad things. They had done good things and occasionally understood that justice did not mean they could offset the mistakes they had committed.

Many times the plot deteriorates because of a series of stupid things they do.


Here comes the problem.

He has no hard evidence that the Rockets trio did many of the things.

It is even more impossible to directly sentence him to prison. He even had to entrust Daigo and Liuge to trouble Team Flare. How could he have that kind of authority and power?

Even if we hope that these three guys can actually change their ways, they currently don't have the time or opportunity.

Throw it to the Ourei area to plant trees?

Don't let them contact Sakaki secretly and ask Sakaki to turn his attention to Ole to open up a branch base. After finally driving away the Shadow Team, Kashiwagi never wants to usher in the Rocket Team.

There are already a lot of troubles on Shanmin's side.

What the hell...

Three hot potatoes.

Sure enough, it would be better to just leave it to Miss Junsha.

Doesn’t the police station have a wanted warrant for the three of them?

But to be on the safe side, you still have to give them a good warning, lest these three guys come out to cause trouble for no apparent reason when they break into Team Flare.

Kashiwagi threw Meow Meow to the three evil dragons, who gave him a ferocious smile.

"Meow, I won't move, meow."

Meowth forced a smile back. As a Pokémon, it could still recognize which Pokémon could be messed with and which Pokémon should not be messed with.

"You come with me first."

He picked up Kojiro, unlocked his handcuffs with a smile, and walked to the grove arm in arm with the other's puzzled expression.

Both Meowth and Musashi looked at Kojiro worriedly.

Now, no matter how stupid they are, they understand that Kashiwagi is definitely not their fan, and they also know that the latter is definitely not someone to get along with.

At least the attack was ruthless!

I hope I won't hear Kojiro's screams for a while.

Miao Miao and Musashi looked at each other, then looked at the three calm evil dragons, remaining silent.

Ash and his friends were also curious about how Kashiwagi would deal with Team Rocket. They usually dealt with them by flying them away, but now that they were caught for the first time, they were a little confused.

Half a minute later.

The smiling Kashiwagi came back from the forest, followed by Kojiro with his hands lowered and an expression as if he had lost his soul.

His well-behaved appearance makes Meow Meow and Musashi's hair stand on end.

What happened?

They looked at Kojiro who was sitting peacefully next to him, with countless questions in their hearts.

"It's your turn, Musashi."

Kashiwagi unlocked Musashi's handcuffs and stretched out his hand in a please gesture.

The fierce Musashi was not willing to give up so easily. He immediately winked at Kojiro and tried to do something, but it was obvious that he had no response and could only tut.

Then we went to the forest.

Half a minute later.

Under the curious gaze of Xiaozhi and others, Musashi came back with a gloomy face, and without saying a word, he hugged his knees and sat next to the soulless Kojiro.

"Musashi... Kojiro..."

Meow Meow was almost swallowed up by the panic in his heart. When he saw Bai Mu looking towards him, he was trembling and didn't know what to do.

Why did Kojiro and the others become like this after going to the forest once?

Could it be that the soul was eaten?

Unable to resist, Miao Miao walked into the forest one step at a time, feeling that the Kashiwagi behind him was an evil spirit.

"Did Kashiwagi-san do something?"

"I am also very curious……"

"How about eavesdropping?"

"Let's forget about it. It doesn't feel respectful to Kashiwagi-san."

"makes sense."

Xiaozhi and the others were whispering to each other, causing Jimiya to ask curiously, "Isn't this Kashiwagi-san a companion of yours?"


When several people are communicating.

Kashiwagi came back with Meow Meow, who looked as if he was about to become a Buddha, with only an indifferent expression on his face.

He asked Jimiya:

"Princess Jimiya, can you lend me your aircraft?"

It's now past three o'clock in the morning, and there's no way I can call Hupa to help open the door, so I have to rely on myself.

"Yes, yes...can you drive?" The latter looked at Meowth in confusion, then at Kojiro and Musashi, burying his doubts deep in his heart.

"I can't, but my Pokémon can."

He smiled and pointed at Porygon II, who was looking at Magearna not far away.

Both are artificial Pokémon, and they seem to be a little curious about each other, especially the latter, which is completely unable to understand the structure and existence of Soul Heart.

How was this thing made?

"Polygon II!"


Porygon II, immersed in curiosity, woke up from a dream and quickly came to Kashiwagi's side, and then got into the aircraft according to his instructions.

Ji Meiya's spaceship based on mysterious science is mainly intelligent in structure, so there is no need to worry about Porygon II being unable to control it.

It can't do anything about purely mechanical things.

"It's amazing, you can actually control an airship." Citron's eyes shone, becoming more and more interested in Porygon II.

Kashiwagi, who greeted Musashi and Kojiro to board the airship, had a strange expression.

You must know that the Rotom Illustrated Book is Citron's masterpiece. The outstanding performance of Porygon II will not make Citron change his mind and create the Porygon Illustrated Book, right?

Porygon is not an Electric Pokémon!

never mind.

let it go.

"You go first, I will catch up soon."

Kashiwagi waved to Xiaozhi and his group, and drove away in the airship with the quiet trio of Team Rocket.

What did he do?

Did nothing.

Just said three sentences to the three of them.

To Kojiro: "You don't want your fiancée Rumika to know your whereabouts, right?" 』

To Musashi: "You don't want Happy Egg from Happy Town to be unable to continue being a nurse just because he stole things for you, right?" 』

To Meowth: "You don't want your first love, Madonna, to suffer because of you, do you?" 』

After listening to this, the trio of Team Rockets became the most well-behaved babies in the world, no matter what entanglements they had in their hearts.

Kashiwagi didn't expect how long these three sentences would take effect. He just transported them to the nearest police station and handed them over to Miss Junsha. After confirming the charges on the wanted order, he told them:

"Don't let me see you again, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

I believe these three guys will be able to settle down for a long time.

As for the Pokémon of the Team Rocket trio, they were naturally handed over to Miss Junsha.

Despite being bad guys, Team Rocket has a bond with their Pokémon, and it's not just a relationship of exploitation.


The Nibel Plateau is a long way away.

Because Bolkenion refused to take the airship, even though Kashiwagi quickly caught up with Xiaozhi and the others, he still hurried until dawn to see the iconic flower field.

Youlijia and Dongdongshu ran excitedly to the big rock and looked at it.

“What a beautiful flower field!”

The group jumped off the airship to take a break and relieve the fatigue caused by the long journey.


A small arrow bird flew from a distance.

"Are you here to greet me?"

Bolkenion raised his head, and who would have thought that the little dart bird would call out in a hurry as it approached.

"Dumb and dumb! Dumb and dumb!"


Volcanion's originally relaxed expression immediately turned serious, and he hurriedly ran in the direction where the little arrow bird flew away. The hunting wristband on its foot was triggered, and Xiaozhi was once again forced to fly towards it.

But soon.

Kashiwagi surpassed it and Xiaozhi at a faster speed, and saw the ice and snow dragon covered in scars and staggering.

In the initial setting of the XY animation, Ice Dragon is a Pokémon that is very afraid of heat. There is even an episode that explains how much it needs a cold environment.

But the subsequent theatrical version directly overturned this setting.

And there is an ice and snow dragon in the team of Carlos champion Karuna.

It can only be said that the animation screenwriters basically did not communicate at all when setting the plot, or that their settings were forgotten immediately.


The seriously injured Ice and Snow Dragon fell to the ground.

Without thinking, Kashiwagi took out the poke ball to put the happy egg, and at the same time took out the first aid backpack.

"give it to you!"

He gave instructions to Happy Egg, then looked at Bolkenion and Xiaozhi who were chasing behind him, then glanced at the little arrow sparrow who seemed to be a little afraid of him, and ran further forward.

"Kashiwagi-san! Where are you going?"

Ash yelled in confusion, and Volkenion was also a little confused. He lowered his head to look at the scarred ice and snow dragon, and his attention was instantly attracted to it.

"What a serious injury!"

Its sound is quite heavy.

Citron and others came from behind, followed closely by Ji Meiya who was driving the airship. The latter shouted: "Move it up!"

"You don't have to meddle in your own business! I'll carry it!"

Bolkenion yelled in retort, untied the thick long arms from his back, and looked at Happy Egg who was treating him.


Happy Egg concentrated on treating the ice and snow dragon, and suddenly looked into the distance.


A terrible explosion sounded, and a column of gunpowder smoke mixed with fire rose into the sky.

Bolkenion's expression changed and he ran towards the direction of the explosion, "It's that guy!"


Xiaozhi also hurriedly followed.


The two saw a blazing scrapped car, and not far away, a stranger was pinned to the ground and handcuffed by Cypress.

"Just in time! Put out the fire, put out the fire!"

He waved to Bolkenion, and when he heard the poacher below him shouting "Let me go," he immediately slapped him on the back of his head.


The world suddenly became quiet.

"This person is..." Xiaozhi looked at this scene blankly.

"Pokémon poachers, a group of notorious guys, you should be familiar with."

Kashiwagi smiled at him and pointed to the rocket launcher next to him, "Illegal possession of destructive weapons and intent to use them against others. This guy will never have freedom for the rest of his life."


Xiaozhi looked at the skilled Kashiwagi and thought that he was indeed related to the International Police. This arresting action was so skillful!

the other side.

Bolkenion extinguished the burning vehicle and said to Kashiwagi who took out his mobile phone to contact someone: "From what you said, you are very familiar with this group of people?"

"More than one batch was caught."

The latter waved his hand, "From groups to individuals, from merchants selling Pokémon to hunters who hunt Pokémon indiscriminately. The place I once lived was a paradise for these people to do whatever they wanted."


"Of course, now it has become their hell. Come and catch them one by one. You are welcome to come." Kashiwagi smiled at Bolkenion, "Humans are not just bad people, there are also many good people."

Xiaozhi excitedly continued, "It sounds so awesome! Where did Kashiwagi-san come from?"

"The Ore region is a place you haven't heard of."

"Ole? I really haven't heard of it..."


This fantasy Pokémon, which had no good impressions of humans, looked at him, then glanced at Xiaozhi, Citron and the others, then lowered his eyes and turned to leave.

"I reluctantly admit that human beings can be considered good and bad, but I can only speak for myself."

It said so proudly.

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