My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 550 Explosive Beating of Luca

Inside the Tower of Refinement.

Kashiwagi silently watched the battle between Korni and Ai Lan.

From the fact that Super Charizard can fly Super Lucario into the wall with one move of its claws, it is not difficult to see that Ai Lan's strength at this time has reached the peak of his XY version.

"Lucario has lost the ability to fight! Charizard wins! The winner of this gym is challenger Ai Lan!"

The referee's voice was quite loud.

Just like him who was jointly coached by Adam and Mikri, Fradali also found many powerful trainers for Ai Lan to line up and give him experience.

He even called Pachira, the Four Heavenly Kings of Carlos.

Therefore, in this month, the strength of Ai Lan and Super Charizard, who have been tempered by ten consecutive battles, has skyrocketed, and it is obvious to the naked eye that they are now different from what they used to be.


This is also related to Ai Lan's determination.

In order to protect Manon and Dr. Bratano, in order to recover Harry who was unconscious due to Team Flare's experiment as soon as possible, and in order to fight Ash who touched him at the league conference, there are too many things that I want to do to promote He advances with Charizard.

In the game, there are three super buffs!

I just don’t know if Ai Lan’s three super buffs are still there after Team Flare takes action.

You must know that Xiaozhi and the bound Koga Ninja were only one move away from Ai Lan and Super Charizard. They lost only because their last big move failed to counter the wave.

Under the changing circumstances, can Ai Lan still retain that determination?

Kashiwagi was inexplicably looking forward to it.

You must know that the finals of the Carlos League Conference are a pain in the hearts of most animation fans. The early announcements were so good that the title was even "Champion of the Carlos League, Ash Ketchum's Peak Showdown".

If the results were not known in advance, nine out of ten people would think that this wave is stable, right?

Who would have thought…

It can only be said that the production team is really good at playing, turning so many animation fans who are looking forward to Ash's victory into clowns.

Kashiwagi is naturally on Xiaozhi's side.

After all, he had watched her travel all the way from Wuyin, and it would not be an exaggeration to say, "I watched this child grow up."

looking forward to.

However, perhaps his gaze was too intense, and Ai Lan, who had put away his badge, looked at him, but unfortunately he saw nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Korni, dressed as a roller derby girl, asked curiously.

Ai Lan only thought it was an illusion, shook her head and said: "It's nothing."

the other side.

Kashiwagi followed Cocobul to the upper level of the Refining Tower.

Although he believed that Ai Lan would not tell Frillida that he had come to Kalos, but to avoid this small possibility, it was better to avoid it.

"I really want to have a fight to test my strength."

He was curious about which side had grown more powerfully after a month of growth.

Can Super Boss Cordora still be able to defeat Super Charizard?

It's a pity that there is a high probability that there will be no chance.

Daiwu and the others couldn't meet Ai Lan before taking action. Ai Lan probably wouldn't be in the same mood after taking action. They couldn't stay in Carlos and wait for him to adjust, right?

It's not necessary.

Kashiwagi put it behind him and listened intently to Cocobul's introduction to the history of the Tower of Refinement.

Go to the top of the tower.

The two of them looked at the Super Island with its dark outline faintly visible in the distance, and noticed that the sky was getting darker.

"It's getting late, why don't Kashiwagi-kun stay for a quick meal?"

Cocobul proposed proactively.

Kashiwagi originally planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and glanced at the news about Azote Kingdom before agreeing softly.

If he remembered correctly, the timeline of the entire plot of the theatrical version spanned two days and two nights, and Xiaozhi and others encountered crises in the morning and midnight. Now that it was approaching dusk, there was no need for him to rush.

Let Boscado pull them to eat a comfortable meal first.

Mainly he went for Gengar and Zygarde Z1. Why were they so anxious when they weren't there?

Just sit back and wait for the plot to develop?

The key to joining the protagonist group in what capacity and gaining the trust of Xiaozhi and even Z1 is also a matter worth pondering.


Ai Lan left along the path revealed when the tide receded.

There was a grunting sliding sound from behind.


The visitor was the young and beautiful Korni. When she saw Kashiwagi, she was quite shocked and asked, "Today's second challenger?"

"No, Kashiwagi-kun is a guest."

Cocobul explained the situation.

An expression of interest immediately appeared on Korni's face, and she said curiously: "Chasing Rayquaza of different colors? How awesome!"

"Just following it, Miss Korni, as a gym leader you are much more powerful than me." Kashiwagi smiled.

Unexpectedly, this sentence made Kerni feel a little embarrassed.

"No, I just inherited the gym under the guidance of my grandfather."

She blushed and waved her hands.

Cocobul smiled and said: "Hahaha, go down and eat quickly! Lucario and the others must not be able to wait!"

The three of them walked down the top of the tower to the restaurant.

Dinner was surprisingly delicious.

As the former simulation target, the chef who made his fortune, Kashiwagi has always had certain expectations for Carlos's cuisine, and it did not disappoint Kashiwagi.

Stews, stews and even soups, even though Cocobul claimed that these were just home-cooked dishes, still greatly satisfied his taste buds.

Pokémon such as Boscodora are also highly rated.

This made Kashiwagi begin to imagine the luminous dishes made by the chef, Rokomoko, and he vowed to stop Team Flare's conspiracy even if he smiled at [Gotha Duck's smile].

The city of Miare was demolished, who would make up for the luminous food he lacked?

While Kashiwagi was enjoying dinner, Korni frequently looked at Boss Kodora and Big Mouth Baby. As the inheritor of super evolution, she almost saw the super stone on both of them at the first sight.

It's inevitable to feel a little itchy.

The battle between inheritors and inheritors using super evolution is considered "traditional" in Kalos.

Korni drank the soup absentmindedly, only taking half a spoon and draining the other half, which made Cocobul frown.

"Cough cough cough!"

He coughed twice, and then regained Korni's consciousness. Seeing her stern expression, he sighed secretly and looked at Kashiwagi, "Kashiwagi-kun, if you have nothing important to do, why not stay at the gym tonight?" The rooms are spacious and spacious.”

"Thank you for your kind words, but I do have work to do."

Kashiwagi ignored Korni's suddenly shining eyes and declined the invitation.

Of course, he was not an idiot. How could he not know the purpose of Cocobul's invitation? He looked directly at Kearney and said, "However, I am very interested in Miss Kearney's Super Lucario. I wonder if there is one?" Any chance of a one-on-one battle?"


The underage owner stood up, slapped his hands on the table and nodded wildly.

"Cough cough cough!"

Cocobul coughed vigorously, glared at his granddaughter who was not calm at all, turned around and said, "I made you laugh."

Kashiwagi smiled and said nothing.

Korni's personality is very similar to Xiaozhi's. They are both cheerful and lively. She is also particularly keen on Pokémon battles and once recorded her own 100-game winning streak.

How could such a trainer remain indifferent when seeing Boscodora?


After meal.

After a period of digestion.

The sky outside had completely dimmed, and many lights illuminated the Tower of Refinement, making the originally slightly dark castle brighter.

Battle Arena.

Korni wheeled around the wall on roller skates, dexterously turning on the spot and looking at the cypress trees on the opposite side.

"Is it really possible to decide the outcome with just one Pokémon?"


The latter responded and glanced at Balza who was replying to him on the phone.

fifteen minutes……

Can the battle be resolved no matter what? After all, it's only one fight, and Kerni is not Michael, so Lucario shouldn't be that difficult.

"Oh well."

Korni was a little disappointed. She actually wanted to fight two Mega-evolved Pokémon...

If possible, it is acceptable for all members to fight.

Cocobul walked slowly to the referee's seat and said loudly: "I will be the referee for this match! What do you think?"

They all agreed in unison.

Although being a referee requires a certain level of combat literacy and knowledge, there is no sense of existence unless there are special circumstances. It doesn't matter whoever takes the role.

"It's about to start now..."

Cocobul announced the rules of the game loudly, and Kashiwagi silently took out an elf ball.

Wait for the moment it starts shouting.

Throw it out!


There was a flash of white light.


The big-mouthed baby landed on the ground, the red ribbon on its head fluttering in the wind.

Lucario appeared on the opposite side. With his well-proportioned figure and sharp eyes, he looked like he was not easy to mess with.

Kashiwagi and Korni looked at each other, one pulled up the necklace, and the other punched and kicked smoothly.

"Mega evolution!"

"Life! Explosion! Mega evolution!"

All of a sudden.

The brilliant colored light completely enveloped the two Pokémon, and the lightning-like psychic chains connected in the air, bursting out with even more dazzling light.

After a short breath, both of them revealed their new postures.


Super Lucario stood upright, the boiling energy creating a cyclone, causing the band-like hair on the back of his head to flutter in the wind.

Handsome is indeed very handsome.

But the height... is much shorter than expected, probably only 1.3-1.4 meters?

On the same level as a super loud-mouthed kid.


"Sorry sorry!"

Kashiwagi immediately apologized when he heard the protest. If he didn't hide his current thoughts, the super loud mouth kid would basically sense it.

The latter himself didn't have much awareness of height, and the key was the teasing attitude in his trainer's heart.

What's wrong with being short?

Have you eaten your rice?

...Even if I eat your rice, I can’t think like that! Is it shameless?

The super-big-mouthed kid turned his head slightly, his eyes showing dissatisfaction.

On the opposite side, Kerni saw that they did not attack immediately and even had time to chat, so she couldn't help but assume the posture of the owner of the museum.

"It's not a good idea to be distracted during a battle! Lucario Wave Missile!"


Super Lucario roared in a long voice, clasped his claws at his sides, and the energy quickly gathered towards the center, turning into a constantly throbbing blue light bullet!



The light bullets flew towards the Super Big Mouth Baby.

at the same time.

Super Lucario took a step back with his right leg, then suddenly disappeared from the spot!

This is one of Korni's tried-and-tested offensive routines. She uses wave missiles to attract the opponent's attention, and then relies on its high speed to get behind the opponent and launch a super-fast and super-powerful blow.

Having lost to a Megazord before, she knew that she couldn't fight this Pokémon head-on.


As the gym leader, Korni seems to have forgotten that even Pokémon of the same type will undergo different changes when trained by different trainers.

This is true even after super evolution.


The super-big-mouthed kid calmly turned sideways, moved his eyes left and right, and the black and red light flowed in the two giant jaws on the back of his head, which looked like living creatures, and gnawed in two directions like lightning!

Bang! Click!

A cloud of smoke exploded.

The flying wave missile was actually bitten into pieces by one of the giant jaws, while the other giant jaw hit the Super Lucario running behind it with the same precision!


"Bullet punch—eh?"

Korni was startled suddenly, and then her face changed drastically, "Lucario! Get away quickly!"

But it was too late.

"Flame Fang!"


The raging fire surged up!

His right fist was covered in silver light, and Super Lucario, who was struggling with gritted teeth, was swallowed up by the flames spurting from his giant jaws, and instantly turned into a terrifying human-shaped torch!


The screams irritated Korni's eardrums, and she quickly shouted:

"Lucario!! Use Resurrection!"

"...It's useless, it's over."

Kashiwagi waved his hand, and the super big-mouthed baby released its right giant jaw.


Super Lucario, covered in smoke, fell to the ground helplessly, and the light flow returned to its original state. The shocked Korni suddenly lost her balance and staggered to sit on the ground.


It took less than a minute, a one-sided beating without any suspense!

Overwhelming strength!

"Lucario has lost the ability to fight! Big Mouth Kid wins!" Cocobul said loudly, looking at Kashiwagi with surprise in his eyes.

Although he knew the Pokémon was very strong by observing it, he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Why has he never heard of such a trainer?


Kashiwagi and Super Big Mouth looked at each other. This was their first battle with a trainer other than Mikri and Adam in the past month.

Unexpectedly, all aspects have grown to the point where they can crush the super-evolved gym owner.

"It seems that the strongest spear is none other than you."

He gave Big Mouth Baby a thumbs up.

The big-mouthed baby, who had returned to its original state, rolled his eyes and looked down at his little fist. It had indeed been training very hard this month and even watched less TV series.

I was annoyed when I found out that my level didn't increase much, but I didn't expect that I could become stronger by leaps and bounds regardless of my energy level.


Dazuiba still likes this sense of accomplishment of slowly progressing.




This battle did not seriously affect Kerni's mentality, it just dampened her recent vigor.

According to Coco Bull, having fully mastered the Mega Evolution, she was invincible in gym battles, and even a little complacent.

The alternating battles with Ai Lan and Kashiwagi made her understand what it meant to have someone outside the world and a sky outside the world.

From this aspect alone, Cocobul was very grateful for his bold attack.

Dear grandpa.

Kashiwagi held a moment of silence for Korni in his heart, and at the same time formally bid farewell to the two of them. The time should be almost there, and if it was lucky, he might even bump into the Rockets trio.

Cocobul was a little regretful, but he didn't hold back too much.

On the other side of the Tower of Refinement.

Under a big tree.

Hu Pa emerged from the golden ring and yawned: "Xiao Bai, you are so busy. You have to run around so late at night. You actually have to find Xiao Zhi this time."

"It's Xiaozhi."

Kashiwagi smiled and touched its head, walked towards the open golden ring in front of him, waved his hand and said: "Good night Hupa."

"Come on Xiaobai!"

Hoopa pumped his fist to cheer him up, but became sleepy again the next second.

The other end of the golden ring.

In the dense forest.

The cypress trees stepped out from the golden ring, and the hazy firelight in the distance was quite eye-catching.

He did not let Hupa open the golden ring directly in front of Xiaozhi. Doing so would indeed save some effort in gaining trust, but it would easily irritate the sensitive Bolkenion.

As a fantasy Pokémon that hates humans, Kashiwagi who appears suddenly will most likely be attacked by it with [Steam Explosion] or [Water Cannon].

He's not a jerk, so naturally he doesn't want to be treated like this.

It turns out.

Kashiwagi's judgment was correct. At this time, Xiaozhi and his party, Bolkenion, and Magearna should be avoiding the villain's pursuit and heading to the land of the Nibel Plateau.

Nerves are tense.


Just as he was about to take a step that way, a question appeared directly in his mind.

"You guy! Who are you!?"

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