My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 537 The power of intimidation

Porygon II knows that its basic strength cannot keep up with the first echelon.

Therefore, before growing up, he decided to let himself, who has many changing moves, play the role of his perfect assistant.

But can a helper who has no time to take care of himself be considered a good helper? ?

Although it was entangled by the tentacles under the instruction from its trainer not to dodge, Porygon II still took it as its own responsibility to fail to break free in time.

Sun corals in particular were found to be endangered in a very short time.


Return support!

Return support!

The stick-shaped Porygon II rushed towards Sun Coral at top speed.

Kashiwagi also clenched his fists and shouted nervously, "Sun Coral, use it quickly——"


"The stinging jellyfish brings Lotte Kappa back!"

Facing Sun Coral, which was in extremely poor physical condition and was likely to lose its fighting ability even with a light wall after being attacked, Mikri's choice was to retreat.

The stinging jellyfish at the edge of the field suddenly pulled the Lotte Kappa on the floating board to it.

"Eh? Why?"

Lucia was quite puzzled.

Adam said: "This is not to give the Sun Coral a chance to take the initiative. If Mikri chooses to attack, then the one waiting for Lotte Kappa is [Tongming]. Even if it is not the Sun Coral that attacks, it will take the initiative to greet it. of."

The words fell.

Seeing Mikri's smiling face in the distance, Kashiwagi frowned and changed his words, "Sleep! Porygon II transforms and carries it!"

If we drag it on any longer, the sun coral will be killed by parasitic seeds and poisoning.


Sun Coral glanced at Mikri with resentment. It could have gotten off work with its glorious record of taking down one and a half of the opponent. Why are you so smart?

Coral is so angry!

Its candle-like eyes disappeared as it fell into sleep, and the bright green light on its body continued to ripple.

The [Sleep] state brought about by [Sleep] replaced the [Poisoned] state and successfully restored its physical strength to the limit it could recover.

Although you can't get rid of the parasitic seeds, you don't have to worry about them falling down in the short term.

In a normal battle, this move would be called a "reversal".


Kashiwagi clicked his tongue.

As expected, a trainer who can become a champion is not as aggressive as ordinary people and will not be easily fooled.

Seeing that Mikri and his two Pokémon didn't take the bait, Porygon II's abnormal expression immediately disappeared. It was indeed unwilling, but it didn't show it so obviously.

It's just a way to lure Mikri into being fooled.

Sometimes, acting is also a very important part of the battle. Once the opponent is eager to win, loses the ability to judge calmly, and shows a little anxiety and urgency, it will greatly mislead the opponent.



Porygon II jumped into the water, causing a large splash.


Wait for the water to fall.

Porygon II has already lifted up the sleeping sun coral on its back, overlooking the poisonous stinging jellyfish and Lotte Kappa in the pool.

The former is cursed and is losing physical strength every moment. There is no way to quickly restore physical strength such as self-regeneration...

Nothing to worry about.

What must be taken down as soon as possible is Lotte Kappa. The stamina this guy loses will be replenished by the parasitic seeds. It will not be nice to drag him to the end of the trick space.

Seize the opportunity while Porygon II is faster than the two of them.


Kashiwagi decisively revealed the trump card that Porygon II had been practicing hard recently but had never shown in an official battle.



A light green light band like a data flow flew out from the surface of Porygon II's body and gradually transformed into a round individual of equal proportions.


Mikri looked at the new Porygon II, and the intuition of a powerful trainer told him that something was not quite right——



New Porygon II suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

Mikri was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands and shouted, "Ring of water! Frozen wind!"


The stinging jellyfish spits bubbles, stirring the water and shaking up the bright blue water ring.

Lotte Kappa opened its flat beak and was about to release the freezing wind when a bright green light beam composed of multiple apertures suddenly dropped from the sky.



Water mist exploded, mixed with the screams of Lotte Kappa.

The bright blue water ring around the stinging jellyfish suddenly pushed out in all directions, like a surging tide, but failed to hit any target.

The next moment.


Boom! !

The frantic Razor jumped up from the bottom of the pool in a twisting and dancing manner, surrounding the Stinging Jellyfish and Lotte Kappa like a cage. The high-heat current evaporated a large amount of water mist, and also caused enough damage to the two Pokémon. .

Their bodies twitched and twisted underwater.

Lucia's eyes widened in the audience, "Eh? How could that happen?"

"Can I use a substitute for moves..."

Adam looked a little solemn.

As the owner of the gym, he knows very well that once a substitute can use the moves, even if the substitute has only one-quarter of the body's physical strength, it will play a decisive role in the battle.

More importantly, Kashiwagi gradually mastered the rhythm of the battle.

within the venue.

The surprise on Mi Keli's face turned into admiration, and he said: "It was a blow that caught me off guard, but it's a pity that my offensive ability is not enough...

"Sludge wave! Use absorbing punch on Porygon II in the sky!"

As he said, the Porygon II clone did not inherit the ability changes of the main body, and after the damage of the discharge spread, it failed to achieve the result of killing two people with one fell swoop.

This is also related to the low level of Porygon II.

The stinging jellyfish that recovered from the electric shock quickly sprayed out a large ball of venom, instantly turning half of the pool into the deep purple color of the venom.

The Lotte Kappa next to him jumped up, stepped on his companion's head and used it as a springboard to jump into the sky. His fists glowed a deep brown-red color as if they had been burned by flames.

"Texture 2!"

Kashiwagi's command was a little slower, the speed of the two Porygonmon IIs was not slow.

The Porygon II at the bottom of the pool turned into a steel-like appearance, while the Porygon II carrying the sun coral in the sky was shrouded in a layer of black mist, like a ghost.

Two moves with blind spots naturally failed.

Especially Lotte Kappa, it passed directly through Porygon II and Sun Coral, and didn't even hit the "stone" like before.

no doubt.

Last time Lotte Kappa was able to hit the main body of Sun Coral, it was also because the latter hit it deliberately to prevent it from hurting Porygon II below.

The bright green light spots absorbed from them also proved that Porygon II and Sun Coral in the sky were not phantoms.

"A move that changes attributes?"

Mikri reacted quickly. After all, the [mirror attribute] of the stinging jellyfish also had a similar effect. What surprised him was that the main body and clone of Porygon II could activate moves at the same time and produce different changes.

as well as……

Kashiwagi's ability to accurately judge how much damage a curse can cause within a certain period of time.


The stinging jellyfish quietly surfaced on the water, its tentacles that were originally like steel whips hung down weakly, and its eyes turned into black circles, as if it had fainted.

"The stinging jellyfish has lost its ability to fight!"

The old housekeeper's voice sounded.


The eyes of Kashiwagi and the two Porygon IIs flashed. When the opponent or one's own team exchanges during the double battle, part of the attention will inevitably be transferred to the newly appeared Pokémon.

It won't take long, but just grab it -

You can defeat your opponent in one fell swoop!

"Double attack! Signal beam!"

He shouted, and the Porygon IIs underwater and in the air responded simultaneously, attacking the tired Lotte Kappa who was lying on the floating board from two directions.

The bright green beam cut through the water and the air, screaming sharply.

The previous signal beams and discharges were not in vain. Even if Lotte Kappa had parasitic seeds to restore his physical strength, he would not be able to recover that much in a short period of time.

This guy is already very tired. It is not so easy to dodge without the magic space disappearing.

Will it be allowed to use photosynthesis?

Kashiwagi looked at Mikri opposite, only to find that he had already thrown the elf ball, and the flickering white light formed a huge spinning light and shadow in front of Lotte Kappa.

Bang bang!

Amidst the terrifying roar, the signal beam accurately hit the target, and the thick white smoke spread out, but it failed to disturb the huge figure of Gyarados.

This guy covered the Lotte Kappa on the floating board like a high wall, and its fierce appearance made the two Porygon IIs who stared at it tremble unconsciously.

[Intimidation] Feature!


Gyarados looked up to the sky and roared. The roar and intimidation echoed in the field made Kashiwagi's eardrums hurt. When he subconsciously raised his hand, his heart trembled inexplicably.

not good.

Something is going to happen!

His eyes widened, and then he saw Gyarados suddenly waving its huge tail!


There was a dull roar in the air.

The bright blue water flow wrapped around the tail of the Gyarados, like an upside-down waterfall in the rain, and swung it towards the Porygon II in the air with a shocking momentum!

"Water tail!"


Porygon II was frightened by the roar that triggered the [Intimidation] characteristic, and was unable to dodge or counterattack for a while.

Kashiwagi gritted his teeth.


No, it’s too late, I can only give it a try——



Countless silver snakes flew out from the surface of Porygon II's body. Its eyes tilted sharply across its body, but the next moment, it was violently smashed away by Gyarados' waterfall-like giant tail.


With an ear-piercing bang, Porygon II whirled like a stray arrow and hit the wall of the auditorium. The huge force exploded the wall, forming a spider web-like cracked structure.

And the Porygon II embedded in it...has lost its ability to fight.

The other Porygon II underwater turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

"Porygon II cannot fight!"

The voice of the old housekeeper brought the somewhat stunned Lucia back to her senses.

"S-What a quick reversal! Why did Porygon II move so slowly just now? The magic space obviously didn't end!"

"Because it was suppressed by the momentum of Gyarados."

Adam's tone was calm, "Weak Pokémon sometimes become unable to move in front of powerful Pokémon, and the [Intimidation] trait makes this situation even more clear.

"Kashiwagi's Porygon II... is it called Porygon II? It probably hasn't been cultivated by him for too long. It hasn't experienced enough battles. It has good flexibility and calculation ability, but its ability to withstand stress is not that good."

Powerful Pokémon often have an aura that ordinary Pokémon don't have, and for powerful trainers, applying this aura to battle is also an important step.

Porygon II doesn't have much of a problem. I just need to develop more stress resistance in the future... I guess it's because I've fought too many smooth battles.

In Pokémon training, sometimes getting beaten is also a very important part.

"Ah - it's such a pity. The first battle could have been over."

Lucia felt pity for Kashiwagi below, and said: "Now I might lose to my uncle in the first battle."


Adam shook his head, "The first battle is over. Where is the Sun Coral?"

After hearing this, Lucia subconsciously went to look for the Sun Coral where Porygon II was, but found nothing until the old butler Sebastian's voice sounded again.

"Lotte Kappa has lost the ability to fight! The gym leader's side has lost! Now for the second battle! Please exchange trainer seats!"


Lucia looked at the floating board where Lotte Kappa was in surprise, and then found that the floating board was surrounded and guarded by Gyarados. Lotte Kappa fell forward, and at some point there was a gray-white round stone wrapped with vines above his head. .

Gyarados, on the other hand, stared at the stone particularly angrily.

"Uncle! What happened just now?" Lucia looked at Adam quickly.

Adam replied: "When Gyarados attacked Porygon II, it quietly dropped the sun coral on its back. At the same time, the lightning it finally released also paralyzed Gyarados to a certain extent, making it unable to take care of Lotte. Kappa.

"The Sun Coral side probably woke up when the stinging jellyfish lost its fighting ability. After being thrown away by Porygon II, it immediately used Night Shadow on Lotte Kappa, but Lotte Kappa didn't block it."

Lucia was stunned when she heard this. She looked at the round stone and couldn't help but said, "Are these the tactics Kashiwagi had planned from the beginning?"

"It should be so...but whether it was a coincidence or a well-planned strategy, the fact that Mikri was at a disadvantage is still irrefutable."

Adam had to admit that Kashiwagi's talent in the gorgeous competition was outstanding.


His talent in combat is equally impressive!

Even if the Pokémon used by Mikri were not in the winning lineup, the gym Pokémon bred as former champions are infinitely stronger than the Pokémon in other gyms.

Kashiwagi's ability to suppress Mikri proves a lot.

"Seventeen years old...what a shame."

Adam sighed deeply.

If he could travel through time, he swore that he would definitely run to Kashiwagi before he started cultivating Pokémon and take the latter with him to cultivate Pokémon seriously.

In this way, we might be able to gain a disciple who is not inferior to Mikoli, or even surpass Mikoli in the future.

The terrible feeling of missing out on the out-of-print rare human rights card pool once again made Adam sad.

And off the court.

Kashiwagi and Mikri each took back their Pokémon and changed their positions, and the battle venue also changed from a large pool to a special venue that combines land and pools.

"Thank you for your hard work. You will indeed gain something from fighting against a powerful trainer. You will be more perfect in the future."

He comforted Porygon II.

Just as Adam thought, Porygon II really didn't play many headwind games. Even in the battle with its "old enemy" Rotom, the latter's sense of oppression was not much higher.

There were indeed one or two Pokémon in the team that were quite fierce, but Porygon II knew their natures well and couldn't be afraid of them.

The small loss suffered from Gyarados this time will definitely become the cornerstone for further progress in the future.

"You should also take a good rest. I will try not to let you work overtime again."

Kashiwagi patted another Poké Ball.

Be reasonable.

In this first round, all the kills were from Sun Coral. The output of Porygon II was obviously not low, but due to various reasons, it was forced to take advantage of it.

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