My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 535 Feng Ao! ?

Gym challenge is over.

When the dancer was about to leave, he met the alliance president Ye Ci again.

[You learned from her mouth that although there are many students in Orange Academy, not many can successfully challenge the eight gymnasiums]

There are many reasons - either because of lack of strength, or because they do not regard gym challenges as a necessary part of the extracurricular activities of 'treasure hunting'. Those aunts and uncles have grandchildren, but the treasure hunt is not over yet.

And Yeci came to find the dancer. On the one hand, he wanted to thank her for living up to his expectations and investment, and on the other hand, he invited her to go to the Pokémon League to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.

The dancer is naturally very grateful to Yeci. The latter not only told her the origin of the Tianxing Team, but also gave her the Taijing Bead, a prop that played a key role in the gym challenge.

But before challenging the Four Heavenly Kings, she decided to go back to school to complete the remaining courses and take the final exam.

"Hiss! If I were the Academic Affairs Office, you would be the best student this year!"

Kashiwagi was in awe.

What do you mean by a serious student who comes to school?

It is clear that if he works hard, he might become a champion trainer, but he actually takes the initiative to go back to school to take classes and take exams?

If it were anyone else, he would probably think that she was going back to school to pretend...but the dancer was really studying!

It can be seen from the narrator that her grades are quite good.

[You returned to Desitai City and returned to the original campus life]

The dancer still has one or two good classmates in school, and he is one of the few trainers who has obtained eight badges, so he is quite popular.

But not long after, a more dazzling person appeared.

"Huh? The protagonist of the game?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was the rival of the protagonist in the promotional video.

A black-skinned senior named Nemo.

The narrator revealed that although dancers are among the few students who can obtain eight badges, it also took a full semester, and Nemo——

It only took her three months.

In less than half a semester, she successfully obtained eight badges and defeated the Four Heavenly Kings not long ago. She was recognized by Chief Champion Yeci and became the new champion trainer.

Such an outstanding person, even Principal Clavell was alarmed and said that he intended to make her the student president.

"I'll wipe it!? Feng Aotian!?"

Kashiwagi gasped, three months was shorter than him!

Although he also takes care of the gorgeous competition, he has finished fighting the Four Heavenly Kings and has reached the limit of ordinary trainers in the Padia region.

What the hell...

In comparison, Xiaozhi, who had a tortuous rise to the top, is like a stepmother. He finally reached the top four in Sinnoh, while Unova was able to degenerate to the top eight.

Nemo, a powerful enemy, is comparable to the green one in the first generation.

in the screen.

The dancer was obviously shocked by Nemo's golden and legendary resume, and when the latter came over and asked her if she could be her rival, she decisively refused.

[You said that you can be friends if you are rivals, and Nemo, who was looking depressed across the way, became happy again]

Dancer doesn't particularly love Pokémon battles. Battles are just a tonic for her to witness the growth of herself and Pokémon together during her travels and leave precious memories.

Very different from Nemo.

The light screen flashes.

In the blink of an eye, the final exam was over, and Nemo ranked first in all subjects and was awarded the position of student council president by Principal Clavell.

[Your score only ranked tenth, but you didn’t feel too sad when faced with the comfort of the carnival dancing duck]

The dancer seemed to have made up some sort of mind.

Not long after the exam ended, she came to the Padia Pokémon League.

[You tell the guard that you want to participate in the challenge of the Four Heavenly Kings]

The scene changes.

The dancer came to a room surrounded by snow, with a desk in the distance, and a green-haired beauty dressed in a women's suit identified herself as the interviewer.

[When you hear the other person calling himself Xin Li, you understand that the other person is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings]

Before coming, the dancer had already asked Nemo about what he could reveal, including who the Four Heavenly Kings were.

The interview content is not difficult.

It seems that it is just to let the dancers recall the process of the gym challenge, and what they thought after becoming the champion, etc. The form is greater than the content.

This puzzled both the dancer and Kashiwagi, but there must be a deep-seated reason.


The battle between the four dancers begins.

Kashiwagi was a little excited and grabbed the steel arm of Boss Cordora beside him. The latter looked at the trainer who was getting nervous once a month and felt somewhat helpless.

It even once wondered if he was giving himself hallucinogenic mushrooms once a month.

Otherwise there is no way to explain it!

This symptom has been there since the first time I encountered it. It can’t possibly be something Happy Egg did, right?


Just bear with it.

How far away can we go?

Boscodora held her chin with her other paw sadly. At this moment, the big monster looked like a cypress, attracting the starry eyes of the heterochromatic Menas next to it.

And in the simulation.

The first king the dancers encountered was the interviewer Xin Li.

[You sent out your Pokémon a little nervously]

The Pokémon used by Xin Li have ground attributes, and Dancer's Pokémon still have an attribute advantage, but as the Four Heavenly Kings, the opponent's strength is naturally stronger than the gym leader.

[You are extremely lucky to have returned to school to continue cultivating Pokémon before challenging the Four Heavenly Kings]

It is not difficult to tell from the narration's explanation and the battle situation in the pixel version, although it is not clear whether the Four Heavenly Kings have used their full strength.

But from the current point of view, Xin Li's strength is a leap forward, and the war dance mastered by Pokémon such as Carnival Dancer is not as effective as before.

The number of hits increases.

The dancers had a very difficult time as a result.

"It's a bad to figure out the ending?"

Kashiwagi's joy turned to sorrow. There was no alliance conference in the Padia region, so the reward calculation was naturally the same as in Galar, and was based on other methods.

The intensity of the Four Heavenly Kings' first battle far exceeded that of the regional league conference qualifiers. Doesn't it mean that the gold content of champion trainers is much higher than that of conference champions?


I remember that the championship level requires beating the chief champion Yeci. Only by gaining her approval can he be considered the championship level. The conference champion has not even started playing in the Champions League, how can he be compared to the championship level trainer.

[You used all your tricks]

The dancer has almost turned over all the trump cards that he can turn over, and even the Carnival Wave Dance Duck made a small explosion by using the super crystallization and torrent properties.

Only then did he barely defeat Xin Li.

Of course, the more critical reason may be that Xin Li only took out five Pokémon to fight the dancer.

[You are extremely lucky that you only have to face five Pokémon at a time in this battle between the Four Heavenly Kings]

"So that's the case, it's time to 'let the water' go..."

Kashiwagi nodded secretly.

The region of Padea is truly too special no matter how you look at it, even stranger than the Galar region where gym leaders are treated like stars.

The process of fighting the Four Heavenly Kings is similar to that of fighting the Four Heavenly Kings in the game. It is a classic wheel battle.

What surprised him was that the second Four Heavenly Kings that the dancer faced was the gym leader Aoki whom he had met in Jinhui Town.

That secret skill is [hard support], and he has the aura of a Wulang and a middle-aged social animal.

[You learned from Aoki that serving as the Four Heavenly Kings was an arrangement of the alliance. At the same time, the alliance asked him to change his style when he was one of the Four Heavenly Kings]

Change the style.

This means that Aoki has changed from a gym leader with general attributes to a flying attribute Four Heavenly Kings.

Just like when he challenged Jinhui Gym, Aoki's strength has improved to a higher level, which is a disaster for this pair of dancers who don't take too long to rest their Pokémon.

The Vulcan Moth's Vulcan Dance defeated the Tropical Dragon, but fell in front of the Pa-Zi-PaZi-style Flower Dance Bird.

Tian Lengmei's tropical kick defeated Huawuniao, but was defeated by Mukeying.

The Flower Dance Bird's Electric Awakening Dance defeated the Muke Eagle, but lost to the Tanabata Blue Bird.

But Cangyan Blade Ghost and Miss Kuer'er came together, and then they managed to draw with Qixi Blue Bird.

The carnival duck and Aoki's last Pokémon, the Red Crane, entered the king vs. king session. The two attributes of Taijing Water and Taijing Flying that had no restraint allowed them to persist until the last moment.

in the screen.

The exhausted Carnival Langwu Duck and Taming Red Crane both stayed where they were, staring at each other and gasping for air.

The narration explaining the battle process disappeared.

Instead, it’s the dancer’s voice.

[You know, your relationship with Carnival Duck is quite complicated]

[You are both traveling partners and dancing partners, and more importantly, when you are at your lowest and most helpless]

[The one holding out his hand in front of you is the Carnival Dancing Duck]

[You have been saved by the dance of the Carnival Duck and gained strength from its dance, so you know that this time it is your turn to give strength to the Carnival Duck]

The dancer suddenly began to dance, not the war dance that he studied later, but the dance that Run Shui Ya had secretly learned in the first place.

this moment.

The dancers dance as if they have been given a real soul.

Even if it is just a pixel image, Kashiwagi can still taste the strong emotions contained in it, and the positive and uplifting power can bring tears to the eyes.

And the inspired Carnival Dance Duck also burst out with unprecedented power——

The bright blue tide spread to nearly fill the screen.

The real [Flowing Water Whirling Dance].

The flamingos were completely submerged.

"Sure enough, this world is different."

Kashiwagi sighed from the bottom of his heart. Although the battle between the Four Heavenly Kings was very much like a game, it was so similar that he almost misunderstood it.

But until the Carnival Dance Duck was inspired by the dancer's dance and his strength completely exploded, he understood that this was a benefit that could only be given under the background of animation——

The power of the mind!

However, after defeating Aoki, Dancer was unable to fight against the next Four Heavenly Kings.

[You fight against Yasaku, an art teacher who always likes to call himself a niche student. His strict and superb strength makes you quickly defeated]

The Pokémon that Hassaku is good at are dragon-type, and the narration shows that he is also the young master of a family of dragon trainers in the Padia region.

"This... young master?"

Kashiwagi looked at the actual photo of Hassaku and felt that he was almost the same age as Senri. He was still the young master like this. How old was the patriarch of the Padia Dragon Tamer family?

at the same time.

He also regretted not being able to meet the popular six-year-old King Bopa of the Padian League. Well...she might not be six years old yet.

[Your alliance challenge journey ends here]

[You saw Yeci again and expressed your apology to her. The other party didn't pay too much attention to her, but instead asked you if you were interested in joining the Pokémon League]

[You refused, saying that you wanted to be a dance teacher at Orange Academy in the future, to help students who were bullied, and to ease the relationship between the Tianxing team and the school]

[You heard Ye Ci smile and say that dance teachers and Pokémon League employees may not be incompatible with each other, just like Hassaku, so you replied to the other party and think about it yourself]

"Dance's indeed a good choice."

Kashiwagi nodded secretly and began to look forward to the reward again.

But after the simulation screen went dark, it suddenly lit up again.

What appeared in front of him was a luxurious office, with dancers standing at one end and Principal Clavell at the other end.

[You told Principal Clavell everything you knew about the Tianxing Team. After careful consideration, the other party said that he would find the true boss of the Tianxing Team as soon as possible]

[End of simulation]

"Huh? Is there any Easter egg at the end? What does this mean? The principal is going to attack the Tianxing Team?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt like he was choking on his rice.

He hated so much why he hadn't been able to travel through time later. Even though the plot of the Star Team in the animated world was definitely different from the game, it could still be used as a reference.

Where is it like now that I can't get up and get down?

He quickly checked online and found that the Tianxing team in the real world had not been able to solve it. He thought that the dancer's simulation content was probably not from the past few months.


too painful.

Kashiwagi was so angry that he punched Boscado's arm twice, and then his mood gradually calmed down.

He looked towards the reward.

[Fixed reward: Move learning machine × 2 (attributes can be specified)]

[Fixed reward: Dancer’s original war dance memory - Blue Flame Blade Ghost Sword Dance Chapter (can be watched repeatedly)]

[Choice Reward 1: Any Pokémon increases by two levels (below lv.70)]

[Choice Reward 2: Clues to obtainable Pokémon (attributes can be specified)]

[Select Reward 3: Move - Close Combat (can choose Pokémon to learn)]

[Choice Reward Four: Save the [Elite System] talent for the next round of simulation]

"Hey...he's at the level of a runner-up in the tournament."

He recognized at a glance that this was a reward given only to the runner-up, so if he defeated the third Heavenly King Bashuo, he would be the champion of the conference?

What about the fourth one?

What is the true strength level of the full-capacity king?

Or do you want to win again? After winning the battle, Ye Ci will be... ah, a champion trainer.

The chief champion is the regional champion.

Kashiwagi suddenly realized that the Padia region might not be able to get the top reward, that is, the reward for the regional championship. Although he had only received the Four Heavenly Kings level reward once so far, it did not stop him from having a little dream.

What if it simulates a certain previous generation regional champion.

It’s better not to add areas like this to the blue simulation next time.

He nodded secretly.

Although Padya's simulation was somewhat interesting, it was also because he had not been able to play Zhuzi, otherwise it would have been a very ordinary gym challenge process.

"Choose two out of four... let's go for close combat and level."

Kashiwagi looked at his inventory. There were too many Pokémon clues, so he might as well switch to a powerful move like close combat.

Moves are not something you can just learn casually if you want to.

As for the war dance memory...

The sword dance of the Blue Flame Blade Demon? Can it be used for babies with big mouths? Or do we need to tame another Pokémon that uses sharp weapons?

"Let's take a look first."

Kashiwagi clicked on the memory and instantly fell sideways on Boscodora's arm.


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It looks a bit like Digimon's Taming Tales. The protagonist has programming skills and can freely edit and create Taming Beasts. You can check it out.

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