My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 532 Ancient Dunjia!

Caught off guard.

Dancer and her Pokémon were chased by Murkrow and Delubi.

[You didn’t know that you were on the Tianxing team’s ‘blacklist’, you just thought there was some kind of misunderstanding]

She explained as she ran, but how could human legs outrun a motorcycle lizard?

The dancers had no choice but to send out the Carnival Dance Duck to fight back. There is no doubt that Brother Duck's strength is beyond the comparison of these two "ignorant" Tianxing men.

Dark Crow and Delubi were instantly knocked away.

[You were forced to defeat two Tianxing members]

The two of them ran away when they lost, coming and going in such a hurry that the dancer couldn't even touch the motorcycle lizard's exhaust.

But fortunately, the second team of Ge Dao can run away, but the monk cannot run away from the temple.

Following the direction in which the two men fled, the dancer came to the gathering place of the Sky Star Team's men in a blink of an eye. The familiar but huge chariot of a different color caught everyone's attention.

"Each squad has one?"

Kashiwagi thought to himself that this was an organization derived from the Bosozoku, and they rode "motorcycles" in groups, and they built such a large killing tank.

Then his eyes fell on the chariot. A pixel model was obviously different from others. He was wearing a hip-hop hat and carrying a large schoolbag, looking like a DJ.

This should be the boss?

The style is almost the same as that of Merocco, full of the rebellious flavor of a dropout.

in the screen.

The dancer was blocked by many Sky Star members and evil-type Pokémon. Pokémon such as Carnival and Dancing Duck protected her from the front and left, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

[You want to explain that you are not hostile, but you are keenly aware that the other person is the one who is hostile, which makes you very confused]

The atmosphere was a bit tense.

Fortunately, compared to Meroko, who was taciturn and decisive in his behavior, the boss of the second team on the road would have some communication before starting the fight.

[When you heard the other party calling himself Pina and asking you why you repaid kindness with enmity, you quickly started communicating with him]

White bubbles appeared on both sides' heads, and the words in the bubbles flashed.

Through the narration, Kashiwagi learned that the dancer reluctantly explained that he did not attract Kosa, but only asked him for clues about the Star Team and the alliance's investigation mission for Kosa.

Pina believed it.

This made the dancer think that this man with a frivolous tone and an unserious look was unexpectedly easy to talk to.

[You hear Pina ask you if you want to join their Tianxing team, and you ask if members of the other team’s Tianxing team are not allowed to attend classes]

Pina nodded.

The reason is that they want to wait for the return of the real boss, and the school requires them to disband the Tianxing Team when they return to campus life. But everything in the Tianxing Team is a treasure, how can they be disbanded casually?

[You understand and agree with Pina’s statement, but it’s a pity that you can’t give up campus life. The teachers in the school have helped you a lot]

The dancer definitely has no ill feelings towards the Tianxing Team, but she cannot accept not having classes.

Kashiwagi: "..."

What a good student!

Remember that Orange Academy also has basic courses such as mathematics, biology, history, etc.? Not boring at all?

within the light screen.

Pina was not angry after being rejected. As the core figure of the Tianxing team, he would naturally not do something as cheap as forcing others to join the team. He just asked his subordinates to let the dancers leave.

The dancer asked the other party where Meroko was currently.

[You think you need to explain yourself. After all, the other party has helped you. This is an irrefutable fact. It is also a very bad thing to allow misunderstandings to develop.]

As for what Merlot would think after the explanation, the dancer was not too entangled. She only knew that the misunderstanding had to be resolved by herself.

Pina and other Tianxing team members could not understand why the dancer did this, and they clearly did not want to join the Tianxing team.

[You tell them that just because you didn’t join the Tianxing Team, it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be friends with them]

Do you have to be in the same camp to build a friendly relationship?

Dancers don't think so.


Pina was stunned by the dancer, and then laughed out loud. The other Tianxing team members also had different reactions.

Apparently she was the first person to make friends with them as a non-Skystar team after the Skystar team declared war on the bad students in the "Star Wars".

This long-lost touch made Pina very happy.

[You learned that Merloco took the Wang Liang Four Stars team car to find the car’s designer]

The team car, that is, the huge tank filled with speakers is currently in an experimental state. The battle with Kosha exposed many problems with the team car, causing Merlo to go to the designer to improve it.

The designer's name is Ordiga, and he is the captain of the Third Team of the Tianxing Team. The Third Team is located in the northern part of Padia——

North Third District.

The dancer and Kashiwagi outside the screen looked at the map together and found that it was on the sea side of Frostmoist Mountain. Passing through Freezer Town would allow her to challenge Frostmoist Mountain Gym and Freezer Gym.

It just so happened that Meroko wouldn't leave the Gedao Team 3 base for a while, so she had plenty of time to challenge the gym.

[You bid farewell to Pina and other Tianxing members with excitement and arrived at Bottle City]

Bottle City.

It is an oasis and a water city close to the dry desert. Due to the terrain and environment, the city is divided into three floors, upper and lower, and is accessible by huge elevators.

The dancer rushed to the Bottle Gym, only to learn that the owner Hai Dai was entertaining guests in his restaurant.

The front desk staff accepted her registration.

[You are told to go to the Chinese Restaurant Hai Dai Club to accept Hai Dai’s little test]

"Wait! What?"

Kashiwagi was stunned, looking at the light screen with wide eyes and disbelief.

Chinese restaurant!

The name Zhonghua is different from the "China" in Japan. It is a name that belongs exclusively to his motherland in his previous life.

But he soon calmed down and understood that this actually didn't mean anything. There could be woks, tofu, Lai Lai Lai Xuan and other things in this world, so what did it mean to have a restaurant named after China?

Although in the world he currently lives in, he has never heard of any region based on China, but maybe it exists in a parallel world?

Not a big problem.

He gave the astonished Bosco Dora next to him a calm look, and saw that the dancer on the light screen had already found Haidai, who was frying fresh seafood.

[You know from the mouths of diners that Hai Dai is the cook of Jingtao seafood]

The dancer seemed to be a little bit greedy, and Haidai, who was planning to directly issue the task, a big-shouldered, bald man in a blue apron with a big waist and a big waist, had a laughing expression on his head.

She took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy Haidai's extremely warm hospitality.

Full of wine and food.

The dancer was given a small test that required her to go to the big market in Zhiqin Town to purchase some rare ingredients.

"Good guy, can we still ask students to help us run errands?"

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue, but he also knew that just because Haidai entertained the dancers, it was unreasonable to help him run errands or something?


The dancers left the Bottle City and followed the map to prepare to cross the dry desert to Zhiqin Town, which is located near the sea.

However, for dancers who are still inexperienced in traveling, how can such an extremely special environment like the desert be so easy to traverse.

Of course, she was still lost somewhere in the desert with a map and compass in hand.

[You are clearly following the direction guided by the map and compass, but you always deviate from the road, which makes you very puzzled]

"This is what the desert is like."

Kashiwagi nodded in agreement. If Porygon II hadn't always reminded him of the direction on his phone, he probably wouldn't have been able to pass through it so easily.

Fortunately, the dry desert is not particularly big. The dancers got lost for a while and soon found a landmark building that they could compare with——

The ruined watchtower.

[After you hugged Tian Lengmei excitedly, you couldn’t help but dance with it]

Sweet Queen is the only Pokémon among the dancers that can still adapt to the desert climate. Even Duck cannot bear the dryness and heat of the sun, while Flora is too small and easily sinks into the sand. Not found.

Only the sweet and beautiful long legs can solve all difficulties.

"Starting to dance there a new Pokémon coming to join the team?" Kashiwagi saw that the dance did not speed up, so he understood that a new Pokémon was coming.

However, he searched around and found no wild Pokémon.


[boom! ]

The light screen trembled violently, and along with the dancers and Tian Lengmei's sudden movements off the ground, it seemed that some kind of explosion had occurred nearby.

[You and Tian Lengmei looked at each other and decided to go and have a look]

Kashiwagi was also a little curious, "If there is an explosion in the desert, what kind of wild Pokémon could it be... a nest?"

He rubbed his eyes.

In the picture, a huge thing that looked like an armored mammoth was rampaging through the desert with astonishing momentum. Even the Howling Whale King looked a bit inferior compared to it.

Not far from that guy, a piece of collapsed rubble caught the eye.

[Do you think the explosion just now was caused by it hitting the rock?]

"Dunjia? No, there is no such long horned Dunjia...and there are not so many red thorns on the back of Dunjia."

Kashiwagi suddenly remembered that before time travel, a promotional video had shown a Pokémon called Paradox, including this Pokémon that looked like Dungeon.

It is called Dunjia·Ancient Species by players, and correspondingly there is a Dunjia·Future Species that looks like a mechanical creature.

However, he didn’t have time to play the game, so he really didn’t know what the specific situation was—

Are all paradox species so big?


This seems to be another setting called Treasure Lord...

Kashiwagi frowned, and Porygon II told him that there was no information about the Treasure Lord or the Paradox species on the Internet.

Is it all hidden?

In the simulation, the dancer who faced the huge monster also didn't dare to get close at all. She was not stupid, so the big Pokémon passed by her with a single push, probably with a slight hesitation.

She's not a hot-blooded idiot who just rushes towards powerful wild Pokémon.

However, just as she was about to turn around and leave, Tian Lengmei suddenly pointed to the pile of rocks in the distance.

[Your sweet and cold beauty seems to have found a Pokémon under the gravel]

Buried Pokémon?

The dancer's moment of hesitation was brief.

It is obvious that a person with the gift of kindness will never stand idly by in such a situation, even if it involves taking certain risks.

[You quietly leaned over, and while the wild Pokémon didn’t pay attention to you, you quickly moved the stone with Tian Lengmei]

In order not to attract the attention of the paradox species, the dancer did not even call out the Carnival Duck.

The atmosphere was a bit tense.

Kashiwagi felt his heart beating inexplicably, and the BGM of some key points in the plot of a suspense drama sounded in his ears——



He quickly turned his head and saw that a TV series not far away was playing a similar scene. The big-mouthed boys were all nervous and clenched their fists.

"Ah this..."

Kashiwagi twitched his lips, and when he looked at the simulation again, he found that the dancer was holding something white like an egg thief, and her paradox species Dunjia was chasing after her.

However, Paradox Dunjia did not pursue him for too long. He seemed to be guarding something and stopped far away.

[You look at the injured Burning Bug in your arms and let out a big sigh of relief]

Nest grass! Burning bug!

Is this something you can pick up casually?

Kashiwagi remembered that the Burning Bug was a very rare Pokémon in the anime. In the game...except for the limited version, the other two Gosanjia and the mythical beast, there really weren't any Pokémon that could be called rare.

But the dancer didn't seem to care too much about the value of the burning bug. He just left the desert as quickly as possible and found the Pokémon Center to heal his injuries.

During this time, she went to Zhiqin Market and bought the precious seasonings Haidai needed——

Golden kelp from Alola.

Haidai's purchase of kelp... well... it's very vivid. Seafood dishes do need kelp soup to enhance the flavor, so there's nothing wrong with it.

By the time she returned to the Pokémon Center, the Burning Bug was almost back to health. It just needed a period of rest, so Dancer took on the responsibility of taking care of it as it should.

[You comforted the burning insect and danced for it]

Oh ho.


Kashiwagi knew that with this little dance, the Burning Insect would surely fall, and this was indeed the case.

When the burning bugs reached the conditions for release, the little guy decisively caught up with the dancer as she left. There are many reasons why Pokémon chase humans, and gratitude and longing are one of them.

[You conquered the burning bugs, and the number of immature dance partners increased]

ah? Are the burning bugs also a dance partner?

How does it jump?

Will you dance the butterfly dance after evolution? It seems that there is no such dance type...but if you think about it carefully, it should be possible.

When a new partner joined the team, the Pokémon such as Carnival Duck were naturally very happy, so they held a dance party that was unique to them.

Burning bugs can't dance, they can only twist around, but they are cute enough.

Return to Bottle City.

Haidai and the dancers started a gym challenge.

The battle took place at the bottom level of Bottle City. There were many onlookers coming and going, but the dancers were no longer as nervous as before.

The first round started.

Haidai used Sankai Gopher, a Pokémon that looks quite similar to Gopher, but is actually a completely different type of Pokémon.

The dancer sent out a flower-dancing bird that transformed into a snapping form, and the electric-attributed Awakening Dance successfully captured it with a devastating gesture.

Sanhai Gopher didn't even have the power to fight back.

The same is true for the subsequent Great-billed Gull, which has four times the weak electric properties. It can't run away from the Pheasant. Everyone is a flying Pokémon.

The third light cod came on the scene and the situation finally turned around.

This guy seems to be a Pokémon with super powers, so even though it is a fish, it can still "swim" freely on the ground, but it is strange why it does not lack oxygen.

What was even more difficult for Kashiwagi to understand was that this guy could also use a move called [Flesh Throwing] to make himself look like a fish bone, greatly increasing his speed and double attack. His appearance became extremely terrifying and scared him. Big jump.

After searching online, I found out that the meat on Pokémon like Cod is similar to the banana under the neck of a tropical dragon or the palm of a hairy crab, and is a part that can regenerate quickly.

And you can still eat it.

"Pokémon cult...who designed this?" Kashiwagi said with a black line on his face.

In the end, this weird light cod and the dancing bird fought to a draw, and both sides lost their ability to fight.

The only reason for the defeat of the light cod——

[You heard Haidai say that the cod was in a coma due to lack of oxygen, and quickly took it to a distant fountain. You didn’t know what to say]

After doing this for a long time, you still can’t breathe oxygen on land!

Thought you were an amphibian!

Kashiwagi was simply convinced.

The last one in Haidai is a hairy crab.

It's not a water-type Pokémon, but apparently he uses a celestial bead to turn it into a water-type.

Dancer chose to send Tian Lengmei in response, and also used the trump card of Ultra Crystallization, and a battle between a Ultra Crystal Grass and a Ultra Crystal Water Pokémon started.

However, Feisty's buffs as a fighting and ice-type Pokémon will not change as a result. Most of what it is good at are ice-type moves, so Tian Lengmei suffered a lot.

It was so initially.

But later, as Tian Lengmei's tropical kicks hit again and again, the physical attack of the competitive hairy crab was reduced again and again, and photosynthesis frequently restored physical strength, and the originally particularly effective ice-type moves gradually became ineffective.

Seeing this, the dancer immediately let Tian Lengmei and Hou pursue the victory, and soon completely captured the competitive hairy crab with a powerful whip.

"This fighting style is like the SM queen at the dance party..."

Kashiwagi secretly smacked his tongue.

The Dancer's Pokémon each have different fighting styles based on their favorite dances and personalities. Sweet and cool, Meihou has the style of a high-ranking queen in a dance party.

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