My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 513 God-level Massage

Take advantage of the free time when Big Mouth Baby and Goldfish King are resting.

Adam asked again.

"What do you think are the key points of replacing defense with offense?"

"Mastery of timing, control of moves..." Kashiwagi responded softly, paused and then asked: "Do you still have enough experience?"

The middle-aged gentleman showed an approving smile, "Yes, if you want to control the opponent's moves at will, you must know as much as possible the moves of various attributes and the differences in how different Pokémon release the same moves."

He suddenly threw another elf ball.


The light flickers.

The catfish, which has a blue body, a bright yellow belly, thick lips, and a W-shaped pattern between its eyebrows, fell into the pool with a splash.

"Use Tickle on the surface."


The Catfish King controlled the long whiskers that glowed white from his mouth and began to stir the water.

Adam said: "See? Menas tickles with his tail fin, while Catfish King tickles with his whiskers."

Beard... This doesn't look like a beard! It's obviously a tentacle!

Kashiwagi watched in silence as the Catfish King fiddled with its "beard" casually. He remembered that in the animation, this guy also tied up the big king swallow, and at the same time used tickling to micro-manage the lower part.

“If you want to master using offense instead of defense, it is very important to understand this knowledge.”

Adam said softly and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, "This is a multi-angle video of different Pokémon using different moves that I asked someone to edit. Please keep it."

"Thank you, teacher."

He took it flattered.

Similar video materials of Porygon II have been shown to him, but most of them are not as good as Adam's edited version, which is specially designed for training to use offense instead of defense.

"After all, video data cannot be as profound as practice. This is one of the reasons why I became a gym leader."

Adam crossed his arms and reminded: "But don't be too impatient. For trainers, seeing more Pokémon and fighting them is a long and necessary journey... huh?"

He suddenly turned his head.

Kashiwagi followed the trend and immediately found two sneaky little heads squeezing around at the gate - who could it be if it wasn't Lucia and Tanabata Blue Bird?

When their eyes met, Rukia smiled sheepishly.

"Uncle! Kashiwagi! Good morning!"

A cry like an oriole coming out of the valley rang in their ears. After that, she and the Tanabata Blue Bird disappeared. Apparently they felt that they had disturbed the teaching process and hurried away.

Adam laughed and planned to stop him to help with the teaching, but when he thought that the Michaeli Cup was only two days away, Lucia needed to adjust her condition in time, and letting her become a sparring partner would affect her.

——The same goes for Kashiwagi.

So he said: "You and Big Mouth need to be in good condition to prepare for the Mikri Cup, so I won't train you and your Pokémon too much in the past two days.

"Considering the environment of the Mikri Cup, let's start targeted training based on the moves of water-type Pokémon."

Influenced by the organizer Mikri, the Mikri Cup has an unwritten habit of coordinating trainers to mostly use water-type Pokémon to compete.

In fact, using Pokémon with other attributes will not interfere with the final score, but when everyone does this, the herd mentality will affect everyone.

Homogenization is undoubtedly a good thing for cypress.


He nodded in agreement and began to practice sparring under Adam's guidance, which was boring and long, but was a necessary accumulation process.



After a period of lunch break.

The old butler Sebastian brought Cypress to a huge glass greenhouse.

There is no doubt that this is where Adam and Mikri's Pokémon live daily, a place similar to the back of Dr. Oak's house.

His eyes passed over the water-type Pokémon that looked either strong or weak, and looked like giant pandas to him. He thought to himself that there were so many types, almost covering the first generation to the eighth generation.

But why doesn’t it seem that there is no Padea...

Um? etc!

what is that? Kentero! ?

Kashiwagi looked at the mud-covered black cow not far away with a face full of astonishment, and his mind was filled with confusion as to why there was Kentero here.

Then he recalled that there was a special regional form in Kentero in the Padia region - the Water Lan species.

It floats easily on the water due to its high fat content, and can swim by spraying water from its horns...



As if he could hear his thoughts, Padya Kentero howled.

"Oh ho ho ho, I'm really energetic today." The old butler greeted it with a smile. It was obvious that he was also involved in taking care of the Pokémon.

Travel through dense rainforest.

A vast pool connected to the river outside appeared in front of Cypress.

He soon saw Adam and the energetic Lucia on the shore of the pond that seemed to be connected to the inner sea of ​​Liuli City.


Lucia, who also saw him, waved cheerfully, and next to her was the Tanabata Blue Bird, which was pacing back and forth like a hen, raising its head and chirping in response.


What an enviable voice.

Kashiwagi has inherited some music appreciation ability from musicians, otherwise he would not be so whimsical as to let Happy Egg perform singing performances.

A Pokémon like Tanabata Blue Bird that is born to sing is really hard to catch up with a Happy Egg that works hard.

"Good afternoon teacher...Rukia."

He said hello and saw Lucia suddenly glaring and then letting out a sigh of relief, followed by another glaring expression and twitching the corner of her mouth.

The two of them had a teacher-student relationship where they were joking with each other. As a result, the girl just now thought she was calling her, and her head almost fell off in fright. However, after realizing it, she was inevitably unconvinced.

Kashiwagi calls Teacher Adam, isn't that a bad thing?

Are we talking about our own issues?

I call you uncle, but you call me teacher?

Good boy! with your's!

Lucia was making faces at Kashiwagi where no one else could see her. If it weren't for the inconvenience of playing on her mobile phone in public, the chat interface between the two would have been filled with all kinds of emoticons.

"good afternoon."

Adam nodded, and with a wave of his right hand, he summoned Menas from the water.


Menas suddenly crawled ashore, swung his wet tail fin and lay down on the blue air mattress prepared nearby.

He said softly: "In the afternoon I am going to teach you the massage techniques that are unique to Meenas, and how to maintain your scales, fins and down."

The cultivation of a Pokémon should obviously not be limited to combat. For a coordination trainer, it is also important to ensure that the Pokémon has a perfect external image.

Lucia was here to help. There was no announcement that she needed to go out today, so she was very busy.

Kashiwagi skillfully released the heterochromatic Menas, making it lie on the blue air mattress in a long, upright posture like Adam's Menas.


The heterochromatic Menas chirped lazily.

Adam glanced at it, crouched down beside it and waved to Cypress, "Come, come and take a look."

He pointed at the base of the heterochromatic Minas' tail and the upper three inches, "The tail fin structure of the Minas is more flexible than you think, but without proper massage, it is difficult to expand and rotate. "

Expand and rotate.

It is the change that occurs when Adam's Menus uses tidal whirlpools and tornadoes, and his tail fin transforms into a propeller-like structure.

Kashiwagi has always been curious about how it was done, and now that he said it, it seems that it has something to do with the massage technique?

I saw Adam put his three fingers together and kneaded the two places he had touched a few times in a rotating motion.

There was a crisp sound.

The heterochromatic Menas' expression was startled, and then he turned his head in disbelief. He looked at the tail fin that changed from a combined fan to a cross shape like a flower. He flicked it twice and was amazed.

Kashiwagi was also surprised, "Awesome!"

I had never thought of using massage to develop a Pokémon's body.

"Does it seem simple? But you have to know that if there is no human maintenance, this change will easily increase the burden on the tail fin joint of Menas, which may cause the tail fin to fall off."

Adam talked eloquently and warned emphatically: "Once the tail fin falls off, it will be difficult to grow it back. Pokémon like Menas generally only have four tail fins in their lifetime."


He nodded, and then saw the cross-shaped tail fin change back to its original fan blade shape.

"Changes take time to adapt to. Before you can complete the changes independently without relying on massage acupoints, don't try to rotate at will. This will put a burden on the muscles on its tail."

Adam said a few more key points, made key gestures, and asked Kashiwagi to control the strength and try it out.

He pressed the tail of the heterochromatic Menas deftly, his heart filled with joy.

That's right, this is what he wants.

I remember Xiaogang once taught him step by step how to cultivate Pokémon. It’s not that this valuable knowledge is not available on the Internet, but it is confused with false and unreliable knowledge.

"More above, this area plus this area, these two places are the common weak points of Menas' body. During the battle, we must ensure that these areas are not attacked."

Adam pointed out the reason why Menus was restrained so tightly that he could not move.

"Two places..."

Kashiwagi blinked. He only knew one part, which was the fattest part of Menas heterochromia. The purpose of thickening the fat was to protect the fragile internal organs.

"This area is the dense point of its nervous system. Once it is hit hard, it can easily lose its ability to resist temporarily." Adam explained why the other area is also a weak point.

The weakness of the big steel snake is the joints, but the weakness of the heterochromatic menas is the internal organs and nerves...

Snake Pokémon are so complicated.

In the time that followed, Adam used his Menas as a model to teach Kashiwagi the massage techniques specific to this type of Pokémon.

From the top horn to the tail, even the two long whisker-like eyebrows are not spared.

"The eyebrows are an important organ for them to sense the direction of water flow underwater. Have you seen these three black spots? They are actually connected. They are generally used to filter turbid water. Be careful to clean them, otherwise there will be a smell."

Adam didn't even miss the three "black spots" on Menas's neck.

He really knew this Pokémon from beginning to end, even the tail fins were equipped with special maintenance oil, which impressed Kashiwagi.

What’s interesting is that during this period, the heterochromatic Menas learned new moves——

【Water cannons】.

The reason is that when Kashiwagi rubs the water storage bag in the front of its abdomen, its strong desire to eject forces it to release all the water mixed with attribute energy in the organ at once.

As we all know, water-type moves require the water in the Pokémon's body as a medium to be used successfully.

Therefore, just like electric Pokémon have electric storage bags and fire Pokémon have fire storage organs, water Pokémon also have similar structures.

Kashiwagi is naturally happy to be able to learn this powerful move.

I just hope that I won’t be like Laplace, the mole of a well-known anchor, who will use up the water cannons four times in a row to drain the pp quickly.


The next two days.

Kashiwagi has been immersed in cultivating Menas and studying how to replace defense with offense.

Adam didn't teach him how to perform, because everyone's aesthetics are different. At most, he can describe his feelings about the performance from his own perspective, which does not mean that the judges he faces have the same taste as him.

"There is no fixed formula for performance. It requires enough imagination and creativity, as well as being able to satisfy the public's aesthetics. I really can't teach you much in this regard."

In fact.

This is Adam being too self-effacing.

Although the outside world claims that he has retired as a top coordination trainer, his [Water Art] performances are often held in Liuli City and are deeply loved by ladies and ladies of all generations.

The venue was full and there was an endless stream of spectators.

He is undoubtedly one of the most famous coordination trainers in Hoenn.

Some people say that Mi Keli's growth to this point is closely related to the hard publicity of those ladies who admired his master.

Kashiwagi must admit that the performance he designed for Menas was based on Adam's water art performance. Performing in front of the latter always felt awkward as if Li Gui met Li Kui.

Adam didn't feel angry, on the contrary, he was very happy, but his happiness was often accompanied by a touch of sadness.

It made him very confused.

Are there any other stories in the Water Art Performance? It's like a performance designed for a certain person, but the other person unfortunately died young.

Teacher Adam is still single so far, maybe there is some unknown past...

All right.

Such irresponsible speculation is simply disrespectful.

Kashiwagi secretly admonished himself.

Adam didn't know that his cheap student had programmed him behind his back, he just sighed like a shipwrecker.

The contact and observation in the past two days were even more like the various comments that Big Data poured at him. They simply described "Kashiwagi" as a must-draw phantom god and human rights card, persecuting him all the time.

Of course.

As an elegant gentleman, Adam also understands that there are times in life that must come to pass, and there is no time in life that cannot be forced, so he did not feel depressed for too long.

Ordinary students are not students anymore?

After adjusting his mentality, Adam became more serious about teaching. He liked the feeling of passing on knowledge and experience, especially to people he admired.

This kind of spiritual satisfaction became one of the reasons why he didn't try to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance many years ago. In his opinion, becoming one of the Four Heavenly Kings would make it difficult to come into contact with so many different trainers.

After all, the Champions League only serves conference winners.


The opening day of the Miccoli Cup.

Adam gave his blessing to Kashiwagi and Lucia as they set off, "I wish you success. This competition will definitely become one of the precious experiences in your lives."

"is teacher."

"Uncle, I will definitely win!"

The two of them each made different sounds.

py a new Pokémon book

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