My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 501 Liuli Competition

Soon after.

After recording all the data and structure of the super bracelet, Lysa reluctantly took it off the test bench.

Although the scanned data alone can save them a lot of detours, if they can be completely disassembled...

She touched the bracelet calmly.


Dawu coughed suddenly, which frightened her so much that she almost lost her grip, and a look of resentment appeared on her face.

"Hurry up and return it before you are discovered."

The eldest son of Dewen Company forcibly took off the super bracelet and handed it back to Kashiwagi next to him, saying: "Although this is considered an evidence, keeping it will only alert others."

He ignored Lysa's reluctance.

"You're right."

Kashiwagi nodded. From the beginning to the end, he never intended to use the super bracelet as conclusive evidence. He just wanted Daigo to be more serious.

After careful investigation not long ago, he found that Fradali's involvement with Carlos's upper class was deeper than he thought. Various games and animations had not mentioned it, but the leading companies in Carlos were giving this guy research All capital invested.

In addition, Fradali is indeed a descendant of the former Carlos royal family...

To be honest, trying to kill this guy beforehand is no less difficult than pointing out that Xiaozhi is actually a bad guy. It’s nothing more than one true and one false.


Daigo suddenly stopped him as he was about to leave. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "Next time if you find something suspicious that you think is suspicious, talk to me first... okay?"

In this person's view, a person who acts recklessly is like a bomb that can explode at any time. If he encounters an accident because of this, he will definitely regret and blame himself.

Even Daigo had a vague feeling that Kashiwagi would come to the Hoenn area, which was also influenced by the topic that arose while chatting with him in Ole. He promised to give him a gift, so he decided to adventure in the Hoenn region.

You have the obligation to take responsibility for this.


Kashiwagi returned the smile, went to Ai Lan's ward again without stopping, and quietly replaced the super bracelet.

Before leaving, he glanced at the sleeping Ai Lan.

If this kid wasn't too immature, he actually wanted to win this guy back. The so-called deep love and deep responsibility, how much he had longed for Fradali's spiritual shock when the truth was revealed. .

Definitely a good target to win over.

It's a pity that it's not that easy to instigate rebellion. Once he hesitates, he will be easily exposed, which will complicate things. It is possible to go from the original 6+ plot to 18+.

Believe it, friends.

The next day.

Make all the preparations you can currently do.

Kashiwagi said goodbye to Daigo, Ai Lan and others who had just woken up.

There was not much time left for him.

He must set off to Liuli City to challenge the Mi Keli Cup and Liuli Gym. These two games will determine whether he can get a ticket to the top regional competition.

But the Miccoli Cup...

There should be a chance to meet Xiaoyao, right? Anyway, Xiaoguang, Lucia and Urala will definitely be able to see them. These few are active in Hoenn.

What about Alice? Will she come to join in the fun?

Kashiwagi felt a little hopeful, but suddenly realized that he knew too many underage girls? No, no, we have to contact Ippo Tetsuya quickly.

But since Tetsuya's sister is his fan, she will definitely not miss such a major event as the Michaeli Cup.

"It's a great reunion for acquaintances. The top event is simply great."

He got on the ferry to Liuli City and looked at the calm sea.

In recent days, Hupa has been troubled too many times. Even if the other party doesn't have any objections, he always asks him for donuts with energy every time, but he himself feels a little embarrassed.

Therefore, he decided that like the Heart of God, he would never abuse Hupa's circle unless there was an emergency.

And just one night passed.

The offshore waters of Karnaz City have completely returned to calm, as if the battle between original Groudon and original Kyogre had never happened, but the newly appeared dark rock island and scattered icebergs proved what happened yesterday. None of it is an illusion.

After hearing the news, more and more people came to Karnaz City, where the incident occurred. They thought that even if they couldn't see the two ultra-ancient Pokémon, it would be good to pay homage to the battlefield they left behind.

on the other hand.

The organizers of the Mi Keli Cup are also promoting it, which has also made many coordination trainers embark on the journey to Liuli City.

As a result, the ferry Kashiwagi took was slightly crowded.

This was hard to see before.

Kashiwagi still remembered that when he first went to Wudou Town, the cabin was so deserted that several passengers on the ship thought it was haunted, and made a big mistake.

When there are more people, some things become inevitable.

For example, his identity was discovered.

Fortunately, most of the people on the ship are coordination trainers. Even if they admire him as a strong man, they will not cause any special troubles like ordinary fans. At most, they will keep sending out invitations for gorgeous battles.

Of course, Kashiwagi is happy to see the results, and he has no plans to be secretive about the Pokémon competing in the Michaeli Cup.

He has self-confidence, and he also needs Heterose Menas to build up the strong confidence of "I am the best" through constant victory. The timid Heterose Menus cannot show his breathtaking beauty.

Fighting is the best and fastest way.



Under a clear blue sky.

As many coordinated trainers and Pokémon looked on, Menus swung his sparkling tail and battled against a bright yellow Pokémon that looked like a cartoon mouse doll.

The latter's round pink cheeks were streaked with lightning, and he jumped back and forth quickly hoping to touch the former.

However, although the heterochromatic Menas is huge, its dexterity is enough to allow it to dodge Pichu's continuous attacks.

"Come on Pichu!"

Pichu's trainer, a little girl in a flowery skirt, kept cheering him on. She felt that just rubbing her cheek could attack the heterochromatic Menas, which would be enough to establish an effective foundation for subsequent attacks.

Her coordination trainer master also taught her this.

But obviously this kid didn't pay attention in class, especially the reminder not to waste too much energy on miss-hit moves.


Sure enough, Pichu could no longer run any time soon. He kept panting heavily and looked like he was about to faint.

Kashiwagi smiled slightly, "Water flow ring."


The heterochromatic Menus stopped moving and dodging, and three blue water rings emerged from its surface. They quickly rotated and overlapped, then turned into a thick water ring, which suddenly expanded and hit Pichu.

The little girl screamed, "Pichu, get out of the way!"

It's a pity that it didn't happen.

Pichu was knocked away by the expanding water ring, rolled in front of her trainer like a thrown doll, rolled her eyes and fainted.

The water ring exploded at the moment of expansion, turning into crystal clear water droplets all over the sky. It reflected extremely brilliant light in the sun, forming a faint and gorgeous rainbow, making the onlookers exclaim in surprise.

I hope there will be such good weather on the day of the Miccoli Cup.


"Well done."

Kashiwagi gently stroked the neck of the heterochromatic Menus. They had been practicing the water mist method to create rainbows for a long time.

After all, like Menas, this thing is a hidden wealth code in the gorgeous competition. As long as there is a natural miracle like a rainbow, the score will definitely not be low.

You must know that in the anime, Musashi almost got full marks by using a machine to create a rainbow, but was later disqualified after being exposed.

"Mr. Kashiwagi, thank you for your advice..."

The little girl opposite held Pichu who had recovered from a coma and said in frustration.

Kashiwagi smiled and said: "It's not about giving advice. Your Pichu is very perseverant. As long as you cultivate it well, it will definitely become stronger in the future!"

"Really?" The little girl suddenly raised her head, her eyes filled with little stars.


Kashiwagi extended his hand to him, "Let's fight again next time."

"Okay!" The little girl shook hands with him excitedly and looked at him with eyes filled with admiration.

Most of the onlookers around also expressed approval. Most of the coordination trainers did not like to fight with people who were fighting to the death, and were very eager for friendly exchanges.

There are indeed those who are competitive, such as Harry, Ulala and others in the original plot, but they are definitely rare, let alone Ulala's enlightenment, and Harry is no longer jealous of Xiaoyao in the original plot.

Therefore, among the coordination trainers, there are more polite people like Xiao Wang and Shang Zhi. The personalities of Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang are enough to prove the group of coordination trainers.

Although Kashiwagi is famous, not many people know his specific personality. Now that they see that the former can communicate with novice coordinator trainers so friendly, they have more respect for his character, and no longer think that he may be a virtue. Unworthy person.

In comparison, the proportion of annoying trainers will be much higher, and the distance between the upper and lower limits is very exaggerated.

Why do you say that?

Because someone came to speak out.

"It's so funny that this is called a battle? The power of the water ring is so small that it can be defeated? Coordinating trainers? Let's play house! Hahahaha!"

Several male and female gangsters dressed as bosozoku pushed aside the onlookers and walked up to Kashiwagi and the little girl.

Leather jackets, studded boots, mohawks and a few tattoos. After the Lava team and the Ocean team were washed away, these bottom guys became rampant again.

Of course, most of them don't do any serious evil. At most, they scare people and use Pokémon battles to bully others.

He is still a very high level away from the gangsters in Huangtie Town.

Kashiwagi stepped forward, pulled the frightened little girl behind him, and immediately looked down at these gangsters. His height of nearly 1.9 meters was enough for him to overlook these guys who were just over 1.7 meters tall.

"Is something wrong?"

His body was like a huge shadow, covering these unkind people.

All the gangsters were a little frightened by his height and cold expression, but the leader with a mohawk, considering that the younger brothers were behind him, couldn't possibly lower his face and give in, so he gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you Come to Pokémon Battle?”

"...I told you earlier."

Kashiwagi took a step back and patted Mohawk on the shoulder with a smile, "If you want to fight with others, just speak up. Why bother saying those misleading words?"

"whispering sound!"

Mohawk wanted to knock his hand off, but it was easily dodged, and he couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed, "You beat me first and then we'll talk about other things!"

The other gangsters immediately shouted, regardless of the sight of others.

"Oh oh oh! Boss, beat him up!"

"Let this kid see how powerful our Arakawa Rampage Group is!"

"Little brother seems a bit handsome..."

"Yu, Yumiko? You can't be fooled by that face! The truth is that Pokémon is strong!"

Put aside the petty disputes among the gangsters.

"It's fine."

Kashiwagi comforted the little girl and told her to go to the side to watch the show. Then he and Mohawk found their respective seats and looked at each other from a distance.

"I'll just use Menas, please do as you please."

He patted the head of the heterochromatic Menas, who murmured happily and walked forward, "Milo~"

Mohawk glanced at the extremely beautiful heterochromatic Menas, suppressed the desire in his eyes, took out the elf ball and said: "It's not interesting to just fight, right? Why don't you get some luck?"

"Let's wait until you win first before talking about the bonus."

Kashiwagi smiled.

There is a high probability that the Bosozoku group will find trouble with others at will, but most of them have their own reasons. Using Pokémon battles to force others to exchange Pokémon is one of them.

Children with weaker personalities might be able to get their hands on them, but as long as they muster up the courage to call Miss Junsha, what else can the Bosozoku do? He can only be driven away like a digger rabbit by police cars and cutie dogs.

"That's what you said!"

Mohawk's eyes lit up, and he quickly threw the elf ball forward.


There was a flash of light.

A humanoid Pokémon with yellow and black fur appeared, and the crackling sound of electricity was loud as the fists clattered.

The electric Pokémon Electabuzz.


It looked at the heterochromatic Menas with an unruly expression.

Kashiwagi's face was calm. From his aesthetic point of view, the electric shock monster was a bit ugly, but its degenerated electric shock monster was pretty good, as cute as a plug.

The evolved Electric Shock Monster is also good. With the addition of Shinji's filter, the Electric Shock Monster has become synonymous with power.

"Hehehehe, did you see it? This is called an electric Pokémon! Little brat, let me show you what real thunder and lightning is!"

The mohawk yelled, "Thunder!"


The electric beast roared angrily, raised its fists high, and the thunder gathered between the antenna-like tentacles above its head, and blasted a barrel-thick thunderbolt at the calm and composed Heterose Menas in the trembling eyes of others!


The terrifying thunder made many people cover their ears. They looked at the heterochromatic Menas, hoping that the latter would use the dexterity to dodge Pichu just now, but the latter stood still like a sculpture, not moving. .

Thunder and lightning also fell on it, and the strong paralysis caused the latter to scream in pain, and Mohawk couldn't help but laugh wildly when he saw this.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The rest of the Bosozoku also laughed and cheered their boss even more crazily.

The little girl in the crowd couldn't help but cover her mouth, and the Pichu in her arms also looked at Menas worriedly.


Kashiwagi's expression did not change at all, as if the Pokémon that was hit was not his own.

"reflection of mirror."

he said softly.

The words fell.

The heterochromatic Menas, who had a painful look on his face just now, instantly regained his composure, and a bright fluorescence appeared on his body at some point, absorbing all the thunder and lightning like jade.

Turn around and fight back at the leisurely Electric Beast in the distance!

boom! !

The Kuang Lei, which was twice as big as before, startled everyone present, including the bosozokus who were laughing wildly.

Amidst the explosive sound, smoke covered the electric beast.

But soon the latter broke through the dust and smoke, staggering forward and falling forward like a drunken old man, as if he lost his ability to fight in this blow.


The expressions on the faces of the bosozokus all froze.


The heterochromatic Menas looked at this scene proudly, his eyes slightly narrowed and his tail swung, like a proud fox.

Look! All those hard-earned mirror reflections were not in vain!

After a few seconds.

The crowd cheered and applauded!

py a new book

Chen Mo travels through the world of beast control and awakens the talent of the entry manual. As long as he completes the challenge, he can obtain the corresponding entry! Chen Mo: “I’m cheating on other people’s money, but we all have a bright future!”

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