My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 495 Explosive Flame? filter!

"Come on! Charizard!"

Ai Lan threw the elf ball aggressively.


In the white light, a fire-breathing dragon that was much taller than an ordinary individual flapped its wings and slowly fell into the field.


Unlike Xiaozhi's once "stunted" Charizard, Ai Lan's strongest partner is definitely the best in appearance. He can attract many female Charizards by throwing him into the Charizard Valley and doing nothing.

This made Kashiwagi a little cautious about it.

Even though the appearance and combat effectiveness of Pokémon cannot be completely equated, there is more or less a certain influence.

After all, the same is true for his Boss Cordora, which is extremely large and strong, even a little bigger than Daigo's two.


Kashiwagi threw the Poke Ball.


"Goo ho!"

The low roar was as dull as thunder, and the silver-gleaming Boscodora landed on the ground, causing Manon to exclaim.

"Halisang, is it my imagination? This Boss Cordora seems to be very big!"

"What's wrong..."

Harry Li also exclaimed in wonder.

Normally, the height of Boss Cordora is only 2.1 meters including the horns, but the big monster of the Kashiwagi family has successfully exceeded the level of 2.6 meters including the horns a few days ago.

The height brings more exaggerated dimensions, coupled with a healthy enough body without any bloated or deformed parts, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a hill.

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes and gave the order, "Double-edged hammer!"

"Goo ho!"

Boscodora quickly lowered his head, and an astonishing aura quickly spread to the surroundings.

Ai Lan frowned quickly when he saw this, and ordered the fire-breathing dragon to fly high.

Then he quickly raised the super bracelet on his left hand, pressed his right hand on the key stone in the shape of a sword, and chanted quickly: "Answer my heart, evolve the key stone! Beyond evolution...super evolution!"


The Charizard, which flapped its wings and came to a high place, looked at Boscodora solemnly. When the spiritual chain flew out, it was drowned by the colorful light of super evolution.

Having experienced hundreds of battles, they value momentum more than size, and the sense of oppression shown by Boscodora reminds them of Shimi's Blastoise and Daigo's Metagross, these two powerful Pokémon. They all suffered a lot.

at the same time.

Boscodora has finished gathering momentum.

The brown-yellow rock attribute energy formed a shining halo that lingered around its surface, transforming it into a huge rock. The terrifying energy quickly gathered at the bottom and suddenly burst out with a burst of bright light, causing the rock to soar like a cannonball!

Explosive leap forward!

It is like a fighter jet flying at high speed, and the manic airflow along the way is like a raging typhoon!

"Use the dragon claw next!"

Ai Lan waved and shouted, the fire-breathing dragon completed the transformation at the last second when the ferocious Boss Cordora flew in front of him, roared and waved its claws covered with dark green energy, and smashed forward fiercely!

boom! !

The loud noise of the energy explosion was deafening, and the air wave turned into majestic smoke and dust that covered most of the field. It also caused the trainers on both sides to either stretch out their hands to block it or move sideways to avoid it.

Manon and Halili covered their ears and saw stars in their eyes, and couldn't help but said: "It's amazing! Is the move so powerful without super evolution?"

She has been with Ai Lan for so long, so she has seen a lot. There are very few Pokémon that show great strength without Mega Evolution. Most Pokémon become capable after Mega Evolution. Rise up to destroy the world.


Daigo folded his arms and watched with a smile. Although he had never played against Kashiwagi Masaji Hatsune, he was very confident in the latter's strength and looked forward to playing against him on various grand occasions in the future.

For example, Hoenn Champions League?

After a few seconds the smoke dispersed.

Boss Cordora returned to Kashiwagi's side at some point, and Super Charizard X also landed in front of his trainer, feeling an unprecedented numbness in his arms.


Its breathing was a little heavy, and the blue flames in its mouth trembled with the wind, but its steps were not messy at all.

After the super evolution, Charizard's orange skin faded away, replaced by a demonic blackness, with bright blue dragon horns at the tip, blue spines on the shoulders, jagged wings, and blue fire like hell's flames. Symbolizing the demonic blood in it.

Ai Lan's face didn't change much. He always believed that his partner could withstand such an attack.

"Okay, a Charizard with full durability?" Kashiwagi raised his eyebrows slightly. In the plot, Super Charizard

Even if the combined attributes of Fire and Dragon make it still resistant to steel attributes, it is enough to prove that this guy is quite durable.

The tentative double-edged head hammer just now also made Kashiwagi realize this.


The high durability is probably brought about by the super evolution. Before the super evolution... the double-edged head hammer with four times the restraint might be able to knock this guy out forcibly.

It's a pity that the speed of mega evolution is too fast. Ai Lan's habit when facing strong enemies is to directly activate the mega without saying anything, and rarely adopts exploratory attacks. In addition, as it is a flying unit, such a heavy approach also gives it a certain advantage.

He felt a little regretful. If he had taken down the Charizard before the opponent's Mega Evolution, the scene would have been quite beautiful.

But it just doesn’t match the plan.

"bring it on."

Kashiwagi knew what Ai Lan was waiting for. He looked at Boscodora who turned his head slightly and offered him what he wanted to see most, "Super evolution!"

He doesn't make up opening lines for himself, his habit is to be clean and neat.


Boscodora raised his head slightly, and the surging energy bloomed with the key stone and super stone. The spiritual chains were linked to each other and poured into its body. The astonishing transformation could be achieved in a few seconds.

The mountain-like silver fortress is now here!

Manon, who was watching, shouted excitedly: "It looks so majestic! It really looks like a heavily armored warrior!"

"finally come!"

A trace of fanaticism also flashed in Ai Lan's eyes, but she didn't notice that her super bracelet was emitting light without any trace, and this light was fully visible to Kashiwagi opposite.

Why did you choose this time to agree to the discussion?

What we are waiting for is "evidence" and "reasons" coming one after another. Otherwise, why not wait until Ai Lan wins the championship in the Miare Conference.

That is the complete body.

This battle is just an excuse. He will find a way to get this bracelet later.

Even if it cannot become conclusive evidence, it will still convince Daigo to have enough doubts about the Fradali Institute, and it will also give him a root cause for his doubts about the Fradali Institute.

How else could he explain his hostility? There are not many people who trust him unconditionally like Shanmin.

——[Accidentally discovered that the super bracelet given to Ai Lan by Vladari collects the free energy and data that escape when different Pokémon super evolve. 】

Just the perfect reason.

When he thought of this, Kashiwagi's smile became even brighter.

"Go! Breath the flames!"

Ai Lan couldn't wait to give the order. Super Charizard X took a sharp breath, and the blue flames flowed along the suddenly expanded chest to the mouthparts. When it suddenly erupted, it looked like a terrifying flame dragon!


The ultra-high temperature distorts the air.

Unexpectedly, Super Boss Kodo Ramen stood there without changing his expression, as if he didn't take the incoming flame dragon seriously at all.

The next moment.

Boom! !

The flame dragon hit Super Boss Cordora head-on on the upper body, and the flames generated by the explosion instantly submerged it, causing the onlookers Manon to cover his mouth in worry.

But soon she discovered that Super Boss Cordora was still standing there, as if the blazing flames that could melt steel could not even make it take half a step back. As the inexplicable power surged, the flames seemed to be pulled. All of them fell in front of its slightly open mouthparts.

There was brewing a restless energy bomb that was a mixture of metallic color and azure blue. The two energies seemed to be forcibly compressed together, trembling crazily.

Ai Lan's eyes trembled slightly, "Is it too light!"

Kashiwagi laughed and said:

"Turn-based game, now it's my turn. Metal explosion."


Super Boss Cordora immediately stopped compressing the energy projectile in front of him, turning it into a silver-blue mixed light beam and bombarding Super Charizard X!

Rumble——! !

To some extent, the backhand move means a very high hit rate, at least Super Charizard X didn't have time to dodge.

The bright light impacted its body. Although it resisted desperately, the mixed energy still completely submerged Super Charizard X. Of course, the smoke was soon spread by its wings.

The damage is not high.

Ai Lan did not underestimate Super Boss Cordora because of this, but his expression became more solemn.

After all, [Metal Explosion] is a move that doubles the damage received and returns it to the opponent. Such a "weak" power is enough to prove that the flames just sprayed are equivalent to scratching an itch for Super Boss Cordora.

This attack is simply a perfect taunt of Kashiwagi and Super Boss Cordora against him and Super Charizard X.

The other person’s smile seemed to be saying——

"look? This is your attack, how weak it is. 』

Unmoving as a mountain...

No matter how you don't move, Charizard and I will shock you!

"Let them see our true strength!" Ai Lan was unconsciously aroused with a higher fighting spirit and shouted: "Charizard! Flash Charge!"


Super Charizard La rushed away wildly, tearing the air and making explosions rumble continuously, like fireballs falling from the sky!

Have to admit.

The visual impact of Super Charizard

The light and heat like the blazing sun made the surrounding area dim, as if it was getting dark ahead of time.

Outside the venue, Manon and Harili were already completely silent in the Pokémon battle.

Daigo looked regretful, because his previous battle with Ai Lan was stopped by Fradali and could not proceed to the end. If he had not been disturbed midway, he and Super Metagross should also be able to feel the Super Charizard at this time. The pressure caused by X.

After all, the feeling of watching and fighting personally is different.

What a pity.

Inside the venue.

"Carry it down!"

Kashiwagi's voice was still calm, not at all frightened by the exaggerated momentum.

Super Boss Cordora silently stared at the approaching bolide, unaffected by its intimidating force, and showed off its extreme ability to move behind.

Although as long as the energy burst increases the speed instantly, there is no need to worry about not being able to touch Super Charizard X, but since this guy likes to move so much and is willing to take the initiative to deliver it, why waste his energy in vain?

In an instant.

The furious Super Charizard X is approaching!

Boom——! ! !

The dazzling white light swallowed up the eyeballs of everyone present and became the only color at this moment.

There was only an unprecedented and exaggerated loud noise, just like the meteorite hitting the earth. The blazing blue flames rose from the swirling fireball, and the lead-gray mushroom cloud rose into the sky like a nuclear explosion.

The majestic flames burned all the air in an instant, and the powerful shock wave shocked everyone's bodies and minds.

After one breath.

Air retracts.

The rumbling smoke was dispersed a little, and the looming figures of the two Pokémon could be vaguely seen.

Kashiwagi slowly lowered the palm that was covering his eyes. Although he was very confident in the defense of the big monster, seeing this scene, he couldn't help but admire its power!

Ailan's Charizard is indeed a master at developing both physical and special attacks. In addition, it has a weird durability. Who would believe it if you said that the limit of the Pokémon's effort value in the anime is 510?

And Manon couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he saw his unhurried and even thoughtful appearance of applauding Super Charizard X.

So confident!

Wait until the smoke has completely dissipated.

Only then did she realize that Kashiwagi was really confident and not just pretending.


He saw Super Boss Cordora still standing motionless, even though the ground around him had been blasted with a sunken hole by the flash charge like a meteorite falling.

It also seemed as if it had not been attacked by any means, its aqua blue eyes full of calmness.

There may be traces of gunpowder smoke rising from the surface of the body, but the shining silver armor is still "spotless", like a snow-silver metal colossus that can never be destroyed.

Of course, the difference is that it is holding on to a struggling black dragon.

"How is that possible! It has no effect at all!" Manon almost stared down.

Kashiwagi smiled, his eyes touched Daigo outside the court, and he retracted before looking at him.

There is definitely some harm.

Just not much.

And what's so surprising about this?

It's no big deal that Daigo's Super Metagros can withstand Super Charizard

With extreme physical defense and a [filtration] characteristic that is enough to prevent flames from burning, he can block a mere flash charge with a hard claw. He has this confidence, and the results after the experiment have perfectly verified his confidence in it. Durability prediction and trust of Super Boss Cordora.

Said without politeness.

Whenever Super Boss Cordora frowns, it shows disrespect for its physical defense and filtering properties.

What's more, the logic of Pokémon battles in the animation background can no longer be explained clearly using game values ​​​​and damage formulas that change with versions.

More exaggerations abound.


Ai Lan looked at the forcibly locked Super Charizard X, and finally showed some nervousness on his always calm face, and shouted: "Use the explosive flames to break free!"


Super Charizard X raised his head and roared, and a blazing light seemed to light up on his body.

But unfortunately, this time it was Super Boss Cordora's turn to take action.


It looked up at the ceiling, followed by slamming its tail onto the ground, and suddenly straightened its legs like springs and leaped high into the sky.


Amidst the dull thumping sound, Super Boss Cordora actually jumped to a height that was completely unmatched by its exaggerated weight. Then its body leaned forward, and earth-yellow energy gathered from all directions and turned into a high-speed jet visible to the naked eye. !

"Is that a lie?" Manon raised his head in shock.

In an instant, the majestic mountains fell to the ground.

Boom——! !

The earth-yellow shock wave shook out in all directions, not much smoke was produced among the flying sand and rocks, but it also made Super Charizard X at the center of the shock like a five-finger mountain above his head, passively suppressed by the violence from Super Boss Cordora.

Rumble, rumble, rumble——

The ground is shaking continuously, which means that Super Charizard X is gradually being pressed deeper into the venue.

Lean less.

The shaking stops.

There was a dead silence inside and outside the venue, leaving only wisps of smoke and dust flying.

"One hundred thousand horsepower."

Kashiwagi pointed to the huge, deeper and more terrifying hole, and declared the battle over with a smile.

He and the big monster no longer need much verbal command. The tacit understanding and spiritual connection between the two parties are enough for them to easily understand each other's thoughts without speaking.

Ai Lan?

The result of the strength evaluation is that the King of Heaven is currently not there, and Dingtian has just touched the barrier of the King of Heaven. The time for the battle is too early, and this guy still has room to grow.

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