My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 487

"Cough cough cough..."

The commotion was a bit loud.

Kashiwagi stood on the ninth floor and coughed. The smoke in front of him was so thick that he couldn't look at anything. Next to him was Boss Cordora, who was blowing out white smoke, and the big-mouthed kid sitting on his shoulders with a depressed look on his face.

no doubt.

They were affected by the blast and were forced to fall from the eleventh floor.

Fortunately, Big Mouth Baby did not cancel the super evolution at that time, and used electromagnetic levitation and the energy airflow ejected from the two large jaws to forcefully drag Boscodora to the ninth floor.

The cypress wood on its back was spared.

To be honest, who would have thought that Wandering Eidolon's Black Hole is not even a move to mobilize energy, but it would twist and detonate the double-edged mace and iron head that were coincidentally combined into a combo.

The two moves that symbolized his current strongest combat power directly shook the pillars of the Sky Pillar, causing it to shake violently...

Will I get beaten by Rayquaza when I walk up to him later?

He was somewhat worried.

I just hope Rayquaza is generous enough and won't care about this little shock.

"Thank you for your hard work, rest peacefully."

Kashiwagi patted Boss Cordora's thick arm, then touched the big-mouthed baby's head, put the two back into the ball, and released the three evil dragons and Doron Baruto again.

Go up to the eleventh floor again.

The smoke here lingers for a long time, and no wandering Eidolon can be seen anywhere.

He should have been blown away by the explosive air wave. He didn't believe that the air wave that could blow away Boscodora could not do anything to that guy, and it was not a simple general energy impact.

"Flap them away with your wings."

Kashiwagi stood still and chose to let the three evil dragons beside him clear his sight just to be on the safe side.

Unexpectedly, the latter flapped quickly for a while, and his wings suddenly set off a burst of blue wind. They stirred the air in the Sky Pillar and quickly dispersed all the smoke in front of him.

The wandering night spirit was indeed missing, but it was no longer noticed.

"This is!"

He turned his head in surprise and looked at the three evil dragons, "Clearing dense fog? Did you learn how to do that?"

It is said that Pokémon automatically learns new moves all by chance. You never know when this chance will come and what kind of surprise it will bring to you——

Surprisingly indeed, defogging is a very important part in singles. Even if there are not so many people in the animation world who like to scatter nails and open walls, there are still many environments that this move can be used for.


The three evil dragons raised their heads proudly. Recently, their progress in learning new moves has not been smooth. Unexpectedly, they accidentally learned to clear the dense fog, which can be regarded as an explanation to their trainers.

It doesn’t matter what the technique is, as long as it works.

Seeing its appearance, Kashiwagi didn't hesitate to praise it. Although he was always worried that the three evil dragons would get carried away, he would definitely praise it when it was time to praise it.

Otherwise, it will dampen the enthusiasm of your own Pokémon.

"Additional dinner tonight!" He pinched the faces of the three evil dragons and shook them from side to side.

When each Pokémon learns a new move, a Happy Egg will be added to their dinner plates. Although they can eat it normally, this is a reward for their hard work.

The meaning is greater than the taste itself.

The invisible dragon Baluto looked at Kashiwagi and the three evil dragons with smiles on their face. He was a little envious for some reason. As for whether he was envious of extra meals or compliments, or the atmosphere of both.

It doesn't know it itself.

Compared with it, which was introverted, Duolong Mexia and his brother were much more straightforward. Not only did they fly over from the launch hole and they were happy together, they also looked at Kashiwagi with the same expectancy.

These two are just greedy for happy eggs. After all, the taste of eggs will be affected by the emotions of happy eggs. The more positive the emotions, the better the taste of the eggs.

Recently, Happy Egg has been working hard to develop into a trump card, and it just won the Shuijing Competition, resulting in the taste of the egg reaching a wonderful level.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the highest quality ingredients.

"You two haven't learned any new moves, so work hard slowly." Kashiwagi poked their noses.

If a Pokémon dreams of becoming stronger, no matter what the reason is, as long as it is a legitimate trainer, it should be supported; and who stipulates that the Doron Mecia siblings must be "missiles" for life.

It's normal for them to want to be a launcher from time to time.

Set off again.

Kashiwagi headed towards the twelfth floor.

That's the last level there, and there should be something even more exaggerated than the Wandering Eidolon... What could it be? A horde of night demons opening the door to the spirit world and tricking him into walking in?

Or maybe it's Gengar who can pull people's souls out of their bodies? Like the three that Ash met in the Pokémon Tower in Aster Town?

He was a little nervous, but also inexplicably looking forward to it.

It was not difficult to see through the cracks in the rocks that it was completely dark outside, but there was nothing he could do about it. Hurry up and slow down, what could he do at night?

The twelfth floor is just around the corner.

It's just that the walls of the Sky Pillar don't seem to glow, causing it to be dark in front of him and he can't see anything clearly.

Kashiwagi had no choice but to take out the flashlight again.

The next moment.

He turned off the flashlight and turned it on again after a few seconds.

The various ghost Pokémon that were almost crowded on the twelfth floor once again smiled ferociously or sinisterly at him and the three evil dragons. The scene was quiet and strange.


Kashiwagi took a breath and wondered if his posture when going upstairs was not correct, so he walked backwards downstairs.

The three evil dragons next to them also made no sound and were very quiet.

There were so many ghost Pokémon that he couldn't defeat even if he sent all his troops, not to mention there were so many familiar faces inside. All the gatekeepers from the first to eleventh floors were crowded together.

Find a way to blast through?

How did Shijana get there in the first place? There is no reason why she would be better than she is now.


Kashiwagi couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it. He stood in the middle of the stairs and thought for a while, then looked around. He wondered if it might be a special way to pass the level like the seventh floor, so he decided to go back and take a closer look.

Reached the twelfth floor again.

He turned on the flashlight, and groups of ghost Pokémon huddled together like stacks of roosters, all giving him charming smiles.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the Pokémon were pretty cute, this scene would definitely look like a drawing from hell.

Kashiwagi waited in place for a few seconds, while the three evil dragons behind him had tense expressions, their thick and long tails wrapped around his waist, ready to escape at any time, and the hidden dragon Baluto was also ready to respond.

But as expected, the ghost Pokémon did not attack him, but just kept grinning with bared teeth.

God knows what they are enjoying.

"Hmm...what are you planning to do?"

Kashiwagi tried to communicate with these guys, and even took out his mobile phone to ask Porygon II to help translate, but he did not receive an answer. They just spontaneously moved away to both sides as they moved forward, making way for them.

The path leading to the long spiral staircase.

What's the meaning?

He passed the level, so they gathered here to congratulate him?

He walked forward quietly, his eyes wandering on the faces of the ghost Pokémon on both sides. The weird scene seemed like he had fallen into some unique hallucination, but the occasional tingling sensation from his phone proved that he was in reality. .

Unless... that Pokémon's illusion is powerful enough to affect the five senses.

Between breaths.

Kashiwagi had already arrived in front of the long spiral stairs. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the smiling ghost Pokémon, and suddenly felt that their weird smiles were a bit cute.

"...Thank you, this is for you."

He thought for a moment, took out a few cans of Poké Cubes from his bag and placed them on the ground.

Although I don’t know if they can go to the outside world, they definitely don’t eat Poké Cubes very often. It’s not enough to fill their stomachs, so it’s good to try something new.

Kashiwagi nodded and walked up the steps to the top of the tower step by step.

During this time, it was still so dark that I couldn't even see my fingers.

It seemed that the wall lost its ability to glow after dark, which led him to guess that the thing absorbed sunlight through the outer wall to make the interior glow.

"Fortunately, I brought a flashlight."

He turned his head and said to the three evil dragons. At the same time, noisy sounds came from the twelfth floor, which was completely hidden in darkness.

Grabbing it?

Guess so.

Kashiwagi is very confident in the Pokémon cubes he made. Even if it is not as exaggerated as the glowing food, it is normal for a bunch of wild Pokémon who have not eaten good food to fight for it for many years.

I hope it doesn't make too much of a fuss, otherwise the Poké Cubes offered as a token of gratitude will turn out to be a disaster, which would be very embarrassing.

He raised his flashlight and shined it upward, finally vaguely seeing the traces of the top of the tower.

What should I say when I see Rayquaza later?

According to what Shijana told him? If the shock just now angered Rayquaza, should he run away or be beaten...

Between random thoughts.

He had arrived at the exit leading to the top floor of the tower.

The faint starlight covered Bai Mu's face. There was no doubt that the outside world at this moment was full of stars and the moon was hanging above the dark night.

Hopefully Rayquaza isn't asleep yet.

His nose twitched slightly, and he smelled a vague odor——


Rayquaza generally lives in the ozone layer and almost never lands on the ground. Whenever it falls to sleep on the pillar of the sky, it will wrap itself tightly with a layer of ozone.

Therefore, this faint odor is infinitely equivalent to identifying it.

But when Kashiwagi completely reached the top floor and set his sights on the triangular altar on the long steps, he was startled by the sight of nothingness.

...Where's the dragon?

What about the big dragon?

Where did you go to sleep if you didn't go home at night? Went to eat?

Doron Baluto slowly appeared, and his confused eyes met the equally confused Kashiwagi and the three evil dragons, "Luspit?"

"I don't know if you ask me..."

He looked at the sky around him speechlessly, made sure that Rayquaza was not playing nearby, then called Shijana below, and even walked to the edge and stretched out his head to look down.

It seemed like I could vaguely see a bit of fire.


The call went through.

Shijana's voice was clear and sweet, "What happened? It's best not to make casual calls during the test. This is very sacred——"

"I was blowing the cold wind at the top of the tower and didn't see Lord Dragon God."

Kashiwagi interjected.

The other side suddenly became quiet.

After a few seconds, Shijana asked cautiously: "Are you sure you are at the top of the tower? It's not an illusion?"

"I can make three evil dragons fly down to prove it." He tightened his clothes. There was a strong wind on the Pillar of the Sky, and it was a bit cold after staying at the extremely high altitude for a long time. Rayquaza, a Pokémon that is four times weaker than ice, It must be difficult for Meng to endure such coldness.

Is it possible that ozone has a heat preservation function?

Shijana on the phone: "..."

Kashiwagi said: "What should I do now? Wait for it to come?"

Shijana said vaguely: "It makes no sense... Wait, I guess I can't wait. Once the Dragon God leaves the Pillar of the Sky, it is very likely that it will fly to other areas and not come back for a week or two. "

In other areas... Go to Alola to find the little meteors to play games, right? Let's fight against the invading alien Deoxys.

He sat down on the steps and asked again: "What should I do now? I have passed the test? Inheritor?"

Shijana replied: "...How about this? I'll teach you a way to try to summon it."


"Yes, you should be on the altar now, right? This is called the Altar of Summoning Dragons. You go to the middle, hold the key stone in your hand and read along with me."

Under Shijana's guidance, Kashiwagi came to the center of the altar, held the key stone and murmured in a sincere prayer pose.

"Holy jade and noble soul, please give me strength..."

"I am willing to use my flesh and blood to start this sacred ceremony!"

The words fell.

The keystone in his hand immediately glowed brightly, and a dark throbbing feeling poured into his heart.

So useful!

Kashiwagi looked shocked, but Shijana's voice on the phone didn't stop, so he had no choice but to continue reading.

"May you come down to earth to save the world at dawn!"

"I'm so grateful, I'll never give up even if I die!"

This is... the prayer that the people of Meteor once stood on the legendary boulder and begged Rayquaza to stop the super ancient Pokémon war?

The content is a bit straightforward, but it’s not an ancient style of writing.

Holding the luminous keystone in his hand, he looked up to the sky, his eyes full of anticipation, because he suddenly remembered that this is how Shijana summoned Rayquaza in the game.

Shijana didn't hang up on the other end of the phone, and the occasional nervous breathing meant that she wasn't sure whether she could summon Rayquaza.

But Kashiwagi believed it.

And when the green light fell from the sky, he inevitably became more excited.



As if confirming his call, a small black dot at the end of his sight quickly enlarged. Even though it was far away and in the dark, he could still see the dragon-like figure.

In a daze, Rayquaza's long chant sounded in his ears.

"hold head high--"

Shijana seemed to also hear the whistling sound, and her breathing immediately became clear and rapid, "Rayquaza is here?"

"I'm coming!"

Kashiwagi responded excitedly, without moving his eyes from the sky for a moment, shouting: "Your trick is really useful! I think my test should be stable...Eh?"

"What's wrong? What happened again?" Shijana heard his groan and asked quickly.

"It's nothing, it's just... I feel like the color is not right."

Kashiwagi whispered, and the "Dragon God" Rayquaza, who had lowered his dark figure, was clearly visible, and the golden dragon eyes shone on him, making him stunned.

"Oh my god, the summons was wrong."

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