My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 485 Millennium Ghost

"Don't talk about martial ethics!"

The angry complaints were drowned out by the dazzling flash of light.


The sound of the explosion was deafening. The roaring flames, the milky white shock wave and gunpowder smoke that could lift people away almost passed over the top of Cypress's head. The latter jumped down from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, like a third-level step. He jumped up high and barely reached the edge of the second floor.


His feet landed on the ground, his body swayed slightly, and a numbness filled his heart.

He stretched out his arms like a big bird, and when his center of gravity was stable, he let out a breath, "Get it safely!"

Doronbaruto appeared out of thin air, and his almost illusory tail hooked his belt at some point, as if he was afraid that he would fall from the second floor. When his eyes met, he quietly let go and slipped away. .

The two Doron Mecias that emerged from nowhere also followed them back to the launch hole.


Kashiwagi whispered, turned back to look at the place where he jumped, passed the two deflated wind balls, and shifted his sight slightly before he found the three evil dragons shaking their heads beside the pillars on the third floor, and quickly Shout: "Hasu!"

The chaotic Husky suddenly seemed to have found its backbone, lying on the ground and letting its pure white feathers float up and down, healing its injuries and lost strength.

After a while.

The three evil dragons returned to him full of energy.

The two of them looked at the two Suifengqiu on the fourth and a half steps, with a little bit of fear still on their faces.

It feels like these ghost Pokémon in Sky Pillar are a little crazy.

Seeing that they couldn't hit [Big Explosion] from the front, they didn't care, but they deliberately pressed close to their companions to force the [Detonation] feature to be triggered at the same time.

According to the logic in the game, the big explosion will cause one to faint and cannot trigger the detonation that can only be triggered by contact moves. However, these two guys just rely on the method of sticking close to each other and making a big explosion together, so that they can lose the power due to their own big explosion. A delicate balance was reached between physical strength and losing physical strength due to the opponent's big explosion.

So that several important prerequisites were forcibly met, making the power of the final big explosion super doubled——

It's very similar to Xiaozhi's style of playing cards that don't follow routines and have a whimsical and practical style.

It was just a bitter experience for Kashiwagi. He was forced to jump down the stairs, and even the three evil dragons who were guarding him were smashed to pieces and knocked away.

Only Dragon Baruto, whose ghost attribute was immune to most of the energy impact of the big explosion, successfully escaped from the main explosion range.


Simply outrageous!

Although he couldn't help cursing secretly, he thought that if these two wind balls could achieve this step, their high degree of cooperation with each other would probably be enough to make outside trainers despair.

The "stumbling block" on the fifth level is just like this. What should we do if we go up further?

Kashiwagi suddenly felt a little sad.

It’s no wonder that few of the Meteor People can climb to the top every time. It’s just that the “gatekeepers” here are too much.

He walked up again. Fortunately, the two pairs of ghost Pokémon on the third and fourth floors did not appear again, and then they safely bypassed the Sui Fengqiu and reached the fifth floor.

The stairs leading to the sixth floor are not far away.

"What kind of weird things will we encounter this time?" He licked his lips.

Most of these ghost Pokémon like to guard the stairs, so most of the fierce battles take place on the corridors. They don't care. Kashiwagi's personal danger is greatly increased.

He really didn't want to experience the feeling of weightlessness again.

Let's fight in a group.

Kashiwagi decided to wait for the opponent to show up this time, and then adopt quick suppression tactics of targeted group fights.

But even in a group fight, you have to control the number of players after the ball is released. The space between layers is not very wide. Too many Pokémon crowded together will cause teammates to hit teammates... Who makes animations hurt by teammates?

He never thought to go all the way up cautiously. No matter how carefully he looked, there was no ghost Pokémon around to make a sneak attack.

Just when he was doubting.

Two dream monsters suddenly appeared in the distance, laughing and joking, their hair like will-o'-the-wisps moving in the wind, looking quite cute, and then disappeared again.

Kashiwagi stepped out——


Three evil dragons suddenly bit his wrist, stopping him from moving forward.

It turned out that the floor in front of him turned into a hollow at some point, and the entire sixth floor disappeared. If the former had not reminded him in time, he would have fallen down accidentally.

"what's the situation?"

Kashiwagi squatted down and touched the "ground". After confirming that he didn't touch anything and that he could reach out, he knew that this was probably not an illusion.

What to do?

Going to fly over?

But Shijana is talking about having to rely on both feet to get to the top. Is this kind of force majeure considered a test...


He thought about it for a while, and used his feet to test other places, and immediately discovered that there were floors elsewhere that could be stepped on, but they were just invisible.

This is simple, just try it out slowly.

Kashiwagi looked at the place where the two dream monsters disappeared, knowing that they would definitely cause trouble when he tried to test, so he turned around and said something.


Be the first to take action and win it directly!

Then he took out the flashlight without hesitation, letting the 150,000 lumens of holy light come down again, searching for traces of the dream monsters like a gangster, forcing them to have nowhere to escape.

Surprisingly, the pair chose to split up.

Kashiwagi only found the existence of one dream monster in a short period of time, "Evil Wave!"


The big heads of the three evil dragons remained motionless, while the two small heads fired beams composed of countless black rings like laser cannons, blocking each other's movement on the spot as they shook.

"Well~!" The dream monster dodged in panic, but still couldn't avoid the fate of being hit.


In the smoke, the first dream demon was defeated and lay on the ground unconscious.

Then the ground suddenly flickered, and many square floors with different positions appeared in front of it.

"The invisibility of the ground is in their hands?" Kashiwagi was somewhat surprised and stepped toward the floor -

The moment he shifted his weight forward and tried to gain a foothold, his whole body fell downwards.

"I'll wipe it!"

Fortunately, he fell less than ten centimeters, and Doronbaruto, who had agreed in advance to act as a safety rope, used his tail to pull him up.

"Sure enough, these guys are so sinister!"

Kashiwagi happily stamped his feet on the spot. He couldn't beat him head-on and started playing with him.

What's the use?

The real can not be fake, the fake can not be real.

He took out a jar filled with ordinary Poké cubes from his pocket, and snapped his fingers, and two dragon Mecia suddenly appeared in the air, "Please."

"Hee!" "Hee!"

The Doronmesia siblings saluted with determination, and then kept taking out Poké Cubes from the jar, wandering back and forth like two fish to test the authenticity of the ground. If they were genuine, they would place a Poké Cube as a mark.

While the two acted, Kashiwagi continued to search for the remaining dream monster.

Unfortunately, the opponent's hiding ability is quite good. No matter where the flashlight sweeps, he cannot find the opponent's figure.

"Do you feel it?" He turned to ask the three evil dragons.

The latter's nose twitched, regretting that the Pillar of the Sky was too closed and the mixed smell prevented it from accurately identifying the opponent's specific location.

Unless you have [Smell Detection], a magical skill for detecting ghost-type Pokémon.

It's a pity that the three evil dragons can't.

During the investigation, the very efficient Duolong Mexia sister and brother had already "paved" a path to the seventh floor. Kashiwagi looked at the two little guys in front of him who came back to claim credit, and originally thought about buying hiking poles. A lot of it was scattered.

The trekking pole is convenient, but it easily omits the interaction between him and Pokémon.

Interaction can quickly strengthen bonds.

He praised the two dragon Mecias and walked forward along the floor where the Pokmon cubes were located. He soon came to the corridor leading to the seventh floor, but did not go any further.

"If you don't show up, I will pass."

Kashiwagi said. The three evil dragons were a little confused and looked at the surroundings warily.

--no respond.

He sighed and turned his outstretched foot, not stepping on the floor with the energy cube in front of him, but moved to the void on the other side.

One kick down.

Step on the ground.

The three evil dragons looked surprised. Baruto, the invisible dragon, and the two small dragons were also puzzled. The latter two looked at each other, recalling whether the last one they placed was here.

At the same time, Kashiwagi did not walk up the steps, but moved to the side along the floor. After walking about three or four meters, he even walked to another floor before he boldly walked towards the void beside the corridor. Lift your feet.

Suddenly there was a violent whistling sound in the air forward and behind!


The three evil dragons subconsciously opened their shields, and a dark shadow ball hit the honeycomb-shaped light shield without causing even a ripple.

Doronbaruto got into the hole opened next to him and suddenly appeared behind the hidden dream demon. His hazy tail was like a spike and pierced the head of the dream demon dancing wildly like a will-o'-the-wisp.


It let out a scream and fell to the ground.

It also allowed Kashiwagi, who stepped on the "air", to return to the actual staircase.

"This hallucination ability is incredible. How did you do it?" He blinked curiously. The two dream monsters not only hid the floor, but later even hid the floor that Doron Mecia had marked. , creating an illusion to lure him to the false steps.

The actual steps are located two to three meters parallel.

Thanks to his good memory, when he judged the stairs, he felt that the position was not right, and the Poké Cube was also deliberately used to lure the dream monster into taking the bait, so he didn't get hit.

The ability to hallucinate is really powerful.

Obviously he didn't feel that he was under hypnosis, and the dream demon's hand was almost the same as Zoroark's hallucination.

Fortunately, I kept an eye out.

That's why I wasn't fooled by these thousand-year-old ghosts.

Kashiwagi knew very well that the ghost Pokémon in the Sky Pillar were estimated to be thousands of years old, and the oldest group even existed when the Meteor People established the Sky Pillar.

Having experienced countless years, it is normal for them to possess some special powers that outside Pokémon do not possess.

Time accumulation is important.

It's a pity that he is not a philanthropic trainer, otherwise he would really have the idea of ​​​​conquering these Pokémon.

For now, I can only say that I secretly learn some of their skills.

Kashiwagi walked to the seventh floor with high spirits, and was prepared to have a head-on conflict with the Pokémon on the seventh floor, or even fight with each other in groups.


The guard Pokémon on the seventh level are even stranger than those on the sixth level.

This time he faced three ghost stones who laughed "Jie Jie Jie", but these three guys did not intend to fight with him and the three evil dragons, but played a card game similar to flower cards.

God knows where they learned it from. Kashiwagi couldn't even understand it. After losing two or three games in a daze and being laughed at crazily by them, he began to consider turning over the table and leaving.

Who said you have to win before you can continue?

Shijana never said that she must defeat every Pokémon guarding the floor.

He exchanged glances with the three evil dragons, and used gestures to remind Baluto, the dragon, who was hiding in the dark.


"Jie Jie Jie!"

As if they noticed the bad looks between him and the three evil dragons, the ghosts looked at each other and clapped their hands calmly.


In an instant, more than twenty Ghost Stones suddenly appeared everywhere around them, looking at them eagerly with Kashiwagi's surprised expression.


"Hey, don't get excited."

He quickly held down the crow that wanted to shout "If it's difficult, then don't do it"... No, the three evil dragons said softly: "Don't panic, I still have a way."

There were more Ghost Stones than he imagined, and he would most likely be the first to be unlucky in a melee. If he wanted to escape the damage, he would have to jump downstairs.

There's nothing we can do about it.

You forced me to do this.

He silently took out his mobile phone, and the Porygon II on the screen gave him a look that said everything was OK, and he calmly continued to gamble with the three Ghost Stones.

The three Ghost Stones were surprised to find that Kashiwagi, who had just been ignorant, suddenly turned into a master of card skills. They tried their best to beat the latter even though they were crazy.

Something's wrong!

Something is very wrong!

The Ghost Stones looked at each other, and this time it was their turn to be so angry that they wanted to overturn the table.

But just when Kashiwagi was ready to fight to the death with the large group of ghosts, these three guys disappeared into the air with the flower cards and let him go to the eighth floor freely.


Kashiwagi raised his eyebrows. He didn't see the Ghost Stones come out again for a long time and slowly walked up the stairs to the eighth floor.

When you're halfway there.

He was finally sure that he was really let go.

"The gambling products are quite good, I can afford to lose." Kashiwagi clicked his tongue. Anyway, he definitely couldn't afford to lose, otherwise he wouldn't use Porygon II to cheat with his mobile phone.

After AlphaGo defeated the Go master in his previous life, the artificial Pokémon in the Pokémon world also used data flow and calculations to easily defeat three thousand-year-old gamblers.

After all, who gave them the flower cards? Some kind of meteor people?

I'm so bored that my balls ache.

Kashiwagi shook his head and brought the three evil dragons to the eighth floor.

Compared with the previous seven floors, the eighth floor is slightly narrower. The floor only occupies a very small area, and the Pokémon guarding the gate has not appeared for a long time.

He waited for a while, thinking that this might not be a floor specifically used for rest.

Although he didn't know how much the other Meteor people had to pay to break into this level, he was quite relaxed anyway, and he didn't seem too tired to watch the three evil dragons.

At most, the energy consumption is a little serious.

He had already fed the wild apples in time to replenish his attribute energy.

"There are only a few floors left. Let's rush to the top before dark." He looked outside through the gap in the wall and found that the world outside had become a bit dim.

The sun is going down.

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