My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 480 Battle of Green Ridge

The gym was eerily quiet.

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan had just experienced the absolute power impact from the super big-mouthed kid, "You are the owner of the gym, you are the one?" On the surface, the two looked at each other without saying anything, but in fact they were communicating with each other with their eyes.

[Speak quickly! Wasn’t that what you said before? 】

【I don’t know what to say! Where have you seen such a powerful person before? 】

[Or just skip it...]

[No, that makes us look so unprofessional! What if he complains that we are not good enough? 】

【Not that much...】

The two of them winked, completely unaware that Rey, who was the referee in the distance, was frequently winking at them, and occasionally coughing lightly as a reminder.

On the other side, Kashiwagi silently observed the state of the super big-mouthed baby. He noticed that it lowered its head and kept panting. It didn't raise its head for a long time, and the jaws on the back of its head remained low and not raised. He thought that the limit was reached. It was a little too fast, and more energy was consumed than during the civil war.

I don't think I can last more than a few minutes.

He looked at Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan on the opposite side, waiting for a long time to comment on the new Pokémon.

Super Big Mouth Baby is about to be released on CD, and the magic space is about to end. If these two don't take the time to comment and start the next show, what are they waiting for?

It seems that the super big mouth baby has not fully mastered his power?

None of the four people spoke, and all four of them were a little anxious.

The only thing that is not in a hurry is Porygon II, which rotates with the planets in the sky. It feels like riding a roller coaster, which is surprisingly interesting. If it were not for gym battles, it could be played all day long.


It let out small exclamations as the planet undulated.


Rey finally couldn't bear it anymore and coughed very hard to break the silence.

Kashiwagi was the first to speak: "Excuse me, what's going on..."

"No no."

"It's been a long time since I met a challenger as good as you. I'm a little surprised... Let's continue!"

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan sang together and hurried down the stairs. They quickly praised them and sent out the two Pokémon they had already decided on.

Bang bang!

The light shines.

Two green-haired human-shaped Pokémon landed on the flat ground.



One had a delicate voice and the other had a deep voice. It was Gardevoir and Aluredor, a pair of male and female super-powered Pokémon.

The moment he appeared, the former looked at the super-big-mouthed kid, his eyes lit up with blue light, and his body suddenly swayed.

[Copy] Feature trigger!

Hercules Gardevoir appears!

finally come.

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, Super Mouth Baby only has the power of one attack at most, and the magic space is about to end. But through the cooperation with Porygon II, he can win the trump card Pokémon that is Xiaofeng and Konan. Dream, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the mvp in this gym challenge.

One hit at a time to maximize the effect!

As if he heard the trainer's thoughts, the super-big-mouthed baby suddenly raised his head with his head lowered. His eyes were as bright as burning flames, and his melodious cry like silver bells was full of determination.


"Go! The last frolic!" Kashiwagi gave the order in a deep voice, before the two Pokémon who landed on the ground could react.


The ground shook.

When the countdown to the end of the trick space entered, Megazord turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in place. It was actually a bit faster than before. It was unknown which Pokémon it inherited from.

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan, who were always vigilant, shouted in unison: "Teleport!"

No matter which one the Super Big Mouth Baby is going to attack, it is definitely right to dodge in time, not to mention that even Sun Rock Kai can't stop it, let alone Gardevoir and Eluredor.

And almost at the same time they finished issuing the order.

The super-big-mouthed kid, who was as fast as the wind, suddenly appeared. When facing Eluredo, he clenched his right fist and released a dazzling pink light, which seemed to release a bright light like a cross star. The jaws behind his head were slightly open. Uncontrollable energy surged out, forming thick pink smoke and colorful stars swirling around it.

What a dazzling [playfulness]!

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There was a thunderous sound as if the air was suddenly compressed by a huge force, and Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan changed their expressions upon hearing the sound.

Who can withstand this move?

But the moment the super big-mouthed kid threw out his punch, an extremely space-distorting force instantly took away Elle Duo, causing the punch with the shining cross pink star to fall into the air.


The sound is like a bell!

The milky-white powerful force swept away the gravel in the thunder-like rumble, causing Lei, who was close to the super big-mouthed baby, to raise her hands to cover it.

The magic space that ended with the countdown completely dissipated as if it was also affected.

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan couldn't help but smack their lips again. If this punch hits -

Um! ?

What about Alureduo?

As a trainer, Xiao Feng suddenly discovered that there was only Gardevoir on the other side of the field, and Eluredo, who should have appeared not far from it, was missing.

"Triple attack!"

Kashiwagi's shouting made him subconsciously raise his head, and then he saw that Elledo was deeply embedded in a fiery planet, and the square turret transformed by Porygon II was just aimed at it.

All of a sudden.

Three bright lights, red, blue and yellow, each lit up from the barrel, followed by three light beams of different colors fired towards Eluredo!

boom! !


Xiaofeng's cry was instantly drowned out by the explosion, and Gardevoir who tried to rescue was also forced back by the aftermath.

He never expected that the super-big-mouth kid's playfulness would be in vain. Due to his height, he swung his fists from bottom to top, which caused him to move to the designated position in an instant, and he was hit hard to the top of the field.

At that time, the aftermath of the Super Big Mouth Boy's fist stirred up the wind and sand, just enough to blind his eyes and ears.

——Did the other party expect all this? ?

Xiao Feng looked at Kashiwagi in the distance in shock. If he was thinking about how this challenger was so strong just now, then what he was thinking about now was how this guy could be so terrifying.

The last time he felt a similar sense of powerlessness was when he fought against Daigo, who had returned after a rare return.

did not expect……

Xiaofeng watched the smoke and dust dissipated, and saw Elle Duo who had been completely knocked out by three beams of light in the fiery red planet, with extremely complicated emotions.

Her twin sister Xiaonan, who was almost spiritually connected to her, also felt this. She looked at the super big-mouthed kid who was still pumping his fists with a tense face.

The latter's intimidation was so strong that she didn't dare let Gardevoir make any moves.

Two against one.

The opponent is also so powerful that he can take down a Pokémon with just one move.

What to do now?


Colorful light suddenly appeared from the Super Big Mouth Baby. After a moment, it returned to its original shape and slowly fell backwards.


Some dust flew up.

Xiaofeng and the other three were stunned.

"Ai, Elledor and Big Mouth Baby have lost their ability to fight. There is only one gym leader left and three challengers left!" Rey quickly raised the flag and shouted.

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan were confused by the scene before them.

This didn't cause any harm to the super big-mouthed kid. Why did he suddenly fall down? Is it possible that the moves you just used have counter-injury effects? Also, is it because the move consumes a lot of energy?


The opportunity has come!

Konan was the first to come back to his senses. Now that Gardevoir was present and full of fighting power, the magic space was over. Although Porygon II was not attacked, he had released so many moves, and had a strong fight with Moonstone, so his state must have declined.

Kashiwagi needs a certain amount of time to exchange Pokémon. If he seizes this extremely short time——

"Gardevoir! Jump up and use mental shock!"


Gardevoir jumped high, and countless throbbing energy balls that were pink on the outside and black on the inside appeared around him. They flew towards the Porygon II hiding on the planet one after another like rocket launches!

Of course, the latter, which has a high degree of autonomy, cannot wait for the trainer to give orders before moving like other Pokémon. If it can't use moves, can't it still hide?

Therefore, as soon as he saw those energy light balls, Porygon II tried to retreat to the back of the planet.

Who would have thought that those spheres would actually bypass the planet, like high-speed stars with a "sure-hit" attribute, chasing the retreating Porygon II all the way.


Hey Hey hey!

Super powers don’t make sense, right?

Kashiwagi, who had just put the big-mouthed baby back into the ball, gave the order: "Stop! Use texture 2!"

The retreating Porygon II immediately stopped, and a wave of water flowed on the surface of the body, changing from red and blue to as dark as ink, and its eyes also changed from round to triangular eyes, looking a bit ferocious, as if it had changed from a tame toy. The duck turned into a vicious black duck.

The key is that the spiritual shocks that came after them were directly swallowed up by it when they hit it.

Xiaonan, who had never seen [Texture 2], was quite dumbfounded.

Porygon II turns out to be evil! ?

It seemed that this was the only way to explain it, and she couldn't help but feel regretful. If she had known earlier, even if she didn't use fairy-type moves or launch pure energy attacks, she could have eliminated the evil-type opponents through other methods, even without the Eye of Miracle. Resistance to ability attributes.

But it's too late!

"Thanks a lot."

Kashiwagi looked away from Porygon II and softly comforted the big-mouthed kid in the ball.

Although it did not actually faint, it did lose its ability to fight, and it was impossible to fight with Gardevoir, which had the characteristics of Hercules.

As for what Xiaofeng guessed... it was really just a mistake. He fully thought that the Super Big Mouth Baby would be able to hit, but who knew that such an incident would occur, causing Porygon II to have to hit it again.

Originally, what the latter needed to do was to suppress Gardevoir.

Forget it, leave it to your teammates next.

He threw the Poké Ball forward.


The light shines.

A milky-white rough stone full of holes appeared in the field, rolling forward for several meters.

Although Xiaonan didn't know the identity of the Galar Sun Coral, she also understood that she and Gardevoir didn't have many chances left, no matter what it was.

Just do it!

"Magic shines!"

With the idea that if she hits more times, she will gain money, she makes Gardevoir activate the ultimate light it can emit!

In an instant.

The shining bright light illuminated the entire battlefield. Gardevoir almost turned into a sun that could not be looked directly at. The fairy's energy turned into a blazing white light arrow filled with rainbow colors while the white skirt fluttered, silently. Zhongya also has his own annihilation stance and shoots towards Sun Coral and Porygon II. The exaggerated attack range even affects people outside the field!

A little bit.

The sound effect of the magical sparkle is not strong enough, and the sharp scream only spreads at the moment of activation, so it cannot block Kashiwagi's instructions.

"Specular reflection! Shadow ball!"

When the strong light dimmed, Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan immediately saw a sparkling transparent wall appearing in front of the milky white rough stone - no, it looked like a strange Pokémon like sun coral. There seemed to be light brewing in it. .

Porygon II, who was still hiding on the surface of the planet, was covered in smoke. A dark ball of light larger than its size was brewing in front of the exaggerated square barrel. The chaotic ghost energy turned into smoke and wrapped around the dark light bullet. On the surface, it's extremely scary.

Its eyes lit up.

Aiming completed - launch!


The huge shadow ball flew towards Gardevoir!

"Hurry and hide to the right!"

Xiaonan let out a cry of urgency.

Gardevoir couldn't help but dodge back with one foot, and just missed the huge shadow ball. However, he was able to dodge the first day but not the fifteenth.

The moment the shadow ball suddenly exploded, the mirror reflection of the sun coral also activated!

The dazzling light that was no less than the previous one turned into a square beam of light and rubbed against the ground while launching a key blow at Gardevoir who had nowhere to dodge!

boom--! !

The sharp scream is like an electric drill drilling a hole in a person's eardrum!

Gardevoir was instantly engulfed in white light, and absorbed all the power of the mirror reflection impartially, successfully allowing Sun Coral to turn around and forcefully stuff the damage it had suffered back into the former's mouth.

On the planet.

The tired Porygon II began to relax. It had been pestering Sun Coral a lot these days to practice the accuracy of various moves, and finally its efforts were not in vain!

Should CS be needed?

It jumped directly from the planet, because this thing was spinning farther away, which was not conducive to launching a second attack.


When the smoke cleared, the figure of Gardevoir swaying but refusing to fall was quite eye-catching. Its magical sparkle brought a lot of damage to Sun Coral, so after the double attack of mirror reflection was full, it was almost the same. It's about to hit the street.

Just a little bit close.

"Gardevoir, use the drops of life quickly——"


Two voices sounded at the same time, and the one who finally launched the attack was undoubtedly Porygon II who was in slightly better condition.

Although it was also hit by Magic Shine, it was further away from Gardevoir in the first place, and the planet's rotation happened to turn it to the back where Magic Shine could not hit it.

At least it blocked nearly a quarter of the damage.

And when a Pokémon's physical strength is in danger, no matter how fast it moves, it will be affected. Therefore, Gardevoir, a Pokémon that is stronger than Porygon II in all aspects, is inevitable. Di Yao watched helplessly as the latter unleashed his violent thunder.


Thunder and lightning rushed outward with Porygon II as the center, and the terrifying current hit Gardevoir's body, covering it with a dazzling yellow light. In the blink of an eye, his whole body trembled to the point of being twisted.

Sun Coral very spinelessly turned back into raw stone and rolled to a lower location.

When Xiaonan saw this scene, she bit her lower lip but was helpless.

After a few seconds.

The discharge of Porygon II is over.

Gardevoir was also finished, and it fell to the ground with a thud with many parts of its body scorched black.

"Gardevoir loses the ability to fight, Porygon II and Sun Coral win! The final winner is challenger Kashiwagi!" Rey quickly announced the results of this gym battle.

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