My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 475 Stealing the Champion

Green Ridge City.

My old house.

The Japanese-style building located in the quiet dense forest surprised Kashiwagi.

I thought I would see an exaggerated and luxurious European-style building like Kojiro's house, but I didn't expect that the Zivchi house was quite "traditional", of course it was big.

Just like the guest room he lives in now.

"Well... there are at least more than a hundred flats, right?" Kashiwagi glanced at the spacious room. Behind him were the three evil dragons and the multi-dragon Mecia siblings who were chasing each other.

Maybe it has something to do with age and personality. The relationship between these three is obviously better, and they often play together.

And because Doron Baruto likes to observe in secret, he rarely participates in it. As a result, every time Doron Mecia and his brother play with the three evil dragons, he will watch silently from the side——

The picture is very weird, very NTR.

When Baimu was thinking wildly, Duolong Mexia and his brother suddenly rushed in front of him from behind. He was stunned for a moment, and then secretly thought that it was not good.



The three evil dragons behind him charged so hard that they couldn't stop and knocked him away with a loud bang. He just rolled into a ball with the big-mouthed kid who was sitting on the cushions looking at his mobile phone.

Thanks to the latter's quick reaction and protecting the phone immediately, his beloved was not burned to the ground.

But after getting up, the big-mouthed boy was still very angry.


The Duolong Mexia siblings trembled all over and quickly disappeared and ran away. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the three evil dragons shrunk their heads and flew out. However, the big-mouthed boy suddenly grabbed their tails and spun them around like throwing a hammer.

The Sun Coral in the corner silently burrowed further into the corner. The Happy Egg and the Different-Colored Menas tried to stop it, but were knocked away by the three spinning evil dragons. The invisible Doron Mecia siblings and Doron Baruto did the same. He didn't survive the disaster, but was hit and flew around everywhere.

There was a lot of ping-pong noise in the room, as if there was a war.

Boscodora, who was admiring the flowers in the courtyard, turned around and glanced, helplessly shaking his head and glad that he was not crowded with those guys inside.


"That's enough! Stop it all!"

Kashiwagi shouted, took out his cell phone and shouted: "Send them all out!"


Porygon II flew out, its eyes flashing and triggering teleportation to take away the misbehaving Pokémon.

It's just that the scope of its impact is a bit large, and even a certain product hiding in a corner cannot escape.

Sun Coral: "Where's your throat!?"

Boscodora, who maintained himself as an outsider, felt his head go dark. The removed Pokémon suddenly appeared above his head, pressing it down like a stack of Arhats, making him the bottom one.


How could this affect me?

The rest of the Pokémon that had become sandwich or bread also let out complaints, except for Big Mouth, which was not among them. It stood proudly and independently with one foot on the sharp corner of Boss Cordora, "嘁哚~"

A lady must always remain graceful——


Kashiwagi lightly slapped it on the head, and faced the big-mouthed child's unconvinced expression and said, "We are guests! Can you please restrain yourself? Aren't you embarrassed that you damaged someone else's tatami?"

Immediately, he slapped each of the three evil dragons who were suppressed on the head, "Naughty! You know how naughty! What a dragon!"


The three evil dragons looked aggrievedly like huskies.

Kashiwagi ignored it and took out the dizzy Doronmesia siblings from under Menas, using the wake-up slap to wake them up, "Chief culprits, not only do you not get a share of dinner, but you also have to wash the dishes. .”

After the beating, he sighed in his heart.

I wanted to set an example and stop hitting the head as a punishment method that may be harmful to "intelligence", but... sometimes I just can't help it!

I deserve a beating!

Not beating is not enough to vent your anger!

"Hehe..." "Hehe..."

Sibling Doron Mecia looked at each other, and the elder sister suddenly gave her younger brother a blow on the head.


It's all your fault! Let you lure me to fly in front of the trainer!

Sister Duolong's eyes widened, and brother Duolong only felt that he was so wronged. They obviously acted in concert, so how could they be seduced?


Porygon II in the room was filled with emotion, what is the meaning of what goes up and what goes down?

Sun Coral silently squeezed out from between Doron Baruto and Happy Egg, thinking that this should be considered an accidental work injury, and she didn't know how many days of leave she could take.

"Kashiwagi? What happened to you over there?"

Daigo's call came from afar.

Immediately after the kimono version of the Hoenn Champion appeared at the end of the edge, Haori's azure stripes matched her silver-blue hair color, showing a modest and gentlemanly style.

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, "We're not going into the mountain anymore?"

"It's the same with this one. It's very comfortable and flexible. Do you want to try it?" Daigo smiled relaxedly and was a little surprised when he glanced at the Pokémon Jenga not far away.

On the road, the two agreed to visit the back hill occupied by the two Boscodoras of Dawu's house, and teach the big monsters experience in managing their own territory in the future, as well as combat experience.

"No need."

Kashiwagi shook his head. He had never been interested in clothing that was too wide and would hinder movement. If people think it is flexible, it is because of their habit.

Daigo didn't force it, he just invited him to go to the front hall to have lunch - and the Pokémon came with him.

When the meal was served, the piles of Boscado pulled into a hill quickly decomposed.

The half-floating sun coral silently turned around and swayed to Kashiwagi's head as a stone hat. Seeing that the throne was occupied, the Doronmesia siblings had no choice but to choose the shoulder as the landing gear.

Since they don’t have to eat dinner, they must eat more for lunch!


after lunch.

Kashiwagi left the Doronmesia siblings with bellies as bulging as tennis balls, and asked Happy Egg to take care of the two of them, before taking Boscodora and the three evil dragons up the mountain.

The latter insisted on following him, but he couldn't help but agreed.

A group of people and Pokémon were walking on the rugged bluestone steps.

"I haven't been here for a long time."

The leader, Dai Wu, had a nostalgic look on his face. When he was a champion, the responsibility was with him and he would never come back. When he was not a champion, he would travel around the world collecting stones and he would never come back.

And as familiar scenes came into view, the memories buried deep in my heart gradually became clear, and the scenes of playing with Boscodora and the armored birds in the past continued to emerge.

The fatigue accumulated over the past few months was instantly relieved.

Can you find something you can't find by just looking for it?

Just keep a calm mind.

Dawu calmed down and stopped worrying about his failure to collect the information he wanted from the center of the universe. He just felt that Houshan was really right this time.

In front of him, the familiar Coco Dora jumped up and down the steps like a rabbit.

Kashiwagi looked more and more cute.

"Look, you walked like it when you were a kid." He turned around and smiled at Boscodora.


Boscodora didn't know how to reply to this ridicule.

It really can't remember the sound it made when walking before, but now it is very clear, bang bang bang.

Fortunately, there was no need for it to respond. The three evil dragons' strong desire for expression prompted them to pester their trainers and ask them what the sound of walking was like when they were children.

"You idiot, you haven't grown up! Just growing taller doesn't count!" Kashiwagi pinched the face of the three evil dragons and gently shook their heads up and down.


"Hahaha, you still have such a good relationship with your three evil dragons." Dawu beside him laughed kindly and thought of his ancient armor again.

This guy is also so clingy to him. Every time he hugs Cradle Lily, he will get jealous and pull his clothes.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is a spoiled ghost in every trainer's team.

Arrive halfway up the mountain.

Daiwu and Cocodola turned a corner and did not go up any further.

After passing through a dense forest, a clear mountain spring appeared in front of everyone.


A look of joy appeared on Boscodora's ferocious face. Even though he was a Pokémon with a weak water attribute, he couldn't help but feel happy every time he found these flowing springs on the high mountains.

Mountains! Running water! Dense forest!

——Boscodora’s paradise~!

It didn't wait for Kashiwagi to speak and walked towards the mountain spring. It never thought that just as it approached the corner of the boulder by the stream, a Boscodora not much smaller than it rushed out.

"Goo ho!"

The other party's voice is slightly sharper than its own, but its horns are more than twice as long, symbolizing that it is much older than it.


Boscodora will not lose to it in terms of thickness.

The two metal dinosaurs looked at each other from a distance, and their natural habits of competing for territory came into their minds. They each assumed a posture ready to attack, as if they had the idea of ​​rushing towards each other and colliding with each other——


"Big monster!"

Two voices interrupted the momentum between them.

The Boss Cordora on the opposite side turned its head and saw its trainer and younger brother Coco Dora standing not far away, followed by a black-haired human boy and a dog that didn't look too easy to mess with. Big black guy.


It tilted its head and looked at the big monster in front of it.

Not here to grab territory?


Boscodora recovered from his instinct and regained his original docile and restrained appearance. However, he looked beyond the people of the same kind in front of him and found another one of the same kind behind the boulder.

The body is slightly smaller than it, but the horns are as long as those of its kind.

Little does it know that these two are the real owners of the mountain under its feet as its trainer told it, and they both live here together.

Good mountains, good water, good woods, and company...

whispering sound.

Not interesting.

It's not as big as its mountains.

"Goooo." Boss Cordora suddenly wanted to go back and take a look, want to see its territory, and the big steel snake's little brother who worked hard to reclaim the wasteland... No, little sister.

It walked slowly back to its trainer.

"What's wrong?"

Kashiwagi was keenly aware that it was in a bad mood, thinking it was because he was unhappy after losing the horn length contest, so he calmly said: "It's okay, you will be much better than it in two years! Today we are here to learn management techniques! Shiyi Develop skills to defeat the barbarians!"

This is the confidence to cheat others.

Although Daigo is powerful, Boss Cordora is not his trump card after all. Is it any wonder that his big monster is better than his Boss Cordora?

If you want to fight, fight Metagross! If Pikachu can do it, so can my big monster!


Boscodora only understood half of it, let alone the trainer's inner thoughts, but he was indeed comforted and his mood recovered instantly.

the other side.

After Daigo petted the two Boss Cordora, he also conveyed his request.

The two are inseparable after hearing this, and they are not here to compete for territory. Originally, two Boskodoras sharing a mountain would be crowded enough. If we add one more and wait for Kokodoras to evolve, four Boskodoras would be too crowded. What can we do together?

Play mahjong?

"Kashiwagi, I've already made an agreement with them." Daigo turned around and said.

"I can't thank you enough! Daigo-san!"

Kashiwagi patted the big monster's arm to signal it to come over, and quickly thanked him.

"No, it's just a small matter."

Daigo was smiling brightly. He might have regarded Kashiwagi as a junior who had ambition and potential and needed care and attention. But as the two parties communicated about various gems, meteorites and fossils, and exchanged gifts, he already regarded him as half a friend.

The kind that can be developed further.

When Kashiwagi heard this, he was no longer polite and silently cheered Boscodora up.

Although when it comes to managing things like mountains, it would be better to learn management experience from human sciences, but Boscodora is also illiterate. He can't even hear some nouns clearly. What do you expect him to learn?

It's better to learn from Daigo's Boss Cordora... and learn one or two moves by the way. Anyway, you can imitate Vanilla and you'll be satisfied!

Well, the latter is by no means the main purpose.

Finished solving the problems of several Boscodoras.

The two headed to the top of the mountain again and chatted.

During this period, they talked about the incident between Meteor Falls and Team Rocket last time. Daigo expressed regret for not being able to help him and catch those lurking Team Rocket.

"But I also have to thank you. If it weren't for you as the intermediary, I would have been hesitating where I was for a long time." Dawu suddenly turned a corner.

Kashiwagi didn't understand.

Daigo explained: "You should have heard from Lysa that Dewen Company wants to use puzzle key stones and super stones to create a clean energy source. And I checked some information and records, and asked the people of Meteor Later, it was discovered that a legendary boulder known as the source of super evolution was hidden in the Hoenn area."


The main plot of XY?

He swallowed calmly, "Legend... boulder?"

"Yes, according to ancient epic records, Kyogre and Groudon wreaked havoc in the Hoenn region thousands of years ago, so the people of Meteor stood on the legendary boulder and called Rayquaza to cause it to super evolve. Stopped two rampaging ultra-ancient Pokémon."

Dawu paused for a moment, shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, the legendary boulder disappeared without a trace after that time. The current elder of the Meteor People said that the ancestors of the Meteor People said that the boulder disappeared out of thin air and could not be found."

It is possible to disappear out of thin air. It has appeared in the animation, but there is no way to find it...

Kashiwagi recalled that Daigo and Ai Lan finally found the legendary boulder in a ruins. He thought that half of it may be that the elders were unwilling to tell, and the other half may be that another group of people got the legendary boulder and built the ruins to seal it.

"I returned to Green Ridge City this time just to use the power of satellites to help search, but unfortunately I still failed." Dawu spread his hands helplessly.

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