My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 463 Gorgeous Ace

In the stunning performance of heterochromatic Menas.

An "absurd" and fast gorgeous battle came to an end, leaving only bursts of cheers.

Too long and confused.

it's over?

What orders did he give? Get away quickly? wake up? Why is it over?

Even after returning to the preparation room for too long, he still couldn't believe that he had been defeated, and his devastated look intensified the others' fear of Kashiwagi and his Pokémon.

Good guy, everyone was beaten stupid!

You must know that this is an excellent coordination trainer who took a long time but scored 29.4 points in the first review. This is by no means the first time to participate in the gorgeous competition. In the end, the Pokémon he relied on failed to escape in front of the heterochromatic Menas. Next two rounds.

The soul-stirring scene at the beginning even chilled the hearts of several people. They kept thinking that if they stood in this position for too long, could they escape from the charm of the heterochromatic Menas as quickly as possible——

Hard to say.

No one dares to arbitrarily think that they can be much better than Too Long. After all, every coordination trainer who participates in the gorgeous competition and obtains high scores has a better appreciation of "beauty" than ordinary people.

If you can appreciate beauty, you will naturally not be able to escape the fate of being seduced by Menas.

Why is Michaeli so famous in the gorgeous contest? On the one hand, it's because of his talent, on the other hand, it's because of his breathtaking Menas!

Who would have thought that Kashiwagi, who is now a blockbuster even if he doesn't sing, also owns this Pokémon, and it is even a different color and has been bred extremely well.

There is a consensus in the glamor competition community——

How to judge whether a coordination trainer is capable?

Give them a meenas and see what they end up with.

The more care and attention he receives from his trainer, the more Menas is trained, he can still exude a powerful charm even if he does not eat expensive and precious supplements.

On the other hand, if it is ignored by the trainer, no matter how good the food and housing are, the fur and scales of Menas will be dull and dull, and there will be no trace of beauty, let alone the beauty of the audience of the gorgeous competition. .

This alone is enough to tell whether Kashiwagi has any strength.

He is worthy of being the enemy on the road to victory in the Shuijing Conference!

Everyone was focused on him, but they missed Xiaofeng, a new coordination trainer who had repeatedly achieved good results in the Caiyou Conference and was very powerful.


Xiaofeng's opponent was beaten violently.

Like Kashiwagi in the past, the gorgeous battles that Xiaofeng is good at are to directly kill the opponent without deducting the gorgeousness points. However, compared to the former, her purpose and means are too obvious, which makes many people who like serious gorgeous battles The audience didn't really appreciate her.

The barrier between the two professions of Trainer and Coordinator is very thin but very high. You may be able to break through it with brute force, but if you want to seriously climb over the high wall that distinguishes [Performance] and [Actual Combat], it is not that easy. Easy.

The combination of strength and magnificence is not something that ordinary people can possess.

But Xiaofeng's strength has attracted the attention of the remaining contestants. They know very well that no matter how superb the Pokémon's performance in the gorgeous battle is, there will be nothing left to do if it is killed.


The remaining two battles were also decided.

Kashiwagi watched the whole process and let out a light sigh during the fourth game.

With a one-eyed mask, a black cloak, a top hat and a night demon who is good at shadow boxing, isn't this the "Masked Messenger"!

He thought of the kid he met in the watermelon field outside Greenyin Town. The object of his worship was the legendary Masked Messenger of Greenyin Town. If the timeline is correct, the current Masked Messenger should still be the second generation. His name is... Kimimaro?

I seem to have heard this name just now.

I never found it!

Kashiwagi searched his memory carefully, and suddenly the face of a slightly reserved young man hiding behind a crowd of people appeared in his mind. His body shape was very similar to that of the Masked Messenger, and the other party seemed to be on the team asking for his autograph. Among them, it was just the lack of a mask that prevented him from noticing.

Then I checked the performance order of the first review, and it happened to be behind me, so it was a situation where this person would come on after he came off.

Good guy! I almost missed an "acquaintance"!

Although Masked Messenger was ultimately defeated by Xiaoyao in the animation, the gorgeous fighting strength displayed at the moment should not be underestimated. He is a rare strong opponent in this game.


Baimu rubbed his chin and suddenly turned to look at Happy Egg.


Happy Egg, who was looking up at the TV, noticed the trainer's gaze and turned his head in confusion.

Normal attributes and ghost attributes are mutually invalid attributes. If you really encounter this masked messenger, sending this guy may be a good choice.

He touched the soft curly hair of Happy Egg and said nothing.


Inside the venue.

As all four games in the first round came to an end, the atmosphere gradually increased.

Although disrespectful to the other contestants, there is no doubt that everyone can’t wait to watch Kashiwagi take the field. There are many spectators present who saw the miracle of the birth of the heterochromatic Menas at the Akiba Convention, and they are even more looking forward to this time now. What a gorgeous performance he will bring.

"Next is the first game of the second round of the semi-finals. Mr. Kashiwagi and Miss Xiaofeng are invited to come on stage to prepare."

Vivian shouted sweetly.

In the player tunnel, Kashiwagi stepped out and looked at Miss Xiao Feng on the other side.

This person looked particularly excited and confident. He seemed to have reflected on the defeat of Giant Pincer Mantis a few days ago and made countermeasures.

very good! energetic!

He raised his hand and threw the Poke Ball forward.

Bang bang!

Two soft sounds.

A red lotus-like flame rises from the ground, and blooms like a flower, revealing the golden hair inside, the enchanting and beautiful nine-tailed fox.

In front of Kashiwagi, the flying cherry blossoms formed a small, exquisite and cute big-mouthed baby.


In an instant.

Countless screams rose up like huge waves, almost breaking through the dome of the venue.

For fans, Bigmouth is the irreplaceable soul Pokémon in the support club as the origin of everything. I wonder how many people in the support club cosplayed into Bigmouth, and even tamed wild Bigmouth, which is enough to show their support for them. Its love.

It is also considered to be Kashiwagi's Glam Tournament signature Pokémon.

Just like Lucia's Xiao Qingqing Tanabata Blue Bird, Mikri's Menas, etc., the trainer has a trump card, doesn't the coordination trainer have a trump card?

Big Mouth Baby is the trump card!

The audience gave it the treatment it deserves as an ace Pokémon with enthusiasm, just like when Dandi released his ace Charizard, threw off his cloak, raised his right hand and shouted "Championship Moment".

It's a pity that Big Mouth Baby is not as good as Dan Di. Although his blood is about to burn when he hears the shouts calling him, he still endures and pays tribute to the audience with a posture ready to dance.

It is not difficult to see here that cypress has another thing in common with it——

Calm and relaxed.

In other words, he has a big heart and will not be intimidated by the enthusiastic audience.

And the other side.

Xiao Feng, who sent out the Nine-Tails, was not only not surprised by the appearance of Big Mouth Baby, but instead slightly raised the corners of his mouth, showing an expected expression.

The bet was right!

As the saying goes, war never tires of deceit, and a gorgeous battle is also a battle. She was betting that the opponent would send a big-mouthed kid in the second game, and she specifically chose the Nine-Tails to restrain it.

Although this is only the first step, sometimes the outcome is already determined from the first step——

What a coincidence.

Kashiwagi thought so too.

Kyuubi does restrain Big Mouth, but what does it matter? A gorgeous battle is more than just a battle. After winning three ribbons in a row, he was not able to practice this principle until after the Akiba Tournament.

Instead of just talking about the truth and knowing nothing in practice.


He raised his hand like an orchestra conductor.

The big-mouthed baby remained silent and stepped forward on his tiptoes.

Ding bell~

The crisp sound of bells.

Thick light blue fog rolled out from the ground, covering the entire performance venue in an instant, causing everything in sight to be covered with a layer of gleaming blue light.

Starting from the misty venue, Xiaofeng's score was deducted due to her high-level dancing.

But the latter did not panic and gave the order calmly.



The nine tails let out a delicate cry, twisting their bodies and swinging their nine big, fluffy, smooth and bright golden tails.


Fireballs ignited on the tip of the tail, and the color of the flames quickly changed from orange-red to blue. The high temperature visible to the naked eye began to burn the air, causing it to tremble like a twist.

Spherical flame?

——It’s a splash of flames!

Kashiwagi's eyes narrowed, and he saw the Nine-Tails suddenly pressing down, and the blue fireball at the tip of the tail flew towards the big-mouthed baby like a directional missile. The nine fireballs were striking nine times in a row!

Good guy, make love! ?

"Sword Dance!"

He gave the order, and the rhythm of the slowly dancing Big Mouth Baby suddenly changed, spinning rapidly like a top possessed by a top. As it rotated, sword blades transformed into white light emerged around it.

The blue fireball came at high speed, but it was dodged dexterously.

However, the fireball that landed on the ground did not dissipate. Instead, it exploded like a bomb, and fist-sized fireballs flew out in all directions, making it difficult to dodge.

Even if you are lucky enough to dodge, the splashing fireball after the second fireball hits the ground and explodes will block the next surroundings of Big Mouth Baby.

Bang bang bang——

The ground shook with the explosion, and the flames danced like flowers, filled with an aura of destruction.

Many spectators looked at this scene worriedly, and some people stared at Kashiwagi's score, showing a pinched look when it was actually deducted.

Although the appearance of the move was not very flashy, Kashiwagi was still deducted a lot of points due to the terrifying flames that occupied most of the venue and the nine-tails' masterful posture.

The sputtering flames are so terrifying!

However, when it comes to breaking moves, Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa are both professionals.

The audience who stared closely at the venue realized that the sword dance had not stopped, and the luminous energy blades were spinning rapidly like a Wanhua mirror. It was dazzling and at the same time formed a wall to easily extinguish the flying fireballs.

Like a blade dancer, the distance-breaking dance turns the enemy's attack invisible and brings benefits to one's own side.

At this moment, the spinning big-mouthed baby is like a phantom with its feet on fire. It moves like a tightrope, causing the audience's mood to fluctuate violently, just like the rolling waves, making them want to be stimulated.

In an instant.

More than a quarter of Xiaofeng's points were deducted!

This made her couldn't help but widen her eyes, and her intention to ask Kyuubi to repeat it again and throw a few more pieces faded away, and she quickly said:

"Gather together! Purgatory!"


The nine tails let out a sharp roar, and the tips of the originally scattered tails suddenly gathered together and pointed upwards, quickly brewing an unprecedented huge fireball!

But unlike the last time when it turned from orange to blue, this huge fireball instantly became as black as the scorched ground. Destructive power surged out, as if a black sun had been constructed!

no doubt.

Xiaofeng was about to use powerful moves to break through Dazuiwa's sword dance formation, but he never thought that the latter's dance had already reached the point where the sword blade was unsheathed!


When Kashiwagi spoke, the big-mouthed boy had already disappeared.

This made Kyuubi, who was holding the huge black fireball high, not sure where to release it. Xiaofeng only felt that there was a sudden soft sound and it was difficult to find the other party's presence.

The smoke after the flame explosion and the mist in the mist field became the best hiding barrier. Xiaofeng and Jiuwei were surrounded by shadows, and the ghostly figure of Big Mouth Baby made Jiuwei hesitate to throw the huge black fireball. It was too long. The delay in time brings great pressure.

"On your right!"

Xiaofeng didn't dare to hesitate anymore. After locking the shadow of the big-mouthed baby, she shouted loudly. Her score had already been deducted for just ten seconds of hesitation. She couldn't delay it any longer.


Nine Tails lowered its forelimbs like a low howl, as if it was throwing a thousand kilogram weight forward with all its strength, and the huge black fireball roared and crashed to the ground.

boom--! ! !

Terrible explosions reverberated throughout the venue, majestic thick smoke rose into the sky, and air waves rolled up billowing dust, obscuring the sight of the audience and judges.

Smoke that can obscure your vision in glamorous competitions is an absolute taboo. Like stream-of-consciousness performances, it is usually used to stretch your hips to the extreme or to be extremely powerful.

Kyuubi's purgatory move is undoubtedly the former.

The line of sight was completely blocked. There was no hazy beauty or mist. Instead, there was just a confused scene that left the audience confused.

But the next moment.

A pair of invisible big hands suddenly dispersed the smoke, and the pink wind rolled up out of thin air, clearing the place and bringing with it wisps of soothing fragrance. Everyone opened their eyes wide and realized that the Nine Tails had flown into the sky at some point, and there was something on the ground. It was a sparkling spiral, and the fragrance that dispersed the smoke was clearly attracted by it.

Such a wonderful picture is simply mind-blowing.

In the end what happened--

The audience was at a loss, but Xiao Feng in the audience knew that at the moment Kyuubi released the black fire ball, Big Mouth Baby suddenly appeared from the other side and punched Kyuubi in the abdomen at a speed that was difficult for the human eye to discern.

So much so that when Purgatory detonated, the flying Nine Tails were rushed into the sky together with it.

It’s over!

Xiaofeng opened his mouth anxiously, but he didn't know what order to issue.

Because the released Big Mouth Baby has already soared into the sky, carrying the pink storm to meet the falling Kyuubi, turned over suddenly, pressed its back and poured it into the ground.


In the violent sound, the pink storm suddenly expanded and exploded, turning into particles of light flying in front of all the audience. Each particle was filled with a fragrant smell, and all the audience who smelled it could not help but feel the beautiful smell.

And the knowledgeable Kitai Ayane and others were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.


This is definitely a top quality fragrance!

Beep——! !

The piercing whistle announced the victory of Big Mouth Baby. The points under Xiao Feng's portrait on the screen were deducted at some point, while the portrait of her partner Nine Tails suddenly turned gray, and then a red cross appeared.

First use your gorgeous performance to deduct your opponent's points, and then use your powerful strength to make them lose their ability to fight!

Both strength and beauty!

The audience present gave extremely warm applause!

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