My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 394 Tower of Phantoms

Route 111.

It was already a day after Kashiwagi arrived here.

As a very special place in the Hoenn region, Route 111 alone has a vast desert that is completely different from the Hoenn style of singing birds, fragrant flowers, and shady trees.

Huge sandstorms occasionally arise here, hindering passing travelers from continuing their progress.

It's just that there is no prerequisite in the game that you must wear goggles to travel in the desert, and if you choose to go around, you will have to walk on the wrong path for at least an extra day.

In the animation, there is a kingdom of Mirazu deep in the desert that worships Togepi extremely. It is independent from the world. If you want to be the king here, you must have Togepi. This triggered the evolution of Misty's Togepi into Wave. The incident of Keji Gupin leaving the team.

What's interesting is that the Kingdom of Milazu has a magical "mirage", which looks like a phantom but is actually a real secret realm. There are a large number of Togepis living in it, and they grow through spiritual contact with people on the ground.

Once people's hearts become evil, the environment of Togepi Paradise in the Mirage will rapidly deteriorate, causing the Togepis to become sick or haggard.

Incredibly magical.

When it comes to games, this desert is even more interesting.

Not only does there exist wonderful places like the Tower of Phantoms, but there is also a desert ruins in the deepest part. If you solve the puzzle of the Notice Room on Route 134, you can encounter the legendary giant Regirock sleeping inside...

The premise is that it has not been conquered by the Gods.

I remember that the anime did not explain where the three divine pillars of the Age of Gods came from. It only mentioned that Regice came from a certain ruins.

"Put your head through here."

With his head wrapped in a rice dumpling, Bai Mu put down his binoculars and looked at the dust storm that blocked the sky in the distance. The terrifying natural disaster was daunting. According to the travel guide displayed on the mobile phone, you can go to the Mirazu Kingdom located in the canyon by passing through the sandstorm.

But it is said to be a kingdom, but it is actually only the size of a town. Compared with the aerial area map published on the Internet, it is not even as big as the old Huangtie Town.

The only thing that attracted him in that place was Xiaoxia's Pokejigu. Unfortunately, they might live in a mirage and he couldn't see it even if he wanted to.

What's more, people don't know themselves, so it's pointless to physically break into a sandstorm.

"Let's go."

Kashiwagi shook his head and chose to give up, and said to Boscodora not far away.


The big monster in heavy silver armor responded, scanning the rolling sand dunes with its eyes, then looking down at its legs and tail that were slightly sunken into the gravel.

Although it is very adaptable to this environment, and the hot gravel flowing on its surface not only does not make it feel hot but is very comfortable, but if it can choose, it still hopes to walk in a place with high mountains and lush forests.

The temperature is too high.

Boscodora swung his thick tail, knowing very well that his body surface had been burned hot by the fireball in the sky, and if he got close to the trainer, he would be burned.

It's better to keep a little distance.

It was about to keep up with the trainer, but suddenly stopped and looked at the pit surrounded by many towering sand dunes in the distance. There was an unusual fluctuation in the twisted air under the rolling heat wave, "Goooo!"

"What's wrong?"

Kashiwagi turned his head, followed Boss Cordora's gaze, and took out the telescope in his pocket to take a closer look, "Huh? Electric Flying Squirrel!?"

He looked surprised.

From his angle and position, he could just see the situation inside the pit——

A humanoid Meng Song cactus is leading two spherical spiny ball cactus to attack an electric flying squirrel with scars on its body. The latter's condition is a bit critical. It keeps trying to fly up but always falls down.

Why do the electric flying squirrels in Hezhong appear in the desert?

Abandoned? Got separated from the trainer?

"Come on, you can't pretend you didn't see it after being beaten like this."

Kashiwagi ran in the direction of Electric Flying Squirrel. Doing good deeds helps to accumulate character. Opening skill boxes and simulators requires a certain amount of luck.

"Goo ho!"

Boscodora roared, and dug its huge body into the ground and rushed there like a shark. It was obviously faster than running on the surface of the sand and digging holes.

It can also make the enemy confused about the situation.

as expected.

As the sand trembled crazily, the Mengsong Cactus and Spiny Ball Cactus suddenly became panicked and looked around to find the cause of the tremor.

"Boom!" "Nengke!"

After getting a chance to breathe, the electric flying squirrel tried to escape, but the injuries on its wings and symptoms of dizziness prevented it from flying high and fell into the hot sand, grinning from the heat.


On the other side, Mengsong Cactus and Spiny Ball Cactus finally discovered the raiders, and a raised sand dune was quickly approaching them!


As the boss, Mengge Cactus made a prompt decision and directed his thorny ball cactus boys to attack the sandbags!

Puff puff puff puff! ! !

The three Pokémon were like holding three machine guns, constantly shooting countless bright green light arrows at the raised sand dunes. The sand and dust rose into the sky, and the sound of the wind was so loud that people's eardrums were about to explode.

But there is no doubt that insect-type physical moves have no effect on a giant steel beast.


A thunderous roar sounded.

Boss Cordora rushed out of the sand with a bang. Its huge figure covered the sun like a mountain, casting a shadow and making the Meng Song Cactus and Spiny Ball Cactus look frightened.

Immediately, the giant metal mouth that could bite through steel bars opened like a jet, and orange-red blazing fire surged out like a wave!

boom--! !

The flames instantly covered most of the sunken sky, and the power of the jetting flames under the scorching sun was greatly increased. The terrifying momentum scared the Mengge Cactus and Spiny Ball Cactus and ran away!

They were obviously extremely slow Pokémon, but they showed extremely terrifying explosive power in order to save their lives, and their faces disappeared without a trace. Only an injured electric flying squirrel was left holding its head in its left paw and shivering.

"Well done!"

Cypress who emerged from behind the dune praised him. Since he didn't know why the Meng Song Cactus and Spiny Ball Cactus would attack the Electric Flying Squirrel, he just needed to drive them away. There was no need to be cruel.

What if the electric flying squirrel did something extraordinary?

Although it is nothing more than invading territory, fighting for water or food, after all, it is an animation background at the moment. If you go by the background described in the game illustration, it is most likely to be related to hunting behavior.

He put on the insulating gloves he had used to touch the Thunder King before, squatted next to the Electric Flying Squirrel, who was holding his head in defense, and confirmed that this guy's injuries were definitely not disguised.

The little claw on the right side is broken, and the wing membrane cannot be opened, no wonder it cannot fly.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you."

He whispered, and Boscodora crawled out of the pit to be on guard to prevent Mengsong Cactus and others from running to call for help.

The two are acting more and more in sync with each other, and can do what the other expects without any communication at all.


When the electric flying squirrel heard the human voice, he put down his paw slightly and looked sideways. When he saw a human boy with a friendly expression, his tense mood immediately relaxed, and then he rolled his eyes and fainted and fell to the ground.

Kashiwagi: "...touch porcelain?"

He gently opened the electric flying squirrel's eyelids and observed its mouth again.


Suffering from heat stroke.

It's not a fight.

"We have to find a way to move to a shaded and sheltered place." Kashiwagi picked up the electric flying squirrel and said to Boss Cordora.


Under the shade of huge rocks.

Inside the tent.


Feeling the moist feeling coming from his mouth, Electric Momonga opened his eyes and found a familiar pink oval creature holding a water bottle cap and feeding it water drop by drop.

Have you arrived at the Pokémon Center?

It turned its head slightly, and when it saw the strange human squatting at the entrance of the tent, it realized that there wasn't one.


"Are you awake? Don't move around and let Happy Egg bandage you."

Kashiwagi turned his head and immediately saw the frustrated expression on the electric flying squirrel on the cushion, which was trying to get up but failed.

This guy's right paw was bandaged up with medicine, so of course he couldn't get up if he lost his balance.

In addition to this most serious injury, there are also some minor wounds that are not serious. The heat stroke was successfully cured with medical essence just now.


Electric Flying Squirrel looked down at his embarrassed self, his cute little face extremely frustrated, followed by another gurgling sound from his stomach.

Kashiwagi and Happy Egg looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

After a while.

Electric Momonga kept stuffing delicious Pokémon food into his mouth, as if he was reincarnated by a starving ghost. At the same time, a questioning voice came from the side.

"Why did you appear in the desert? Abandoned? Entered by mistake? Separated from the trainer?"

"Alas! Alas!"

The electric flying squirrel, with its cheeks bulging to the point of exploding, danced and expounded its experiences in an emotional voice.

And Kashiwagi understood this guy's situation through the text explanation of Porygon on his mobile phone.

While chasing wild desert dragonflies with their trainer in the hope of taming them, they accidentally encountered a strong sandstorm, and the two were forced to separate in panic.

"Your trainer takes you to chase desert dragonflies??"

He looked at his phone and checked with Electric Flying Squirrel again whether the content was accurate.


When the other party nodded again and showed a pitiful expression, Kashiwagi couldn't help but marvel.

Where did the reverse attribute master come from so powerfully?

It is a pity that we encountered an irresistible natural disaster.

He began to ask in detail what the trainer of Electric Flying Squirrel looked like, and took out his sketchbook and quickly drew based on the content translated by Porygon, but the more he drew, the weirder his expression became.

The girl has slightly dark skin, wearing beige and pink clothes. Her hair is extremely fluffy and has a pair of ponytails. The rope that binds her hair is golden. The largest area can hide a Pokémon such as Fang...

"Hiss, is your trainer named Alice? She comes from the land of dragons?"

Kashiwagi put down the half-drawn sketchbook and asked with a strange expression.


Electric Momonga suddenly heard the trainer's name, and the Pokémon food in his little paws dropped in shock, "Alas! Alas!"

It nodded wildly, its eyes twinkling like little stars.

I didn’t expect to meet an acquaintance of the trainer! That's great!

"Master of Reverse Attributes... It seems that your testimony may not be credible."

Kashiwagi is quite familiar with the character of Alice, the electric flying squirrel. She lies without batting an eyelid.

He looked at the signal on his cell phone and said to it: "You'd better start praying that your trainer has a cell phone and that it still has power or is not broken."


Electric Flying Squirrel turned his head in confusion.

Kashiwagi found Awu's number and called it. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay. You have what you want. With luck, you will be able to find your trainer soon."

A Wu answered the phone a few seconds later.

"Hello? You actually have time to call me? Can't get through to the gym?"

"Of course not - you should know Alice, right?"

"Alice!? Ah! That's right! She is traveling in Hoenn right now! You met her and she is with you? Let her answer the phone!"

The noisy shouts made him put the phone to Electric Momonga's ear.

Electric Momonga looked confused.

Avuze on the other end of the phone said excitedly: "Alice?"


"Is that you Alice?"




Kashiwagi took the phone back in time, "As you can see, Alice doesn't have one, but she does have an electric flying squirrel."

"...Are you bored at all?"

"I would like to ask why you are so excited. Without further ado, do you have Alice's mobile phone number? I need to contact her here."

"That's it? Why didn't you tell me earlier? You should have told me earlier..."

"If you keep nagging me again, I'll ask the eldest mother-in-law directly."

"It's wrong, don't, please."

Awu, who was asked to come to the door, apologized, and Kashiwagi, who asked for help, forgave him very generously.

It is indeed a blessing that Alice actually has a mobile phone. You must know that even in the following generations, Ash often had to rely on the video call device in the Pokémon Center to contact Dr. Oak and Hanako.

Alice, who had been traveling with him for so long, was like a wild child. During the later stages of the trip, she would sit in a tree and watch Ash's games on a tablet. It was completely understandable that she didn't have a mobile phone at the moment.

But she happened to have it.

Very peculiar.

Kashiwagi glanced at Electric Momonga, perhaps knowing that he knew the trainer. The latter was now focused on cooking without raising his eyelids, as if he didn't care at all what his fate would be.

The call aired.

Got through but no one answered.

Second broadcast.

Still no one answered.

The third broadcast.

Still no one answered.

Could it be that the phone was also lost in the sandstorm?

He began to consider whether to simply use the ball to conquer the electric flying squirrel and then send it back to the Dragon Country, so that the people in the Dragon Country could contact Alice later.

While thinking like this, the phone screen suddenly lit up, as if it was replaying from Alice.

Kashiwagi quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hello? This is Alice!"

The same crisp voice as that of anime voice actor Yuuki Ai came out, "Sorry, my phone just fell to the bottom..."

The lowest level?

What are you talking about?

He got straight to the point: "I picked up your electric flying squirrel. Where are you?"

"Electric Momonga!?"

Alice quickly raised her voice, and successfully made the electric flying squirrel, who was intoxicated with cooking, lift his head from the bowl, "Ahem?"

Kashiwagi put the phone next to Den Momonga's ear again.

"Alas! Alas!"

This electric mouse with its own wing membrane shouted anxiously into the cell phone.

"Den Momonga, are you okay? It's great to hear your voice!"

Alice on the other end of the phone breathed a big sigh of relief, but then she thought something was wrong, "Wait, I'm sorry, how did you know my phone number? I don't think I left my phone number on Electric Momonga?"

"It's a long story. Why don't we talk about it in person? Where are you now? Did you come to me or did I come to you?" Kashiwagi held down the anxious Electric Momonga and asked.

Alice replied: "Of course I came to find you - although I really want to say so, there is nothing I can do at the moment."

Her voice was slightly troubled, "I seem to be trapped in a strange tower."


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