My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 379 Flying Saddle

[Hot-Blooded Boy] Talent is not worth keeping.

At least in the absence of a blue talent package, Kashiwagi is very clear that the negative effects of this talent are greater than the positive effects.

Not everyone is as lucky and resourceful as a female student.

Besides, female students are already reckless enough.

With eyes closed, I selected the rewards one, two, and three.

"Brave Bird Attack...a move that no one can learn yet."

Kashiwagi stretched himself and called the big-mouthed kid who was sitting on the other sofa, drinking black tea and eating cookies while watching cartoons on TV.


Big Mouth Baby frowned and moved his butt impatiently. He wanted to watch "Cat Boss and Rattata".

In the latest episode, Rattata's cousin Alola Rattata arrives and is about to beat up the cat boss. This is the climax of the plot!

"I'll give you a little gift. Seeing how hard you have worked these days." He touched the former's head and gave away all the third-level ones.

The big-mouthed boy was angrily moving his hands away when he felt a new force coming from his body.

It couldn't help but smile.


If it wasn't embarrassed, it would have had to kiss the trainer.

"As long as you're happy, go ahead." Kashiwagi waved his hand and stopped disturbing the big-mouthed boy.

Due to various reasons, the latter has the least level rewards. Whether it is level 50 or level 70, the level has been basically upgraded by the big mouth baby's own talent for a long time.

Now that the three evil dragons have finally evolved, it's time to let them eat more.

at the moment.

Following the principle of combining work and rest, no matter whether there are any results after many days of heavy training, he will let the Pokémon play for a day or two, do what they like, and also give himself a holiday. .

Today is a day off.

Looking around from his current perspective, he could first see the fish tank occupied by the heterochromatic ugly fish, trying to return to the extremely damaged state of the Galar Sun Coral.

It is said that the bottom of the water can keep it calm, but I don't know if it is true or not.

In the past, when there was no fish tank, the Galar Sun Coral was either placed in the sink, bucket or basin, it didn’t matter.


Then there is the big-mouthed baby watching TV and eating snacks next to him. Although he has a large plate of cookies in front of him, in fact, that is his enough for a week.

If you don't keep a close eye on this "sweet tooth destroyer", you will surely finish it easily and finish two more bowls in the evening.

By the way, black tea too.

As long as the cypress brews pot after pot, it drinks pot after pot. Its small size has a stomach as big as a bottomless pit, so the second title also followed - the devourer of black tea.

The funny thing is that this way of drinking, which is comparable to a cow chewing peony, does not hinder the quality of black tea.

In the kitchen out of sight, Happy Egg was cooking happily. Kashiwagi could ignore the sound of the TV and heard the sound of the kitchen knife chopping on the chopping board.

Maybe Happy Egg learned cooking before to share the pressure of trainers, but now there is another reason——

I like it.

Kashiwagi is very pleased that Happy Egg can make cooking become his hobby rather than a burden. When he tastes the food it makes, he can taste the emotions in Happy Egg's heart.

On the lawn, bamboo forest and flower clusters outside the edge, Boscodola carried a bucket and water pipe to water the flowers and trees, and also helped with pruning.

The heterochromatic ugly fish is in the bucket. Although it can't help much, it is quite interesting to watch.

A little further away, a polygonal beast like a remote-controlled car was galloping back and forth, and behind it was a group of baby dragons that looked like wild dogs in the village. It was not clear whose family it belonged to, and there was no Meteor citizen around.


Here comes the problem.

Where did the most clingy three-headed dragon go?

【Dragon Nest】.

Kashiwagi drove him away very forcefully. As the only dragon-type Pokémon in the team, it would be a pity not to go to the dragon's nest for a while.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he can become the king of the dragon's nest like Xiaozhi's Charizard, or that he can get to know other dragons in the past, laying the foundation for him to find a suitable dragon Pokémon in the future.

What can be learned is the best, even if it cannot be learned, the main thing is to cultivate its independent character.

It's really not good to be too clingy.

Kashiwagi specifically asked whether foreign dragons were welcome in the array dragon's nest. The latter didn't say anything and just let his biting land shark lead the three evil dragons there, believing that they should be able to blend into the dragon's nest.

After all, the three evil dragons are quite powerful, and among the dragon-type Pokémon, the powerful ones are undoubtedly more popular.

"I don't know what's going on with it now..."

It was obviously the cub that he drove out with his own hands, but he was inevitably a little worried, "How about... sneaking over and taking a look? No, this guy's nose is so sharp that he will definitely find it if he gets close. Let's wait until it's almost dark before going. "

Kashiwagi checked the time, ran to another sofa, picked up the big-mouthed baby, and watched TV with him for a while, then went to the kitchen to help Happy Egg taste the food.

Then he used the scissors to cut branches and instructed Boss Cordora to make a Pokémon look. Together with Porygon, he cosplayed with the four-wheel-drive brothers. Finally, he accompanied Boss Cordora and the heterochromatic Ugly Fish after finishing the flowers and trees. Let's go swimming together in a nearby river.

I am still busy and happy on my days off.

Interacting with Pokémon is like petting a cat, which always makes people feel particularly comfortable. After all, they run in both directions, and there is basically no one-sided exertion.

Isn’t it worth being happy to see a Pokémon with eyes all yours?

At least Kashiwagi was happy.

During lunch, he called the big steel snake from far away in Huangtie Town. After the meal, he helped it clean its shiny and new steel body with sand and a brush, and then sat on the big steel snake's head and flew. He wandered around in the air for a while.

It's not that he wants to show off in front of the people of Meteor. The village is full of a group of well-informed elders and aunties, so there is no point in showing off at all.

It's just that the steel snake is so big that it can't be hidden even if it doesn't fly. Standing more than ten meters high in front of the houses in Ryusei Village, which is in a plain environment and generally only have one and a half floors, it stands out like a monster coming to Japan during the Showa era.

It's better to just do what you want to do casually.


After all, flying in the sky was a bit ostentatious, so when the big steel snake flew out, it only carried one trainer, but within half an hour it carried a group of young dragon trainers.

The kids who had just finished school happened to see the giant steel snake dancing in the sky, and they couldn't help shouting and chasing it all the way.

With no choice, Kashiwagi gave them a ride after getting Big Steel Snake's approval.

In fact, Big Steel Snake has done a lot of things like taking human children on board Rainbow Team. Regardless of the pressure brought by the fierce appearance and body shape, there are almost no children in the Rainbow team who don't like it.

Shanmin also told Kashiwagi that the Rainbow Team, especially those members who came from Qingyi Street and Quicksand Team, regarded the Big Steel Snake as the protector specially left by the "leader".

Even though more than three months have passed since that day, many people have not forgotten the voice that led Pokémon against the current.

Maybe the foreign champion made a greater contribution, but for many people in the Rainbow Team, Kashiwagi gave them a different sense of identity.

Therefore, the existence of the Big Steel Snake is admired by many people.

Some former friends believed that the big steel snake was proof that Kashiwagi had not abandoned them.

Love the house and the bird?

Maybe this answer is correct.

"Be careful!" Kashiwagi shouted at the big steel snake in the sky.


The super giant steel snake responded with a low roar. It also made a guest appearance as a school bus today, carrying the group of children after school back and forth.

There are many Tanabata bluebirds and desert dragonflies flying around, and further out there are blue cottonbirds and ultrasonic larvae.

"What a huge squadron..."

Kashiwagi looked up at the sky, covering the sun with one palm, when his arm was suddenly tapped.

He turned around and found an old man with a smile on his face. The latter was holding a strange brown product in his hand. After looking at it twice, he recognized that it was a special saddle made of the Three Evil Dragons version.

"Ah! Thank you grandpa!"

Kashiwagi took it happily.

Yesterday, under the leadership of Zhenya, we went to see Mr. Qingshan, the most powerful craftsman in Meteor Village, to see if we could put a saddle on the three evil dragons so that he could ride on them.

To be honest, he didn't really have any hope.

Even though the three evil dragons were very excited after knowing the reason, their size was indeed not suitable for riding.

Unexpectedly, the old man measured the dimensions of him and the three evil dragons, locked himself in the work room without saying anything, and then successfully made it in less than a day.

After Kashiwagi took it and looked it over, he confirmed that this thing was 100% useful.

"Hoo ho ho ho..."

Mr. Qingshan still said nothing, turned around and left with a smile. Jin Ya said that this person was born with such a personality and was used to talking less and doing more. He was like this when he was young.

As expected, the saddlery did not charge any money, which made Kashiwagi think about how he should repay the gift.

Sure enough, it would be better to make some food and send it over.

He found that the only thing he could give away without being rejected was cooking.

"It's time to go!"

Kashiwagi shouted at the big steel snake in the sky.

After a while, I have to pick up another child who is getting ready to finish school.

Although it's only three o'clock in the afternoon, the speed of the big steel snake's flight is really not very fast. It takes a long time to get from Meteor Village to Dragon's Nest. Go early to save the children from waiting in a hurry.

But even if it goes late, it will come back with the dragons, right?

Many dragon-type Pokémon in Meteor Village go to the dragon's nest during the day, and then slowly fly back in groups at night, repeating the cycle every day.


The big steel snake responded in mid-air and immediately descended, giving the young dragon trainers a feeling of weightlessness similar to bungee jumping. They all laughed after exclaiming.

Even the youngest little loli Yuzu was not frightened. She laughed and said, "Do it again, do it again, do it again." Those who didn't know thought she was in an amusement park.

It's a pity that she didn't get what she wanted.

Kashiwagi drove down all the lost little ghosts and announced that today's game was over. Then he squatted on the head of the big steel snake and went back to his residence to take away Boscordora and other Pokémon, and then let him go to the Meteor Falls. Fly in the direction.

He didn't forget about Team Rocket, so he could only ruthlessly terminate their rest day temporarily.

Wait until you get back to continue.

Naturally, the Pokémon wouldn't have any objections. They couldn't play without a trainer around, so they might as well just wait for the three evil dragons to "get out of school".

A group of companions went to greet it, and the three evil dragons were considered very honorable.

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